Nicole Apelian, Ph.D. is an herbalist, author, wilderness skills instructor, TV & Film survival consultant, on-screen TV personality, anthropologist, and biologist. She spent years living in nature with the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, one of the last indigenous peoples who still live as hunter-gatherers. An unexpected diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 2000 led Nicole to apply her research skills toward her own personal wellness. She focuses on a healthy living strategy, including deep nature connection and gratitude practices. Through changes in her lifestyle, recognizing profound mind-body linkages, and making and using her own herbal remedies, Nicole went from bedridden to being fully alive and from surviving to thriving. She has helped thousands of people treat themselves naturally by following her holistic wellness protocol, including the use of medicinal mushrooms. In 2015 she was among the first women ever selected for the History Channel’s hit TV show “Alone”. Despite having Multiple Sclerosis, she went on to survive solo for 57 days straight in a remote area of Vancouver Island with little more than her hunting knife and the wild foods and medicines she found there. You can learn more about Nicole Apelian on her website, including what she does daily for MS, and about her online herbal apothecary.