Heartsong: A Green Creek Novel (Green Creek, 3) by TJ Klune
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Heartsong: A Green Creek Novel (Green Creek, 3)


TJ Klune




3,051 ratings

Heartsong is the third book in the Green Creek Series, the beloved fantasy romance sensation by New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, about love, loyalty, betrayal, and family.

The paperback edition features beautiful red sprayed edges, holographic cover and a bonus short story.

“Complex and startling... Green Creek is the perfect setting.” ―Charlaine Harris

The Bennett family has a secret: They're not just a family, they're a pack. Heartsong is Robbie Fontaine's story.

All Robbie Fontaine ever wanted was a place to belong. After the death of his mother, he has bounced around from pack to pack, forming temporary bonds to keep from turning feral.

It’s enough―until he receives a summons from the wolf stronghold in Caswell, Maine. Life as the trusted second to Michelle Hughes―the Alpha of all―and the cherished friend of a gentle old witch teaches Robbie what it means to be pack, to have a home. But when a mission from Michelle sends Robbie into the field, he finds himself questioning where he belongs and everything he’s been told.

Whispers of traitorous wolves and wild magic abound―but who are the traitors and who the betrayed? More than anything, Robbie hungers for answers, because one of those alleged traitors is Kelly Bennett, the wolf who may be his mate.

The truth has a way of coming out. And when it does, Robbie will learn that packs and homes can disappear in an instant.

The Green Creek Series is for adult readers.

Now available from Tor Books.



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Print length

512 pages




Tor Books

Publication date

December 02, 2024


5.38 x 1 x 8.25 inches

Item weight

1 pounds

Popular Highlights in this book

  • And I know you’re still you, Robbie. I know it with everything I have, because that’s not your wolf. It’s Kelly’s.

    Highlighted by 196 Kindle readers

  • She wore glasses even though she didn’t need them. She said they made her feel better about herself. Smarter, somehow. She thought it was silly, but I’d never seen anyone more beautiful.

    Highlighted by 186 Kindle readers

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Editorial Reviews

For Wolfsong, first title in the Green Creek series

"Fans will be delighted." ―Publishers Weekly

"Wolfsong is so well written that I'm in awe of TJ Klune's talent. The primary character, Ox, has huge feelings he can't articulate. But we know all of them, and we love him. The complex and startling world of Green Creek is the perfect setting." ―Charlaine Harris, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse series

"An exciting start to the [Green Creek] series." ―Library Journal

"One of my new all-time favourite books!" ―Giana Darling

"It's a flawless book and shows that you can take the fantastic and make it so very human. I thought the supernatural would be what grabbed me but instead it's Ox's humanity and humility and loyalty. I hope there will be more. Wildly recommended." ―Mary Calmes

"The prose reads like a simple, placid little pond and then you jump in and realize it's MILES DEEP. So to conclude this terrible non-review, FIVE BAJILLION STARS." ―Emma Scott

"The best part of this book is the pack mentality and how strong of a bond everyone had with each other. Beautiful and I highly recommend!" ―K Webster

"Beautiful, poetic, unbelievably compelling. ALL the stars." ―Juliette Cross, author of the Stay a Spell series

  • For The House in the Cerulean Sea
  • A New York Times, USA Today, and Washington Post Bestseller!
  • An Indie Next Pick!
  • An Alex Award-Winner

"I loved it. It is like being wrapped up in a big gay blanket. Simply perfect." ―V.E. Schwab, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

“This book is very close to perfect.” ―Seanan McGuire, New York Times bestselling author of Every Heart a Doorway

  • For Under the Whispering Door
  • A New York Times, USA Today, and Indie Bestseller!
  • An Indie Next Pick!

“Under the Whispering Door is a kind book. It broke my heart with its unflinching understanding that grief never goes away. And then it healed me in the next breath.” ―Cassandra Khaw, USA Today bestselling author of Nothing But Blackened Teeth

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When I dreamed, these pinpricks of light filtered through the trees of an old forest. It was safe there. I didn’t know how I knew that. I just did.

I wanted to run as fast as I could. The maddening itch to shift crawled underneath my skin, and I needed to give in.

I didn’t.

Leaves crunched underneath my feet.

I ran my hand along the bark of an old elm. It was rough. And then it was wet from a trickle of sap. I rubbed it between my fingers, sticky and warm.

The trees whispered.

They said, here here here.

They said, here is where you belong.

They said, here is where you are meant to be.

They said, this is PACK and LIFE and SONGS in the air SONGS that are sung because this is home home home.

I closed my eyes and breathed.

The light seemed brighter in the darkness.

Little motes of dust swirled.

I brought the pitch on my fingers to my tongue.

It tasted old.

And strong.


A low growl off to my right.

I opened my eyes.

A white wolf stood a ways off in the trees. It had a smattering of black on the chest, legs, and back.

I didn’t know it


but I thought it


familiar somehow, like it was right there on the tip of my tongue, mixed in with elm sap and—

Its eyes began to burn with red fire.

An Alpha.

I wasn’t scared.

It—he—wasn’t there to hurt me.

I didn’t know how I knew that. Maybe it was the trees. Maybe it was this place. Maybe it was the sap coating my throat.

I said, “Hello.”

The Alpha snorted, shaking his head.

I said, “I don’t know where I am. I think I’m lost.”

He pawed at the ground, carving jagged lines in the dirt and grass.

I said, “Do you know where I am?”

And he said, you are far away.

He sounded like the voice of the trees.

He was the voice of the trees.

The Alpha said, you don’t belong to me you aren’t mine you aren’t MINE but you could be you could be because of who you are.

“I don’t know who I am,” I admitted, and it was a terrible thing to say aloud, but after the words were out, I felt … lighter.

Almost free.

The Alpha took a step toward me. i know i know child but you will i promise you will you are important you are special you are—

Lightning flashed, and I saw I was surrounded. Dozens of wolves were prowling among the trees. Their eyes were red and orange and violet—

The trees snapped from side to side in the harsh wind.

I thought I was going to get blown away, carried into the black sky above and lost in the storm.

The wolves stopped.

They tilted their heads back in unison.

And howled.

It tore through me, and it was breaking me, it was crushing my bones into powder. I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t find a way to stop it, and I didn’t want to. That was what hit me hardest, that I didn’t want it to stop. I wanted to be consumed, to feel my flesh tear and bleed onto the earth beneath my feet, to sacrifice myself so that I would know I mattered, would know that I meant something to someone.

The Alpha said, no you can’t that’s not what this is this is DIFFERENT this is MORE because you are MORE and—

Hands settled on my shoulders.

A voice whispered in my ear.

It said, “Robbie. Robbie, can you hear me? Hear my voice. Listen. You’re safe. I’ve got you. Would you hear me, dear? Please.”

The hands tightened against my shoulders, fingers digging into my skin, and I was jerked backward, flying through the trees. The wolves were screaming, screaming, screaming their songs of fury and horror, and as the world began to crack around me, as it shattered into pieces like so much glass, one wolf stepped out of the shadows.

It was dark gray with flecks of black and white on its face and between its ears.

And in its mouth, it carried—

I gasped as I sat up, chest heaving. For a moment I didn’t know where I was. There were wolves and trees, and they were breaking, and I had to put them back together. I had to find all the ways to make the pieces fit, to make them whole again so I could—

“You’re all right,” a kind voice said. “Robbie. You’re okay. It was just a dream. You’re safe.”

I blinked rapidly, trying to catch my breath.

The man next to my bed looked worried, the deep lines on his craggy face pronounced. He was wearing his nightclothes. His feet were bare, thin and bony. His hair was long gone, liver spots on his scalp and the backs of his hands. He was hunched over, more so with advanced age than concern. But his eyes were clear and kind, and he was real.


I immediately calmed.

I knew where I was.

I was in my room.

I was in the house I shared with him.

I was home.

“Jesus Christ,” I muttered, looking down at the tangle of blankets around my waist and legs. I was sweating, and my heart thundered in my chest. I rubbed a hand over my face, trying to get rid of the afterimages dancing behind my eyes.

Ezra shook his head. “The dreams again?”

I flopped back in the bed, putting my arm over my eyes. “Yeah. Again. I thought I was getting past this.”

The bed dipped as he sat down next to me. Even though I was overwarm, the air in my bedroom was cool. Spring was late this year, and there were still patches of snow on the ground at the beginning of May, though it was mostly dirty slush. The moon was nearly new, still tugging like a hook in the back of my mind.

Ezra gently pushed my arm away from my face before pressing the back of his hand against my forehead. I could hear the frown in his voice when he said, “You can’t force it, Robbie. The more you try, the worse off you’ll be.” He hesitated. Then, “Did something happen today? You were quiet at dinner. I would hear you, dear, if you’d like to speak on it.”

I sighed as he pulled his hand back. I opened my eyes, staring up at the ceiling. My heartbeat was slowing and the dream was fading. I felt … calmer, somehow. Able to think. I thought it was because of the man beside me. He grounded me. He was the closest thing I’d ever had to a father, and just having him near was enough to bring me back to reality.

I turned my head to look at him. He was troubled. I reached out and took his hand in mine, feeling the old bones under paper-thin skin. “It’s nothing.”

He snorted. “I find that hard to believe. You may be able to fool all the others, but I’m not like them. And you know it. Try again.”

Yeah. I did know that. I searched for the right words. “It’s…” I shook my head. “Do you ever think that there’s something else out there? Something more?”

“Than what?”

“Than this.” I couldn’t find another way to put my muddled thoughts into coherent words.

He nodded slowly. “You’re young yet. It’s not uncommon to think such things.” He looked down at our joined hands. “In fact, I expect it’s quite normal. I was the same when I was your age.”

I felt a little better. “All those centuries ago?”

He chuckled, rusty and dry. It was a sound I didn’t hear as often as I’d like. “Cheeky,” he said. “I’m not that old. At least not yet.” His laughter faded. “I worry about you. And I know you’re going to tell me not to, but that won’t stop me. I’m not going to be around forever, Robbie, and I—”

I groaned. “Not this again. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon. I won’t let you.”

“I don’t know if you’ll have much say in the matter.”

“Yeah? Try me.” I was uncomfortable with the idea. He was so fragile. So breakable. Humans generally were, and I couldn’t stand the idea of something happening to him. He was a witch, sure, but magic could only do so much. I’d asked him once what would happen if he took the bite. I told him we could run together when the moon was full, and he’d hugged me close, rubbing my back while he told me that witches could never be wolves. Their magic would never allow it. If he was ever bitten by an Alpha, he said, the wolf magic and witch magic would tear him apart. I never asked him about it again.

He squeezed my hand. “I know you would do much for me—”

“Anything,” I corrected. “I would do anything.”

“—but you need to prepare. You can’t become stagnant, Robbie. And that means you need to start thinking about what lies ahead. It’s that something more you just spoke of. And as much as I wish I could be with you forever, it won’t always be this way.”

“But not anytime soon, right?” I asked quickly.

He rolled his eyes, and I loved him for it. “I’m fine. I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve. It’s nothing you need to worry about.”

“That’s funny, coming from you.”

He frowned. “Don’t think I don’t see how you’ve turned this conversation around on me.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I really hope you don’t expect me to believe that. What was the dream about this time?”

I turned my head away from him. I couldn’t look at him when we talked about this. It felt strangely like betrayal. “It was the same one.”

“Ah. The wolves in the trees.”

“Yeah.” I swallowed thickly. “Them.”

“The white Alpha?”


“What do you think it means?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know.” It could mean anything. Or nothing at all.

“Did you recognize it?”

I shook my head.

“And there were others.”

“A lot of them.”

“And they were howling.”

Singing, I almost said, but caught it at the last second. “It’s like they were calling me.”

“I see. Was there anything else? Anything different?”

Yes. The gray wolf with black stripes on its face, carrying a stone in its jaws. I’d never seen it before. I pulled my hand away from him and rubbed the juncture between my neck and shoulders. “No,” I said. “Nothing else.”

I thought he believed me. And why wouldn’t he? I was always honest with him. He would have no reason to think otherwise. He said, “You’ve always struggled with finding your place. It could be just as simple as a manifestation of wanting somewhere to belong.”

“I belong here. With you.” The words tasted like they burned. Smoke and ash.

“I know. But you’re a wolf, Robbie. You need more than what I can provide. These bonds you’ve made with the pack … they’re temporary. To keep you from turning Omega. It’s a strain on you. I can see that, even if you can’t.”

I smiled tightly as I turned back toward him. “It’s enough for now.”

He patted my knee through the blankets. “If you’re sure.” He didn’t sound convinced.

“I am. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

He laughed again. “Sleep is an elusive thing for me these days. It happens when you get older. You’ll learn that one day. It’s late. Or depending on how you look at it, early. Try to get some rest, dear. You need it.”

He stood with a grunt, his knees popping. The sleeves of his nightclothes pulled back on his arms, revealing old tattoos that seemed dull and faded.

He was at the door when he stopped and glanced back over his shoulder. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right? Whatever you tell me, it would stay between us.”

“I know.”

He nodded. I thought he was going to say something more, but he didn’t. He closed the door behind him, and the floor creaked as he walked down the hallway of our small home toward his bedroom.

I listened for his heartbeat.

It was slow and loud.

I turned over on my side, arms underneath my pillow, my chin resting against my wrist. My bedroom’s only window opened on a lonely stretch of woods.

The dream was already fading. Where once it felt vibrant and alive, it was now mostly translucent. I could barely remember the taste of sap on my tongue.

I listened to Ezra’s heartbeat as I closed my eyes.

I didn’t dream again that night.

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About the authors

TJ Klune

TJ Klune

TJ KLUNE is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling, Lambda Literary Award-winning author of The House in the Cerulean Sea, Under the Whispering Door, In the Lives of Puppets, and the Green Creek Series for adults, the Extraordinaries Series for teens, and more. Being queer himself, Klune believes it's important—now more than ever—to have accurate, positive queer representation in stories.

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Customer reviews

4.7 out of 5

3,051 global ratings

Sita R.

Sita R.


Hauntingly beautiful

Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2019

Verified Purchase

I finished this book a couple of days ago and I can't shake the Bennett pack from my mind. They're completely entangled in my thoughts and won't leave me alone. I haven't had such a strong reaction to a book in a very long time, possibly since my first encounter with these characters when I first read Wolfsong.

Oh boy, this book. THIS. BOOK.

It ensnared me from the very beginning and even now that I've finished. That I've had a couple of days to recover, I'm still caught up in a world of wolves, and Alphas, and witches, and mates, and pack.

I LOVED seeing where the Bennett pack are at in their journey. They're still getting knocked around, but they're still so strong, and united - even when they're fractured, and they feel broken and shredded - they're still pack.

I don't think anyone could've predicted what happens in Robbie's story. To be honest I never dwelled on him very much, I've always been a "TeamOx" person - still am - but Robbie is just, goodness. Even with everything he goes through, he is still just a steady pulse of goodness just trying to live a happy, full life. And as we know, TJ Klune is a massive jerk and isn't going to make it easy for his characters including sweet Robbie. These characters are in for one hell of a ride, and lucky us get to live through this trauma too. Bonus, this story is told in a way that you would not have anticipated. Something about these wolves, their stories are definitely off the beaten track of storytelling.

And don't worry. I'm not trying to doom and gloom you. There's still those threads of humour and great love woven in to balance it all out.

An utterly brilliant story. It's going to tear you to pieces, and you're going to live for every moment of it.

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Rita JK

Rita JK


Falling in love with these books!

Reviewed in the United States on May 13, 2024

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Enchanting, magical, beautiful, haunting... How do I explain to anyone that I have falling in love with stories about werewolves and loving and belonging? Just pure joy to escape this world and yet feel the best part of life following these books of family love, struggle and sacrifice. TJ Klune is an incredible writer who has taken us on this unforgettable journey of those who dwell in Green Creek and I like so many others find myself in thought believing that I am pack,pack, pack.

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The Cultivated Library Co

The Cultivated Library Co


Klune does it again!

Reviewed in the United States on January 31, 2024

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Wolfsong, book one, is Ox's story. Ravensong continues the series with Gordo's story. Heartsong is all about Robbie Fontaine. To be honest, at first I was like, "Why Robbie???" But Klune showed me why he is the genius writer, and I am the adoring fan.

Once again, I have been sucked into the Green Creek world, and I'm so happy to be here. There's so much emotion in Heartsong. Klune has a way of making you feel each and every thing his characters are feeling. With love and loyalty, family and betrayal, the reader falls in love with the Bennett pack over and over again. Klune taps into that basic human need for connection and acceptance. If you're looking for stories that will gut you and heal you, read the Green Creek series.

About the book: It's a story about love, brotherhood, family, betrayal, and oh, (if you couldn't tell from the cover), there are wolves.

Read this if you like: • LGBTQ+ romance • Fantasy • Werewolves • Books that are both character driven and have some action

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Tricia Flowers

Tricia Flowers


my HEART!!!

Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2024

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I thought the first two books were sad, but goodness Robbie Fontaine broke my heart!!! This is Robbie’s book, and I know I’m late to the party but I still don’t want to ruin it for anyone who hasn’t read it yet. Robbie’s story is so sad, but also so hopeful. I have to admit, I was a bit confused when the story started as to where and when it starts, but then everything falls into place. Robbie has been through so so much, and he desperately needs his pack to pull him through. This is also Kelly’s story. I loved Kelly in the previous books but I was so glad to spend time with him. He truly is a ray of sunshine, and he is definitely the glue holding the Bennett brothers together. He’s sweet, and supportive, and fiercely loyal. He’s an absolute perfect match for Robbie, who craves love, home and stability. There is also a crazy battle in this one; I was seriously worried for the characters! This book was action, and romance, and so much emotion. This series is so good, and now I can’t wait to read book 4.

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Matthew Condello

Matthew Condello


A brilliant, gut wrenching triumph!

Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2020

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This is a somewhat long review lol. So it starts with an Honest and kind of book snobby moment so please forgive me! A year ago, my best friend told me he was reading these “gay werewolf” books and loving them. Based on some of his previous book selections I cringed and rolled my eyes cause what I had in my head was some sort of trashy twilight rip off or bad fan fiction/wolf porn. He encourage me to read them, but I declined. Fast forward to early this year and I got an ARC of “The house in the Cerulean Sea” by TJ Klune and was stunned by its incredible beauty, heart, and breathtaking characters. I immediately told my friend about it and he says “that’s the guy that wrote the werewolf books” and I admit I became intrigued.

“Heartsong” is my 40th read of the year and my fourth TJ Klune Book I’ve read in 2020 and I thank the universe and my friend every day that his books and his brilliance have found their way into my life. “Wolfsong,” “Ravensong,” and “Heartsong” are 3 of the most exciting, emotional, cathartic experiences I’ve had reading books. TJ Klune is a master of character. He handles so many and yet each are distinct and developed and real. You feel a deep connection to the Bennett Pack in a way I haven’t connected with too many characters in my life. His dialogue is some of the absolute best hands down. There’s a flow to his writing that is unmatched. In a perfect world everyone would know his name. “Heartsong”is, like its predecessors, a reading experience I will never forget. The tears flowed freely numerous times, there were audible gasps, and plenty of smiles. Don’t hesitate. Just read them. I can’t wait for the conclusion this fall in “Brothersong.” Thank you TJ Klune for being a bright light in the darkness of 2020.

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