Addicted for Now (ADDICTED SERIES)

4.4 out of 5

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The TikTok sensation Addicted series continues with Addicted For Now, now in a print edition with special bonus material!

He's addicted to booze. She's addicted to sex...staying sober is only half the battle.

No. More. Sex.

Those are the three words Lily Calloway fears the most. But Loren Hale is determined to be with Lily without enabling her dangerous compulsions. With their new living situation—sleeping in the same bed, for real, together—Lily has new battles. Like not jumping Lo's bones every night. Not being consumed by sex and his body.

Loren plans to stay sober, to right all of his wrongs. So when someone threatens to expose Lily's secret to her family and the public, he promises that he'll do anything to protect her. But with old enemies surfacing, Lo has more at stake than his sobriety.

And his worst fear isn't relapsing. He hears the end. He sees it. The one thing that could change everything. Just three words.

No. More. Us.

560 pages,




First published March 20, 2023

ISBN 9780593639597

About the authors

Krista Ritchie

Krista Ritchie

Krista & Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins--one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek--but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.

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Sue @ Hollywood News Source

Sue @ Hollywood News Source


One of the best series, New Adult genre could ever offer!

Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2013

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I've been in a book slump for months, I started reading a lot of books and none of those entertained me. If nothing else, it made me feel annoyed, bored and completely numb. Anyway I was so excited to read Addicted For Now. Ricochet left me in a disastrous state and I was hoping my reaction and feelings toward the sequel would be as intense, even though there's always a fear when reading the second book in your favorite series, a concern that it might fall in the sequel syndrome. You can now sleep peacefully because Addicted For Now is even better than the first two books and, yes, that is possible!

Addicted For Now was an easy read for me in the sense that it grabbed me from the moment I started reading it. The plot flowed smoothly, I lovde every inch of it. Becca and Krista does a very excellent job of giving the readers exactly what they want. Addicted For Now is undeniably a brutal and painful book and it also is a unique source of humor and great comebacks, and a beautiful romance like nothing you have read before.

I'll be honest. I was skeptical with the dual POV initially because I have never liked male point of view, but upon reading the first five lines in Lo's chapter, I was sold. There's no going back. The transition between Lily and Lo's chapter flow very smoothly, and I love it. Their back-and-forth point of view isn't confusing and it won't make you puke like some books I know.

The character arcs of Lo, Lily, Daisy, Ryke, Connor, Rose and the rest of the characters of this series are so beautiful and very well developed. It's not very hard to miss that they grow throughout this installment. The Ritchie ladies excellently write a bunch of characters who are fully fleshed, authentic, and have depth. You couldn't help but to root for and emphasize with them.

One of the many reasons I love the Addicted Series is the beautiful relationship of the Calloway sisters and the `Ryke x Lo' bromance. It was so entertaining to read, especially the witty, great banter between the characters. I could never NOT laugh!

Let's talk about the romance. Addicted For Now solidifies the relationship of Lily and Lo. They weren't just your ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. They are each other's anchor. They helped each other to cope in a lot of ways, it's so admiriable. And I really appreciate the fact that a lot of people are helping them to get better. There's a bit of back-story and I personally think it was so cute and it helps to know the characters in a different light, and a handful of times, they reduced me to tears. Connor and Rose, I love their on and off relationship, their genius quarrels/arguments are one of the most entertaining things I've ever read. drum rolls Ryke and Daisy! Ta-da! It's not a secret they are my favorite pair. I swear I didn't expect to ship it this hard. I love their endless `not so flirting' conversation. There's so much tension and stuff going on. I literally can't keep up with them. All I can say is I will literally go down with this ship and I'm so stoked for their own story, Hothouse Flower.

I have so much love for Addicted For Now, I couldn't express it enough with words. It made my heart ache, made me cry a bucket of tears and Its worth it. Addicted For Now is a great follow to a well written new adult series.

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Sharon Hedden

Sharon Hedden


such a wonderful story in Lo and Lily’s growth

Reviewed in the United States on July 16, 2024

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These stories are so wonderful. And beautiful. And heartbreaking. And fun. And sad. And happy. And infuriating at moments. And I mean the story line. Some things that happen to these great characters is just so terrible. But in the end it all is working out. I love the realness of these stories. They get so down right real with the emotions. And there are a lot of emotions. And what comes with that is growth. I love these characters so much. And watching them grow and to continue to grow is awesome. These books are so worth your time. I really do not think you will be sorry for reading them. I highly, highly recommend. Lo and Lily are…. I can’t even give these two the right words. They are just everything. I hope you read them. I am falling for them more and more with each book. And it will be wonderful to read more about Connor and Rose and Daisy and Ryke. And more for Lo and Lily! Love them all. Enjoy.

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Ambur (Burning Impossibly Bright)

Ambur (Burning Impossibly Bright)


This series just keeps getting better and better!

Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2014

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With each book that I read in this series, I just fall more and more in love with the story, the characters, and with Krista and Becca Ritchie's writing styles. :D Addicted for Now is the second book in the Addicted series, and I thought it was an amazing followup to Addicted to You! :D

I loved that we got to know both Lo and Lily more, and that we also got to know all of their friends better, too, including Lily's sisters! I just love how the books have evolved from being totally Lo and Lily-centric to including a bigger group of friends, and I love that the evolution is pretty much the perfect way to show how Lily and Lo have changed from the beginning of the first book.

Lily and Lo have both grown so much, and in Addicted for Now we really got to see how much they've changed, and how much effort they both were putting in to change! The dual point of view worked really well to show how they both were changing and how both of them were affected by their own addiction and by each other's addiction. In Addicted to You, the first book, I really did love seeing Lily and Lo's relationship change, but I loved seeing them grow stronger in Addicted for Now! It was fantastic to see them work to overcome their addictions, and to see both of them mature as well.

Along with the awesome characters, one of the elements that I love about this series is how well the series as a whole is established. Each book soundly represents its own story, and they feel complete in themselves, but at the same time, there is just enough of an open-ended feeling to allow for sequels, and to allow for spinoffs...the spinoffs are another part I love. In the spinoffs, Becca and Krista Ritchie are also writing books about Lily's sisters, Rose and Daisy! The first one, Kiss the Sky, about Rose and Connor Cobolt has already been released. I've also read it and loved it! My review for that one is coming soon! The next book, Hothouse Flower, is Daisy's story...and it'll be releasing sometime in March, and I absolutely CANNOT wait!!! :D

Overall, I thought that Addicted for Now was fantastic! It was sexy, funny, and completely compelling. I was in a bit of a slump at the beginning of the year, and this one really helped snap me out of it because I didn't want to put it down! I find Lo and Lily really easy to relate to because they both tend to fangirl/fanboy and get obsessive about their fandoms. haha I also loved the banter, the story, and as I've mentioned already in this review, the characters! :D I'd recommend Addicted for Now and the Addicted series to contemporary romance fans who aren't afraid of stories that get steamy and are very intense!

  • I purchased a copy of Addicted for Now for personal reading. All opinions are my own.
  • This review also appears on my blog and on other social media sites.

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Amazon Reviewer

Amazon Reviewer



Reviewed in the United States on February 24, 2014

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Gah I loved this book! While the first two books really allowed me as a reader to understand the characters and Lily and Lo’s addictions, this book was more story oriented. As Lo returns from rehab, they start their relationship back up trying to avoid their past habits. Before, Lo would drink from morning to night, while satiating Lily’s sexual cravings. They would stay in their bedroom for days feeding each other’s addictions. But, now they really are making an effort to be a normal functioning couple.

But their addictions are not the only problems they are facing. Someone is out to destroy them. Someone is out to disclose Lily’s addiction to the world, including her family. As they explore their past in an attempt to find the threat, they interact with people from their past. Through this, the reader gets an idea of who they were before college and before their stories started. And quite frankly, it was not pretty.

What I loved about this book, and the series for that matter, was that the authors never let these characters become cliché. They never took the easy way out when dealing with them. It would’ve been so easy that by this book, Lily and Lo were really in a good place with their addictions. I would’ve believed it. But, even though I would’ve believed it, it wouldn’t have been realistic. Lily and Lo are addicts and that is nothing something to take lightly – these authors sure didn’t.

Even in this book, the third one, they are still struggling. Lily is still slipping – she even digresses a bit – and Lo comes close to enabling her again. Here’s the thing….THAT IS REALISTIC. These authors taught me that. I may have wanted Lily and Lo to ride off in the sunset, overcome their addictions and be healthy, but in hindsight, I know if that happened I would’ve thought the story was too perfect. I am in awe of these authors and the way they choose to handle such a sensitive topic.

Lily and Lo are finally really working together to deal with their addictions in the best way…together. No more enabling. No more giving into the addiction. No more hiding. This is where I was most proud of them. This is where I really believed that they truly belonged together.

I am a HUGE FAN of this series and am so invested in these characters. I love how unique each character is and how they each have their own quirks. I love how much Lily and Lo love each other – I am talking walk to the end of the earth kind of love. I love how complicated this story is, yet the authors don’t make the facts too confusing, instead they make it an actual story with depth. I JUST LOVE THIS SERIES!

This the end of Lily & Lo’s story…for now. Their story ends in a good place, one where you do want more, but are okay to say goodbye for now. No cliffhanger. The next two books will be about two other couples, although Lily & Lo will be in those as well. And then their story will pick back up for an additional two books to end the series.

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Amber Rose

Amber Rose



Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2013

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I'm going to draw out every single moment until you're exhausted. And I'm going to move so slow that three months ago will feel like yesterday. And tomorrow will feel like today, and no one in this universe will be able to say your name without saying mine."

I am deeply, obsessed, addictive, in love, with this series. It touches me very deep down to my soul. I have never felt a connection the way I feel when reading this series. It has took a new level of love, a new level of how much I love these books. I think back to every one of them I have read so far and I love them so much more each time I read a new one. I cried in every single book. I have never cried as much as I have in any other series. I feel every struggle, hug, love, friendship, commitment, that tears just start falling out of no where. It's crazy I know!

The best thing about this book to me is that I got Lo's POV. That was the icing on the cake to me. When he first popped up and I was in his head I was jumping from happiness. I jumped off my bed and did a happy dance. I am very serious right now. I really did that. It was so perfect being in Lo's head. He is my ultimate favorite book boy EVER!!!!

I'll remember this moment, how long it took me to right what I had done wrong. I don't want to start that vicious cycle again. I want to break it. I want to beat my addiction for good, no matter if outside forces pull me down. I can do it this time.

This is a new chapter with Lo and Lil. Lo, just came home from rehab and is now sober. :) Lil, on the other hand is still struggling with her sex addiction. With Lo, being home this brings on even bigger struggle for Lil. How can she sleep next to Lo for the first time of them finally being in a real relationship and not jump his bones 24/7. This is hard for her. It would be hard for me too sleeping with Lo. So, I totally get her struggle. Lil she is very likable. I adore her and just want to hug her. She is a struggling mess in this book. Things start to look up for her then next thing you know she is caving and shit starts to go down South again. Thank the Lord for Lo, he is there for her 24/7 and helps her through everything even though she does have some slips.

Things start going out of control when Lo, receives a sex from an Unknown talking shit about Lil, and going on about how this person will expose Lil to the media about her sex addiction. This is a whole new battle for both of them. For most of their lives they both have depended on each other through everything, it has always been about Lo and Lil. But, now that they have family and friends in their lives constantly things have started to become a balance with them.

Lo still struggles with being an alcoholic and Lily is still on the going process of being better with sex and not a sex addict. These two make these book. I loved the journey they are taking with each other. Even though some of it is forced they make it their own way and it's beautiful. I want more from these authors so bad. I want them to write about Lil and Lo forever!!! They have became my favorite book couple and Lo has now my favorite book boyfriend. I couldn't ask more anything more but I WANT MORE FROM THE AUTHORS. I already came up with the idea that these books have been made for me. Everyone can enjoy them but they are mine. :)

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Absolutely phenomenal. Deserves 5++ addicting stars...

Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2013

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Fun-effin-tastic! This just keeps on getting better, saucier and! Totally addicting from start to finish. The writing is really good...really, really good. What I loved the most about this series is the way the author developed the characters, where each one totally added more depth into the story. Each character was written uniquely on their own, allowing us readers to have a love/hate relationship with each one of them, taking all their flaws and perfections and creating a special bond with them at the end. I can't help but love these characters so much that I can't wait to read the rest of the books in the series. In this book, I've got to know them in a much deeper level and how their roles in Lo & Lily's lives acted out so perfectly in-tuned into their road to recovery. Their witty banters never fails to amaze me every time they're in the same room together. God, these characters are flawed in some ways yet that's what makes them more human and endearing.

In this part of the series, I was able to experience the highs and lows of Lily and Lo's life, after his rehab stint and now dealing with the biggest threat of their life. Most especially Lily's life. Something that would definitely put her life to shame, not just hers actually but also Lo. With this threat, fear and guilt started to eat Lily and Lo away, making it harder for both of them to cope up with their addiction. My heart broke for them, knowing that they were really struggling to be better individuals and live out a normal and healthy life. Some people are just so wicked that they'd do anything for revenge, not even caring what the consequences would be. Evil, right? Yeah, I know. But it also made my heart swell that despite all these things, Lo and Lily remained loyal, honest, supportive and loving to each other. There were a lot of weak moments that made me doubt and put myself in a panic mode, but in the end, their unconditional love to each other pulled them together and made them survive everything. This story brought me hope and sense of awareness in the life's real issues. This was painful to read at first but the message being conveyed is all worth it.

Everything about this book is phenomenal. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. I'll be patiently waiting for the next book in the series. Come pretty fast 2014!!!!

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Emily Trobec

Emily Trobec



Reviewed in the United States on March 22, 2024

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4.5/5 ⭐️ amazing. just amazing. i love everything about this series and these characters and i never want it to end. i am rooting for all of them 🥹

i loved the little mystery aspect of this one. i thought that was an interesting touch! i am so happy for lily and lo and how far they’ve come. can’t wait to continue their journey as well as the other characters on the next books!!

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Loving this series!

Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2024

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This was so much better than the second book. I disliked Lily the first two books but this one…love her. Lily had massive growth in this book, plot and character wise. Lo also had some major growth and I really like how his storyline is progressing. There were some character interactions that I was not expecting in this book and those interactions really added depth to Lily and Lo’s story. I cannot wait to read the next book!!

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the growth

Reviewed in the United States on June 8, 2024

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I loved seeing the growth of them as a couple and as individuals in this book. The back story bringing things full circle; leaving burdens behind and making amends. Enjoying the series’s so much!




still love these two!

Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2014

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Lily and Lo remain a captivating couple. Their individual and joint struggles in trying to overcome their addictions is as palpable as were the weight of those addictions in book 1. Perhaps for Lily even more so - I think I understood her better in trying to fight her need to have sex all the time. Somewhow in the absence of her addiction, watching her struggle, her plight and desperation became understandable. Lo was easy - with his background and family history, he developed a way to numb the pain. But I never quite felt that way with Lily in Book 1, though in this one it became much more clear.

Despite the blurb, this book is still mainly about Lily and Lo and their addictions. The plot of trying to find who is exposing Lily's secret is really secondary, which I liked.

Ryke, Rose and Connor are still and odd and often unlikeable group. But I really loved that at the end of the day, they were all there for Lily and Lo, warts and all. In some ways, they were like family (although, for the most part they are all actually family, but you get what I mean).

There were parts of the book that suffered from typical NA contrived events - namely the trip to Cancun and all things Daisy related. But because of the strength of the characters, I didn't mind these things as I would have in another less dynamic book.

The surprise for me was Lo's dad, Jonathan. He was endlessly fascinating, and the Ritchies did a great job of creating a complex, multi-layered guy, as opposed to just propping him up as the token bad guy. I know the series is going in a different direction, but I hope at some point they return to Jonathan and his relationship with Lo. In fact, I wish there had been more of him - if only so I could decide how I felt about him.

The biggest fail for me was Lily's relationship with her parents. I don't think it was explored in the way that it should have been given Lily's efforts to overcome her addiction. In fact, I think that Lily's therapy focused much more on coping mechanisms than trying to determine why she became addicted or what she was running from. This was by far the biggest hole in the book for me.

But at the end of the day, Lily and Lo are so painfully loveable that none of the other things seem to matter. They never turn into sickeningly sweet, their problems don't go away - they fight their addictions every second of every day. They don't do it alone - it takes a whole team of aggravating, obnoxious friends monitoring their every move. But somehow, with all of that, you can't imagine one without the other. Lily and Lo are co dependent to the max, but you can't imagine one without the other. And it's really fun to go along the journey with them.

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