Addicted to You (ADDICTED SERIES)

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The TikTok sensation Addicted to You, now in a print edition with special bonus material!   She's addicted to sex. He's addicted to booze...the only way out is rock bottom. Fall in love with Lily and Lo in this edgy new adult romance set in a world of lust, fame, swoon-worthy men, and friendships that run deeper than blood in this special edition with bonus materials—in print only!

No one would suspect shy Lily Calloway's biggest secret. While everyone is dancing at college bars, Lily stays in the bathroom. To get laid. Her compulsion leads her to one-night stands, steamy hookups and events she shamefully regrets. The only person who knows her secret happens to have one of his own.

Loren Hale's best friend is his bottle of bourbon. Lily comes at a close second. For three years, they've pretended to be in a real relationship, hiding their addictions from their families. They've mastered the art of concealing flasks and random guys that filter in and out of their apartment.

But as they sink beneath the weight of their addictions, they cling harder to their destructive relationship and wonder if a life together, for real, is better than a lie. Strangers and family begin to infiltrate their guarded lives, and with new challenges, they realize they may not just be addicted to alcohol and sex. Their real vice may be each other.

384 pages,




First published August 15, 2022

ISBN 9780593549476

About the authors

Becca Ritchie

Becca Ritchie

Krista & Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins--one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek--but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.

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Jessica | Booked J

Jessica | Booked J


The Best NA Series (Ever)

Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2017

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This review was originally posted to Goodreads and Booked J. It may not be spoiler free.

“The deeper we sink, the harder it is to crawl out. I fear the moment where neither of us can breathe again–when someone discovers our secrets. At any moment, everything can crumble beneath us. The dangerous game both excites and terrifies me.”

In all honesty, New Adult is not my typical genre. Not because it’s filled with bad selections but because I often feel as though I am reading the same book, the same plot, the same relationships every time. Addicted to You is not one of those books–there’s something far more interesting and authentic to it than the rest of its genre. My first thought on this series is how much it means to me and the second is how annoyed with myself that I didn't purchase physical copies.

Krista and Becca Ritchie provide us with so much heart in one tiny story. This isn’t your typical love story and I don’t mean that in the cliche sort of way. For a lot of people, it won’t be the same way but the vast majority agree that there’s just something about this novel that is so captivating.

Addicted to You is a great introduction to a series because we see the flaws and addictions right away in Lily and Lo. Both have been best friends for years. As far as family knows, the two are in a relationship with each other and have been for three years; they live with one another.

They have an arrangement two so they can keep up appearances and seem like good, upstanding people. Lily and Lo are the picture perfect couple on the exterior and behind closed doors, they struggle.

Enabling each other isn’t how they view it, but by pretending to be a couple and embracing their addictions in the way that they do and covering for each other as opposed to helping, they are ultimately leading to their own downfall (as a pair and as individuals): Lo, alcohol. Lily, sex.

Things grow more complicated when their darkest sides reach an all time high–for Lily, it’s waking up in a strange room with two strange men. Something in this event startles her for quite a while and she once again faces the fact that she has a serious problem. Sex addiction isn’t something that can be approached easily, as so many people are gross and don’t want to believe it is a real thing, but Lily has such a hard time focusing on such mundane tasks without fantasies it’s hard to see why people can’t understand it.

Lily Calloway has a serious problem and you can’t help but to hope she gets the help she deserves.

Soon after our story begins, Lily and Lo embrace their feelings for each other without giving up their vices. Along the way, they cruise through their struggles and family life and school and forming friendships with others mid-novel.

They start a relationship–real this time–and things could be better but they could be worse. It’s obvious they love each other, but at the end of the day, like I said, they are enablers to each other and need help.

Back to the all time high for Loren Hale.

For Lo, it’s one fateful night (his 21st birthday) where he steals liquor at a party, nearly gets his ass kicked, and has to be carried up the stairs by a new addition to their lives, Ryke Meadows. He doesn’t let up even after this event but in some ways it really wakes him up to his problem and opens himself up to Ryke, who genuinely cares about him.

It was unexpectedly nice to see the additions of Conner and Ryke to Lily and Lo’s life. They kind of blended in so naturally with the two and the plots and seemed like they were in place all along. Conner and Ryke care a great deal for Lo and it is nice to see them wanting to help the man in spite of how little they seem to know him. And eventually, how much they show an interest in helping Lily as her addictions come to light.

I also enjoyed seeing one of Lily’s sisters, Rose Calloway.

“In the end, it was not a boy who helped me. It was my sister.”

Rose is very… oh, I can’t actually describe her. I loved her first scene, the way she is described as she enters the room. She has a cold exterior, no bullshit attitude, but she has a really solid heart and this much you can see when Lily finally confides in her after a disastrous night out at the club.

Their relationship is beautiful. I mean that. It’s not a very common thing to see a sibling bond like theirs in literature, let alone New Adult. You see, Rose and Lily are sisters in every way. They fight. They get snippy. They don’t always do the right thing. But at the end of the day, they support and love each other in every way that you would want.

I’m interested to see more of Rose and her interactions with Lily. And the other Calloway girls. I’m interested to see more of Rose’s interactions with Lo, now that she understands him better and respects him for seeking help for his addiction.

I’m also very interested in seeing her relationship with Connor explored. There’s something about the two that just seems… well, right. And I can’t wait to explore that more heavily as we get to know the characters. That, and her fashion line and everything really. I just want to know everything about Rose Calloway--who doesn't?

Addicted to You is a wonderful read. A true standout in the NA genre that will surely continue to establish itself in the masses. I thought the ending was lovely: Lily and Lo getting help for their addictions, gaining a support system (and in Lo’s case gaining a brother in Ryke) and thought the entire novel was a fresh, important take on the tough topics it tackles.

I'm excited to see their relationship grow and flurish as they embrace help and try to conquer their demons. It's going to be a battle but there's something about these two that is redeemable and that they are up for the challenge. Especially since they have something to truly fight for: each other.

The topics aren't something you should overlook. Addiction, love, family, seeking help. Strong female leads, strong male leads--all good people, with flaws, worthy of good things. All those things that make life. It is also something that is so raw at times your heart will race or break and you really begin to root for these characters, understand them in a way you didn’t know possible. Krista and Becca are on fire with this standout.

Don’t ignore the hype. I can’t wait to continue binge reading the entire series and already am regretting not buying the physical copies. I can already tell this series is going to be one of my favorites of all time and I hope you enjoy it, too.

But wait! There’s more!

(Yes, I did that television advertisement voice.)

Addicted to You, the first book of the series, is free to read on digital platforms. Give it a try, won’t you?

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Sharon Hedden

Sharon Hedden


A must read!

Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2024

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I just finished Addicted to You! First time reading Krista and Rebecca Ritchie! I, for one, can see what all the hype is about! Why people are going crazy for this series. And that is after just reading the first book in this series. Wow. It is such a wonderful story. It’s about Loren and Lily and they each have an addiction. So please check TW before going into this book. But it’s written so good and beautifully. These two lost souls have their addictions and they feed each other’s addictions but they care about each other so much. They love each other so deeply. And they are on a road to destruction but meet two new friends who help them see their destructive path. And so toward the end they both start on their journeys to heal and get better. I highly recommend this book! And I cannot wait to go on. This is going to be such a ride and I’m there for it. I don’t want to say too much to not ruin it for those of you who have not yet read this series. I am so there and again, cannot wait to go on this journey with Lo and Lily and the rest of gang. Please read this! You will not be sorry. It is sad at times but it’s such a beautiful story.

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Kassie's Book Thoughts

Kassie's Book Thoughts


Addicted to You was a refreshing read, and something completely different from all the New Adult books I've read this year.

Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2013

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I don't want to be fixed. I just want to live and feed my appetite. It just so happens that my appetite is a sexual one.

His vice is a bottle of whiskey.

Addicted to You was a refreshing read, and something completely different from all the New Adult books I've read this year. When I first heard about this book I thought it was going to be a great read. I was completely wrong. This is an AMAZING book! Krista and Becca Ritchie did an incredible job in writing a story in which two characters, Lily and Lo, suffer through their addictions together. I will admit that Addicted to You reminded me of Ellen Hopkins writing. If you love reading Ellen Hopkin's books-Crank, Glass, Fallout, etc- then you will definitely love Krista and Becca Ritchies Addicted to You. The only difference is that Addicted to You is a New Adult book, and the situations Lily experiences with her addiction are raw and very out there.

I guess the only way to be close to me is to inject yourself in my world because I won't make the move to enter yours.

The water washes away the smell and grime, but my sins are here to stay. The memories don't vanish...

I never thought that I would love a character like Lily's- a sex addict with family issues. Once again I was completely wrong. As I read Addicted to You, I started to learn about Lily's sex addiction and I started to know her character in a whole different level. She is not just a shy, sex addict. She is a caring, loving, and broken girl that just needs the right person to stand by her side and understand what she is going through. I understand why she keeps her sex addiction a secret from her family, and why she shy's away from others. If I were in her shoes I would do the same thing, because people would not understand this sort of addiction. Heck, I've heard about sex addicts but after reading Addicted to You I learned a lot more. I know that all of this (what happens in the story) is not true, but at some point all addicts, in real life, will cross their own boundaries to get a high of their addiction. I seriously felt everything Lily had to go through in the book. I cried with her when she just felt lost and confused with all that was going on, and I felt her strong love towards Lo. By the end of Addicted to You, I felt a connection with Lily's character.

Loren Hale is an alcoholic beverage and he doesn't even know it.

Lo's face darkens in contempt. "Watch it, Lily." He picks up the bottle, unbroken, and reacts as though I hit his child.

What can I say about Loren (Lo) Hale? Just as Lily, Lo suffers from his own addiction to alcohol. He is totally bad news, but a total swoon worthy guy. I will admit that I don't like alcoholics, but his thoughtfulness towards Lily and the way he cares for her made me love him. He is even more emotionally broken than Lily. I believe that Lo needs Lily more, then Lily needs Lo. I will admit that there are times he is a total jerk to Lily, and at these moments I just felt like slapping or punching him in the face. I already knew more about alcohol addicts and what happens to them, because this is what health teachers teach in all of their health classes. Like I said before I don't like alcoholic addicts, but I just had to make that exception with Lo. Who can resist a protective, caring, thoughtful hottie like Lo? NOT ME :D! His character does develop (matures) by the end of this book, and I can't wait to find out what happens to him in the second book :). We're pretending, aren't we? I'm so confused. What is he to me right now? Friend, boyfriends, something else entirely?

The deeper we sink, the harder it is to crawl out.

At the beginning I really had no clue what was going on between Lily and Lo. He tells a guy that she is his girlfriend, but as I kept reading I find out that they are in a fake relationship. I seriously felt sorry for Lily, because she was so confused with Lo's loving affections and actions- this of course would only happen when their relatives, or known people would be watching them. Who would agree to be in a fake relationship? This is just torture for both Lily and Lo, because they are both confused with what the other one feels. The longer they stay in their fake the relationship the longer they hurt (not intentionally) one another. But the loving affections and actions between these two are both sweet and hot :D!

Our relationship is dangling on thin strings that threaten to break. I feel it. I'm sure he feels it as well.

When they start a serious relationship, it all starts off well. Lily is getting her sex fix and Lo is still getting his alcohol fix. The sad thing about their relationship is that they are just not that good for each other, but at the same time so right for each other?!?. Does that make any sense? Let me try to explain this :). Their addictions just get in the way of their love towards each other. It just doesn't let them love each other, and care for each other the way it is truly meant to be. But at the same time Lo and Lily are always there for each others breakdowns, and they are two broken people who can actually fix each other with each others presence. Lily's and Lo's relationship is just as broken as they are, but at the same time it is also kept together because of their need to be close to each other. I really hope this works out at the end for these two, because they are the perfect match for each other :).

We've been friends, allies, for so long that I don't know who I am without him. Our lives intersect at every possible junction...

Krista and Becca Ritchie delivered an incredibly fresh debut in the New Adult genre. This is a book that you will not want to miss, trust me when I tell you that this is a MUST READ! There is romance, heartache, sorrow, real life problems (addiction & family), believable characters, and there is a twist that no one will expect (I didn't even see it coming). I will say this once again, if you love reading about true life problems, raw characters, and love reading Ellen Hopkins books, then Addicted to You by Krista and Becca Ritchie is the book for you :D!

~Kassandra @ Kassie's Book Thoughts

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Aestas Book Blog

Aestas Book Blog


Totally addicted to this series!!!!

Reviewed in the United States on November 8, 2013

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WOW!!! I have found a new favorite series!!! It had all the elements I love in a story -- great writing, deeply flawed but lovable characters and an emotional intensity that kept drawing me further and further in. I'm totally addicted ;)

The story is about Lily and Lo. They're childhood friends who have grown up together but they each have an addiction -- she's addicted to sex, he's addicted to booze -- and if their very wealthy and controlling families ever found out, they'd both be kicked to the curb... and so they lie. They live together and pretend to be a normal, perfectly functioning couple and by doing so each one gives the other an alibi and a safe zone to feed their addiction. But sometimes there are moments when their pretend relationship feels like the most real thing in the world because what neither of them are admitting out loud is that their feelings for each other are real.

"In this moment, I'm yours."

By covering for each other and understanding what it was that they each needed, they'd found a way to cope with their addiction. It might not have been healthy but neither of them could stop and they found a balance, albeit a dangerous one, that worked for them... But everything changed when they were forced to go on a family yacht trip -- sequestered together away from any possibility of enabling their addictions in secret, the only thing they had was each other...

I'm going to stop here but seriously, I just LOVED the whole storyline. I felt so deeply invested in it and I read so many scenes with that butterflies-in-my-belly feeling. I don't know... there's just something about flawed, damaged characters who clearly love each other SO much and are trying as hard as they can do make it through something together that just strongly tugs at my heartstrings.

Both Lily and Lo were such intriguing characters. The whole story is told from Lily's POV and I really have to commend the authors with the way they were able to portray her addiction -- the vicious cycles, her need, her self loathing, her dependence on it. It would have been very easy to make Lily just seem like a slut but they wrote it in such a way that you could genuinely feel that this was an addiction - no different than drugs or alcohol. It wasn't just about someone who was promiscuous, this was something that was much more deeply wired in her.

And Lo... OMG Loren Hale totally stole my heart!! He was such a deeply tormented and flawed character and it was so clear how much he cared for Lil but I could also sense his inner conflict at not wanting to step in the way of what she needed while he himself was such a slave to his own addictions.

They were oddly perfect for each other. They each understood the deep seeded addiction the other suffered. They'd seen each other at their worst and the way they cared for each other (and I'm not even talking romantically, I just mean caring from one person to another) was just so incredible heart wrenching.... I mean, HOLY EMOTION!!!!

And all these hidden feelings were building in the background so by the time they actually took their relationship to the next level and officially became a couple, these feelings all came to the surface and I just felt it so strongly!!!!

"I'm not one of your conquests," he says in a throaty voice. "I know what you want, and you don't need to take it. I can give it to you... Let me try," he says, his hand cupping my face. "Let me try to be enough for you."

GAHHHH!!!!! That scene!!!!! I'm getting all emotional just thinking about it!! I love Loren Hale!! I love how much he loved Lily and how he didn't try and change her per say. It would have been so easy for a guy in his position to be jealous and irrational given the type of addiction she had but he accepted it all as a part of her. He didn't just love her and put up with her addiction, he accepted her as a package deal.

Ok - now, I know that some of you are going to be curious as to whether or not there is cheating in this (especially given Lily's addiction) and I'm happy to say that no - there is no cheating. However, before they're officially a couple she does sleep around but, with the way it was written, I totally understood it and Lo understood it too. This story just has totally different parameters than a normal romance would. But after they become a couple, there is no sleeping around at all.

Towards the ending, the emotions began to intensify as their addictions began to take a stronger hold of them. You could feel the breaking point coming and it hurt to see these characters who I loved so much falling so far. I cared so much for them but had to wait for them to save themselves. My heart goes right out to Lily and Lo and I can't wait to see them overcome the obstacles that I know will be their future. But I have faith in them and I believe that their love for each will be strong enough to get them through it.

While there isn't a brutal cliffhanger at the ending, it definitely leaves you wanting more right away!! Think kind of along the lines of a Find You In The Dark style ending. But luckily the next book, Ricochet, is available now with another one, Addicted For Now, coming at the end of the month so you'll have more of the story to immediately move on to.

This series has me hooked!! I'm totally addicted and can't wait for more of Lily & Lo! ♥

Rating: 4.5+ stars

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All walks of shame

Reviewed in the United States on August 7, 2024

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This book is not for the faint of heart. The emotional impact gouges your heart with a blunt spoon and leaves behind holes, the size of moon craters. This was the most conflicted I've been while writing a review because this book was difficult to judge. Raw and painful journey into black hole of addiction is the central theme, but surprisingly not the oft repeated kinds. It took me a few chapters to come to terms with the open gaping wound that is this story. The further I delved into it, the further it hurt ME, still like a masochist I couldn't put it down. when did these character' pain became mine, I cannot pinpoint the moment. The worst part of being an addict is not only is the debilitating illness has your life in a chokehold or your alienation from all those who love and care for you, or your devil-may-care viewpoint towards your future, career, dreams that are all drowning in a vat of hopelessness and pity... Nope, not even that, dismal as it is... The Absolute Worst part is..when you fall in love with another Addict!!

You become both Cause & Effect for each other. Enabling, suffocating, impeding each other's lives without meaning to This degree of toxic, tragic love could not have any chance of surviving intact and THAT is the undertone of this deviously penned book. So many sentiments are flying around, it's hard to pin your attention to just one of them.

Loren Hale is an alcoholic. Has been since he was a child. Carrying a huge boulder of abandonment issues on his shoulder, this Atlas is weighed down heavily in the bottom of bourbon bottle and has no desire to climb back up. His pretend/fake girlfriend - Lily Calloway is a closet sekks-addict. Her urges are uncontrollable like a runaway train. It's a serious malady complete with panic attacks, unsuppressable urges that prompt her to take unnecessary risks at the stake of personal safety. Withdrawals, body shivers, foggy mind till she get her fix. I was stunned speechless reading it, my heart goes out to every victim of any kind of addiction.

The mood is sorrowful, lo and Lily both full of self pity, trying to decipher the train wreck that is their lives. She continously chases the high while intoxicated, with no recollection of events the morning after, except sobs and tears. It was harrowing recount to say the least. The book ends on a sort of cliffy or to-be-continued spot. And its a series of 3.5 books and I need a break from sadness and gloominess to recoup enough to carry on The thing that irked me a tiny bit is that When building a Billionaire or trillionaire world of world-dominators business tycoons, the authors should not only focus on clothes and branded cars. The vocabulary, the language characters use, their mannerisms should also be kept in mind. A soda pop manufacturer (I'm thinking as big a C cola) daughters don't talk like middle class people. And with so many resources, clandestine help at hand wasn't a far reaching dream. Therapy could've been sought easily in secret. And the prolonged & overstretched plot of who blinks first, got the book to sag in the middle. It was hard to concentrate. Also I can understand the root cause of Loren's anguish, but Lily is blessed with a loving, caring family and her sisters are checking up on her constantly. Her shame stops her to seek help professionally and personally but in the end family is the one she leans on!

And for a girl in UPenn, she's pretty dull minded. Academically and socially. And this is the only thing that was my personal pet trigger. My son lost out a set in UPENN Despite everything going for him by a hair-width margin, because people like her, with a wealthy last name take them and they have no business being there. She's not very smart, without her addiction too. Still a really good book, written well, story so powerful. 4.5 stars for walks of shame

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Addicted to You: Addicting!!

Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2013

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Copy provided by author an honest review **** 4.5 addicting stars**** "She's addicted to sex. He's addicted to booze...the only way out is rock bottom."

When I first read the blurb of this book, I knew this would be intense and different from the usual story-lines that I normally read. The authors, Krista & Becca Ritchie, did a fantastic job in writing and addressing a sensitive matter, addiction and the people who enable the addiction.

Addicted to You, focuses on two rich and prominent childhood friends, Lilly Calloway and Loren Hale. From the outsider's perspective, they would be seen as two childhood friends in a loving and stable relationship while attending college at the University of Pennsylvania. Lilly and Loren seem to have it all: a perfect relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, money, family and friends. What friends and family don't know, is that Lilly and Loren have been keeping secrets of their addiction.

Lilly Calloway, comes from a loving family with three sisters: Poppy, Rose and Daisy. She has parents who love and adore her. Sisters, who are fiercely protective and loving especially her older and closest sister, Rose. What they don't know is that Lilly has an addiction to SEX.. Lilly is not just obsessed but seriously addicted to sex. Her daily routines must consist of sex, watching porn, daydreaming of sexual fantasy and masturbation. Lilly cannot function without achieving her sexual high/desires. Her addiction has affected her schoolwork and time with her family.

Loren Hale, son of Jonathan Hale of Hale Corporation, is rich, handsome, and attends a prestigious University. Loren, also known as Lo, seems to have it have all but is addicted to ALCOHOL.. His addiction to alcohol is so severe that his morning consist of the hard stuff and ends with him either passed out or completely blacked out. He's consistently drinking whiskey, bourbon, beer or any hard alcohol that he can get his hands on. His addiction is affecting his lack of schoolwork, attendance, and personality. Lo, stems his addiction from the pressures of his demanding father and the abandonment of his mother.

Being childhood friends, Lo and Lilly knows each others addiction. For three years, they have been deceiving their family that were boyfriend and girlfriend. They have been covering up for one another so they can continue their addictions. Soon, Lo and Lilly decides that they no longer want to be in a fake relationship but a "real one" together and that they can help each other out with their addictions. Lo will help satisfy Lilly's sexual addiction and Lo will try to cut back on drinking. As it turns out, their addiction only intensifies and they soon find themselves enabling one another. They become addicted to not only sex and alcohol but to each other. Lilly craves the sexual highs that Lo can provide for her. He has become her crutch and vice-versa. Both are well aware of their addictions and feel guilty about it but they just can't seem to stop doing it.

Lo and Lilly loves each other so much that they are afraid to lose one another. Their addiction has reach a point where it has gotten unhealthy and destructive and soon their family and friends have to step in to intervene.

This book ends with Lo and Lilly going their separate ways trying to get healthy and beat their addiction. It ends with them promising to wait for each other. Lo will be entering rehab and Lilly starting all over at new school with her sister, Rose and getting therapy. Their journey to getting healthy continues in the next book of the series. Will they succeed or fail?

"I'll always be yours. No distance or time apart will change that, Lilly. You need to believe that."

What I like about this book, is that it allows readers to get into a glimpse of the daily lives of two individual struggling and battling with their addiction: alcohol and sex. Addictions that have become destructive and ruining their lives. Readers get to witness the deep love that Lo and Lilly has for one another and at the same time witness that are indeed enablers to their loved one's addiction. It is very rare to hear or read about a book that deals with a woman's addiction to sex. This book introduces us to great group of characters in Connor, Rose and Ryke whom have become the supporting pillars for Lo and Lilly.You get to feel the pain Lo and Lilly experiences through their eyes. I felt their love, shame, sadness, and guilt. I look forward to reading the next book to see what becomes of them and I am hoping that Lo and Lilly will find their way back to each other healthy and be able to make their relationship work because I felt the love that they have for one another. They have that kind of relationship where words doesn't need to spoken because they already know what one's thinking or feeling.

I open my mouth, wanting to express all of my feelings at once. I love you. I'll wait for you! You're my best friend and my soul mate and my lover. I'm so proud of you. Please...come back to me. His lips upturn in a hopeful smile.. "I know."

I would recommend this book and give it 4.5 stars. It's one of the stories that you find yourself hoping that Lo and Lilly will beat their addictions and find their way back to each other.

Thank you to Krista and Becca Ritchie for the opportunity to read and review your book. I look forward to the second book and the journey of Lo and Lilly.

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Heartbreaking story with true love at its core

Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2014

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Lily is a college student, living with her best friend Loren. They both come from money, a whole lot of it. Lily is one of four sisters and seems to be the only one that doesn’t have some kind of “talent”. She’s not the wife and mother, or the fashion mogul, or the budding super model. She does have one title though, one she would prefer to keep hidden from her family forever…sex addict. Lily is supposed to be living with her boyfriend, not picking up random guys for quick flings in club bathrooms.

Loren, or Lo, is Lily’s best friend, roommate, and fake boyfriend. In order to get their parents to sign off on them living together, and not in some dorm, they have to pretend to be a couple, with a foregone conclusion that one day they’ll be married. But in addition to Lily’s sex addiction, Lo has an addiction of his own; he’s an alcoholic. Lo has been a functional alcoholic for years, but as college has progressed, he spends more time drunk than sober, more time passed out than in class.

Lily & Lo have the co-dependent relationship to end all co-dependent relationships. Reading this book is a little like watching a car crash. It’s messy, it’s sad; it could very well be people you know or love…it’s real. Their story is really just a big, ugly, mess, but it is most definitely a story that at its very core is a love story.

I have seen criticism about the lack of sex in a book about a sex addict, but honestly, I feel as though adding more descriptive sex scenes would lead this book to sensationalize a very real problem. This book is not erotica, the sex is not there to be “hot”, it is there as part of the bigger picture, how Lily’s addiction to it affects every action and interaction she has with those in her life. To add sex for the sake of making the book hot would be a disservice not only to the story, but to the relationship between Lily & Lo.

Part of me wants to dismiss this book as sort of a “rich kids behaving badly”, but another part of me is moved by the very real, very gritty story that the Ritchie sisters have told. Lily & Lo each hit rock bottom in their own spectacular ways; ways that are uncomfortable and

Addicted to You is a solid four star read. The book is well written and the story is engaging. The Ritchie sisters have done an excellent job of creating interesting characters and a storyline that moves you. I’m not going to say the characters have any semblance of depth, because I think most of the characters in the book are very shallow, albeit by design. I have to say that by the end of the book, Lily was starting to grate on my nerves a little bit because she was just so needy and immature, but Lo’s response to his further decline was very redeeming. I applaud him for finally getting his act together. I plan on jumping right into the next volume of the series, Ricochet.

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Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2014

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Having read my fair share of NEW ADULT this year, not to mention books on ADDICTION, I thought there wasn't a whole lot more that could be brought to the table. Well, I was wrong. I have said it a MILLION TIMES, but I love it when an author(s) takes a step outside the box and writes something different. Not only that, but do it well. Addiction is no easy feat to deal with, discuss and I would assume, write about. Bring in SEX addiction and you have my interest piqued. This book isn't perfect but it was amazing in it's own right.

I don't know HOW common sex addiction is; I haven't seen too many cases on it, I haven't researched it-- nor I have EVER read it about it before in a novel. I can see where the lines might be a little blurred to some--the difference between an actual addiction or just promiscuity. However, I never thought ONCE that Lily didn't suffer from addiction.. It's raw, gritty and very, very hard to witness at times. That's what makes this book so amazing. When I a finish a book and left thinking, emotional and just generally suffering that feeling that a band-aid was just ripped off, I applaud the author(s). Becca and Krista did an amazing job capturing Lily's desperation. Her turmoil and her reckless behavior.

My heart really went out to Lily. She had been suffering for years. Not only to sate her addiction, but to live out her crafted lie with Lo to protect herself and hide it from her friends and family. Then again, there were times where I felt she was SO SELFISH I couldn't stand it. Her thoughts that her behavior doesn't affect anyone but herself and that is was less reckless than others was really hard to grasp. She puts herself in harms way every time she hooks-up with someone. Sure, she was safe for the most part but that doesn't mean that what she was putting herself through emotionally wasn't any less harmful. Not only was she suffering from her OWN addiction, she was an enabler to Lo's. This is where I start thinking. She didn't feel like she had the RIGHT to tell Lo to stop drinking, since it would make her a hypocrite. Then again, she used him to sate her addiction as a way to help lessen his intake. It took me awhile to comes to terms with this, because it was NOT okay. Yet, you can't help but sympathize because she knows it's wrong. She knows it's selfish but she can't help it. It's so.. RAW.

When things started to change between her and Lo, you can't help but SEE the disaster coming. I loved them together though. They had been friends for years, having each other's backs at every turn. You KNOW they feel more for each other than what is initially let on and you can't help but to root for them. They are each other's rock AND kryptonite (aside from their addictions, that it). I honestly thought it would have taken them longer to get together, but there was more to the drama and plot than meets the eye. It took awhile to see the direction of where things were going, due to some serious slow parts in the middle, when Connor and then Ryke enter the picture. I liked Connor form the beginning. He is funny, a little too arrogant but is a REAL friend to both Lily and Lo. As for Ryke... Hm.. Like I said, I didn't know the direction of where the story was going to go with him in it. It was random and threw me off when he's concerns came out about Lo. Still, he was a good friend to Lo and at times, Lily. I thought it was an interesting plot twist, albeit random. I also really loved Rose, Lily's older sister. She was pretty crass at first though, so it caught me a little by surprise how INVOLVED she became in everything.

My Peeve- Well, it's minor things. The middle of the book was really, really slow and I hate having that "WHERE IS THIS GOING" feeling. There were too many similar scenes that I felt we could have went without. There were also some inconsistencies with the writing. One minute, Lily would be "wiping her hands on her jeans" and the next " Fixing her dress", so which was it?

Overall- I REALLY liked Addicted to You. Although there were some things I personally could have done without, I thought this was an amazing book overall. It's dark, gritty and one of the best NA's I have read in a long time. I will defiantly be continuing on with this series

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Megan E Hojnacki

Megan E Hojnacki


Addicted to You Review

Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2024

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am not sure how I felt about this book. I gave it a three, because I didn't really like either of the main characters. And it's not that I had issues with their addictions. It was that both were very selfish and very much not great people in certain aspects and there wasn't a lot of character growth until the very end. I am however very interested in the side characters, Rose and Connor, Ryke and Daisy, and Sam and poppy. I am interested in seeing the rest of Lily and Lo's story unfold, and I hope the books will get better from here.

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Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2021

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I was in a reading slump, and this book was recommended everywhere so I decided to give it a read. A few chapters in, and I knew it was a mistake:

Honestly, I’m all for what the authors were trying to convey through the story - the power of addiction, how it affects those around you, how it ruins your life. And I appreciate the fact that they were conveying raw, real emotions through a character driven novel. However, there were quite a few things that just didn’t sit right with me.

The writing style was not for me. It reminded me of Wattpad too much. It was too repetitive sometimes - especially with her sex addiction. I felt like it was disconnected at times and the writers could have done a better job at making it flow.

I understand that they really wanted to emphasize both their addictions, but at times it just became too much. It made me sick sometimes to constantly read about how she imagines having sex with any guy she sees. I realize that this is a real addiction, and I’m in no way trying to undermine its effects and severity, it was just too much for me. I cringed every time they had sex. It was just not enjoyable to read.

As for the characters, I really don’t know what to think of Lily and Lo. Sometimes, Lo’s character made me want to scream. He wasn’t always good to Lily and he was toxic in a lot of ways. The same goes for Lily, but I feel like she was so scared most of the time. Maybe because he was an alcoholic and she didn’t know what to expect next? My favorite character was probably Rose. She was always so supportive, encouraging and really cared for her sister and her well being. I’m really excited to read her series!

I don’t know why Lily and Lo’s story continues on for four more books, but I guess I’ve got to read them to understand Rose and Connor’s story.

Anyway, overall, the only thing I really appreciated about the book was its realness. Even though I didn’t want to continue a few chapters in, this book kept me hooked. And it got me out of my reading slump, so bonus points for that!

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