In Any Lifetime: A Novel

4.1 out of 5

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A devoted husband defies fate and risks everything to find the one universe where his beloved wife is still alive in this bold and thought-provoking novel.

Dr. Jonas Cullen has spent his career as a groundbreaking physicist defying the odds. But on the best night of his life―the night his wife, Amanda, tells him they’re finally having a baby―everything is taken away when a tragic car accident claims the lives of Amanda and their unborn child.

Gutted by pain, Jonas sets out to find a way to bring back Amanda―or rather, find a parallel universe in which she’s still alive. But that’s easier said than done. As Jonas comes to understand all too well, the universe favors certain outcomes…and Amanda’s death is one of them.

Guggenheim’s novel takes readers on a suspenseful journey, intercutting scenes of Jonas’s frantic, present-day search across multiple realities with glimpses from the past of his unfolding romance and eventual marriage. Will Jonas and Amanda reunite in some other world, or will fate succeed in taking her from him forever?

347 pages,




First published July 31, 2024

ISBN 9781662518034

About the authors

Marc Guggenheim

Marc Guggenheim

A native of Long Island, New York, Guggenheim is an Emmy Award-winning writer and producer of television shows (ARROW, DC'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, TROLLHUNTERS, CARNIVAL ROW), movies (GREEN LANTERN, PERCY JACKSON - SEA OF MONSTERS), comic books (X-MEN GOLD, BLADE), video games (CALL OF DUTY 3, SINGULARITY), and novels (OVERWATCH).

Guggenheim currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife Tara, a fellow TV writer and WGA nominee, and the showrunner of REAPER and AGENT CARTER. They have two daughters and four pets.

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a sci-fi love story

Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2024

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Fast paced and well told, this is first a love story, filled with the expected and anticipated elements amongst a few well positioned surprises. As Science fiction, it takes acceptable license with imagination and a future, including the chapters that address one that’d terrifying. Fun read

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Did not want it to end!

Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2024

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Wow wow wow. This is like a time travel romance, sci fi, thriller… all wrapped into one. I could not put this down, but also didn’t want it to ever end. This will definitely make my top reads of the year. This had me swooning, gave me heart palpitations, crying, ALL THE FEELS. It has a lot of not great reviews, but my oh my, it was absolutely incredible in my opinion. This might be one that “altered my brain chemistry”.

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Book Club Member

Book Club Member


A Sci Fi Fan's Delight!

Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2024

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If you are a sci fi fan, this book is for you! I enjoyed an old TV Series called "The Sliders" in which the characters travelled to Earths in parallel universes in search of their "home" Earth. This entertaining book does the same, as a Nobel Prize Winner who studied the possibility of travelling among parallel universes, desperately sought a world where his beloved wife had not died in a car crash. Each universe he found fascinated me. There was one in which the Germans had won World War II. New York was known as New Berlin. In some worlds, the man himself was deceased. In other worlds, his wife was dead from other causes. In two worlds, he met the same woman who almost became a love interest. To complicate matters more, there was a jealous and dangerous former colleague who found a way to track the protagonist's location and who was intent on following him for the purpose of killing him and/or his wife. Guggenheim did a magnificent job of exploring nuances of the different worlds that were in some ways the same, but different in so many others. Differences in technology were very entertaining. Each reader can discover for himself if the two lovers were ever reunited.

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Amazon Customer

Amazon Customer


Fun read! Suspensful page turner

Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2024

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Marc writes with a compelling style. His plot unfolds with a steady throttling of suspense that builds to a satisfying crescendo to the last page. His characters are well defined and developed with some brutal and heartbreaking story arcs that would do George RR Martin proud . Highly recommend

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S. English

S. English


Recommend! One of my top books of 2024

Reviewed in the United States on July 26, 2024

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I loved this book and devoured it within days. Wasn't sure what to expect, but this was a fun and twisted story, not quite predictable and with many twists and turns. Great story and plot ... something we all probably think about from time to time: what would happen if there actually are infinite "parallel worlds" which branch off every time we make a decision? What if we could go between them? This was a superb story and a fun read. Definitely recommend this book for something new and different!!

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Kindle Customer

Kindle Customer


I really enjoyed this book

Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2024

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This is my first experience with this author. I thought this book was well crafted, and the characters likeable (or hateable as appropriate). It's obvious that a lot of time and effort went into this book, as there were no glaring plot holes, or inconsistencies. The book is well written, well edited and entertaining. Enjoy!

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The Music Wizard

The Music Wizard


In the end, it's all about obsession and love.

Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2024

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I really wasn't expecting anything awesome, because, to be honest, I don't believe in a multiverse. I don't WANT to believe in a multiverse.

But Mr. Guggenheim has managed to make it sound at least plausible, and his characterizations of Jonas, Amanda, Victor, and Eva are done very well.

I did notice that he tied things up nicely in a bow at the end, but I'm still pretty saddened by how poorly Eva was treated overall.

But, then again, it's a's going to be even more unfair than a singular reality.

I DO take exception to one thing, which is why I only gave it four stars. The author, through Victor, keeps insisting that the Universe does not want Jason and Amanda together. Why not? Isn't the multiverse big enough for a singular happy ending? Or are all of the opposing machinations a factor of Victor's countermanipulation? And, in all of the multiverses, wouldn't there be one where Jonas and Victor worked together?

But it was a good yarn. The ending is satisfactory. There's nothing wrong with "happily ever after".

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Book Lover

Book Lover


Much better than Dark Matter

Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2024

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Stories about time travel and parallel worlds are having their moment right now. I confess I love the unlimited possibilities these concepts offer. I dove into the Apple TV series Dark Matter but found it raised more questions than it answered and in some ways it was downright silly. In Any Lifetime addressed the same concepts but presented them in a more logical and entertaining manner. Like the tv series, this is a story about a man trying to get back to his wife, the love of his life, after traveling through the multiverse. , In the series the story is fragmented among many variations of the main character and the most sympathetic version is rather passive. His nemesis is anctually one of the other versions of himself. In this book Jonas Cullen is a Nobel Laureate who uses his knowledge of parallel worlds to actively try to set right the tragedy of his wife’s death. The villain in this story is a rival scientist who accuses him of stealing his work. Did I understand the science underpinning the plot? Since this is all theoretical, you might say, I understood enough to go along for the ride. Having text rather than visuals to refer to made the story easier to follow and having a clearly defined enemy made a more enjoyable conflict. So if you are into the intriguing idea of other worlds, I recommend this. I just wouldn’t worry about the science behind the story.

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Parallel universe love story

Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2024

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There's science and then there's Fate; wrapped around a love story. Entertaining read and interesting narrative style jumping to the past to unfold the love story while the present is action packed trying to outrun and out-will destiny

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Ed E. Morawski

Ed E. Morawski


Good - and Bad

Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2024

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BAD: The methodology of traveling between realities doesn't make sense even in the realm of quantum physics - and so is purposely vague. There is no evidence or theory that the multiverse is limited in any manner. It is infinite and therefore there are infinite possibilities. For the author to wish it differently just to drive the plot in a certain way is a cop out. There are way too many convenient coincidences in the story - again, a contrived approach to the plot.

GOOD: The love story is interesting, as is the nemesis of Victor.

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