Does It Hurt?: Alternate Cover

4.3 out of 5

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Who am I?

I've forgotten the answer to that question long ago. Ever since I ran from that house, so desperate to escape, I left with only the clothes on my back and socks on my feet. After that day, I've only ever walked in stolen shoes.

Could I be a girl who is searching for the meaning of life in faceless men? They were all so forgettable. Until he came along. He took me under a waterfall and made me forget my name, and in return, I took his instead.

Enzo Vitale.

An enigmatic man that will only ever love the deep sea. Or rather the predators that inhabit it. Turns out, he's not so different than the monsters he feeds. He lured me onto his boat like a fish in the ocean, seeking vengeance for my crime. Had I realized his intentions, and that a massive storm would leave us shipwrecked, I would've run.

Now, I'm a girl who's seeking refuge in a decrepit lighthouse with a man who loathes me almost as much as he craves me. He wants to hurt me, but the old caretaker of the abandoned island may have intentions far more sinister.

It's no longer a question of who I am, but rather, will I survive?

430 pages,





First published July 17, 2022

ISBN 9781957635026

About the authors

H. D. Carlton

H. D. Carlton

H. D. Carlton is an International and USA Today Bestselling author. She lives in Oregon with her husband, Bigfoot, two dogs, and cat. When she’s not bathing in the tears of her readers, she’s watching paranormal shows and wishing she was a mermaid. Her favorite characters are of the morally gray variety and believes that everyone should check their sanity at the door before diving into her stories.

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Reading with FeFe

Reading with FeFe


Enzo is the epitome of spicy!!

Reviewed in the United States on April 3, 2023

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1st person/dual pov Spice: 10/5 - Hot AF!

WHOA... just whoa. If I had to sum this book up in just one word it would be that one. I am so glad I held off on reading this until the audio was out because experiencing it for the first time on audio was beyond amazing. I am once again blown away by the performance of Troy and Michelle. I have listened to them narrate together before but this one is my favorite of theirs. It. Was. Perfect. Troy's accents are phenomenal, but the old man in the lighthouse felt like a whole new person joined the cast! And don't even get me started on Enzo and his drool-worthy Italian self. My Italian obsessed self was all but clawing at my headphones wanting to pull that man into real life haha! However, my favorite thing about the narration was Michelle's performance. Her sassy and sarcastic attitude towards Enzo made their banter truly come to life and the way she delivered all of the little quirky things that Sawyer would say when anxious had me hollering! It felt so genuine and real that it just made me love the character even more. It's audiobooks like this that keep you coming back for more.

Now for the story itself. I had no idea what to expect when the book started. We know Sawyer is running from someone and something in her past but we aren't really sure what. She alludes to the fact that she is a fugitive so we assume it's the law she is running from but still, I wasn't completely sure that was the whole situation. I also had no idea what she could have done to warrant being hunted down. It's all very mysterious and will definitely keep your attention hooked. In a last-minute change of plans to avoid being caught, she lands herself on a plane and winds up in a little coastal town in Australia. Here we find out that she has been stealing the identities of different men in order to fly under the radar and avoid being found. She is determined to keep a low profile and only spends money on things she feels she needs to in order to survive and not draw attention to herself. This has worked for her for years and no one has ever caught on to her. Then she meets Enzo.

Enzo is this dark and broody gorgeous Italian man with a chip on his shoulder and Sawyer knows spending even one night with him is a terrible idea yet she can't stop herself. After a night together that neither of them expected Sawyer does what she always does and steals the information she needs before leaving his house without a backward glance. She never expected him to see him again. So when he runs into her several days later and invites her out on his boat she gives in and goes knowing this is yet another terrible idea. What she didn't know was that Enzo had a secret of his own and no longer feels anything for her but hatred. A secret that led to rushed decisions and not checking the weather before hitting the water. Actions that land them in the middle of the ocean where a storm creeps up on them putting their lives in danger. Now they must work together to survive until they can find a way to make it back to civilization while facing the secrets between them that are all slowly coming to the surface. Oh and not giving into the intense attraction they have for one another of course lol.

This story has way more suspense to it than I was expecting and I loved it. If you like a good bit of mystery with your romance then this is a good one to pick up. It's got some great humor as well because the banter between these two is full of sass and enemies to lovers/hate to like or love you vibes. I thought it was paced very well and didn't feel like it was dragging on even though several weeks go by with them stranded together. And if you want something spicy that will blow your mind and have your libido doing jumping jacks well this one will do that and then some!

The. Spice. Is. Next. Level. Just when I thought I couldn't be shocked by some of these smutty scenes anymore here comes Enzo and his wild AF ways of bringing someone to ecstasy until they almost die. And no I'm not kidding - near death is sometimes an understatement lol. I honestly never thought I would find myself using spicy and sharks together to describe a book but I should really learn to never say never in the romance world, especially when it comes to dark romance. (and yea sharks are involved but no - no lines like "that" were crossed so before anyone jumps to crazy conclusions just chill - we like it dark but not that dark over here so kindly step away from the report buttons and read the book first so you know what I'm talking about lol) Beyond that you've got a dirty talking man, in English and Italian thank you very much, who's mission is to bring his partner to ecstasy in ways that are nothing short of a religious experience. Telling someone you're going to see God may induce an eye roll until you realize he meant it literally and not figuratively haha! I can promise you that whether you're religious or not this man would make you see the gates of some sort of afterlife before bringing you back from the brink via 0rg@sm. That my friends is enough to have me sold on any book and the fact that the rest of it is so enjoyable is just a bonus.

So run, don't walk, and listen to daddy Enzo learn you a thing or two about experiencing life-altering spice hahaha. But please if you need TWs do not, I repeat do not, skip the ones for this book. Trust me. It's worth it because Enzo just knocked Zade out of his top spot when it comes to HD Carlton's book men and that alone is saying something.

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Reviewed in the United States on July 28, 2024

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This story was intriguing and suspenseful, add well written characters and well written SPICY scenes made a well written story. The FMC Sawyer ,is running from her past stealing identities to live on happens to run into a wrong man MMC Enzo. The story is so well written that it keeps you interested until the end. There are scenes where by you amazed, not once did I feel lost or bored so therefore I had to finish it in one day and that same evening. Now I can see why, “Does It Hurt “, is so popular . The intense and erotic sex scenes are so beautifully designed to emulate the euphoric description allowing you to experience all . Throughout this book you are emerged with the characters ( Sawyer and Enzo) land their feelings and personalities and you will fall into Love with them both. It’s a MUST READ! Enjoy & Happy Romance reading!

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Sharks and spice

Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2024

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I wanted to read this for the shark and boat scene people were talking about but enjoyed the whole story. Finding out why Sawyer was on the run and what happened in her past was sad. I loved the stick and poke tattoo Sawyer received waiting on the bus. The banter when Sawyer meets Enzo was hilarious. I was on the edge of my seat reading the shark and boat scene waiting to see what the sharks would do. The lighthouse and Sylvester was a mystery I kept trying to figure out as pieces unraveled. There was definitely something weird going on with a curfew and the noises. Sylvesters back story kept me guessing on who he was and what really happened before Enzo and Sawyer arrived. I was shocked at what Sylvester was going to do to Sawyer to make her stay with him. I loved the back and forth between Sawyer and Enzo with their love/hate relationship. It was so sweet when Enzo was protecting Sawyer. I loved the ending. It was funny when Enzos went back to work and being fussed at for missing work. Plus the shark cage scene at the end. I really enjoyed this story and would recommend for others as well.

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Another masterpiece

Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2024

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5 stars (I couldn't stop thinking about the book for weeks, ruined other books I read next) 4 spice (there was plenty of spice, but there was still a really good plot) Before anything else, be sure to CHECK THE TW'S Ok, that's taken care of. Let's get into it. Tropes: forced proximity, can't stand each other to lovers, glow worms. Review: HD Carlton has a distinct writing voice and I love it. The story had unexpected twists and emotional moments. If you want an accelerated heart rate and a broody MMC, this is for you. All hail the bean gods!

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Flipping Nap Time

Flipping Nap Time


So much more than just romance!

Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2024

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As a dark romance reader I’m so sad I waited so long to read a book by H.D. Carlton! Does it Hurt? Has it all! Romance, spice, near death experiences, action, paranormal activity, a sweet HEA, sharks, Italian accents! Enzo and Sawyer are the perfect storm. The chemistry between them is electric and jumps off the page effortlessly. Sylvester gave me the creeps and I’m sure the description of how he mangled his daughter will haunt me for a bit. If you haven’t read a thriller romance, you are missing out! 10/10 recommend!

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Chenell Bates

Chenell Bates



Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2024

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Now this book right here!!

I have read books that had me in my emotions, but this one right here had me picking it up and not putting it down for hours and in the next second being pissed off and not wanting to pick it back up for days!! ( but in the best way possible) this book grabbed me by the hair and did not let me go!!

This book was well written and needs to be a movie!!! Now this is definitely a 100 stars read!!!!! I never knew what was going to happen and I’m so happy about everything that took place. Minus the whiplash Sawyer & Enzo put me through.

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CE Griffin

CE Griffin


What A Ride

Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2024

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I truly didn't know what to expect but nothing prepared me for this story. Enzo and Sawyer carry such strong emotional baggage with them that the likelihood they would find each other is very slim. Just meeting in a bar by chance leads the two on a discovery journey that finds them in true peril, but through it all, they find each other. They also discover how worthy they are of living a good life. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for more than just a quick romance.

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Marlene Rico

Marlene Rico


Ummm, just read it

Reviewed in the United States on July 2, 2024

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I’m afraid to start this one…lol, “Does it Hurt” by miss HD Carlton, is a dark yet satisfying story!

It’s dark, it’s romance ❤️‍🔥, it’s a must read. Sawyer, a gal on the run from her past, poor girls end goal is to survive at whatever cost and not get caught, her hustle is respected, and then we have Enzo, a man with his own dark secrets. Their intense relationship forces both to confront their traumas and trust each other, the only way to survive is to trust one another, at times they seem as if they are not on the same team, but they learn quickly that there is no playing this game alone…♥️

Miss Sawyer is strong and resilient, her journey is about survival and self-discovery, she does anything she needs to do to keep moving forward, IMO she has no idea where she is headed, she has no end goal her only goal is survive. Mr. Enzo is dominant and enigmatic, he shows a softer side as he connects with Sawyer, but before he becomes sweet, we see his sour...

This dark romance book has a gripping storyline, but its darkness theme and explicit content may not be for everyone. I on the other hand really enjoyed it. 😜

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Just one niggling detail - Spoilers at the end

Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2024

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I have a love-hate relationship with dark romances. I have to constantly remind myself that I can't hate the main characters because they're "morally gray." That's what I signed up for. To each their kinks, "your kink is not my kink, and that's OK," I would never kink-shame, etc. Even when I'm angry at a character (fine, it's usually the hero) because I think they went too far and the forgiveness gets stuck in my throat and chokes me, I understand: it's a DARK romance. And that's ok. I can take them in small doses, once in a blue moon.

This particular author did a fantastic job with the Cat and Mouse Duet, "Satan's Affair," and "Where's Molly." I loved, LOVED those, no matter how many times I got uncomfortable or cringed. In fact, it's only the second dark romance ever that I will read a second time. Not right away, oh no. I need an IV drip of puppies and kittens and unicorns first, ha! But eventually I'll go back to it because the characters are just that awesome. I probably should review those, actually.

However... "Does It Hurt?"... I may want to read it again, in maybe a year. But this was one of those instances where I was really mad at a character at one point - ok, it was Enzo - and I struggled because I had a hard time with the "enemies" part. There were several moments where I felt it was too much and he was just too cruel. I think it went on just a tad too long, just a hair over my breaking point, and it's by sheer stubbornness that I kept going because I love Cat and Mouse so much and I really, really enjoy this author. In the end, I am glad I read this because, as far as dark romances go, it's definitely swoon-worthy. Enzo redeems himself in a magnificent way, which makes me grateful I stuck it out. I also adore his career, so he had a lot going for him from the start, heh.

It's just that there was this one thing... In general, I have no trouble suspending disbelief - provided the context is there, of course - because these are stories, they are an escape. I am A-OK with these dramas because that will NEVER happen to me personally, heh. But when you know this can be wrapped up in a beautiful bow and be perfect, even imperfectly perfect / perfectly imperfect, when you do hit a snag, it's a bit disappointing. And I know I'm probably splitting hairs, but still...


I am happy to not look too closely at certain details (don't Trinity and Kacey have birth certificates somewhere? there should be a record of that, no?), I won't dissect and look for flaws, BUT there is this one thing... If people found out how Kevin was a disgusting excuse for a human being and his other victims came forward after his death, then what about Garrett? I mean, sure, I can picture Sawyer never hearing about what happened, never watching the news, etc., that's fine. But what about Garrett and his emails? So, in the six years Sawyer was running, even if it was two or three emails per year, he never told her the truth came out? If it was just telling her to turn herself in without mentioning something as monumental as the fact that Kevin was indeed guilty, I might have accepted it and not looked twice. But in the one email we, as the readers, get to see, he says things like Sawyer should face what she's done because Kevin was the one person who loved her so much and she should turn herself in because she owes it to him... Um. That's not how you talk about someone you thought of as your good friend and come to find out was actually a piece of sh#t. In all those six years, Garrett never said, oh by the way, sorry for not believing you, sorry for what you went through, something like that? Or how about just, hey, everyone knows now that he was a sicko, so I'll help you get the best defense? I'm scratching my head here. And even if, say, Garrett was just as sick as Kevin - they were buddies and all that - then wouldn't Kevin's victims have mentioned a second abuser? Honestly, I was waiting for Garrett to show up, like boo! plot twist! I'm here to shut you up because you're a loose end! I thought there was going to be another showdown. I feel like this was a plot hole that was a bit too glaring. It's like the author forgot about Garrett's character, even though, quite a bit past the halfway point, I think, Sawyer actually tells Enzo that one of Kevin's buddies still emails her every once in a while to threaten her or whatever. That's my niggling detail: what about Garrett?

Other than that, I thought it was a really great story.

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Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2024

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I’m not really sure how I feel about the plot. I know this isn’t like Haunting Adeline but if you look at the characters, they have similar (very similar, damn near identical) personalities and humor. It could just be how the author creates the FMC but it leads me to comparing both books and this doesn’t come close. I have a hard time with Enzo’s “dark” persona they sprinkle in there. I know I know, two different books…but Zade’s personality screamed dark dominant and that’s who his character was. But Enzo? It doesn’t make sense for his “dark” “do as I say” personality. It clashes with his moral compass. At least it did for me. It’s a good book but it wasn’t amazing to me.

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