Dr Stanton

4.5 out of 5

22,203 global ratings

If happiness is a gift.

Then Cameron Stanton is my Santa Claus.

I can’t tell you the exact moment I fell in love with him.

Only that I did.

With every glance, every touch, every minute…. he stole a little more of me.

They say that all men are created equal.

Well that’s a blatant lie!I know because I met Gods gift to women in Vegas, I pretended he was my husband to get rid of another man.

He took our fake marriage seriously and it became his personal goal to consummate.

He spoke to me in French and I lied to him in German.

His laughter was addictive.

But I thought what happens in Vegas would stay in Vegas.

Until it didn't.

Dr. Stanton turned up where I least expected and my lies came back to haunt me.

The attraction is palpable.

The secrets unchangeable.

I need him more than air.

This is a stand alone, contemporary romance.

576 pages,




First published July 19, 2017

ISBN 9781975895785

About the authors

T L Swan

T L Swan

T L Swan is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and #1 Amazon Best Selling author. With millions of books sold, her titles are currently translated in twenty languages and have hit #1 on Amazon in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and Germany. Tee resides in Sydney, Australia with her husband and their three children where she is living her own happy ever after with her first true love.

Stop by and meet Tee in her private Facebook group, Swan Squad VIP, or check out her website: https://tlswanauthor.com

Suggested Reading Order:

My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1)

The Stopover (The Miles High Club #1)

The Takeover (The Miles High Club #2)

The Casanova (The Miles High Club #3)

The Do-over (The Miles High Club #4)

Miles Ever After (The Miles High Club – Extended Epilogue)

Mr. Masters (The Mr. Series #1)

Mr. Spencer (The Mr. Series #2)

Mr. Garcia (The Mr. Series #3)

Our Way (Standalone Book)

Play Along (Standalone Book)

The Italian (The Italians #1)

Ferrara (The Italians #2)

Stanton Adore (Stanton Series #1)

Stanton Unconditional (Stanton Series #2)

Stanton Completely (Stanton Series #3)

Stanton Bliss (Stanton Series #4)

Marx Girl (Stanton Series – set 5 years later)

Gym Junkie (Stanton Series – set 7 years later)

Dr. Stanton (Dr. Stanton – set 10 years later)

Dr. Stantons – The Epilogue (Dr. Stanton – epilogue)

Find Me Alastar (Find Me Alastar Series - #1)

Special Edition Christmas Book Available from the 15th December every year:

Alaskan Jack (His Christmas List – available 15 Dec. – 15 Jan.)

The Christmas Angel (His Christmas List – available 15 Dec. – 15 Jan.)

The Bonus (His Christmas List – available 15 Dec. – 15 Jan.)

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Amazon CustomerLiz

Amazon CustomerLiz


Exciting and provocative

Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2024

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I loved the story. A bit uncomfortable with the rough sex in as much as it sometimes was painful to her. We all have our likes and dislikes. LOL. I'm going on to the next book immediately. I'm hooked.




Good thing Dr. Stanton is a Cardiologist!

Reviewed in the United States on August 19, 2024

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I almost DNF'd this book because I just couldn't take the angst!! My heart was breaking as these two people had serious POWER STRUGGLES throughout the entire second half of the book. I gave it 4.5 🌟 and 4 🌶 because the story with the twists was really good and so was the spice between Cameron and Ashley, just too angsty for me. Tl Swan is an amazing writer and storyteller and this book is no exception. In spite of my feelings while reading this book, I do recommend it and I will be reading the next book! 🤞🏻

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Kindle Customer

Kindle Customer


Loved it!

Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2024

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I have been waiting to read Camerons story! Very cute loved it. Was unexpected love you tl swan! I don't want to finish your books




oh baby!

Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2024

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big fan of this book, the banter was amazing. The way it was written it just reads really easily and gives you all the best feelings. Spice, laughter, understanding of the characters emotional roller coaster,… Big fan of TL swann, have all of her audiobooks and Dokter Stanton and the do-over are my favorites. Hopefully the Stanton series comes to Audible.

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Sam Young

Sam Young


I think this book has given me heart palpitations.

Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2024

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I know I have picked up a great book when I am captivated by the first chapter, have feelings for the characters not even a third of the way through, and feel betrayed personally by a fictional character when they done did messed up. This is a great book! That seems like such an understatement, but it really is one of my top reads of 2024. I head this in just over 24 hours and felt irritated when I had to put it down to adult. Cam and Ash are end game, and they knew it from the very beginning.. but they didn’t think it was important to learn each others names... However a small incident with his phone, and they lose contact for 5 years. Little did Ashley know that she was going to move across the country to start her new career, and the man from 5 years ago was going to be her boss. Lies upon lies, and half truths done make for a great relationship though. These two go through hell and it all could have been avoided if they were truthful with each other from the beginning. I swooned, laughed, cried, and felt the spice in this book. I would 100% recommend. 5/5 stars and my personal spice scale was a 4/5.

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Courtney Sallam

Courtney Sallam


This had me in a whirlwind of emotions

Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2024

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This book is really good, the emotions are everywhere, both good and bad! At times I wanted to cry and I was also so angry with Dr. Stanton for trying to take Ashley’s son, I’m also still angry at the judge!

I loved the chemistry between the main characters and the story line, this read kept me on my toes wanting to know more about what was going to happen. I have to admit I was so all over in my emotions that I was talking out loud to myself about being angry with Cameron for how he treated Ashely and all the double standards. All in all this book was spicy and definitely keeps you on edge with all the twists and turns. I love this author, in a matter of 2 weeks I have read 4 of her books and I am HOOKED! If you are looking for some good spicy reads with a great story these books will instantly hook you. I have been in a whirlwind of emotions behind all of the different characters and stories.

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The perfect pair! The perfect spin-off to Stanton series

Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2017

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The perfect pair! The perfect spin-off to Stanton series. This highly anticipated book did NOT disappoint! Like all of Swan's books, you'll get a rainbow of emotions with this read. Storytelling skills are always on point and writing is very well done, even for the toughest critics.

I enjoy a mouth dropping bombshell and you'll get several with this book. I loved it! From the very first chapter I was hooked. Whenever I find a book that is great from the first chapter I know it's gonna be a good one. The 2 main characters of this book are 2 peas in a pod, they push each other's buttons like crazy. The chemistry is hot, the sex even HOTTER!! He is a typical guy at times and she is a strong willed superwoman. You'll be dragged through the mud with this one. I wanted and did curse at my kindle like a sailor. 24 hours after finishing this book I still have my emotions running high. Swan's books are NOT forgettable they are addictive! Once you start reading her books you'll become a junkie just like me! I received an ARC of this book because when given the chance I jumped on it!

Now, for some things I loved and some things I didn't care for without spoilers!

Loved: The pace of the book. Never a dull moment! The chemistry. You could feel how intense their interaction is. If you like true, real deal match making, you'll love this story. They are truly perfect for each other. Swan wrote them so they were equals. Even though at times it seemed as one had more power over the other, it's just not true in this book. I found that they owed each other rather than one having more power. This book isn't about dominating because they are both strong characters. Which I also love. I hate push over characters. Surprises. I love twists, turns and even cliffhangers. Don't worry this book doesn't have a cliffhanger. But it does have great surprises and moments that are so angsty you'll be like a crazy person reading under the covers while biting your nails waiting to see what happens. You'll want to high five someone when things happen so make sure you read this book with a friend. You'll want to talk about every chapter in detail. This doctor is HOT! This book didn't effect the main series or more books to follow. So you really could read this one and then hop back to the Stanton series. But I highly recommend you read the first books first because it will make you fall in love with Cameron more so. You'll see his character develop more maturely if you read the others first. Plus those are amazing!

Con (for me): This book takes place between 2 doctors, but we didn't get much of their occupation. I was a little disappointed in this. Ashely, the main character and a doctor in training was never called a doctor. She is a strong woman and I would have liked her smarts to come out more at work and not just between her and Cameron.

Somewhere in the middle: Now, if the author does a good job, you feel everything. The good, the bad and the ugly. The author knows them inside out. So being a reader, you create this fantasy of how you perceive a character and it's not exactly as the author does. Swan has written things in previous books that gutted me but I understand why she did it. Still amazing books by the way. In this particular book, somewhere around the midpoint, I started hating a character I never thought I could. I was so angry at one point I thought, that's it, the story will never be the same now. It will never be what I wanted it to be because this thing happened. I actually stayed mad almost till the end of the book. But THEN, the brilliance that is TL Swan happens and she somehow weaves her craft and fixes it. It's not perfect but it became very real. Both parties in the book had to admit defeat in order to try and fix it. Ugh, just thinking about it makes me crazy lol!

This was a grand-slam home run ending! If she had changed one sentence, one sequence of events it would not have ended as it did. Very well thought out ending. I loved this book as well as its characters.

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Linz G

Linz G


Good book. MC is …the worst kind of red flag.

Reviewed in the United States on September 15, 2023

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This book took me on an emotional roller coaster. It was hot, it was good. It was well-written as far as flow and plot.

However… I’m gunna put spoilers down below, so brace yourself and don’t look if you don’t want to know! And boy is this LONG. And RANTY. I feel emotionally raw, unsatisfied, and a very high level of Oh Honey.. NO. By the last page. A BAD book hangover.

TLDR; minimum no spoiler: MC is mean and selfish. There should be groveling IMO and there was not. Bulldozer/flirt/seduces the FMC to forgive him. Even she admits she doesn’t ever forgive him just… leaves it alone. And the relationship/misunderstanding/TRUST issues continue but they just kind of ignore the elephants and live… Happily Ever In Toxic Ignorance? RIP


The FMC works at a VERY high end club that has sex work in the building, but it is NOT a brothel. When the MC finds out she works there he flips and orders her to stop OR ELSE. They also work together at the hospital by day. And.. after their Vegas interlude, she was pregnant with his child.

Now this is where I just wanna crack something in half.

HIS childish actions at the casino (counting cards when he knows and acknowledges he could get banned and acts a fool) get him thrown out and he loses his phone. And her number. So if he hadn’t been an enormous idiot he wouldn’t have lost track of her. And she had no way to contact him.

So while I also don’t condone that she dates him and hides his child from him?

When he does find out, he loses his ever loving MIND. She goes back to working at the club at night to take care of their son. He threatens her again with how their son will feel if he finds out later in life his mom was a prostitute. EVEN IF she doesn’t work in that area.

She goes out for drinks with a few of the girls from the club after he’s been an absolute A-HOLE to her about having his kid and hiding it from her. She needs a break.

Someone at the bar roofies her and she’s brought to the hospital. They do drug tests. She tells him the truth- she was drugged. He doesn’t believe her.

Files court orders and security with his massive bags of money and gets the court to remove her son from her until she “gets her head on straight”. She warns him she’ll never forgive him for that. So does everyone around him.

Changes his mind the day he comes to take their son and he hears her SOUL SHATTERING SCREAM CRIES and sees her in the FETAL POSITION on her couch. They settle into some other sort of arrangement.

They BS around each other for months while he grows close with his son and she is as friendly as she needs to be and shuts down any attempts by him to talk about anything but their child. GOOD FOR HER.

Of course after being confronted with the possibility of her dating or marrying someone else he’s like NO I LIKE HER. I want to eff other women even if I don’t care for them.. but NO WAY she can do the same.

He ends up flirting his way back in her life with THE CRAPPIEST excuses about “putting his son first” and keeping her from being a prostitute and using drugs and just.. wow. WOW.

They screw around and fall “back” in love and she thinks about how she doesn’t really forgive him but just decides to move on. Okay.

They fly to her ex’s mother’s home because she’s dying and wants to see her and the grandson she had emotionally adopted. FMC goes to cook supper for her one last time and when she takes headache meds she passes out on the lady’s couch all night.

She wakes up in a panic, sees her phone was on silent and she missed a million calls and the MC won’t answer his phone. She rushes back to the hotel and there’s a note saying they left her and she should just stay behind.

He assumes she slept with her ex and just ditched him and their son.

IMO a real man would have gone TO THE PLACE to see if she was okay not just immediately abandon her as a slut and steal their child away.

BUT WAIT he has a flash of concience last second and goes back for her. Doesn’t really believe she didn’t cheat on him but just moves on.

They live happily ever after.

There was no groveling. No therapy. No talking about important stuff. This hot rich dude just mowed her over. Didn’t give a f she was drugged or was doing what she had to do to take care of his child- that he would have known about if he wasn’t a POS and lost his phone because he was acting like a DOOSH.

There is no way even in fantasy land this is a healthy relationship or that marriage will ever work out.

I was sobbing WITH the FMC when the man she loved called her a drug addicted whor3 and TOOK HER SON AWAY.

My crying and rage carried me through the end of the book where the most sour and angry taste is left in my mouth. That child is going to grow up in the worst home. But at least he’ll be rich. Cameron Stanton is one of the absolute worst MCs I’ve ever read.

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Tiffany S

Tiffany S


McDreamy & McSteamy

Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2022

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I’ve been waiting to read this book for quite a while. I couldn’t wait to see how Cams story played out and oh was it so worth the wait! Cam Stanton is sexy personified and he knows it. He’s intelligent, cultured and knows his way around a woman’s body better than most. So when he spontaneously meets a woman who matches not only wits with him but blows his mind in bed he’s immediately taken with her. Through an unfortunate series of events he loses contact with her and for 5 yrs she’s the girl that got away. When fate brings her back into his life as one of his interns he can not believe his luck. He pursues her with singleminded focus, falling deeper and deeper in love with her every day.

Ashley never thought she would see Cam again. After the best night of her life she’s done nothing but think of him for the last 5 yrs. When she takes an internship on the other side of the country she never thought it would be with him. Now that she has him back in her life she doesn’t want to let him go. But she’s hiding a secret that will inevitably change everything between them.

I loved this book so much I can’t even put it into words. It was such a good read. Witty, charming, sexy and so painfully endearing. This had some of the best banter I’ve read in a while and the spice was definitely giving what it was supposed to. I love how these two characters came together. And without giving away anything how their shared goals almost ripped them apart. It was interesting to see how you can want the exact same things and still be on opposite sides of the spectrum. This whole series was so good but Dr.Stanton is a major stand out. 4 Stars and I can’t wait for more ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

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Crystal S.

Crystal S.


2.5 stars

Reviewed in the United States on August 24, 2021

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I have seen this book recommended all over the place in the reading groups that I'm in. So much so that I bought both the audio and the ebook versions. To say that it was a letdown is a gross understatement.

First, this book went on FOREVER. It was over 600 pages. And within those 600 pages, people were smirking left and right. It got to the point that I started cringing every time someone would do it. Eventually I opened the ebook and did a search - that word was used 185 times. And sure, it's 600+ pages, but let me tell you, that was not long enough to explain using it that much. For heaven's sake, even the shy and timid 4 year old was smirking a few times. There are plenty of other words that could have been used, or just removed the sentence as it didn't add anything to the story.

The next thing that got me was all the British terminology. Don't get me wrong, I love Brits and pretty much everything about them, so this is not anything bad about that. BUT this book is set in Los Angeles, and while the H was Australian, the h was not. So for HER to be the ones thinking and saying the phrases, it grated on my nerves. Things like taking him 'to hospital' or waiting in line at a taxi queue and everyone saying 'Bloody Hell.' While these don't take away from the story, and it's still understandable context, it was happening frequently enough to bother me every time it happened.

The rest was pretty minor in terms of ticking me off; the petty fights between the couple, their constant blowing things out of proportion when a simple conversation would have cleared things up, the rapid forgiveness of perceived grievous offenses. I feel like if the book would have been shortened by at least 200 pages, I wouldn't have minded all of this, but as it was already drawn out, every little thing started getting to me. And honestly, I'm not sure why it was on my radar other than maybe I had just seen it recommended so many times that I felt like I needed to read it? I tend to lean more towards darker books, or ones with a J/P hero, or certain tropes. But this one didn't hit any of those categories.

What this book did have going for it was the narration on the audiobook! That was my saving grace. Both Andi Arndt and Stephen Dexter nailed the emotions and accents.

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