The Failed Audition (Circus Is Family)

4.6 out of 5

1,212 global ratings

Love is a circus

Thora James has one dream. Become an aerialist in Amour, the sexy new acrobatic show on the Vegas strip.

Her dreams do not include:

    1. Meeting Nikolai Kotova the night before her audition
    1. Losing a bet to that confident, charming, and devilishly captivating six-foot-five "God of Russia"
    1. Letting that devil pierce an...intimate part of her
    1. Walking into her audition and seeing him there

So when Thora fails the most important audition of her life and refuses to give up her dream, Nikolai feels compelled to protect the innocent, Midwest girl with dark-as-night eyes.

But Sin City is ready to swallow Thora whole, and with Nikolai being her ultimate protector, Thora starts realizing her dreams might be changing.

And that's her greatest fear of all.

This sexy and unputdownable Contemporary Romance can best be described as Cirque du Soleil meets the steamy, athletic romance of Center Stage.

442 pages,



First published January 13, 2021

ISBN 9781950165292

About the authors

Becca Ritchie

Becca Ritchie

Krista & Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins--one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek--but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.

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Mia Castillo

Mia Castillo


Krista and Becca have done it again!

Reviewed in the United States on December 16, 2014

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Ah, where do I begin??? I've been anticipating this book ever since K&B announced they were doing a book about the circus. Ever since I read The Night Circus, books about the circus peaked my interest. To be honest, this book was not what I expected... It was even better! :D There were so many parts that hit home. Especially when Thora would keep trying and failing and then get discouraged to the point where she wanted to quit. I feel that on so many levels, man. As a person who got rejected to my college's Nursing Program a lot, at one point, I've felt that I wasn't good enough and I should choose a new career path. Thinking that, I felt so lost because I've worked my butt off for this for so long that I didn't know what else to do. I'm still trying and Thora's determination and success gives me hope. (: It would be nice (really really nice lol) if I had Nikolai to tell me I was good enough and to not give up (and kiss me. what? I didn't say that), though. But I can be my own cheerleader like Thora lol Still, it would be nice to have Nikolai by my side haha! And omg, VEGAS. I mean, I live in Vegas (lol), but it was nice have a book set in my hometown. Especially a book by Krista and Becca :3 I felt closer to it and its characters :3 They pretty much got it down to the T. thumbs up emoji I thought they were on point with the Vegas life. Well, the things that happen in The Strip area lol Every time I look at it now, I think of Nikolai and Thora living so near me even though they're fictional! Lol Plus, there are studio apartments just a little farther from The Strip that it was what I imagined Thora's place to be at. It's probably a little fancier, but still my imagination of the where she would be lol I wish The Masquerade was real. And The Red Death. And Amour. And Nikolai LOL The Red Death would be a club I would go to lol though, I'd probably pretend to be taken and wear the green necklace so that creepers wouldn't go up to me hahahah What else? Oh!!! ADDICTED SERIES REFERENCES LET ME CRY. It was surreal, even to me, that everyone in the gang are famous haha It's probably because we know the real them from reading their POVs a lot that they seem like regular people, but this book sort of brings you to Addicted Series reality and realize they have a tv show, they're rich, and they're famous lol Love. Love. Love it. Also, the scene where the title NOW makes better sense to me lol GENIUS. I love it. So much. Makes me love the title more now and to keep it as my Tumblr title header thingy lol AND ANOTHER THING. The Kotova Family. Yes. Especially Nikolai's immediate family (Timo, Luka, Katya --God, those names are FAN. TASTIC). A million times yes. Looking out for each other - a billion times yes. Nikolai choosing to stay and raise them - A TRILLION TIMES YESSSS. Yes. Yes. Yes. Loved it. All of it. Family parts hits home as well. I'm very protective of my siblings.

Also, a praise to John Ruiz. I felt his character deep into my black soul lolol And he's gay. YES. YES TO ALL GAY CHARACTERS. Timo, I see you. And I love you, too. These two were so fun to read. Especially when together. John being gay caught me by surprise because he reminded me of Ryke so much that, at one point, I thought they were the same person LOL John's character is so unique to me. I've never come across someone gay (fiction or non) who was so brooding lol I LOVE IT, THOUGH. And how him and Timo are the total opposites and still the ship sailed! Yes. I was on that ship before I even knew I was on it lol

Luka gets his own little paragraph because I just love Luka. He's the middle child... ish. Like me! Without the ish because I'm the second out of three lol but I felt a connection with him. He wasn't as rebellious as Timo, but he wasn't reserved either lol He was very helpful when Nikolai needed him. Like his right-hand man. :3 I just love Luka. I love his name, character, everything. I want to hug him. Can I keep him, KB?

There were some parts we didn't get to see in this book that I wish I did. Like they would build it to the end of the chapter and then solve it by the beginning of the next without elaborating. It popped my happy balloon a few times, but that's okay. I understand that it would probably make it 5 times bigger than it is.

Overall, this book was gold. Krista and Becca have done it again! I just wish we got more Thora and Nikolai and not just a standalone of their story because I have now grown attached to them lol if I could give this more than 5 stars I would! This book makes me want to watch a Cirque de Souleil show now lol I lived in Vegas for 12 years now and I still haven't seen one of them :\

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Julie H

Julie H


Thora & Nikolai

Reviewed in the United States on April 10, 2015

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MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - Thora is a simple girl from Ohio, a gymnast with a aerial setup in her garage since she's dreamed of joining the Aerial Ethereal group in Vegas. There is no way she has enough training to meet the rigors of a show that is most likely similar to Cirque du Soleil. But God bless Thora, she puts everything on the line to take a shot at her dreams, including sleeping on the couch of a stranger, risking losing her college scholarship too. "Couch surfer" - that was a new term for me & I was scared for Thora, does she not realize this is Vegas?? Even Nikolai warns her "Vegas is going to swallow you whole, myshka." So another lucky strike for Thora - she meets Nikolai, the God of Russia, the premiere dancer in Aerial Ethereal, in a club one night. Neither of them realize she will soon be auditioning to be his partner in Amour & although they have chemistry in spades, her lack of training shows, she is overshadowed & lacks passion. "Resting bitch face" - another new one for me! Apparently this describes Thora with her dark, sometimes black, eyes & her permanent scowl. Not very realistic again, but luckily Thora has good people around her - roommate Camila, her cousin John, and Nikolai who offers to train her. He thinks she is brave, stupid but brave, for staying & she doesn't want to live with regret, even if she has to lie to her parents. Little does Thora know that Nikolai is training her for her dream part in a performance. Nikolai is spectacular in many different ways. He stayed in Vegas to take care of three of his siblings & Thora loves the family he's created. Her job until she can audition again is really beneath her, basically one step up from being a stripper, instead of a pole she uses an aerial hoop. There comes a pivotal moment when even this terrible job won't cut it & her parents want her to come home. I can't even write this without tears in my eyes - THIS is why Nikolai is fantastic. He looks Thora in the eye and tearfully tells her he doesn't love her. It is obvious she needs to stay for the circus & only for the circus. He can't be responsible for her staying for him. It is obvious I adored this book but a few things bothered me. Although their physical connection is intense & passionate it was too realistic for me. What? I know, weird thing to say but they both have gorgeous bodies at the end of the spectrum, Nikolai super tall & BIG (if you get my drift), Thora super short & TINY. Thora constantly talks about how painful it is & it made it less sexy for me. In the end Nik becomes more aggressive but makes sure Thora is very prepared before he gives it to her good. Also Nikolai gets to pierce Thora's nipple after she loses a bet when they first meet. No big deal...ok, not true. Nipple piercings hurt like crap!! So that's my tiny beef with the book but for me if Nik nailed her with his enormous "talent" & Thora burst into flames, I would have enjoyed the book much more. Favorite quotes: "Am I a mistake?" No, myshka. You're just the unexpected beautiful thing in my life." And when Thora is worried that they won't "fit" together: "I'll be able to fit deep inside you. And when I do, you're going to be entirely full of me." My favorite sexual part was actually funny - Nikolai picks up the vampire smut book of Thora's & reads some of the lines out loud & she just about orgasms right there just from him speaking to her!! The ending was a little too pat & tidy but ok. Nikolai says Amour Amour - his two loves, the circus and Thora, his two passions that can be at perfect balance.

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Lacey @ Booklovers For Life

Lacey @ Booklovers For Life


An exhilarating, unique, inspiring, sexy book that I couldn’t put down!

Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2015

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I am so. in. loooove with Krista & Becca Ritchie’s books!!! They are one of the few authors I can trust – they can literally write anything and I will not hesitate to read it. Their Addicted series is one of my TOP favorite series in the whole wide world, so of course I had to read their standalone!

Amour Amour was SO MUCH FUN to read!!!! It was an exhilarating, unique, inspiring, sexy book that I couldn’t put down! I fell in love with the characters and their stories. I honestly wished it would never end, and I’m a bit sad that it’s a standalone. It ends fantastically but… I wanted more!!!

“You have one year left at college,” he says, “and you’re going to throw it all away?” I shake my head. “It’s the opposite,” I tell him. “My life is just beginning.”

Our heroine, Thora James, gives up everything to move to Las Vegas for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She wants to audition for a role as an acrobat in the show Amour, but it is NOT easy. First, she has to deal with the fallout of leaving college, her family, and her best friend to take a chance at something she could absolutely fail at. I, for one, was so impressed with Thora. If I were in her shoes, I sure as hell wouldn’t have the guts to go through what she did.

Lucky for her, on the first day of Thora’s move to Vegas, she meets the leading performer of Amour, Nikolai Kotova, at his after-show. He offers to train Thora, and Thora now has to endure grueling, exhausting practices with the sexiest man she’s ever met. Nikolai six feet five inches of raw, masculine power. In Thora’s own words:

"He is power. Man. And strength. He is charm and desire and indestructible things."

I adooored Nikolai!! He’s a bit standoffish in the beginning, but when he and Thora keep up with training and spend more time in and out of practices, they warm up to each other. Their romance is fairly slow paced, but it’s genuine and there is a wicked hot chemistry between them. I loved the dynamics between Thora and Nikolai when they were together. They’re funny, tender, sexy, and they felt so real to me that I wished they existed in real life! I loved how Nikolai is so supportive of Thora and her dreams. He definitely stole my heart.

“The things greater than us, Thora, they’re not impossible. It’s just fear talking, telling you that you can’t when you can. I know you can.”

The most fascinating part of Amour Amour is definitely the world of the circus. I was utterly immersed in the circus life, and I applaud the authors for doing such an incredible job of introducing something that I knew nothing about and not letting it be too overwhelming. The circus came to life in this book, and I was riveted the entire time.

The Kotovas, Nikolai’s family, also make up a large part of the story. Timo, Katya, and Luka are Nikolai’s younger siblings who are also part of the circus life. They’re so full of life and character, and it’s so easy to be charmed by them, as Thora was. Thora came to Vegas completely alone, but now, with the Kotovas, she’s created a new family.

It’s tough going for Thora as she continues on with auditions, and my heart was aching with her mounting frustrations. If she fails, she’ll have given up everything with nothing to show for it. But if she succeeds and lands a role, she’ll have to leave Nikolai. But can she leave Nikolai if she’s fallen in love with him?

“Don’t love me more than your dreams, myshka. Because I love you too much to let you give them up for me.”

I loved this book. It’s a fantastic read about chasing your dreams and never giving up on them. The writing is impeccable and the story had me hooked. It did take me a while to warm up to all the characters, but once I did, I fell in love with each one of them. Krista & Becca Ritchie’s characters all take a life of their own and manage to steal my heart. I highly recommend Amour Amour – the story and characters will sweep you away!

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Cannot recommend enough!!

Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2017

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I was so nervous to read this book. I make no secret of my love for these authors, the Addicted Series is one of my all-time favorite series, and I was so nervous because I really wanted this book to be just as great. And in a world filled with generic NA books, these author always manage to make their stories unique and beautiful.

The Ritchie sisters know how to write amazing characters. One of my favorite things about the Addicted Series are the characters, and their relationships between each other, whether it’s familial, friendly, or romantic. Amour Amour is no different, this book has an amazing set of characters, and their relationships with each other feel genuine and realistic.

Thora James has one more year of college to go before she decides to leave it all behind and follow her dream of joining the show Amour in Las Vegas. The Richie sisters always write such amazing female characters (I mean they created the Calloway sisters, goddesses all of them.) Thora was wonderful. She experiences so much growth throughout the story. I mean, quitting college to pursue your goals while everyone doubts you takes some serious bravery and I found it extremely admirable.

In her first night at Vegas she meets Nikolai Kotova, one of the stars of Amour. His relationships with his younger siblings and his unconditional support for Thora made him a memorable hero and I loved his brutal honesty.

The side characters are incredibly well developed, specifically John and the Kotova siblings. They felt so real, and you could feel their ambition, kindness, and talent. They bring humor into the story and fill it with heart-warming moments.

With themes of self-discovery and following your dreams, Amour Amour was a brutally honest read. Thora pushes herself, both emotionally and physically to get to her goals and the amount of road blocks she faced was heartbreaking. And while there is a romance, hello it’s called Amour Amour, it never took over the story, and it wasn’t the main focus.

Overall, this is an NA book that avoids the typical NA cliches and I highly recommend it. If you haven’t checked out any of the Ritchie twins’ books, well, you should.

P.S. I really think a John and Timo book is needed after Infini. (I hope and pray for this) But that’s just me.

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Kim B.

Kim B.


In Review: Amour Amour by Krista & Becca Ritchie

Reviewed in the United States on February 16, 2015

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I'm going to keep my review for Amour Amour short and sweet since I read it over two months ago. Believe me, my failure to write a review has nothing to do with my enjoyment of the book. Because, really, it was absolutely spectacular. I just suck at writing reviews sometimes... especially when I love a book as much as I did this one.

I've been a fan of Krista & Becca Ritchie's books since I first picked up Addicted to You and binge read it while chomping on my fingernails because it was so freaking intense. I've fallen in love with all of their books and each of their characters. If you asked me what my favorite series is right now, I wouldn't hesitate before saying the Addicted series. It's everything. I want it to be a TV show. All that said, I was most excited about Amour Amour because I couldn't wait to see how they wrote characters that aren't Lo, Lily, Connor, Rose, Ryke and Daisy. I wanted to see if they could keep that same magic with new characters. And boy, did they ever.

Everything about Amour Amour was incredible. First and foremost, the characters! I loved Thora. Her character development throughout this book, as she chased her nearly impossible dream of performing, was phenomenal. Even if a reader can't relate to her specific dream, they can understand how she feels about it. Who doesn't have a dream to do what they love most? Nikolai is one of my new favorite book boyfriends. Hellllllo, sexy Russian. Gawd. He was strong and demanding, but a softie underneath. He was totally swoony. The secondary characters in this book? I loved pretty much every single one of them. This is one of the best casts I've read in a book so far. They're all totally worthy of their own books and I hope they get them. Not that I'm greedy or anything...

I loved the setting for this book. It was downright magical. The world-building was fantastic and I felt like I was living every performance with them. I could visualize every move. I've seen Amour Amour described as Cirque du Soleil meets Center Stage and that's just about the most perfect way EVER to describe it. It would make an amazing movie. The performances, characters and their development, romance and hot Russian men would make it the total visual package. I'd watch it. Over and over again.

I was completely enamored with everything about this book. I seriously couldn't walk away from it. Amour Amour can definitely stand on its own, but I would LOVE to see books from the perspectives of some of the other characters. (Or, you know, all of them.) And if I can't have them all, can I at least have a Timo book? Please? He was easily my favorite secondary character. But the others were fantastic too. Everything about this was. It was more than a book. It was an experience. I can't recommend it highly enough.

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4.5 Amour Amour Stars

Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2015

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Amour Amour is a New Adult Romance Standalone by Krista and Becca Ritchie. And when I first heard about it, I was giddy with excitement. I am a humongous fan of their Addicted Series, so I knew we were in for a real treat!

Thora James has dreamed of becoming an aerialist since age fourteen. She's reached a cross road: she's a gymnast, on a scholarship in college, yet she has no passion for what she does or plans to do with her future. And now, shes risking everything to fly to Vegas on a whim for the audition of a lifetime, as an acrobat in an Aerial Ethereal Vegas circus known as Amour. A risky gamble, and despite her friends and family’s warnings, she persists in doing what her heart feels is right.

Thora's first night in Sin City she meets Nikolai Kotova in a very interesting encounter. ... it was absolutely ingenious and hot !!!

Nikolai s a bit of a puzzle for most of the book. As the star of Amour and patriarch of sorts for his brothers and sister, he has a great burden on his shoulders. At times, it seemed he was dealing with everything out of obligation. But as the story evolves, you realize how much family means to him. It’s not obligation but love that drives him. He’s guarded so much, that he doesn’t expose that love often, but its clear that its there, deep down. It’s not until Thora enters his life that love begins to be exposed. Just like with his family, he guards his emotions and like a good poker player, doesn’t show all his cards.

The next morning at auditions, she comes face-to-face with Nikolai, and she is determined to not let it get awkward. Unfortunately, Thora does not land the role she was auditioning for, and she is faced with the a big decision: Go back to Ohio or stay in Vegas in hopes of making something of herself?

Thora is a fighter, in the true sense of the world. For what she lacks in talent, she has in spirit, relying often on her inner cheerleader. When Thora decides to stay in Vegas, she lands a job at The Phantom as an acrobat.

In the meantime, her and Nikolai strike up a friendship and he has agreed to train Thora, There is obviously an instant attraction. Nikolai not only trains her to become better, he prepares her to succeed. Of course, Thora takes this opportunity and says yes. And he becomes the first one to truly believe in her.

"I’d help you every day so that you could see a better tomorrow. I will never give you less than that."

Of course, it's inevitable that their attraction for each other blossoms into something much more. Their passion for circus also brings them closer, but at the same time, is also a hindrance to their "happily ever after".

"The circus is your love,” I whisper. “You told me that, remember? You can’t choose me over your passion."

From the beginning, they both said they would chose the circus before love. But I loved how they realized how great their love is for each other and not even their utmost passion for circus can get in the way of it, especially because it's what brought them together.

“I knew I was attracted to you, but it was more than that. Your energy, your idealism and optimism – I missed those things, the places inside of me that made me feel more alive.”

As a HUGE fan of the Addicted series, I saw some similarities between this book’s main character, Thora, and Lily. They both share a vulnerability, but for completely different reasons. From page one, everyone seems to doubt Thora's talent and her ability to achieve her dream. No one gives her their encouragement in taking such a big risk. And while I appreciate their honesty, not lying to her about her talent, it didn’t seem like anyone helped her to improve. How strong do you have to be to overcome doubt? How long can you take people telling you that you’re not good enough?

What I love about this story was that Thora’s journey wasn't an easy one. She put her former life on hold and took a chance on something that was deep in her heart. While the skills weren’t there from the beginning, the passion and will to do better were there. And that spirit to not give up, to challenge herself is what brings her and Nikolas closer together.

I could not get enough of the secondary/supporting characters.

This is a sweet story about determination and passion. About never giving up. And most importantly about Amour – a show and a feeling that bring two people together, making both of their lives more complete. Love conquers all.

I could not give Amour Amour a 5 star rating only because it not learn as much as I thought we would about the circus, and Amour. I feel like it was only secondary. I guess I came into the book thinking Thora was first and foremost going to land her audition, and that we would be taken behind scenes and upfront close and personal in Amour. But the book was fantastic nonetheless.

Side note: As I mentioned previously, being a HUGE Addicted fan, I loved how they were mentioned on occasion throughout the book. I may have squealed and jumped up and down at their mere mention !!!

Needless to say, this book is going on my shelf!

Krista and Becca Ritchie both have extraordinarily amazing talent. They know how to captivate their readers. Not only can they write, but they are such beautiful and delightful authors that I love to stalk (and they are ok with it).

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Danielle @ What Danielle Did Next

Danielle @ What Danielle Did Next


Amazing character, sizzling sexual chemistry and the circus? Heck yeah!

Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2015

Verified Purchase

The circus is one of those things that just scream wonderment and mystery. A world like no other; filled with characters sporting strange appearances, exotic animals and men and women with immeasurable talent and courage. From the tamer who faces off with some of the world's deadliest predators to the acrobats who fly through the air as if they have wings, a visit always evokes an emotional response. When I spotted AMOUR AMOUR on my twitter feed and read the synopsis and the fact it was written by some of my friends' favourite authors, I knew this book would be right up my street.

Thora is a gymnast who has always harboured a love for the circus. When the opportunity to audition for Amour Amour, a show in one of Las Vegas’ premier Circus shows, Thora risks her college scholarship and her parents’ and friend's approval and heads off for the craziest city in the world. A chance encounter with the show's biggest star, Nikolai, in the most unlikely of circumstances ensures Thora's Vegas adventure gets off to the rockiest of starts. As Thora fights to keep her dream on track, facing setback after setback, she also must contend with her potential co-star and his magnifying presence. Their chemistry may be off the charts, but in the uncertain world of acrobatics, is it enough for them to risk everything they know and want for simply a chance at love?

Krista and Becca Ritchie have been on my TBR since they published their first book and while it's taken me until now to finally read their work, the love my blogger friends have for their scintillating stories ensured I bought every single book to date. Unwilling to commit to yet another series, when I read that AMOUR AMOUR was a standalone, I knew it was time to take the plunge and boy, was it worth it!

I loved the chance to get an insight into one of the most unique ways of life. The circus - with its nomadic lifestyle, brutal training regimes, its inherent danger and most of all, its strong family ties with generations picking up the baton and embracing the traditions with no hesitation. It was thrilling to learn about the sacrifices and the love and above all strength and bravery that are needed to survive this life. While the acrobats may not receive gold medals and endorsements from cereal companies, they are truly athletes who must commit the same amount of time and energy to ensure they are at their peak as those training for competitions. I loved how atmospheric this book was and how the Ritchie sisters dropped you right in the middle of the action and ensured the experience was authentic. The Vegas strip was another star of the book and the crazy, hectic pace of the city was felt with every passing page.

I loved Thora's strength and tenacity in this book. Despite getting knocked back, several times, she simply dusted herself off and endeavoured to work harder. She doesn't complain or look back; she keeps moving forward, always focussed on her goal which was refreshing from other NA novels where the "heroine" throws it all away at the first sign of attention from a guy.

Nikolas was certainly an interesting character. Oozing sex appeal from his first appearance, I was worried that perhaps that would be all he had to offer but he was seriously one of my favourite New Adult "Heroes"! A man who knows sacrifice, who lives it every day, I loved how he unfailingly supported Thora in her dreams and never hesitated to have her back.

The development of their relationship was one of my many favourite things about this book. I loved how it progressed. There may be instant chemistry but hell to the no, there's no insta love here. My nerves were fraught with the deliciously slow pace as we get to experience every moment of this pair's descent into emotional and physical lust and love.

My absolute favourite thing about this book (can you tell there was many? lol) was the emphasis on FAMILY! Oh boy, I don't know how many books I've read where family is simply a plot device to emphasise just how crappy an MC's life is so it was heartening for it to be given a positive spotlight. Niko and his brothers and sister had the most complicated, emotional, loving and craziest relationship and I enjoyed every moment they appeared. I loved how each of the secondary characters received the same rich development and I was aching to know more about each of their personal stories.

This was definitely a Danielle book and focussed on some of my favourite things to read about in a book, most notably self-respect, standing up for yourself, not sacrificing your personal happiness for the first guy who comes along, establishing a partnership with the person you love and above all, following your path and recognising that inner love and worth is vital to realising your dreams. I simply loved it!

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Siiri @ Little Pieces of Imagination

Siiri @ Little Pieces of Imagination


A fun, humorous and sensuous story filled with passion, chemistry and great characters.

Reviewed in the United States on December 21, 2014

Verified Purchase

Oh, the two wizards that are Krista and Becca Ritchie! Their books have moved and touched the deepest parts of my soul and I will forever hold them dear and close to my heart. After finishing their first stand-alone novel, I can tell you that I found Amour Amour to be exciting, and the circus setting most definitely added to the otherwise fun, humorous and sensuous story.

"Some days I still wonder if I’ve found me. Maybe we never stop searching. Maybe we evolve the way seasons change, seamlessly without really knowing, not until all the leaves have fallen."

Thora is a great heroine to follow, because she’s so passionate about what she does. Yes, she has her doubts: people constantly tell her that she isn’t good enough, she will never make it yada yada yada, but she always proves them wrong; her determination not foolish, but admirable. Of course, she has her fair share of little [or not so little cough pun cough] helpers and I believe that this is a very crucial part of being successful. Eventually you do need someone to root for you; to give you a helping hand every now and then. Here’s where John, Camila and the Kotovas come into play.

The secondary characters are what made this book for me. I love sibling relationship so much—especially the complicated, yet loving ones and the Kotovas could give everyone and anyone a run for their money in this aspect. These kids made me cry and laugh out loud more than once. Their friendship with Thora was so endearing that I wanted to squish them together, put them in my pocket and keep them forever. Thank goodness for re-reading, yeah? I loved their personality quirks and there’s so much to explore with each individual that I sincerely hope we do get some companion novels one day.

I loved the setting! There were parts that took my breath away—a prime example being the first time Thora visits the Amour show. It’s described beautifully and makes you feel like you’re not just reading the scene, but rather watching it there alongside her. Also, the romances were pretty darn hot. I liked Thora and Nik together, but there was another couple who brought my obsessive shipper side out and OH. MY. CONNOR. COBALT. SERIOUSLY THIS OTP YOU GUYS!!!!! I WAS ROLLING ON THE FLOOR GASPING FOR AIR BECAUSE THIS COUPLE! I AM SO HEART EYES YOU DON’T KNOW HOW HEART EYES. THEY NEED THEIR OWN BOOK. PRETTY PLEASE. I am willing to bring out the tears and puppy eyes if necessary.

Even though it wasn't my favorite book by the twins, I liked this story a lot and thoroughly recommend it! While some parts of the novel were predictable, there were A LOT of parts that made me gasp and say “GET OUT OF HERE! NO WAY! DID THIS JUST HAPPEN?? wipes back a few pages and reads again OMG THIS DID JUST HAPPEN!” out loud, so you can say that there are quite a few coup de théâtre’s here and there. Amour Amour is a chemistry filled story with a lot of passion, heart and character growth. You can see, feel and almost touch the passion Krista and Becca have put into this novel: there are so many pieces of them in Amour Amour for the rest of the world to see, if only you know where to look. It’s inspiring, enthralling, brave and admirable! I hope we do get to meet the Kotovas again in the future and get a front row seat from different povs to all the acts bound to happen in their crazy lives.

Overall rating: 4.5 out of 5.0

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Lady Vigilante (Feifei)

Lady Vigilante (Feifei)


4 stars!!...A unique and 'different' kind of NA romance!

Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2014

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This book was a unique, uplifting, and inspirational NA romance! It’s the kind of story that starts off decently but by the end your heart feels so full of love for ALL the characters in the book. I’ll be honest and say that I had trouble in the beginning because the heroine was too weak and the romance wasn’t the main focus, but I’m glad I continued with it. If I didn’t, I would’ve missed out on the heroine’s extraordinary character growth. I would’ve missed out on one of the very best literary heroes. And most importantly, I would’ve missed out on a few (but profound) heart-in-throat moments that captured the beauty of family bonds, deep friendship, and unconditional love. And in the end, isn’t that what NA is all about? About self-discovery, finding your passions, and pursuing those dreams, growing and maturing through all those experiences. In this aspect, KB Ritchie did a splendid job of portraying that dynamic, and it is this factor along with the 5+ star hero that convinced me that despite some hiccups along the way, this book deserves at least 4 stars.

The heroine Thora James is finally going after her life-long dream: heading out to Vegas to audition and be a part of a prestigious circus. A risky gamble, and despite her friends and family’s warnings, she persists in doing what her heart feels is right.

The hero Nikolai Kotova is one of the circus’s top performers and oozes charm and grace. He becomes Thora’s acrobatic trainer and though there’s no questioning there’s an attraction there, his focus is entirely on helping Thora become the best she can in time for her audition.

There’s been a lot of speculation, but I’d like to wipe the slate clean but saying there is absolutely no cheating. It’s easy to take a scene out of the book and blow it out of proportion, but because it’s out of context, you don’t get the full story…so my advice for those worrying about potential cheating, drama, and what-nots is to just go into the book without reservation because the story has so much to offer and it’s really not worth it to be hung up on miniscule issues that – in my opinion – don’t even exist.

As for the romance part, it starts off a little weak but gradually becomes stronger as the story progresses. Because of how dedicated Nikolai and Thora were, they willingly shelved their true feelings and always put their goals in the circus first, love second. But at the same time, it was obvious that their connection was undeniably soul-deep and though there’s some drama, Thora and Nikolai stay strong.

Another big plus this book has is the wonderful cast of side characters, and I mean each and every one of them were vital to this story. From Nikolai’s siblings to Thora’s parents and new friends made in Vegas, they provided comical relief and heightened the emotional impact in pivotal moments. They gave the book a family gathering feeling and it truly warmed my heart to see how close everyone was.

The only thing that I’d advise to be prepared for is the circus talk/acrobatic jargon. While unique and intriguing, the circus premise quickly wore me down and truthfully, I got a little bored with the ins and outs of the business. Nevertheless, it’s a big part of the book and what grounds both of the main characters so it didn’t get to the point where it was completely bothersome.

Though the book started off a little shaky, it ended with a bang. The overall message the story sends out is inspiring, the romance that finally blossomed was heartfelt and all the characters were 100% loveable.

Amour Amour is a NA romance standalone that’s unrelated to the author’s other books. But if you’re a fan of the Addicted series, you’ll get a nice surprise in this one ;)

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A lot of good feelings, but also some bad

Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2017

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I have mixed feelings about this. A lot of good feelings, but also some bad. Overall, I thought this book was interesting and well-paced. It was an extremely fast read and I never really wanted to put it down. But, in a lot of ways, I don't think new adult is the genre (category?) for me. I'm not sure if it's just the few that I've read, but I tend to have similar problems with each NA book I read. I've compiled a list of the good and bad things for me because I just had so many mixed emotions.

The Good

  • The circus and the Las Vegas setting were both fascinating. I've never read a book set in either of those places and I loved the uniqueness of it.
  • The athleticism of the characters. I love the idea of acrobats and I've always wanted to see Cirque du Soleil. This felt like the book version of that. I found reading about the physical aspects to be extremely interesting and I enjoyed all of the scenes where the characters used their talents (but it did sort of make me feel lazy af as I laid in bed at 3am reading).
  • Timo was by far my favorite character. I'd honestly love to read a companion novel just about him (and John, heh heh). I liked the whole Kotova family in general and thought the scenes of them all arguing in Russian were fun.

The Bad

  • Is it just me or are tropes unavoidable in NA? I liked Nikolai but I could not stand his alpha male persona. Overall, I think the relationship between him and Thora was built on mutual respect and consent, but I just couldn't stand how he always seemed like "the boss."
  • With that being said, I did not particularly enjoy the sex scenes in this book. I think this is more of a personal thing, but I just do not like alpha male sex scenes. It always seemed like Thora was a little mouse unsure of how to take possession of her own sexuality. I understand that Nikolai was more experienced than her, but I still felt frustrated by her lack of confidence in these scenes. There was a scene in particular that bothered me, when Nikolai basically moved Thora around like a rag doll, doing whatever he wanted. I mean, I will admit that there was a fair amount of emphasis on female pleasure, but the scenes just didn't do it for me. I also couldn't stand the authors' use of the word "cock." I don't know, maybe some people enjoyed these scenes, but they just weren't what I'm into.
  • I could not relate to Thora as a character - and I don't mean this just because she can do insane aerial tricks. I didn't like her personality. She was always second guessing herself, but not in a relatable way (at least to me). I don't really know how to explain it, but I found her constant self-doubt to be annoying and felt it detracted from the story. She constantly looked to Nikolai for affirmation.
  • Also, why does every female character in NA read steamy romance novels? I don't know if this is meant to be #relatable, like "look you can easily imagine yourself as this character!!" or what. It just feels like a cheap way to relate the main character to the reader. I always find characters who are "readers" to be forced, especially when their books of choice are very similar to the genre I'm reading.
  • The love story felt trope-y. By the end, I accepted that Thora and Nikolai were in love. But whenever I thought back to how they met and got started, there's really no real reason for them to have gotten together. I mean, it's a good story but the intensity of their emotions from the get-go doesn't really make sense to me (I will admit that I'm pretty hard to please when it comes to the specifics of how characters fall in love).

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