The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life

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From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari author comes an inspiring parable about the skills needed to excel in career and life.

For more than fifteen years, Robin Sharma has been quietly sharing with Fortune 500 companies and many of the super-rich a success formula that has made him one of the most sought-after leadership advisers in the world. Now, for the first time, Sharma makes his proprietary process available to you, so that you can get to your absolute best while helping your organization break through to a dramatically new level of winning in these wildly uncertain times.

In The Leader Who Had No Title, you will learn:

  • How to work with and influence people like a superstar, regardless of your position
  • A method to recognize and then seize opportunities in times of deep change
  • The real secrets of intense innovation
  • An instant strategy to build a great team and become a “merchant of wow“ with your customers
  • Hard-hitting tactics to become mentally strong and physically tough enough to lead your field
  • Real-world ways to defeat stress, build an unbeatable mind-set, unleash energy, and balance your personal life

Regardless of what you do within your organization and the current circumstances of your life, the single most important fact is that you have the power to show leadership. Wherever you are in your career or life, you should always play to your peak abilities. This book shows you how to claim that staggering power, as well as transform your life—and the world around you—in the process.

224 pages,





Audio CD

First published December 27, 2010

ISBN 9781439109137

About the authors

Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma is one of the world's premier speakers on Leadership and Personal Mastery, recently named one of the World's Top Leadership Gurus. As a presenter, Sharma has the rare ability to electrify an audience yet deliver uncommonly original and useful insights that lead to individuals doing their best work, teams providing superb results and organizations becoming unbeatable.

For nearly 20 years, many of the most well-known organizations on the planet, ranging from Nike, GE, Microsoft, FedEx, PwC, HP and Oracle to NASA, Yale University and YPO have chosen Robin Sharma for their most important events, when nothing less than a world-class speaker will do.

Sharma's books such as The Leader Who Had No Title have topped bestseller lists internationally and his social media posts reach over six hundred million people a year, making him a true global phenomenon for helping people do brilliant work, thrive amid change and realize their highest leadership capacities within the organization so that personal responsibility, productivity, ingenuity and mastery soars.

Sharma has been ranked as one of the Top 5 Leadership Gurus in the World in an independent survey of over 22,000 businesspeople and appears on platforms with other luminaries such as Richard Branson, Bill Clinton, Jack Welch and Shaquille O'Neill.

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Richard Queen

Richard Queen


Excellent Book!

Reviewed in the United States on September 21, 2010

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I've read a few books by Robin Sharma and have never been let down. This book continues his line of excellent leadership teaching. Lead Without a Title is an excellent philosophy to help you in the workplace as well as in your daily life. The principles taught in this book are easy to remember and laid out in such a way to give you acronyms and catch phrases to jog your memory throughout the day, making it easier to implement the practices. Written like a novel, it's not like reading an outline on leadership or a seminar. You get to know the characters and relate with them. You can see yourself in the role, which is an excellent visual while reading. I highly recommend this book to ANYONE, regardless of position or place in your life. You cannot read this book without picking up a few goldmines that I guarantee you'll use. Enjoy!

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Michael Tozer

Michael Tozer


Make Your Life Extraordinary!

Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2014

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For some reason, reading this book reminds me quite strongly of the scene in the Robin Williams movie, "Dead Poets Society" where he admonishes the boys to seize the day and to make their lives extraordinary. In a way, this is truly the theme of this very important, though short and unpretentious book. Between the covers of this book, Robin Sharma uses the foil of a modern business fable to communicate essential principles of Leadership. They are summarized in four quite worthwhile acronyms:


The Image acronym reminds us to practice Innovativeness, Mastery, Authenticity, Guts, and Ethics. Next, the SPARK acronym reminds us to Speak with Candor, to have Priorities, to recognize that Adversity breeds Opportunity, to Respond to situations rather than reacting and to share Kudos with everyone. Human is the relationship acronym that reminds us to be helpful and understanding, to mingle, to amuse, and to nurture. Finally, the Shine acronym reminds us to See clearly, that Health makes Wealth, that Inspiration matters, that we mustn't Neglect our family, and that all of the above lead us to the opportunity to Elevate our lifestyles.

The profound revelation of this book is that anyone, at any level, can be a leader. We can move resolutely from Victims to Victors. Indeed, we can all make our lives extraordinary. I strongly recommend this important little book, and commend its excellent author. God bless.

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P Carey

P Carey


Smart and Practical Advice shared through a wonderful story, Start realizing your potential today!

Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2012

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Some authors and critics will profess that the learning process through a fable is useless and a waste of time. Do not listen to the critics! This story, just like Robin Sharma's first fable, "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" will take you on a journey of epic proportions and self-realizations. A quick and easy read, the story follows book store employee and war veteran, Blake, on a journey of awareness by another long standing and elder co-worker, Tommy, who looks much younger than his 77 years. Tommy introduces Blake to four very different, but seemingly happy and fulfilled characters that teach him 5 valueable lessons each on making your life the best it can ever become, starting today. Everyone on earth has a purpose and though it is not always clearly defined for each of us, if we can become the hardest working, most caring, toughest and balanced person based on our current situations then the door to unlimited happiness, success, love and a fulfilled, meaningful life will be open for you. Though it is written in a cleverly forward moving learning story format, each chapter and end of chapter summary offers practical ideas that you can implement now. Just as the back cover states "The single most important fact is that you have the power to show leadership where you are planted and play at peak in all you do". Buy this book for yourself and get a copy for those you care most about and share this wonderful story today!

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Shanmugam Annapoorani

Shanmugam Annapoorani


Dream Boldly. Live Beautifully.

Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2010

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Robin Sharma's book on "Leader who had no title" talks about awakening the inner leader in each one of us. Naturally everyone has the power to lead, influence and leave everything they touch better than they found it. We all have an inner leader longing to break free. In a very simple way the author puts how whatever work we do from whichever position can make a difference. In this book the author re-instates that 'Daily ripples of excellence - over time - become a tsunami of success'.

Through his simple and comprehensive style, Robin Sharma, enlists the essential tips to bring out the inner leadership of individuals, through a story. This is a story about the hero Blake Davis, who had lost everything when his parents were killed. He had lost sense of purpose and meaning in life. For him employment was a vehicle to pay bills and pass time until he met his mentor Tommy Flinn and the four extra-ordinary teachers who transformed the way he worked and lived by awakening his inner leader. Once the natural power in him awakened he was not the same person again.

Through his book Robin Sharma encourages us to Work at wow level and live full-out. Take personal responsibility for each of the current responsibility, for each of the current conditions that we are experiencing. He demonstrates that there cannot be break-through for any person without suffering a period of break-down. It's up to us to switch between victim-hood and leadership. He clearly explains how the more we own our power to make choice the more powerful our choices become. Greatest freedom each one of us has is the freedom to choose how we view our roles in the world and the power we all have to make positive decisions in whatever conditions we happen to find ourselves. We cannot be creative, innovative if we are too scared to think, feel and be different. We need to be original.

It ends with the message small group of thoughtful committed citizens can only change the world. This book is a must read for all aspiring leaders.

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Inspire Nation

Inspire Nation


A Must Have Life-Changing Book You'll Want to Read Over and Over Again!!!

Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2015

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Our recent interview on Inspire Nation with Robin Sharma about The Leader Who Had No Title was our best-received ever, and there's a reason for...this book is brilliant. I've read the book twice now, and listen to the interview over and over again.

I honestly have no idea how Robin does it. He distills 100's of books worth of information into a story that's fun to read, easy to digest and stick with you. You may forget the anacronyms but you can't forget the messages.

And his concepts are both old, and revolutionary new. His premise that we can all lead, no matter our job, position, title or status...a true democratization of the workplace and our lives is liberating, inspiring, and incredibly empowering.

If you want to take your life to the next level. If you want to take your business to the next level. Or if you want your spirit to soar, I cannot recommend this book enough. Go LWT and Go Robin, thank you so much for this beautiful book!!!

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James J. Cassidy

James J. Cassidy


A Realistic Path Towards Realizing Personal Best

Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2013

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This book, especially for those that know what it is to serve their country, ties emotional reaction to life lessons. I honestly believe that if you tell someone something they will remember it for only the next few minutes to an hour. If you teach them something they may remember it for a week to a year. But if you can involve emotion they will remember it for a life time. For those that live in the illusion that peace and freedom come without sacrifice this book will appear as a corny fraud. For those who have represented our country to ensure the life style we see so many take for granted, the book will imprint powerful lessons through emotion.

I have read many books on self-improvement. They are all great; but one thing seems to always get me. They all ask up front for huge life changes. This in fact is usually a recipe for failure. Going into a gym and working your heart out on the first day will cause damage so painful that it will prevent all from perusing fitness. If a person however takes small steps in the right direction, they will eventually get to the point where they can compete in body building competitions without having to consistently talk themselves into working out. This is because they do not have to justify the high level of pain.

Success and continual reading is the path way for success. Reading this book had the one key for me, to bring all of the self-improvement lessons I have had together. This may or may not be the book to trigger the best in you. The only way to find out is to read it. The lesson that was the trigger for me was, dream big and take small steps. Even one goal success a day is progress in the right direction. I was trying to implement too much at one time consistently and failed continuously. Now I am not focused on being perfect but focused on eating one small success goal at a time. My life has already dramatically changed for the better.

For those that see this as a book to give optimal work for no more pay. Your heart is in the wrong place, as it is not about your boss or your pay. It is about being your personal best. When you are your personal best you will be happier with yourself. To me, being happy is way more important than being rich. Yes, money can buy cool things and make life easier; but it does not deliver any form of permanent satisfaction. Also it does not remove regret of a life not fully lived.

I highly recommend this book for those that have military service and their family members. I also recommend this book for those looking to be their personal best and are trying to be happy in all areas of their lives.


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Robert E Gundling

Robert E Gundling


Thank you!

Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2024

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An inspiring experience as I read, began to understand the content and reflect upon how to apply what I learned to my life. I know I will be a better person and enjoy a higher quality of life because of what I learned from reading this book.




Its ok

Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2023

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Definitely in the style if Sharma. It's a good book, but has a lot of cross over with his other books.

Nicholas Morrow

Nicholas Morrow


A Refreshing Take on Leadership Books

Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2011

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Titles seem to give permission. It's far easier to ask people to do things or request favors when we're put in a position of authority by someone else. What happens if we are not in a titled position? Is it still possible to lead? This is what Robin Sharma is answering with his book.

Unlike most business books, where facts and opinions are stated, Robin instead chooses to use a fictional story to get his ideas across to the reader. The main character has returned from the war and is working a job at the local book store. Things aren't going the way he wants to, professionally or in his relationships, but isn't sure what exactly to do about it. Like all good hero stories, the all wise and knowing mentor appears to show him the error of his ways and guide him to prosperity.

Following a story line similar to A Christmas Carol, the teacher takes our hero to visit a few others who follow the LWT (Leader Without a Title) philosophy. Each imparting wisdom to guide him, and us, into doing more without having to be given permission.

The story is cheesy and takes some getting used to but it makes for a more interesting read than most leadership books. Little nuggets of inspiration are littered throughout, encouraging people to lead others but almost just as important is the call to be a better person and achieve your own goals.

Leading doesn't just mean other people but ourselves as well. It sounds like a strange concept but we sometime have a lack of focus or direction in what we want to do in life. Letting others make decisions for us is much easier. This way, we have someone to blame if things go wrong.

Sharma provides a way for us to take ownership of ourselves, imparting info on ways to live a healthy life, create more time in the day, overcome fear, and just be a positive person.

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Ryan Webster

Ryan Webster


Unnecessarily long

Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2023

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The idea of the book is solid, however the story is long and unnecessary. It’s as if the author is sharing every leadership acronym he has ever heard within a story that could have accomplished its goal in 100 pages.