Magic Bites (Kate Daniels)

4.5 out of 5

11,714 global ratings

Kate Daniels is about to enter a new world of gritty magic and dangerous mystery!

Future Atlanta is an interesting place to live: one moment magic dominates, and cars stall and guns fail. The next, technology takes over and the defensive spells no longer protect your house from monsters. Here skyscrapers topple under the onslaught of magic; the Pack, a paramilitary clan of shapechangers, prowl through the ruined streets; and the Masters of the Dead, necromancers driven by their thirst for knowledge and wealth, pilot blood-crazed vampires with their minds.

Kate Daniels likes her sword a little too much, and she has a hard time controlling her mouth. The magic in her blood makes her a target, and she's spent most of her life hiding in plain sight. But when Kate's guardian is murdered, she must choose to do nothing, and remain safe, or to risk her life by pursuing his preternatural killer. Hiding is easy, but the right choice is rarely easy ...

288 pages,




Mass Market Paperback

Audio CD

First published September 8, 2010

ISBN 9780575093935

About the authors

Ilona Andrews

Ilona Andrews

“Ilona Andrews” is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing team. Ilona is a native-born Russian and Gordon is a former communications sergeant in the U.S. Army. Contrary to popular belief, Gordon was never an intelligence officer with a license to kill, and Ilona was never the mysterious Russian spy who seduced him. They met in college, in English Composition 101, where Ilona got a better grade. (Gordon is still sore about that.)

Gordon and Ilona currently reside in Texas with their two children and many dogs and cats.

They have co-authored four NYT and USAT bestselling series, the urban fantasy of Kate Daniels, rustic fantasy of the Edge, paranormal romance of Hidden Legacy, and Innkeeper Chronicles, which they post as a free weekly serial. For complete list of their books, fun extras, and Innkeeper installments, please visit their website at

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This first book is just a stepping stone in a series that just gets better and better (minor/general spoilers)

Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2014

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I would give this first book a 4-4.5, but the series as a whole a 5+.

This is a review of the first book but also the series in general, as I have gone on to read through book 5 so far.

If you thought this 1st book in the series, Magic Bites, was okay/good, but not great yet, PLEASE PLEASE buy books 2 and 3. They are the turning point for this series, mainly the 2nd half of book 2 and all of book 3, in that this is when this series goes from good to AMAZING. You will NOT regret it. That is when it all really and truly clicked for me. I've read the first 5 books and have bought the 6th and have it ready to go. I am one to proceed with caution when I buy series. I read the first book and if I don't see potential I won't buy the next. I was not disappointed. Not only did it keep getting better, but it surpassed expectations. Some great things about this book and beyond:

  1. Kate Daniels-one of my favorite fictional fantasy heroines ever, top 5, if not higher. She just gets better. Never once have I felt disconnected from the way her character is written, she is badass without it meaning she can't be vulnerable physically and emotionally, she is strong without it veering into bad, stereotypical SFC territory. You will love her even more as the books progress.

  2. Curran-you will fall in love with him even if you haven't yet in this first book. You get to see much more of him as the series progresses and learn much more about him and the Pack and the dynamics involved. His banter and sexual tension with Kate only gets better and more intense, too.

  3. Great secondary characters-even the ones that don't appear too much you end up caring about, Ilona Andrews just have a talent for this. You get to meet so many more interesting and important characters as the series progresses. We get to learn more about the ones we've already met as well. The shifter characters especially will capture your hearts, such as Raphael, Jim, Derek, and Andrea, and later on several more that I have not listed.

  4. Great balance of plot and romance- One of the things I'm very critical of. Too often with urban/paranormal fantasy/romance, there is too much romance or too little, or it develops way too quickly. This series never messes up, the perfect balance is maintained as it goes, so it never gets stale. If you thought there was too little in this book, well the hints in this 1st installment are developed at the perfect pace after the crucial setup that takes place. This authorial duo has managed to capture the elusive perfect formula for a slow build romance. It's not "when the **** will this happen already?!!?" levels of frustration, or "insta-love" ridiculousness. Also, the couple doesn't get boring after they eventually get together! Authors often make the mistake of, after getting their couple together, having them spend time together 24/7 in all proceeding books, which kills reader interest and the spark. FINALLY, authors that realizes a couple can and should be together without spending every single moment together. It makes you look forward to their next interaction. Other UF authors should learn from Ilona Andrews.

  5. Interesting and unique mythology unlike any other urban fantasy I've read-it's not that we haven't seen certain elements before, like shifters and vampires (not romanticized vampires at all), but the Andrews take on them is fresh. And I love how much we learn about the were/shifter dynamics and culture as the series goes on. The whole Kate Daniels world, with the magic vs. tech, brings so many interesting developments and possibilities to the table.

Note: At first it is hard to keep track of all of the detail b/c you are immersed in the world without a lot exposition, but more is revealed as you read the book and you pick it up from context as you read. As the book and series goes on more and more is explained and revealed concerning the details of the world Kate lives in, and Kate's background and past. You will catch on quickly.

Overall, this is definitely one of my favorite urban fantasy series ever, top 3 for sure.

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Rare Reviewer

Rare Reviewer



Reviewed in the United States on August 5, 2015

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Kate Daniels Series First of all – I don’t do book reports. Other reviewers and the synopsis do a wonderful job of that - all I do is tell the reasons why or why I really like or dislike a book so that others potential readers can figure out whether this is a series that they might enjoy.

In the 1st novel, I found myself lost at times and confused because of the totally different world this novel takes place in with the various factions and rules. I then became so engrossed that I couldn’t put it down despite at times feeling lost when I did not understand all the rules and characters. After reading the supplement at the end with in-depth information about the world of Kate Daniels – everything made sense. I understand now why the authors went back and included this in the 1st book of the series. The book really needed it because of the world created within and its complexity and rules. If you do decide, (after reading my reasons why I really like this series), to give this series a chance – read the supplement at the end first!

Yes, this is a series that contain a love story within(not a romance as usually portrayed); but, the love is a very slow developing love that takes place over time, trials, mistrust, misunderstandings between species/cultures and fights. This is one thing I really enjoy about this series. While I enjoy an occasional “fluff” novel with the “see mate, take mate and HEA” by the end of the book, I really relish a novel where the couples’ love and commitment is more realistic in that it takes time, development, compromises and work to keep it that way. This series is not really a HEA but more of a HRN (Happy Right Now) because we destroyed the evil monsters for right now, didn’t walk away for good because of a misunderstanding and both ready to fight even friends/associates/allies to stay together – so we can be Happy Right Now without worrying about what tomorrow will bring - type of saga. And, the commitment to each other grows stronger over time.

Yes, this series contains very graphic depictions of violence. I also enjoy Larissa Ione's Demonica Series so the graphic violence does not deter me from enjoying this series. In fact, the violence is a needed part of both series as they both take place in a very unfriendly, fight-for-your-life, vicious world setting where monsters do exist and they will come for you. All the main characters are fighters – fighting for survival, fighting for those that can’t, and fighting for what is right. The actions scenes are therefore graphic in their portrayal of what has to take place in making this world safe for another day – making the fight scenes come alive in blood, gore and guts.

Yes, Kate Daniels is “snarky”, sarcastic and exhibits a type of “dark” humor, which I really appreciate. I’m not into “slap-stick” or juvenile humor. Kate is also a strong female heroine that has no need for a strong, big, male to save her. Not that she’s too stupid to turn down any help that comes along but that she has been trained to rely on herself alone. The development of learning that she can rely on others is a long, frightening and rocky path for her. All the main female characters are strong women in strength and spirit but are not so perfect that it makes you want to gag. They get injured. They get hurt feeling, feelings of loneliness and despair. They are never “door mats.” And, most importantly – there are no TSTL moments. (That kills a book for me!)

All of the male protagonists are Alpha males with different abilities, different personalities, different viewpoints. Curran is the ultimate Alpha with such a developed personality and ability that I would read this series just to keep up with his trials and tribulations. His and Kate’s actions and interactions are enough to keep me coming back for more. Curran if far from perfect – he’s arrogant, demanding, and is capable of being a “pain-in-the-behind” type of male. He’s also loyal, extremely protective of others, and the ultimate predator.

Yes, there are unanswered questions at the end of the first novel. This series is more of a mystery at times that continues on to the next in the series. Each novel reveals a little bit more about Kate – her pass and her possible future. It’s more of an evolution of her and the people and world around her. While some of the novels deal with other main characters – they still need to be read in order to understand the dynamics of the relationships and the past events that has led the characters to their current place. Warning – this series can become extremely addicting.

The icing on the cake is that the authors were able to successfully take our known world – give it a twist and create an alternate world that is so developed - making it so believable that I could easily picture the characters, the actions and world that it happens in. This is no formulaic writing. The twist did not end with just the world building but in the type of characters inhabiting that new world. Just one example is with the vampires not being portrayed as handsome creatures operating under their own steam but as ugly tools operating under the guidance of others. This series is no doubt one of the most creative, imaginative and engrossing series that I have gotten into. There are no plot holes. No misspellings. All of the characters, actions and places are well developed. Another important fact – is that I have not been disappointed in any of the novels in this series so far (up to the 8th in the series now). While I have liked some novels better than others in the same series – when compared to other authors’ novels – this still beats them. (Except for Nalini Singh, Shelly Laurenston, Thea Harrison and a very few others – I have a very short pre-buy list of authors I trust to put out exceptional work.)

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Kindle Customer

Kindle Customer


Reread is awesome

Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2024

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I absolutely love kate Daniel's series. I can read it over and over. The authors are spectacular and know how to capture a audience.

Jennifer @ Bad Bird Reads

Jennifer @ Bad Bird Reads


One of my favorite books ever.

Reviewed in the United States on December 10, 2011

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Summary When the magic is up, rogue mages cast spells and monsters appear, while guns refuse to fire and cars fail to start. But then technology returns, and the magic recedes as unpredictable as it arose, leaving all kinds of paranormal problems in its wake.

Kate Daniels is a down-on-her-luck mercenary who makes her living cleaning up these magical problems. But when Kate's guardian is murdered, her quest for justice draws her into a power struggle between two strong factions within Atlanta's magic circles.

The Master of the Dead, necromancers who can control vampires, and the Pack, a paramilitary clan of shapechangers, blame each other for a series of bizarre killings - and the death of Kate's guardian may be part of the same mystery. Pressured by both sides to find the killer, Kate realizes she's way out of her league - but she wouldn't have it any other way...

The Good This is the kind of book that grabs you from the beginning. Unlike many authors, Andrews (a wife and husband team who wrote this book) doesn't bog down the book with elaborate explanations of her world. She integrates the basics throughout the whole book as to not bore the reader with pages of explanation.

What was even better was the actual world Andrews created. I have never come across another concept like this before. It made it more exciting to read because I never knew what was next. It was as if the normal rules did not apply, so the limits were endless.

But the best part, the thing that made me almost cry when it was six in the morning and I still hadn't gone to bed because nothing was going to come between me and my book, not even unconsciousness, was the characters.

Kate is the kick-assiest (yup, not a real word, but it has a ring to it) protagonist ever. She is fearless, has mad fighting skills, and does what the hell she wants.

Curran. Oh, Curran. He is the Beast Lord in every sense of the word. He's strong, brutal, and knows how to push Kate's buttons (and vice versa).

The dialogue is down right hilarious. I literally laughed out loud for half of the book. I like those type of characters that don't hold anything back.

The combat scenes where excellent. Very clear, concise, and interesting. Gory at times, but I like that.

The air of mystery around Kate Daniels is by far the most tantalizing part. It's obvious there is more to her history that has yet to be revealed, which only guarantees people will be picking up book #2 Magic Burns.

The Bad I can truly say there was nothing I disliked about this book. I guess some could find it a little too gritty and gory, but I think it made the book interesting and raw.

The Snuggly There was a little sexual tension but there is no sex.

Overall This is one of my favorite books (and series) I have ever read. The characters are the best part and the action is beautifully written. I actually became a writer because of this series. My protagonist is slightly based off of Kate Daniels because I believe she is one of the best characters ever created.

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Kate Estevez

Kate Estevez


Great Starter Book

Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2023

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I’ve read the Kate Daniels series what feels like a million times. It’s easily one of my favorites, and so far I have really loved everything that Ilona Andrews has written. This book isn’t my favorite book in the series, but it’s definitely a good introduction into this world and to Kate Daniels. Kate Daniels goes from being a mercenary to working with an investigative agency when their estranged guardian is murdered. The world building in this series is great, I really love the idea behind tech and magic battling for dominance. It’s also really cool to see how fully thought out this idea is, from needing two sets of lights, transportation and more because one doesn’t work depending if it’s a tech wave or a magic wave. You get a good intro into the major players in Atlanta, the Pack and the People. Curran is the Beast Lord and also the one Kate ends up having to deal with a lot throughout the book. His level of cockiness is next level, and some of the things he says make me laugh out loud. But Kate gives as good as she gets, so the banter between them is fantastic. We do also learn about The People, otherwise known as the necromancers that pilot vampires. We just get a little taste in this book, more to come about them later in the series. Overall, I really love this as an intro book, and Kate Daniel’s will always be one of my favorite urban fantasy characters. And if you get a chance the Graphic Audio version of this book is fantastic as well.

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Jaclyn Canada

Jaclyn Canada


Late to the best game ever

Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2013

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Late to one of the best games ever

I realize that I am a little late to the game on this one. I love Urban Fantasies...this is a great Urban Fantasy series...why haven't I read it yet? I can't really say for sure. Maybe I just never looked that far past the covers, which didn't make sense to me. It's a girl with a sword, a lion, and the title says 'Magic'. I don't know why, but in my head I don't think the three went together. I was fantastically wrong.

So when I did a couple of interviews with some blogger friends and so many people responded to their favorites that they picked in this series (thank you Jennifer and Melissa), I knew that I really had to give this one a shot.

The Good

Love, love, love these characters. Kate is capable, stands up for others, fluent in sarcasm, and exceptionally hard-headed...all qualities I look for in a heroine. What I really enjoyed that is pretty random about Kate is that Andrews often describes the type of smile she is wearing and that it is never having the desired effect.

Before I met Curran, Jim calls him "the man" and Kate asks what she has done to warrant his attention. He is the ultimate alpha male, raises Kate's hackles, gets things done, and knows just when to back off. He is absolutely delicious. I believe I enjoyed reading the pages with him on it more than any other pages. Some of the best dialogue I have read is in this book.

Then there is the world within which is something new and different and fun to read about. From the start of the first chapter, I was shown glimpses of what it meant to live within Kate's world. As she investigates the loss of someone close to her, from stop to stop, I learned more about the different creatures in her world and the magic it includes. There are a lot of different types of supernaturals from vampires and shifters to some I haven't even heard of before. Andrews gives the information in a way that didn't drown me and just let me flow along with Kate's investigation, learning new things as I went.

Also, I was wrong about who the bad guy was and I LOVE surprises.

The Bad

Unfortunately, Kate has a thought about Texans that is less than complimentary. I won't hold her prejudice against her though ;)

The Romance

The romance is actually fantastic, and there isn't much in it. Kate has a couple of guys I feel like that are attracted to her, but she is her own person and does her own thing. There is little more than a date and some tension, but it is more than enough in this book. I love the fact that she doesn't fall to her knees at the sight of an attractive man (even in her thoughts), and have a feeling that the romance in this series will more likely be a slow burn instead of a flash fire.


Andrews has made the list of my favorite authors. I enjoyed hearing her voice, her characters, her world. I was told that this one wasn't even the gem in the series, and I'm giving it 5 stars. So I am very sad that I have too many books on my shelf that I have to read before I can dive into the rest of the series. I want to know what happens next...NOW.

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I think I've found a new author!

Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2023

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I've been looking at new authors lately, and this one won out of the other four.

I didn't find this very hard to follow in the beginning like some others did. A very few things were confusing at first, but I just jumped back to the bonus content to see if an explanation was there. LOL! Good job adding that Mr&Miss Author!

And YES! The world building is null in the beginning. But it gets better. I liked the flow. And it has lots of movement. This book had no problem keeping me WANTING to finish it. Not only that, but I will now be moving on to the second one. Actually wanting to, instead of feeling like I have to since I don't like questions unanswered. Possible SPOILERS ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was kinda frustrating after Kate kinda gave in and let Curran act like he was her Lord too. Especially since I soooo loved it when she pointed out that her may be THEIR Lord, but he's not HERS! I liked her personality personally. Hopefully Curran's character develops more later. Not much came out in this book. I liked Derek. And I love the bear! You didn't see him much in this one, but I hope him and Kate's relationship develop more. He really has presence! And it REALLY sucks about Corwin!!!! We only got to see him twice. I loved him!!!! He was so cute!

I really liked this book. But, being me, there are two things I have to point out. Especially since I hate contradicting/conflicting information.

  1. Questioning Crest had been mostly the pack's idea. All she did was mention his name, because he came into the picture at such a time. The pack then started drilling her with questions about him. The pack pressured questioning him, confronting him with a small pack, and using the scanner. Then when he was cleared, they acted like it was all on her. She even made a statement about how that she shouldn't have let them pull her along. Yet, even she blamed herself about it in the end.

  2. With Derek! The Beast Lord, Curran, said the blood oath was terminated with Derek. So that means that her responsibility with Derrick, and vise versa, was over. Even though Derek was supposed to be acting like HER bodyguard! So, it made no since when later Nick was talking about how Derek had been bound to her and said on: Ch9 Pg.224-- “You took responsibility for the kid,” he said. “You let him be taken.”.... THAT was already over. They were no longer bound to one another anymore when that happened! That's why Curran took him back and was sending him to do other things. Proof: --Chapter 7, Page 175: (Kate) I said, “I’ve come to talk about Derek.” Curran managed to shrug while still holding on to the wall. “I’ve released him from his blood oath.” “I know. He insists on tagging along and I don’t want him to....etc. " (I'm Not posting all of what she said. But you get the point.)

That's pretty much the thing that REALLY bothered me in this one. Now, I'm off to read #2!!!! smiles

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reading chef

reading chef


delight to read

Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2017

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This book is a delight to read and very well written. Its the kind of book that is so well written you brain can go on autopilot and really engage in what is happening. I don't find myself jarred back to reality by poor writing or a weird character move. Illona Andrews knows her characters and they act true to themselves. Only six pages I could already tell I liked the main character, Kate Daniels. Immediately I could tell Kate is a badass rebel with a fun and sarcastic sense of humor. The writer does an excellent job of revealing part of who Kate is early on so we can connect with her and want to follow her story. The author doesn't do by listing facts or having other characters go on a weird and transparent tangent about her. They put Kate into situations early on that reveal what she is like and who she is and are also really engaging to read. At the same time, Kate isn't perfect and can be endearingly annoying. If she was perfect I would roll my eyes and put the book down, but she's not and I found myself wanting to power through the other books in the series. The romance in the series is a slow burn. Depending on your preference that could be annoying or very satisfying. I really enjoyed where she took the relationship (which one??? READ MORE BOOKS TO FIND OUT! :) in the later books. The slow burn ends up being more realistic than many book relationships and the tension between the two while they figure it out is SEXY and HOT. This book is pretty clear of smut but one of the next books things... heat up... :) :) ;) so if that's not your thing, beware. Illona Andrews is a really good world builder and this book is no exception. I found the world building in the Hidden Legacy books a little more understandable and easy to follow than the Kate Daniels series. Although it is a little harder to follow in Kate Daniels, it is no less interesting. The idea of magic and tech is really cool I just wish I understood it a little better. This is helped by the following books which explain things a little more in depth. All in all it was a really good first book with clever writing, lovable main characters, and a really interesting plot. The following books get better because the things that make this book good are allowed to grow and develop. I would definitely recommend it if you enjoy authors like Sarah J. Maas, Sarah Maclean, Kresley Cole, etc. I hope you enjoy it!

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4,5 fantastic stars

Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2018

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Ok, so before I get into all the details about this book and series, I have a confession... :) this is my very first book by Ilona Andrews I've ever read... before you get all your pitchforks and your torches, give me a minute to explain... :) I've heard about this duo of authors writing under one pseudonym for years... and I've heard about this particular series for years as well... it's just... that with the giant amount of amzing books I already own I never got around to picking this one up... it wasn't until recently I've been talking with one of my very trusted #BookBesties when she discovered I hadn't read it... she was shocked :) just as I was shocked to discover that she has yet to read In death series by J. D. Robb... we both were like "what are you doing with your life?!?!?" :) so we made a sort of bet / pact / challenge that whoever will read book #1 in her series first, will have the bragging rights over the other one ;) long story short, I won :) but before I get into all my thoughts and feelings about this particular installment, let me actually tell you a bit more what this book is all about :)

Kate is... well, we don't know exactly what she is... although I have my suspicions :) she's a sort of mercenary for hire, but the situation changes a bit when her guardian is murdered... when she takes over the investigation into his death, she falls head first into a much more complicated situation she originally anticipated... this whole series is centered around her, with book #10 (the last one I think) coming out very soon... :) it's a paranormal / urban fantasy setting, which means we have an alternate version of our world, with magic and different creatures and people are actually aware of it all... there are necromancers, vampires and shifters... here they are called shapechangers and they are my favourite group to read about :) let me tell you... if I knew before how much of them there will be in this book I would have picked it up much sooner :) I don't really wanna say anything else about the plot, because it certainly took quite a few surprising turns I did not see coming, but rest assured that Kate solves the murder of her guardian in this one :) there's also a sort of open ending, leaving space for many potential stories :) ok, now that we have these basic informations out of the way, let me jump into all my thoughts and feelings about this one :)

I honestly have to say that I'm surprised by how much I actually loved this book :) it was... well, not slow at first, but defintiely details and world building heavy... it's expected in the first book of a series, especially if said series will evolve around one central character and is set in one world... but the amount of informations we get within those few first chapters... I had some troubles keeping everything straight... but around 30-35% it got easier :) I'm not sure if it was because I was a bit more familiar with everything... or because I got to know the characters and the rules... or maybe it was the moment when I just decided to go with the flow and not stress out if I don't remember everything :) but one afternoon I sat down to read a chapter or two and could not put the book down until I finished it :) yeah... so thank you very much K for recommending me a series with multiple books and spin off series... instead of crossing off one book from my #BookMountainRange... because I am way pass #BookMountain territory ;) I can add a dozen plus more ;) I gave this book 4,5 stars... after the beginning took me a while to get into, the rest of the ebook went by in a blur :) I loved the writing style, even though it was a bit more dark and creepy than I expected... Kate is a kick-ass heroine and I can't wait to get to know her more :) not to mention the shapechangers... sighs happily :) and K tells me that the first book is the worst... that they only keep getting better and better... so if I already really liked this one, how much more my love can grow? expect to observe my growing obsession as I make progress throughout this series... I'm so curious to see what's gonna happen in the next installment that I will probably pick it up in the upcoming weeks :) if you had your doubts about this series, I highly recommend it to you guys :) it was fast paced, packed with action and surprises... set in a very interesting world filled with complex characters... after reading the first book, I'm totally hooked :)

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Poor start to a great series

Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2010

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First off, I am now a big Kate Daniels fan. Second, it was a rocky start for me.

Kate Daniels lives in a alternate futuristic Atlanta. We learn later in the series that the year is 2040 (only after doing math with a few of the markers given us.) In this world, magic and technology come and go in waves. During a Magic Wave, you will see banshees outside your window, large monsters coming out of the sewers, and all sorts of mayhem. During a Technology Wave, telephones work, cars function, and you can even watch a movie. Kate works for a Mercenary Guild doing what work comes her way. When she finds out her estranged legal guardian has been killed, Kate goes on the offensive to get details and kill whoever did this. Along the way, Kate goes from a 'No-Name Merc' to the appointed representative by the legal forces that be to solve this case, putting her in the big leagues playing along side the Pack (shapeshifers) and the People (Vampires.)

What I liked:

  1. Kate--a lot of reviewers didn't like Kate, and I can see why. Me? I liked her. She is fiercely independent, but insecure on the inside so she puts on a front. She's never had friends (you find out why in later books) but is incredibly loyal. She is pretty snarky in her inter-thoughts.
  2. Choice--I love how in this world, everyone still has their free agency. In so many other Urban Fantasy books, the "werewolves" MUST obey their leader. They physically and mentally can do nothing other than what their leader commands them. Here? It is a choice. Shifters can either choose to join a pack or not. They can defy their leader if they might be the last thing they do, but they can.
  3. Family--Shifters have families....they have kids. It's not like because they are a shifter that they all the sudden are unable to procreate.
  4. Death--that might sound weird, but I'm getting tired of the "Vampires live forever at the age they became undead" and "Werewolves are forever 25." In this world, Shifters are born (and created) and they live a long life (longer than others since they can heal easier than others), grow old, and then they die at a very old age. There is none of that "Eternal Life" crap here. Also, Vampires are really dead....a vampire is a dead body that is controlled and "navigated" by a necromancer. The person's soul/personality/thoughts/memories are all gone except the body. The body continues to "age" as a vampire.
  5. Realistic Romance--Kate tries to date and it's not that "instant love" you see so often in books. Her attempts at dating in book 1 are interesting. The love interest that develops as the series progresses is done well showing 2 people who meet and actually get to know each other. Wow. What a concept.

What I didn't like:

  1. Rather crude: This book has been described as "gritty." I'd have to agree. But it is also rather gory. There is a lot of crude language, horror not seen in movies, and bestiality. It seemed like the authors were trying too hard to say "Hey look at us, we're edgy and pushing the envelope." It was really rather over the top on the gore.
  2. We never are told what Kate is: We know Kate has some power but we are never told what she is or what she can do. We get a few clues in Book 1, some strong hints in Book 2, and finally at the VERY end of book 3 she comes right out and says it.
  3. A misunderstanding of characterization: At one point, Kate along with the pack realize what "thing" they need to be hunting. The Beast Lord immediately accuses Kate's current almost-boyfriend. They confront him and EVERYONE says it was Kate who is pointing the finger and Kate acts as if that was true. On first read, I thought it was a problem with editing. But it really ruined the book for me. On reading posts on the author's website, I found out that it was correct, and we were all supposed to understand that Kate felt guilty for going along with this and that the boyfriend reminds her of her guardian and so on. None of that is even remotely hinted at....I just figured the author couldn't keep her own facts straight.
  4. Too much unsaid: Not only are we never told what Kate is, but so much of this new world is left unexplained.

Recommendation: This is a much darker and "grittier" (i.e. crude and gory) universe than Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson universe (

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