The Mystery of the Shemitah: The 3,000-Year-Old Mystery That Holds the Secret of America's Future, the World's Future, and Your Future!

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New York Times Best Seller!

Over 2,700 5-Star Reviews

From the author that brought you NEW YORK TIMES best sellers The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, and The Paradigm with over 3 MILLION copies sold

"Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is a Jewish prophet who has been chosen to reveal end-time mysteries—vital material to put the last-days puzzle together!"

—Sid Roth | Host, It’s Supernatural!

"The Mystery of the Shemitah is a detailed, compelling, and provocative book for anyone seeking answers to the future of America and the world."

—Marcus D. Lamb | Founder, president, Daystar Television Network

"The Mystery of the Shemitah is the most amazing thing I have ever read! Brilliant and stunning . . . sobering . . . humbling . . . it is undeniable truth. It is one of the most important books of our lifetime!"

—Joseph Farah | Founder, WND

The book you can't afford NOT to read.

It is already affecting your life…

And it WILL affect your future!

Is it possible that there exists a three-thousand-year-old mystery that…

· Has been determining the course of your life without your knowing it?

· Foretells current events before they happen?

· Revealed the dates and the hours of the greatest crashes in Wall Street history before they happened?

· Determined the timing of 9/11?

· Lies behind the rise of America to global superpower… and its fall?

· Has forecast the rising and falling of the world’s stock market throughout modern times?

· Lies behind world wars and the collapse of nations, world powers, and empires?

· Holds key to what lies ahead for the world and for your life?

· And much more….

275 pages,




Audio CD

First published September 1, 2014

ISBN 9781629981932

About the authors

Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jewish Rabbi and pastor best known for his best selling novel The Harbinger, in which he compares the United States and the September 11 attacks to ancient Israel and the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel. In particular, he sees Isaiah 9:10 as a prophetic warning to the United States. The Harbinger was followed with The Harbinger Companion: With Study Guide.

Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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Ann van Zyl

Ann van Zyl


The Shemtah

Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2024

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This was very interesting. Things I never knew ! So glad to know it now! I hope everyone will read it !

Patt E Solorzano

Patt E Solorzano



Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2024

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It is history, it can not be denied. The math is sound. The scriptures are as recorded in the bible. God is alive and he keeps his promises. Don't be deaf or dumb.





Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2015

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Having purchased both of Jonathan Cahns book's, The Harbinger and The Harbinger Study Guide, both of which are eye opening, amazingly stunning, work's of enlightenment and knowledge, by Jonathan Cahn. Even going so far as to be called prophetic and frightening, pertaining to our nation and where she, as well as, where we as her citizen's, stand in the eyes of our Almighty God, at this precise point in time even as I attempt to write a review regarding, Jonathan Cahns additional work. The Mystery of the Shemitah, follows up the mention of it's occurrence, within a chapter of The Harbinger. Taking the reader on a more detailed description of the timing of, and the results of the Shemitahs occurrence, at specific times and dates of years within God's ordained calendar, as was dictated by God himself, in the first five books of information and instructions to his first chosen, the Nation of Israel. Is God's Shemitah still in effect? Does it still appear at it's appointed time? Does God's Shemitah affect our modern world? Does it just occur within the borders of Israel, or can mankind nail down it's appointed occurrence in other nations, such as within the borders of America and other countries? I will not ruin the mystery, for my fellow reader's, as I have witnessed others writing these book reviews can do. But what I will say is, upon finishing the last page, I spent a very restless night in bed, and an extremely thoughtful day after, asking for forgiveness and humbling my own self before our LORD God Almighty.

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Just as Expected! :)

Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2024

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Arrived on time and as described. Happy Customer!

Raymond H. Mullen

Raymond H. Mullen


Six Stars +

Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2015

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Before starting my review, I strongly suggest reading 'The Harbinger' by the same author. It will help prepare you for the explanations given in "The Mystery of the Shemitah." "The Mystery of the Shemitah" is probably the most exciting, deep, thorough and informative of any prophetic book I have ever had the pleasure to read. I must warn you that this is not an easy read. The facts and figures contained are absolutely mind boggling. You must read this with no distractions. You must concentrate on every word. This work will also lead you back to your Bible. Jonathon Cahn has done an incredible study of ancient Israel and its relationship to God. The overwhelming theme is that of a nation blessed by God, and then turning away from Him. The Shemitah is a series of Sabbath Years that begin in 586 BC and continue up to the time we are now living in. Some have asked, "Where is the United States in bible prophecy?" No one knows for sure but this book will give you some direction toward that question. The author compares the U.S today with the nation of Israel throughout ancient history, up to modern times and how the Shemitah appears in these time periods. Are we as a nation still following the One that has blessed us so much or have we turned our back on Him? What might we expect in the future? Blessings, judgement, pride, redemption and restoration are all covered here. Where does the Shemitah fit in? Can we change our destiny? Only if you are serious about the condition of the world and the United states, should you read this very, very important work.

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angelina sint jago

angelina sint jago


The explanation of the Shemitah and its consequences

Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2023

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I have never heard about the word and the concept of shemitah, but I am aware of the 70 biblical years. Yet I had no clue what it could mean in our lifetime and the times to come. A well explained and documented book. What I liked the most was that the writer presses his readers not to just take the 70 years literally, yet to expect that at a certain time things might happen and where it happens. The part of Jubilee was a bonus. A long read for me when it came to the fall of all the financial markets. It is a book to have and to reread and where possible speak to the younger generation about the shemitah. If possible buy the book for them

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Mama Bear

Mama Bear


This book is very amazing and after reading you are better in tune with ...

Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2015

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If you going to read this book, do it quick. So much is happening and has been prophesied as happening that you will want an educated front row seat. For instance this book has a section talking about towers. It talks about the tower of Babel and our World Trade Center destroyed on Elud 29, it talks about the future BUT that is nothing new, the Bible talks about a tower being destroyed, too. Read Walid Shoebat and what he said.

God had “numbered” the kingdom of Babylon and brought it to an end; that the king had been weighed and found wanting; and that his kingdom was divided and given to the Medes and Persians (Dan. v. 1-28), we need not forget the duality of fulfillment here. This also applies to the end time Mystery Babylon which is not in Iraq, New York or Rome (see full detailed explanation here) but Arabia. Within few years, Mecca and its 7 massive structures, the largest building structure on earth, called “The Towers Of The House” that overlooks the Ka’ba, Islam’s holiest place will meet its doom in accordance to prophecy. There is no place on earth today where stands the largest structure in the world, used for a religious purpose, all worshipping in one tongue, regardless of their mother tongue, and is holy to more than 1.5 billion people on earth that is literally called Mount Babel today, except the one in Mecca overlooking the Ka’ba.

Yes, towers are coming down in the future and it is good to get God's perspective and definite plans. I find and this book are good compliments for each other. The book has so many good things to say besides towers but this reference to the towers just had to be talked about.

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The Shemitah

Reviewed in the United States on August 14, 2015

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This is an excellent book. Rabbi Cahn shares very well thought out and knowledgeable information. There were times near the end of the book where I was in such a hurry to finish it that I was getting impatient. There are several places that he repeats an idea in a different way, which is good for remembering and understanding but not for hurrying to complete the book. Because of this, by the time I was near the end of the book, I skipped over some areas that I thought were repeating a previous idea.

The content of the book did not surprise me because I have heard Rabbi Cahn state some of these things on YouTube several times. One thing for me as a Messianic believer, though, is that I thought the year of the Shemitah was intended to let the land rest as well as to reset the economy and free people from debt. Rabbi Cahn said the actual resting of the land is tied to the land of Israel and not to every other place on earth. The reason this surprised me is that I had taken a year off from gardening this year. It was hard for me to do it because I love gardening, but I was trying to do what I thought God wanted me to do to let the land rest. Every time I saw gardening things in the stores it was hard for me this spring, and when the garden administrator gave our pea patch to another gardener, it really was hard for me. I realized I do not have the ability to let the land rest for our pea patch because I don't own the land. I was the one who rested from gardening. However, this year I really needed that rest because I discovered I had cancer at the end of April. The process of getting well probably would have made it hard to be gardening this year.

What I learned from this book is that the Shemitah is designed to remind us to release everything we have to God and it applies to a lot more than just gardening and farming.

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William Struse

William Struse


One of the Best Kept Secrets of Biblical History

Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2014

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I admit, I'm a skeptical person by nature and I started this book wondering how the author would deal with the subject of the Shemitah. For those who might be a little hesitant as well, I hope to offer you some reassurances regarding the Biblical basis for the Shemitah, but first a brief summary of the book.

The Mystery of the Shemitah is basically a book about the Biblical Sabbath and Jubilee cycles and how they relate to socio-economic cycles in the context of a Biblical message of repentance. The author, Jonathan Cahn makes a pretty detailed case for his theory that financial and economic events of today may be influenced by these two ancient Biblical cycles. Like ripples in a pond or echoes in a canyon, one can't help but wonder if the 7 year Sabbath cycle and the 50 year Jubilee cycle still effect history today. Another way of looking at it is the famous quote by Mark Twain: "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme".

Admittedly the author sticks to a more secular aspect of the Biblical cycles as they relate to America and world financial markets, but let me tell you why I think his underlying premise has some merit. Using 7 year Sabbath cycles as Mr. Cahn describes, and going back in Biblical time the Sabbath cycles do indeed mark important events:

*Yeshua (Jesus) was born on a Sabbath year *Nehemiah and Ezra read the law in a Sabbath year *Ezra when up to Jerusalem in a Sabbath year *The 2nd Temple foundation was laid in a Sabbath year *The 70 years captivity spoken about by Jeremiah ended in a Sabbath year *The 1st Temple was destroyed in a Sabbath year *Kind David died in a Sabbath year *The Exodus took place in a Sabbath year

If you extend the same Sabbath cycles even further back in time (to Adam) using a reasonable rendering of the Old Testament chronology you find that:

*Joseph's 7 years of plenty & 7 years of famine fell during the Sabbath cycles *Yahweh's covenant with Abram fell on a Sabbath year *Enoch's birth and the year he was taken to "heaven" both fell on a Sabbath year

In my opinion the facts above show that Mr. Cahn's underlying premise has merit. Now, since this is intended to be a balanced book review I would like to give a few points where I find myself in respectful disagreement or in some way felt the book was lacking.

  1. Mr. Cahn did not provide a Scriptural basis for his Sabbath and Jubilee cycles calculations. I think a premise so central to the book should be explained so that the reader can come to a reasonable understanding of the author's perspective. For instance his Sabbath year is one year different than my understanding of the chronology. It would be helpful to see how he arrived at his chronological basis so I could correct my own understanding if the facts make that necessary.
  2. In my opinion Mr. Cahn misses a great opportunity to connect the Sabbath and Jubilee cycles to Yeshua, the true "spirit of prophecy".

On a more positive note I really appreciated Mr. Cahn explaining how the Jubilee and Sabbath cycles are synchronized. Using his explanation of a synchronized Jubilee and Sabbath cycle brings new understanding to the chronology of the Scripture.

Matthew 1 shows that Yeshua was the 41st generation from Abraham. Using Mr. Cahn's premise regarding the cycles being synchronized we find there are 41 Jubilee cycles between Abraham and Yeshua. Going even further back in time we find there were 41 Jubilee cycles from Adam to Abraham. Those of us alive today just happen to be living in the 41st Jubilee cycle from Yeshua. (41+41+41)

Mr. Cahn talked about the 70 years the land of Israel enjoyed it's Sabbath's during the 2nd temple captivity period. Amazingly those 70 years began in the 70th Jubilee.

As a final example of the beautiful symbolism inherent in such a premise we find a comparison in the Bible about the Messiah's return and "birth pangs". The typical human pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. Yeshua was seen of his disciples for 40 days before his ascension. Jerusalem was destroyed 40 years later. Today we are living in the 40th Jubilee cycle from the destruction of Jerusalem. (40 days > 40 yrs. > 40 Jubilees)

In summary, I think Mr. Cahn's book brings much needed attention to the wonderful subject of the Biblical Sabbath and Jubilee cycles. Even though I don't agree with all of his conclusions, I wholeheartedly agree with his message of repentance.

The Ninevites were given 40 days to repent and they repented from the king on down. Israel, during Yeshua's day, was given the "sign of Jonah" as a warning to repent. When they did not Jerusalem was destroyed 40 years later. Since that destruction it has been 40 Jubilees. Which example will todays generation follow?

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David James

David James


Be very careful: No biblical support for the basic premise and no documentation for most assertions & fact-claims

Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2014

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SUMMARY: The Mystery of the Shemitah, which went to its second printing the day it was released, builds on the concepts and theories Jonathan Cahn first presented in The Harbinger, particular those in the chapter also titled "The Mystery of the Shemitah." The author's theory is that God has visited warnings and / or judgment against the United States according to a seven-year cycle going back many decades. While America is deserving of God's judgment and a call to repentance is definitely in order, this foundational premise of the book is biblically flawed from the outset. The Shemitah (Jewish Sabbath year) was an obligation given specifically and exclusively to the nation of Israel, and there is no biblical support whatsoever for the idea that God would either require the Shemitah year of any other nation or that He would impose a Shemitah-type judgment on a seven-year cycle on any nation, including even the nation of Israel itself.

Furthermore, none of the dozens and dozens of assertions and fact-claims in the book concerning economic trends, financial statistics and historical events are documented whatsoever, raising the question of where the author got his information, the accuracy of that information and why this most basic and necessary aspect of any research-based non-fiction book is completely missing. The burden of proof for such assertions and claims should never be on the reader if an author is to be taken seriously. In addition, the integrity of any publisher is rightly called into question when an author doesn't cite his sources.

The bottom-line is that, unfortunately. the significant problems that plague The Harbinger have possibly been exceeded in this book and so should give pause to anyone who takes the Word of God seriously.

In this book, Jonathan Cahn builds on concepts he presented in The Harbinger, particularly those in the chapter titled The Mystery of the Shemitah in that book.

BACKGROUND: In the Law of Moses, God required that his people, the Children of Israel, cease from their work on the seventh or Sabbath day of each week. During the time that they were in the wilderness, God provided a double-portion of manna on the 6th day each week, so that they would not have to work on the Sabbath, even if it only meant gathering food for that day.

In addition to the Sabbath day, the Lord also instructed them to observe a Sabbath year, during which the Israelites were to allow the land to rest from planting and harvesting. And not only was it an agrarian cycle, but it was also an economic cycle as lenders were required to forgive or "release" (the meaning of Shemitah) borrowers from the obligation of repaying their debts. In order to prevent the collapse of Israel's economy and to provide for their need for food during the entire seventh year, God actually tripled the harvest in the sixth year to carry them through.

However, over time, as the Israelite men disobeyed the Law concerning marrying wives from the other nations where idolatry and the worship of false gods was practiced, these foreign wives brought their idolatrous practices and pagan worship into the nation of Israel. The result was that the worship of the one true God was abandoned and the Law of Moses was largely ignored. Consequently, Israel failed to observe the Sabbath year for 70 cycles - meaning a period of 490 years.

In judgment against this pervasive sin, God used the merciless Babylonian empire as His agent of bringing judgment upon Israel because they had turned from Him. Furthermore, the Babylonians carried most of the nation of Israel into captivity - a captivity which lasted for 70 years - one year for each cycle of seven years that the nation had forsaken the Shemitah or Sabbath year. Thus through this God-imposed Shemitah, with the Israelites in captivity, this allowed the land of Israel to rest for the same number of years that the Israelites had failed to allow the land to rest voluntarily.

EVALUATION: The premise of The Mystery of the Shemitah is that not only does the Shemitah explicitly and exclusively involve the nation of Israel, but that the "mystery of the Shemitah" is such that it is woven into the very fabric of history and the order of the creation and therefore can and does affect other nations and even the world through various calamities, including natural disasters, wars and financial crises - just as happened to Israel.

As such, Jonathan Cahn claims that God continues to follow the same seven-year cycle, based on the Hebrew calendar, and that just as He imposed a Shemitah upon Israel as a judgment of 70 years of captivity in Babylon because they turned from God, He will also impose a Shemitah upon any nation that turns from Him and when this happens that nation will suffer an economic crash and other cataclysmic events.

Just as in The Harbinger, Cahn claims that America has experienced just such calamities over the last many decades, with the most recent cluster beginning with the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001. Furthermore, he claims that the mystery of the Shemitah has been working in conjunction with what he calls the Isaiah 9:10 Effect, and manifested itself with the precipitous fall in the stock market on the last day of the Hebrew month of Elul in both 2001 and 2008 - which, admittedly are exactly 7 years apart on the Hebrew calendar.

In addition, the author goes back in American history many decades and tries to demonstrate that the mystery of the Shemitah has been at work and that many financial crises have happened in at least roughly the time-frame of a number of these Sabbath years.

However, before one gets too excited or becomes too convinced that "Cahn has done it again" (as some have put it), a number of things need to be considered.

Among the many problems with both The Harbinger and the Shemitah, the three that immediately come to the reader's attention are 1) Cahn mistakenly identifies the Shemitah as a universal principle that can affect any and all nations, 2) he wrongly identifies America as being a parallel to the nation of Israel in that he says it is a nation once dedicated to God and his purposes, but which has turned from God and is therefore subject to the "mystery of the Shemitah," and 3) one of the most egregious errors for a work of non-fiction, Cahn bombards the reader with a deluge of assertions and claimed facts concerning financial and economic trends, building programs, and calamitous events which he connects to the Shemitah - but does so without any footnotes or any citations of source material whatsoever.

  1. There is not the slightest biblical support - and not even a hint that God expects or will impose a Shemitah upon any nation but Israel. There are no commands nor are there any examples whatsoever in the Scriptures that this is some sort of universal principle woven into the fabric of the Creation. Beyond this, in an appearance on the Jim Bakker show in August, Jonathan Cahn stated that when he was writing The Mystery of the Shemitah, "the revelations just came" to him from God, placing him in the position of essentially claiming to receive new revelation from God such that he is functioning as a prophet (my words, not his). This is significant because he is claiming to have discovered and is now revealing a mystery that has been neither seen nor expounded before he started doing so.

  2. Any objective evaluation of America's history will reveal that although God's name was invoked by the Founding Fathers at various points, even to the point of some seeing America as a new Israel, it is equally true that the paganism of Freemasonry is woven into the very foundation of America - and this is evident everywhere one looks in our nation's capital of Washington, D.C. - to the degree that in the dome of the Capitol building, George Washington is depicted as becoming deity as he is received into heaven.

  3. Initial research indicates that the present Hebrew calendar may be off by 1 to 3 years from that of Moses' day. If further research reveals this to be true, then this basically undermines the basic premise of the entire book because that would mean that none of the events described by the author are actually connected to the biblical seventh year that was to be observed when the Law was given to Moses. However, this remains to be definitively determined.

  4. The reason that God imposed a Shemitah judgment upon Israel was because they had failed to observe the Shemitah's / Sabbath years that He required of them. However, there is no biblical basis whatsoever to claim that God has imposed a Shemitah-type judgment upon any nation that was not obligated to keep a Shemitah in the first place. Therefore, whatever has happened to America cannot be linked in any biblical way to a Shemitah. Furthermore, Cahn's book seems to be arguing that God has imposed a Shemitah judgment upon America repeatedly in connection with the modern Hebrew reckoning of Sabbath years. This does not at all follow the ancient pattern that he tries to use as support for his unbiblical theory.

  5. while The Harbinger was classified as a work of fiction, Jonathan Cahn stated in an interview with Brannon Howse in 2012 that The Harbinger was 90% fact and 10% fiction. One of the problems in The Harbinger is that very few of his assertions and fact-claims are documented - so a tremendous amount of primary research was needed to do fact-checking to any degree. And, as it turned out there were many problems, not the least of which was what amounted to a very selective use of historical facts and statistics in order to make his case, as I thoroughly documented in my book, The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction.

However, The Mystery of the Shemitah is not a work of fiction to any degree - it is non-fiction. Yet, as noted earlier, the author literally bombards the reader with dozens and dozens of assertions and fact-claims, all with absolutely no documentation of sources whatsoever. Unfortunately, because of the overwhelming success of The Harbinger, very few of his readers will ever take the time to do fact-checking themselves, although if The Harbinger is any indication, there are very possibly many problems in this book, as well.

  1. The problem with all of the calculations for Sabbath years is that the rabbis do not agree, even in the Talmud, as to whether the Jubilee year was concurrent with the 7th Sabbath year - or subsequent to it. The difference between the two possibilities is the shemitah year being off by 2 years for every 100 years of history. Since no one knows when the Jubilee year is, when this is combined with the difference of opinion concerning the relationship to the Sabbath year, the bottom line is that no one knows when the Sabbath year is on God's calendar, no matter what it is according to man's reckoning.

Furthermore, there are questions concerning the suspension of the Jubilee year after the Assyrian invasion and concerning the possible suspension of the sabbath year during the Babylonian Captivity.

All of the relatively few biblical texts that might give some insight as to where certain events might have happened in relation to a sabbath year are ambiguous and the various interpretations are disputed.

  1. How it is that God has not been imposing Shemitah judgments upon Israel and the Jewish people, who are obligated in the Mosaic Law to observe the Shemitah year, while at the same time, he has been imposing various Shemitah judgments upon America over the last 100 years or so, when our nation does not have any obligation to observe the Shemitah years (as rightly affirmed by Jonathan Cahn).

I am presently very carefully going through The Mystery of the Shemitah a second time and annotating all the places where such assertions are made and will be researching the fact claims in the book. As I was reading it the first time, I just randomly checked a couple of the "facts" that seemed rather suspect to me, and sure enough, my initial research indicated that both were factual errors. However, before I come to a final conclusion on these and others, I'm going to delve into this further because I want to provide an honest evaluation and give the benefit of the doubt where possible.

Unfortunately, The Mystery of the Shemitah, may be an even more fragile house of cards than The Harbinger was from a biblical and historical perspective.

Having said all this, I still commend Jonathan Cahn for his passion to call out Americans for terrible sins which so radically plague this country - and issuing a challenge to Americans to repent before it is too late. America and Americans are more than deserving of God's severe judgment and that judgment might well be underway. And, if Jonathan Cahn's message has gotten the attention of some, such that they have either trusted in Christ for salvation or have turned away from a life of sin, then I rejoice greatly for every one it has impacted in this way.

At the same time, God is not limited in any way, and He can use anything and anyone to accomplish His will - including books and messages that fall short of being biblical and accurate. However, when books and messages are not thoroughly biblical and not completely accurate, they can also cause a great deal of harm in the long run. This is my great concern - that both believers and unbelievers are ultimately going to be led astray, confused and disillusioned by sensationalist-type books such as The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah.

Just as an FYI: For those who might be interested in a more in-depth treatment of the Shemitah theory as presented in Jonathan Cahn's first book, you may want to consider my book: The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction? - available here in Kindle and Paperback versions.

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