The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times

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Debuted at No. 5 on the New York Times Best Seller list, as well as at No. 5 on Wall Street Journal and No. 6 on the Publisher’s Weekly lists.

Over 300K copies sold

Over 1,000 5*** Star Reviews**


This May Be the Most Explosive and Amazing Thing You’ve Ever Read

Is it possible that there exists an ancient master blueprint that holds the secret behind the events of our times?

Could this blueprint lie behind the rise and fall of leaders and governments?

Could events that took place nearly 3,000 years ago now be determining the course of our world and with it the course of our lives?

Could ancient figures from the Middle East hold the key to the leaders of our own day, what they do, when they rise, and when they fall?

Is it possible that this ancient paradigm has determined not only the events of modern times but also their timing—even down to the exact dates?

Could a mystery from the ancient Middle East have foretold the outcomes of current events more accurately than any poll or expert—even the outcomes of presidential elections?

Has this mystery even touched the events of your life?

Does the paradigm reveal what will take place in the future?

And does it contain a warning critical for every person in this generation?

Prepare to be stunned, shocked, illuminated, and amazed. The Paradigm will reveal secrets and mysteries taking place all around you and show you what you never could have imagined. Jonathan Cahn, who caused an international stir with his New York Times best-selling book The Harbinger, will take you from the ancient Middle East to the news of the modern world on a journey you will never forget. As you open up The Paradigm, his most explosive book yet, you may never see your world the same way again.

269 pages,





Audio CD

First published September 18, 2017

ISBN 9781629994796

About the authors

Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jewish Rabbi and pastor best known for his best selling novel The Harbinger, in which he compares the United States and the September 11 attacks to ancient Israel and the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel. In particular, he sees Isaiah 9:10 as a prophetic warning to the United States. The Harbinger was followed with The Harbinger Companion: With Study Guide.

Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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Paige Nichole

Paige Nichole



Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2024

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I am only 3 chapters in and this book is absolutely amazing and so on point! It points out how there's nothing new under the sun.

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l smith

l smith


A must read for all Americans, especially our leaders

Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2024

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This book gives us the blueprint of what was in ancient times, and what is today. It also gives us a roadmap of what needs to be done to make our country great again. Only through God can our country survive, we must get God back in lives, our schools, our government. God must lead America.

Watson household

Watson household


Couldn’t put it down

Reviewed in the United States on September 15, 2024

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Fascinating. Love all his books so far

mom of hershel

mom of hershel


The Paradigm

Reviewed in the United States on May 24, 2018

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I read this book expecting the writing to be much like The Harbinger. While the author is the same, the style of writing is different. This book is not written as a story with truth written within the story. Rather this book is a culmination to past, present, and future possibilities a country that parallels an ancient country. The ancient country of Israel and the modern country of America share many parallels. As Israel changed from a nation dedicated to God into a rebellious nation against God so has America changed from a nation dedicated to the precepts found in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the person of Jesus Christ to a country of rebellion to its Judeo/Christian values. I have witnessed this in my own life in my own country. The book is worth reading, but our country's future lies in its people. It will determined by both prophecy and the response of the people. Prophecy reveals that which God knows from the beginning. Our response to truth is based on our own choices when we choose if we in our own life will receive the gift of eternal life in repentance to God in Jesus Christ or if we decide to live in rebellion to His invitation to follow him. Jesus said if we wish to follow Him we must pick up our cross daily. Paul wrote If any man is in Christ Jesus he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold all things are new. We are also told the nation who forget God will surely perish. Jesus is coming back for His church soon. All the signs point to His coming. America is not mentioned by name in the prophecy of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. I believe we are there as Mystery Babalyon. If so we will destroyed in one hour. Our laws have changed from God respecting to God defying. President Trump as mentioned here seems to a leader of contradiction, but truly He came to the Presidency as one of Grace to a lost and dying nation. Will America repent and turn to God or is our President Trump only a stop gate on our way to our destruction? Only God knows. But there is only one Hope for the nation and only one Hope for each individual. That Hope is found in Jesus Christ and following Him. For sure there is a cost to us. It may mean death in this world, but the cost of not following Him is much greater. The cost of not following Him is the second death. We have two choices we can be born twice and receive eternal life or we can die twice and be condemned to eternal hell. It is all up to us.

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Annie and Tony

Annie and Tony


Captivating ! Highly recommendly! Hard to put down !

Reviewed in the United States on September 19, 2017

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Captivating ! This books is amazing. Since starting to read it at 4 am on the date of release, I've been reading none stop. Jonathan Cahn did an amazing job in this book. The first chapters already drew me in. With the revelation about the paradigm about the King and the Queen, who historically in the bible were King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, but they have modern counterpart as a recent sitting president and his wife ! The similarities are really amazing, regarding their rebellion against God, moral relativism, taking of innocent lives in abortion (child sacrifices in the times of Jezebel), and seeking New Age counseling as compared to Jezebel's being a priestess of Baal and Astoreth. It pictures the nation of Israel in Apostasy and the many events that happened, including murder and a vineyard and how it fits with the events of the King and Queen. The parallel between Ben Hadad and Bin Ladin was also very interesting. "Because you have let slip out of your hand a man whom I appointed to utter destruction, therefore,= your life shall go for his life, and your people for his people" 1 Kings 20:42 of the many opportunities that a modern president had to take out Bin Ladin, but didn't, which eventually led to the despicable, tragic attack of the United States in September 11, 2001. After these first chapters, the book also contains the Paradigm of the Day, the Heir, the Warrior, The Temple, and the Elijah Paradigm which were so interesting. There are just so many wonderful nuggets in this book. Jonathan goes through each paradigm thoroughly and systemically, with full biblical references and current references for the current events that paralels the biblical events. This book is amazing. Its not just systemic and full of information, but Jonathan write is a very captivating way that is hard to put down. Anyone who loves the bible and God, and prophecy, and the Last Days, and the most current fulfillments of the prophecy would enjoy this book enormously. Come Lord Come. Maranatha , Amen.

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Everyone I mean everyone needs to read this book

Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2018

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I don't know if any of you have read The Harbinger or any other of Jonathan Cahn's books. Once again he's nailed it. This one is amazing and I highly recommend it. Would you not agree with me that there is no other God but El Shaddai? He is the Alpha and the Omega. He gives us his word, the Bible, so that we might be able to live like him as he tells us how to. its very simple all we have to do is ask Jesus into our heart, tell him we have sinned against him and that we're sorry and ask him to come in and be boss of your life and everything will just be so much better. Read this book and take away from it the mightiness that God is. How he has paralleled Ahab, Jezebel, and Jehu to Bill and Hillary Clinton and President Trump it's absolutely amazing how it just parallels it so perfectly. Can you really can you really ignore the fact that God is in control no matter what? If you read this book that should convince you that he is. I implore you to please after you read this book if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior that you get down on your knees right now and ask him into your heart tell him you're sorry for all the awful things you've done and ask him to come and live in your heart, be the boss of your life. Because he's coming soon and if you're not ready you're going to be left behind and believe me you don't want to be here. It is going to be awful as you see the world get worse and worse think what it will be like when there is no restrainer left in this world anymore. And I also asked all of you that you pray for this country. Ask God to forgive this country for the horrible things we have done, for killing the babies, the defenseless unborn babies, it's just so against what God wants us to do and if you would ask him to forgive us and that you would ask him to bring a Revival to this country, to the world so that we might be able to get it straightened out and do away with all of this craziness that's going on right now. again I say please read this book you will be glad that you did. But know it just might scare you to death. But don't worry God is the God of love and He will take care of you He is long suffering all knowing always there for us.

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Spooky Parallels - Real World Events

Reviewed in the United States on March 28, 2024

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Cahn's presentation is scholarly, and many claim he assigns Biblical meaning to events after the fact. Comparing one era of history to another and finding parallels, patterns, and cycles seems pretty studied. Cahn looks for the meaning and finds it in Ancient Israel and Biblical messaging, not whimsically assigning meaning.

The shocker was how closely modern events are patterned after well-recorded historical events dating back over 2,000 years. These people were living in the moment in their selfish and self-centered ways. The Jewish sect of the Sadducees maps perfectly to contemporary times and the Democratic party, but the pattern goes even more profound. Interestingly, the United States seemingly acts out ancient Israel in so many ways that it is spooky, and the Democratic party seems to be at the center.

The pattern is so acute that the duration, timing, sequencing, and type of events are on cue not to the generality but to the specificity. These parallels are so perfect that one questions the degree of our free will. What gets me is that these people do not realize their role in this pattern. They think they are free-willed in their behavior. The appearance is that they are actors in an epic script. All the world's a stage, And all the men and women are merely players; They have their exits and entrances...

In the pattern, Donald Trump is the warrior-King Jehu who delays judgment and clears out the remnants of King Ahab's house, aka the swamp today. This means America is under the eye of judgment NOW, and if Israel's pattern is played out, America will fall like Israel. Israel, the Northern Kingdom, fell to the Assyrians 35 years after King Jehu's death. Will America fall 35 years after Trump leaves office? That will put the fall at 2074.

Many things can happen that continue to delay judgment as God uses nations and people to do his bidding. America may continue as Israel has continued, but not without disruptions and tribulations. While all the end-time strategic trends are in play for the first time in world history, much more must be in place before the Great Tribulation. We remain in the Church Age, centering on the Gentiles, and the focus remains on bringing people to Christ.

God gave Israel nine harbingers. The 911 event was the first harbinger for the US. In a weird parallel act, the official US response to 911 was Senator Tom Daschle (D) reciting Isaiah 9:11. This was God's judgment against Israel for rejecting God. Daschle's career was immediately over. The New York Democrats then acted out Isaiah 9:9-10, and on cue, the sycamores died. Senator John Edwards (D) confirmed the official US response and his career ended immediately. Obama signed the last beam installed on the Freedom Tower, saying, "We did it. We rebuilt." This was the third confirmation of the official US response. However, Obama omitted the phrase 'without God,' which was the saving grace. Had he signed it using the words 'without God,' judgment would have been upon the US. Whether or not Obama's omission was willful trying to save his career or another scene in the pattern or paradigm is a moot point. Judgment is delayed.

I'm curious how much of our lives are predestined and how much is genuinely free will. Ecclesiastes 3 is a song by The Byrds called Turn, Turn, Turn, and it has a Biblical message of a Time for Everything and nothing new under the Sun. In the light of the Paradigm, there IS nothing new under the Sun as the Paradigm or pattern cycles to new faces. The Bible remarks that the Believers were personally known before the foundations of time (Romans 8:29) and that Christ chose you, you do not choose him (John 15:16). While those verses have long-held life applications, perhaps the Paradigm sheds light on the fact that we are not as in control as we think. Until the Providential Hand of God moves the needle, history is a stuck record, record, record... repeating itself.

This book is very illuminating.

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Dan Ames

Dan Ames


Love it

Reviewed in the United States on July 26, 2024

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This is my 7th of his and they have always kept me coming back for more. Not sure what book is next, but I know I’ll learn a lot from it. Thank you for catching this persons attention.




Need to read!

Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2024

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Absolutely an amazing book! Jonathan cahn did amazing writing this book! My mom actually told me to get it from the library a couple of weeks ago and when I finished reading it I knew I had to buy it! Mostly because I want to loan it to some of my freind because I think they definitely need to read it!! If you read the book of ecclesiastes in the Bible it says "there is nothing new under the sun" and this book just proves that verse! :)

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Elmer Garten

Elmer Garten


Post-diction or Predicting the Past.

Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2018

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I can certainly see how he rubbed a few liberals the wrong way. Very entertaining and easy read but I wouldn't put a lot of faith in it. The author does a nice little parlor trick. He takes 2 unrelated events and draws similarities between them. I've seen this done many times but not for an entire book and certainly not with such enthusiasm. The famous comparison between the Kennedy and Lincoln assassinations would be a good example. The author backs off continuing his analysis to predict a future event. In fact, he made excuses as to why it wouldn't work. So it is only good for explaining what we already know? Just a trick. But a very good one. And seasoned with some excellent Biblical details. I enjoyed it but then, I love a good magic act.

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