Satan's Affair

4 out of 5

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Every Halloween, Satan's Affair will come to you.

We travel the country, offering terrifying haunted houses, thrilling rides and the tastiest food. And with every passing town, I cleanse this world, one execution at a time.

I hide within the walls, casting my judgement for those that reek of evil, singing lullabies to their rotting souls.

Once you've been chosen, there's no escaping my henchmen—they cater to my every desire.

You can run and you can hide, but it only excites me.


Take a walk through my dollhouse, where your screams will blend and your cute little pleas will go unanswered.

But I can't promise it'll be over quickly...

Important Note: Please visit the author's website for content warnings.

Recommended Reading Order for the C&M Universe:

  • Satan's Affair
  • Haunting Adeline
  • Hunting Adeline
  • Where's Molly

179 pages,





First published November 3, 2022

ISBN 9781957635064

About the authors

H. D. Carlton

H. D. Carlton

H. D. Carlton is an International and USA Today Bestselling author. She lives in Oregon with her husband, Bigfoot, two dogs, and cat. When she’s not bathing in the tears of her readers, she’s watching paranormal shows and wishing she was a mermaid. Her favorite characters are of the morally gray variety and believes that everyone should check their sanity at the door before diving into her stories.

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Kallie S.

Kallie S.


Jaw dropped!

Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2024

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This is a short book, only 11 chapters but in my opinion, 100% worth the read before starting Haunting Adeline. It’s basically a prequel to HA, it gives a glimpse at the character you’ll come to know in Haunting Adeline. Make sure you read the trigger warnings! 5/5 stars for me because WOW…that plot twist at the end!! I knew from the first chapter that Sibel was crazy but just wait! ;)

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Kindle Customer

Kindle Customer



Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2024

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That was a very quick read!! It was a good read that I enjoyed,I loved getting to be in Sights twisted up head!! I read this in 2 day as it was amazing!!!!!




Dark yummy read!

Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2024

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Holy hell!! what a turn of events! 5% in I contemplated on if I should keep going! This book is DARK I mean DARK! I need more of Zade! Sibby is amazing!




Good insight on Sibby's story

Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2024

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I actually read Haunting Adeline & Hunting Adeline first, then I found out about the 2 novellas that go with the series. If you like psychological horror movies, then you will appreciate reading about Sibby. If you don't like horror books/movies, you probably won't like this read. This is Sibby's story, how she meets Zade Meadows & how it ties into the cat & mouse series.

Sibby's story gives some brief insight about her childhood in a cult led by her daddy. After leaving the cult, Sibby spends her time with Satan's affair. A traveling haunted house fair where she sniffs out "demons" & helps rid the world of them.

That's all I'm going to write about the book. It's a novella, so I don't want to spoil it for anyone wanting to read this book.

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Samantha Carpenter

Samantha Carpenter


Getting rid of demons for 5 years

Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2024

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My heart breaks for Sibby. This woman has been through so much and her mission in life when she casts her judgment is everything to her. As she says throughout the book many times she’s not doing anything wrong. She’s getting rid of the evil and the demons that are hurting others. I have read the Cat and Mouse duet before so I knew Sibby going into this. I knew about her henchman and just a little quirks that makes Sibby, Sibby. I really enjoyed finding more out about her story and her mom and her cult upbringing. I think her dollhouse is the perfect epitome of Sibby. I do really enjoy when Sibby and Zade work together to get rid of the demons. During the epilogue, I was to the point of tears for Sibby because in her mind, there is nothing wrong with her and the fact that people are telling her this and she really can’t express it in the way she needs to was very heartbreaking for me.

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Shasta Rogers

Shasta Rogers


This is some crazy 💩!

Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2024

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It took me weeks to get through this awful, crazy, gory book! I could only handle a little at a time. I have been wanting to read Haunting Adeline and everything said it was best to read this first. I almost gave up on it, but the reviews kept talking about the ending and I was curious. It felt like something was off during the whole book, like the pieces didn’t quite fit. THEN, the car chase and epilogue! All I can say is WOW! I’m so glad I stuck it out. If you struggle with reading this book like I did. Just hold on and finish. The ending is amazing! Also, I already like Zade. Little girl, there are several things you need serious help for, but anger control is the top! 🤣

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Really enjoyed the ending

Reviewed in the United States on August 11, 2024

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Four stars because the beginning is jarring, but after finishing the story I understand the need for it. It’s all legwork for an amazing ending that had me going back to reread.





Reviewed in the United States on May 26, 2024

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Okay first off I had to skip through most of the book I couldn't stomach it, I got about 40% in and started skipping and just skimming pages to the the last parts of the book when Zade makes his appearance and read from there. The only reason I didn't dnf was because I had pre read reviews about the plot twist. I don't know how this is suggested as to read before the cat and mouse duet and after reading it I'm not sure I can read that either. This was my first "dark romance" and I use those quotes loosely because like other readers this is just gore and horror and the s*x was overboard. But hey if that's your thing then you do you, I ain't gonna judge you for it. But its definitely not my cup of tea.

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I had already lost faith in this author 😅 but...

Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2024

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I had already lost faith in this author 😅 because I had already read her last two books and I hated the writing and the way she didn't know how to take advantage of the premise, especially the book Where is Molly. If the writing is better here? No! But Sibby is a character that knew how to grab my attention. What does that say about me? It's up to you 😁🤣

I read this book completely blindly because I want to give the duet Cat and Mouse another chance. So I didn't know what I was going for and I was shocked, intrigued, outraged and shocked again at the end!

Do I recommend it? Yes, but pay attention to TW. There are very gr scenes!

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Alice Wonder

Alice Wonder


Just not my type horror/gore/erotica cup of tea

Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2024

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2.5 stars

Sooooooooooooooo. . . . Ummmmmmm. . . Yeah.

I went into this not knowing anything. I’ve seen everyone saying read haunting/hunting Adeline freaking out about it so I caved in. I looked it up and seen this was meant to be first so I went for it. To be honest if I didn’t look at some reviews for this until mid way through this book when I was about to DNF if not for them I would not have pushed through. The heavy porn scenes(because that is what this is, this is not soft smut or heavy passionate sex, this is unfiltered hardcore porn in some points) where fine no problem I don’t mind that. It was the gore that got me, so much descriptive unhinged gore. My mind like I’m sure many others is very overactive so it likes to run away with thoughts so this was very though and I had to skim a couple paragraphs when it came to the murdering.

Now if this book is what it is like in haunting/hunting duo then I would probably just stop here and leave it alone but I see where some are saying this book is more unhinged and that it’s not as good and the duet so I will be willing to dive further into this world.

This book was a stand alone, then I would have stopped when the 2nd murdering scene happened. This book was just not my cup of tea.

I liked the back story, I liked the crazy Harley Quinn(old Harley Quinn) mentality, I liked the different henchmen and that each of them brought something to the table(wink wink) I liked the plot twist at the end but I kinda thought it might be something like that but I didn’t think it would be that intense of a twist. I liked that the “demons” were just normal people there was nothing extra about them just normal people who had something eating them from the inside out that only Sibby could see.

What I could not handle was the gore, the intense gore to was just soooooooooo much for me the murdering, the rage, the crazy fine I get it she wasn’t taught things as a kid how to handle things like an adult so she’s like a rebelling teen still how let’s all her pent up emotions out of those she murders. But the description of her murder everything she does to them. A scene where she uses a mace like object and insert it somewhere then pulls out their entrails I had to stop reading and walk away and come back. After that I was careful about the murdering and started to skim the gore a bit.

I would say this is more of a horror/gore/erotica book and those just aren’t my types of books

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