The Tech Contracts Handbook: Cloud Computing Agreements, Software Licenses, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople, Third Edition

The Tech Contracts Handbook: Cloud Computing Agreements, Software Licenses, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople, Third Edition

4.6 out of 5

151 global ratings

Now updated and expanded, this simple reference manual and training guide covers cloud computing agreements, software licenses, and other IT contracts. Written in a clear, plain-English style, this bestselling handbook is a complete resource for lawyers, contract managers, procurement officers, and other businesspeople--anyone responsible for getting IT deals done. It's by David W. Tollen, one of the industry's leading authorities on technology contracts.

The Handbook provides guidance on the business issues behind the terms, as well as negotiation tips and sample contract language. And it covers all the key topics in technology contracts.

This third edition gives readers new and expanded best practices for data: for terms on privacy, data security, and control of data--some of the key concerns in IT contracts today. The third edition also takes a closer look at several other terms. But it retains the simplicity and brevity that made The Tech Contracts Handbook a bestseller. Topics include:

  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS) and other cloud subscriptions
  • Indemnities
  • Limits of liability
  • Service level agreements (SLAs) and warranties
  • Open source software
  • On-premise software distribution contracts
  • Technology escrow and SaaS step-in terms
  • SaaS transition and deconversion
  • Intellectual property licenses
  • Internet and e-commerce
  • And much more

You won't find a more accessible, useful resource on IT contracts.

About the authors

David W. Tollen

David W. Tollen

David W. Tollen is an attorney and one of the country's best-known experts on information technology contracts -- and he teaches IT contract drafting and negotiation at the U.C. Berkeley Law School. Separately, David is also the author of award-winning novels that use fantasy to teach history and science, for young people.

David is the author of THE TECH CONTRACTS HANDBOOK: CLOUD COMPUTING AGREEMENTS, SOFTWARE LICENSES, AND OTHER IT CONTRACTS FOR LAWYERS AND BUSINESSPEOPLE -- now in it's 3rd edition, just released in 2021. It's published by the American Bar Association, and the prior editions have consistently ranked as the #1 bestseller for the IP Law Section of the ABA. THE TECH CONTRACTS HANDBOOK is a how-to guide for drafting and negotiating IT agreements, written in simple English.

David is also the founder of Tech Contracts Academy, where he teaches IT contract drafting and negotiation, for lawyers and businesspeople. And he is the founder of Sycamore Legal, P.C. in San Francisco, where he and his staff provide legal services related to software licensing and other IT contracts. He also serves as an expert witness in litigation on these same topics.

Further, David is the author of THE JERICHO RIVER, a young adult novel that uses fantasy to teach world history. THE JERICHO RIVER won first place at both the London Book Festival and the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, as well as a bronze medal in the Readers' Favorite Book Reviews and Awards Contest, among other honors.

David's second novel is SECRETS OF HOMINEA. Another multiple award-winner, it's a middle grade fantasy -- a tale of giants, gnomes, queens, and adventurers -- and it teaches science and history.

David earned law degrees from Harvard Law School and Cambridge University in England, as well as a B.A. in history from U.C. Berkeley.

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James B. Stovell II

James B. Stovell II


Must read for software deal makers

Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2021

David Tollen writes, guides, informs, and leads as strongly in this book as he does as practicing technology contracts expert.

This is a must read for anyone who is serious about playing a role in technology deal making.

The world of contracts and partnering between tech firms and their customers has evolved massively over the last 15 years - and Tollen’s book helps innovators win where it matters.

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3 people found this helpful




Must Read for Every SaaS Contract Negotiator

Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2021

Verified Purchase

With the advent of cloud computing came new ways of selling software services. These new distribution models require a new way of thinking about the terms in our subscription agreements. Dave Tollen has a knack for teaching these nuances in an easy to understand way. This guide comes highly recommended for all software executives.

2 people found this helpful

John M Keagy

John M Keagy


Tollen wrote the book!

Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2021

The author IS the state of the art in Silicon Valley.

Vanessa M

Vanessa M



Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2021

Verified Purchase

Useful and up to date. The clause examples are great!

2 people found this helpful

Amy K.

Amy K.


Fabulous resource for in-house counsel and contract managers

Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2021

This book is a fabulous resource for in-house counsel and contract managers. The book is well organized so you can quickly find helpful information about almost any type of clause in a technology contract. I often turn to this book when I am reviewing a contract or writing one myself. Highly recommended!

7 people found this helpful




Excellent Resource

Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2021

Mr. Tollen is one of the brightest legal minds in this arena

Ross Guberman, President of Legal Writing Pro and BriefCatch

Ross Guberman, President of Legal Writing Pro and BriefCatch


An indispensable resource for anyone who deals with tech contracts

Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2021

David Tollen is a leading expert on tech agreements and negotiations. I have the earlier editions of his book as well, and for anyone interested in any aspect of software licensing and other standard tech IP agreements, the commentary and models are priceless.

5 people found this helpful

sibley classen

sibley classen


A clear, concise easy to understand handbook

Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2021

This book provides an excellent, comprehensive overview of the principal provisions of technology agreements in an easy to understand, practical manner. Attorneys and layman alike will find the book to be a valuable resource A must buy!!

3 people found this helpful

DT Coughlin

DT Coughlin


Index ends at "d"

Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2023

Verified Purchase

So far, this seems like a good reference book. Unfortunately, I went to look up "insurance" provisions, and found that the Index abruptly ends with the letter "d" at "data, customer…derived, 118" on page 366. Printing error?

Good indexes are important for a reference book.

alessandro baglioni

alessandro baglioni


Good book but late delivery

Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2024

Verified Purchase

The book is good, the problem is that it was arrived at late. I paid a supplement for having the book on 27th May 2024 but it arrived on 28th morning despite the fact that the book was already in Luxembourg on 27. I tried several times to contact the costumer service, but no one answered in the chat and I could not be called back. I am really disappointed with the customer service.

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