The Winter of The Witch

4.7 out of 5

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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Following their adventures in The Bear and the Nightingale and The Girl in the Tower, Vasya and Morozko return in this stunning conclusion to the bestselling Winternight Trilogy, battling enemies mortal and magical to save both Russias, the seen and the unseen.

“A tale both intimate and epic, featuring a heroine whose harrowing and wondrous journey culminates in an emotionally resonant finale.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)


Vasilisa Petrovna is an unforgettable heroine determined to forge her own path. Her gifts and her courage have drawn the attention of Morozko, the winter-king, but it is too soon to know if this connection will prove a blessing or a curse.

Now Moscow has been struck by disaster. Its people are searching for answers—and for someone to blame. Vasya finds herself alone, beset on all sides. The Grand Prince is in a rage, choosing allies that will lead him on a path to war and ruin. A wicked demon returns, determined to spread chaos. Caught at the center of the conflict is Vasya, who finds the fate of two worlds resting on her shoulders. Her destiny uncertain, Vasya will uncover surprising truths about herself as she desperately tries to save Russia, Morozko, and the magical world she treasures. But she may not be able to save them all.

Praise for The Winter of the Witch

“Katherine Arden’s Winternight Trilogy isn’t just good—it’s hug-to-your-chest, straight-to-the-favorites-shelf, reread-immediately good, and each book just gets better. The Winter of the Witch plunges us back to fourteenth-century Moscow, where old gods and new vie for the soul of Russia and fate rests on a witch girl’s slender shoulders. Prepare to have your heart ripped out, loaned back to you full of snow and magic, and ripped out some more.”—Laini Taylor

“Luxuriously detailed yet briskly suspenseful . . . a striking literary fantasy informed by Arden’s deep knowledge.”—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

372 pages,





First published September 30, 2019

ISBN 9781785039737

About the authors

Katherine Arden

Katherine Arden

Born in Austin, Texas, Katherine Arden spent her junior year of high school in Rennes, France.

Following her acceptance to Middlebury College in Vermont, she deferred enrolment for a year in order to live and study in Moscow. At Middlebury, she specialized in French and Russian literature.

After receiving her BA, she moved to Maui, Hawaii, working every kind of odd job imaginable, from grant writing and making crêpes to serving as a personal tour guide. After a year on the island, she moved to Briançon, France, and spent nine months teaching. She then returned to Maui, stayed for nearly a year, then left again to wander. Currently she lives in Vermont, but really, you never know.

She is the author of The Bear and the Nightingale.

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Pamela T

Pamela T


Excellent Book…. Amazing series

Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2019

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The Winternight Trilogy is about folklore and historical figures set in Medieval Russia, good vs evil and magic vs christianity– on first glance I thought b-o-r-i-n-g – but boy was I wrong! In my opinion, this is an excellent book – full stop!

The world building is amazing, the characters are well written - they grow and develop throughout the series. (No card board characters in this story.) The heroine Vasya is strong, fierce and brave but has a lot to learn and it was exciting to see her figureout who is she and what she is destined to become. Warning: Vasya goes through many “tests” of her power (often violent) that are described in detail so if you are a little squeamish you may want to avoid this series. The reader will be enchanted and cheering Vasya along on her journey. The author will have you guessing who is good and who is evil. Honestly, all the characters were so well written I felt like I knew them and their motivation. I loved the good characters and even felt pity for the evil characters.

If had to summarize the Winternight Trilogy - The Bear and the Nightingale bewitches you with the strong characters and their stories, the Girl in the Tower has you wondering what the heck is going to happen next (with a few surprises) and in The Winter of the Witch there is non-stop action which wraps up the story with a satisfying ending.

I laughed, I cried, I shouted, I was surprised, I was touched by magic and loved every minute of it! I highly recommend.

Note: The Winter of the Witch is the third book in the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden. The Bear and the Nightingale is Book 1 and the Girl in the Tower is Book 2. I strongly suggest that you read the first two books before starting The Winter of the Witch – since the story jumps right into the action from the first page and it might be disorienting if you have not read the first two books.

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Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Third Book of the Winterlight Trilogy

Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2019

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This is the third book of the fascinating Winterlight trilogy. Please note that it is important to read the other two books of the series before reading this one.

If you remember the end of book 2, “The Girl in the Tower”, Vasya and Sasha are able to escape their imprisonment in order to help the Grand Prince of Moscow fight off the usurpers. Vasya , with the help of the ghost of her grandmother Tamara, rescues her niece Marya from the clutches of Kasyan, the sorcerer. However, when Vasya retrieves Solovey from the Prince of Moscow’s stables, she sees Kasyan’s golden mare there. The mare is the first horse she has ever feared, and, in anger, she rips the golden bridle from the mare.. Astonishing her, the mare turns into a firebird and flames leap up and spread throughout the city. The Frost Demon answers Vasya’s plea for aide and stirs up a snowstorm to put out the flames. Yet the snow comes too late to prevent some homes from burning, and some lives are lost, as well.

In “The Winter of the Witch”, book 3 of the trilogy, the handsome priest, Father Konstantine, feeling Vasya’s rejection of his advances, stirs the people up against her. He has abandoned his search for God yet espouses an unsullied Christian faith. Hoping to have power over the people, he makes a pact with the Devil. The people adore him and follow him blindly. He accuses Vasya of setting Moscow on fire. With the help of the angry mob, the priest seizes her and puts her in an enclosed cage placed on kindling set to burn.

Using her newly realized power of invisibility, Vasya escapes the cage and is taken out of the area with the help of the Midnight Demon. She travels with great speed through Midnight (where it is always midnight) and learns more about the history of her grandmother, Tamara, who passed her gift of second sight to Vasya.

Vasya goes on to help fight the Tatur invaders who want to rule all of Russia. She shows great courage and daring as a female warrior.

Love grows between Vasya and Morozoko, the Frost Demon, but Vasya also asserts her independence.

She helps Morozoko chain his brother, The Bear, who fosters bedlam, violence, and madness. Vasya seeks out The Bear sometime later to help in the war against the Taturs. She makes him swear allegiance to her and threatens to chain him up with the magic golden bridle if he misbehaves.

Vasya becomes a power in her own right, apart from The Bear or the Frost Demon. She will inherit a kingdom and is really a princess warrior.

This is a very exciting series. This last book is even more like a fairytale than the first two and the reader has to suspend belief more often. However, the story is compelling and pulled me in irresistibly.

The story of Vasya is based on the Russian fairytale, “Vasya the Beautiful”. The author has done considerable research and writes with a lyrical beauty.

This is a great series for young adults as well as older adults. A female heroine like Vasya is a good role model for women. She isn’t perfect, and sometimes she isn’t as kind as she was early on in the series, but she is fascinating and likable.

I got this book through Audible and have bought the hardback, since I like this series so much.

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Cathie Frey

Cathie Frey


Love this book

Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2024

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Loved this book and the whole series. I hope she writes some more books like this.

Josh Mauthe

Josh Mauthe


A wonderful ending that unifies the story's threads into something more than the sum of their parts

Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2019

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It's hard to think of a recent release that I've been as excited for as The Winter of the Witch, the final entry in Katherine Arden's beautiful, magical Winternight trilogy. From the first few pages of her incredible debut novel, The Bear and the Nightingale, I was hooked; by the time I turned the last pages of The Girl in the Tower, I was almost angry that I had to wait for the third book. But as any fan knows, those same expectations can work against a book, especially when it's the final part of a series; sometimes, you get so excited that no ending can ever live up to your hopes.

Luckily, that's not the case with The Winter of the Witch, which wraps up Arden's sprawling saga in a way that draws everything into focus, revealing that all this time, she's been telling two stories simultaneously: one about a young girl who straddles the line between humanity and magical creatures, and one about the formation of Russia itself during the medieval period. And if Winter feels just a tiny bit overstuffed, well, the book's ambition and successful fulfillment of those goals more than justifies it.

At its core, The Winter of the Witch has three things to accomplish, leading the book to feel like it's three stories that all interweave together:

Arden has to wrap up the lingering threads left hanging at the end of The Girl in the Tower, where cataclysmic events ran all the way to the end of the novel, leaving the aftermath to be explored. We need to watch as Vasilisa comes to terms with her destiny, finding a way to unify Russia's pagan folklore with the rapidly approaching wave of Christianity that's washing across the nation. And finally, we need to deal with the imminent threat of the Khans as they work to destroy the loose federation of Russian tribes that are unifying in opposition. That's a lot to take on, and at times, Winter of the Witch feels like it breaks a bit into three separate stories that don't always connect into each other. Arden fixes that by the end, giving us a stunning climax that weaves together every disparate piece of the series into one astonishing sequence that clarifies the series' focus in a way that genuinely both shocked me and completely unifies the books into a continuous saga.

But even before that ending, Arden makes each of these segments work beautifully on their own merits. The novel's opening is harrowing, bringing a nightmarish intensity and horror to the book that brings home the impact of the characters' choices to this point. More than that, though, it gives the final book of the series stakes in a way that I didn't expect, reminding us of how many forces Arden has working in opposition to Vasilisa, and just how dangerous these ideas truly are.

And then, just when we're at the bottom point of the book, Arden twists reality around us all over again, immersing us in a magical world that we've never seen before, and plunging even more deeply into Russian folklore and mythology, and slowly revealing more and more of the backstory of Vasya's family that have, to this point, only been hinted at. It's all satisfying and engaging, but more than that, it gives Arden the chance to breathe and live in her wondrous world, conveying the unreality of her planes through her carefully written prose - and that's before she springs some major, major surprises on us.

It's hard to talk much about the end of The Winter of the Witch without giving away some of what Arden has planned (although I would point out that anyone who has knowledge of Russian history, or who glances too much into the helpful glossary at the end of the book, might find the story spoiled by historical facts). That's not just in terms of the rich storytelling she's got going, which finds the lines between villains and heroes blurring, questions of faith raised, and familial relationships complicating around them. No, The Winter of the Witch also delivers on an emotional level, bringing us closure not just in on the big picture and in our story, but on the level of relationships - most importantly, the relationship between Vasya and Morozko, the incarnation of Frost and Death.

The Winter of the Witch, in other words, does everything you want a finale of a series to do. It provides us closure on all of its plot threads and disparate stories. It concludes all of our characters' arcs, allowing them to develop and grow, and giving us an end to their story that's satisfying while not being excessively wrapped up. It clarifies and coheres the series' thematic complexities, unifying its questions of faith, folklore, historical movement, national pride, and destiny into one powerful message and idea. It rewards us for our emotional investment in these characters, making us both hurt and rejoice with them as they reach their ends. And in the end, it leaves us wanting more time in this world, even as it gives us an ending. Does it have a lot to do? Yes. Does it feel like it could use maybe a bit more time? Sure...but it's also magical, beautiful, and moving, and lives up to my hopes for the other books in the series - and given how much I loved them, that's a big deal indeed.

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B&N Smith

B&N Smith


One of my all time favorite trilogies

Reviewed in the United States on February 5, 2024

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Absolutely love this trilogy! Arden’s unique writing style is poetic and descriptive at the same time. Love the plot. Beautiful characters. Amazing setting. It’s just brilliant.

Adam Palik

Adam Palik


My heart soars like Pozhar over the night sky. Wow.

Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2023

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This series really is something special. When I read (which is less often than I wish it was) I tend to stick to books that are already heralded as classics - essential reading - cultural cornerstones. Picking up The Bear and the Nightingale was an intentional departure from that as I wanted something new. Now having just finished The Winter of the Witch, I am so glad to have read this elegant, enchanting, and life enriching story. Vasya is one of my favorite characters I've had the pleasure to know. The dichotomy of Morozko and Medved is at times both deeply phiolosophical and pleasantly familiar. The small moments of levity from Solovey and Ded Grib alleviate just enough of the heartbreak found in the most powerful events of the book to provide balance and keep the pages turning. I just can't heap enough praise on Katherine Arden for the beautiful story she has created. I am now in the neverending process of recommending this series to everyone I know - and I'm hopeful at least a few of them will pick it up and experience this tale as I have. Many thanks to the author. If you, a person considering a purchase are reading this, get the book. Its worth all the silver a banniek could possibly drown.

P.S. I'm heartbroken that this is the end of the trilogy, even though all great stories must end. A small flame burns in me that we might see future stories from this world, told just as elegantly. I also feel this is ripe for a relatively dark animated film trilogy. Something akin to Spirited Away. Maybe one day..... Regardless. I will be eagerly anticipating Katherine Arden's next project.

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Phenomenal end to a phenomenal trilogy.

Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2019

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”If you spend too much time alone in the dark, you will forget that you are more than the witch of the wood, you will forget to come back into the light.”

Vasilisa Petrovna’s journey began in The Bear in the Nightingale, where she was introduced to the other world that lives just beyond the eyes of the mortals and the devils and chyerti that inhabit that world. Her journey continued in The Girl in the Tower, where she was fighting not only for her survival, but also for the lives of the people in Rus’. Her journey ends on a fitting note, where she’s able to bring men and devils together to save the country she loves and the people within, but also the shadows that lurk in the oven hearths and in the spaces between trees. Her entire journey has been fraught with danger, and it was truly a pleasure to watch her grow and change, find some peace and fit into the space in the world that’s been carved out just for her.

First I needed men to help me defeat a devil, she thought. Now I will need devils to help me defeat men.

While the previous two books have been rife with bloodshed and threats of war, The Winter of the Witch finally brings the imminent battle to the forefront. The Tatars have made their way to Russia’s front door, and it all concludes with the battle at Kulikovo. As with any war, there’s always going to be loss, and there isn’t one character who walks away from this battle without feeling the heavy weight of it. That’s not the only battle that’s being fought, as the war of faiths is still very much a point of contention between Christians and Pagans, with Vasya at the center of it all fighting for the Domovoi and the chyerti, the folklore and fables that make up the second world she’s a part of.

”This is the price of my aid: Swear to me you will not condemn witches to burn. Swear to me you will not condemn those who leave offerings in their oven-mouths. Let our people have both their faiths.”

And the romance. Oh, the romance! I’ve been waiting not so patiently for this from the very beginning and not only was it everything I wished for, it was so much more. From the beginning, the relationship between Morozko and Vasya has been incredibly complicated and multi-faceted, but there’s always been a healthy dose of respect for one another. And a spark lying just beneath the surface, fighting and failing to break it.

”Why are you afraid?”, she asked him. His hand dropped. She did not think he would answer. When he did, it was so low she barely caught the words. “Love is for those who know the griefs of time, for it goes hand in hand with loss. An eternity, so burdened, would be a torment. And yet—“ He broke off, drew breath. “Yet what else to call it, this terror and this joy?”

I was so apprehensive to start this book — not for any reason except I didn’t want this series to come to an end. But all things must. I don’t often reread books or series, but this trilogy is going to make it to that coveted list. And while I’m sad to see it end, Katherine Arden’s brilliance knows no bounds and I’m sure whatever she brings next will be just as phenomenal as this trilogy.

*eARC received via NetGalley.

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Sara G

Sara G


I consider myself lucky to have read this series

Reviewed in the United States on April 3, 2019

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Vasya gave him a dazzling smile, without warmth. “You shouldn’t have told them I was a girl. Then they might have believed that I was dangerous.”

Finishing The Winter of the Witch left me in a post-book-depression that lasted over two months. It's a rare and beautiful thing to find a book like that, and I always consider myself lucky when I do. I remember when I finished the book—after I blinked the tears out of my eyes—wandering out into the cold winter night and staring up at the stars. It's the sort of book that makes you need to do that.

Arden managed to tie up the series with an ending that's probably one of the best I've read. We finally get to see Vasya coming into her full power, both with magic and womanhood. We follow her as she tries to use this power to save both the magical world and the physical one, meeting opposition from every direction.

The story picks up where The Girl in the Tower left off, with the aftermath of Vasya’s escapades in Moscow. The action begins immediately—there’s an angry mob, who’s heard a witch set Moscow on fire, and they want revenge. Remember our dear friend Konstantin? Yeah, he’s still around, and he’s more than happy to fan the flames. Vasya is immediately forced to make difficult choices, not only to save her family, but her people and her homeland—even if they despise her as a witch. Vasya has had a tremendous amount of growth throughout the series, but in this book, she becomes a straight up BAMF. I loved seeing her come into her own, discover how to use her magic. Magic remains very wild, a “soft” magic if you will. But it works so well with the series’ mythical, fairy-tale ambiance. There are more chyerti, too! Even a mushroom spirit! (Who is straight up hilarious, and probably my favorite side character tied with Solovey.)

As with the previous installments, Vasya’s relationship with her family is beautiful and real. I appreciate how Arden focuses on positive familial relationships; they’re messy, and no one always agrees, but in the end, everyone loves and respects one another. Vasya’s interactions with Olga and Sasha are some of my favorite scenes, especially their reactions to their little sister’s rather unorthodox romantic shenanigans. (And speaking of romance, I'll just say: this book has it. fans self)

This book made me ugly cry several times. I had so many emotions, ranging from sorrow to overwhelming happiness, that my chest physically hurt. I don't know what else to say except bravo, Katherine Arden. This is a fantasy series that will go down as one of the best.

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❄❄A wonderful finale to a really amazing trilogy. ❄❄

Reviewed in the United States on September 7, 2020

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"Magic is forgetting the world was ever other than as you willed it"

TW: Death of a Pregnant woman & unborn baby

This is the third and final installment of the Winternight Trilogy where we continue to follow Vasya and picks up right were The Girl in the Tower left off.

This book continues to develop Vasya as a character. But this book was really more about gaining further insight into Vasya's heritage as well as the impending war that Moscow faces.

The romance continues in this that was also present in the first two books. I love how the romance changes and adapts to fit the climate of each book in the series and not the other way around. This climate of the book influences the romance, the romance does not influence the climate. I feel this approach did the story justice.

I love the over all flow to the story, even though it felt significantly slower than The Girl in the Tower. It felt like it took a lot more time to work into the final climax of the story and I wasn't as immersed in this as I was with the previous book. This book was still really good though and it finished off the series very well and I found the ending satisfying.

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Amber Garabrandt

Amber Garabrandt


A great addition to a fantastic series!

Reviewed in the United States on January 21, 2019

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       Directly after the events from The Girl in the Tower, Katherine Arden Vasya has to come to terms with everything.  Morozko is gone away–because of her.  The Grand Prince has lost faith in her brother, the people are suffering, and her niece is still traumatized.  One night there's chaos at her sister's gate, a mob led by Father Konstantin.  They want the witch–Vasya.  

       To protect her family she goes to the mob, to her death.... or what should be.  But there's magic and allies afoot, and even though she looses much this night, she is alive and running.  She has to get to Morozko–Medved, his twin The Bear, is loose and scheming chaos for her beloved Rus.  Due to the happenings of that night, and the fact that she refused to align with either twin in their war, the chyerti see Vasya as a power unto herself–and maybe their best hope.  Can one girl bring two worlds together, keeping both safe and whole?  How much would you give up for your country?  Your life?  Your sanity?  Your love?  

My thoughts:

           There's so much to love in this series.  The little pieces of Russian history, stretched and molded but still there; the incorporation of fairy tales, the adventure and gorgeous descriptions.  It always draws me into these books.  I loved the characters, and that I could actually watch them grow through the pages.  

         The idea of the more pagan aspects of life (the old gods and demons) in light of the new faith was really interesting.  I loved the concept of actually being able to see that.  This was a richly textured world, beautiful and terrifying like the fairy tales of old.  I actually love the relationship between Vasya and Morozko, watching an immortal god getting frustrated by a young woman was pretty great.  The new characters like Deb Grib and Lady Midnight were also really really interesting, creative and wonderfully done.  Spending more time with The Bear, though, was way more satisfying than it should have been.  I absolutely loved Medved.

         I also loved the story line here, and thought it was a great finale to a fantastic series.  It had a lot of heart and adventure, and the writing style had a good flow.  My only critique, though, was that it began precisely where the last book ended (as the last one had).  Personally, I read the last book a year ago.  Do I remember every tiny thing that happened?  No.  Let's bring out the book notes!  In Arden's defense, there is some backtracking, a little hint of what came before, but I feel like I would have had a lot less notes for this book if I had read the last one more recently.  This feels like an 800 page book broken into three parts.  That's not to say it's a bad thing, but it stopped me short at first and made it harder to loose myself in the beginning of the book.  For me, this is a four star book.  

     On the adult content scale, there is a lot of violence and language.  There's also a bit of sexual content, but it's not explicit.  While Goodreads doesn't have thins listed as a young adults book, I feel like it could be.  Maybe 14 and above?  The violence is the only reason I hesitate at all. 

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