Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan

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Join the millions of people worldwide who have lost 30, 50, or 100+ pounds and reversed chronic health problems by embracing the Wheat Belly message. In New York Times bestseller Wheat Belly Total Health, you will learn not only how and why you must say no to grains, but also how you can achieve a level of radiant health and well being you never thought possible. Dr. William Davis will also show you: 

   • Precisely what you should and should not eat, including a breakdown of the different types of grains and the differences between them     • What to do when facing various post-wheat scenarios, such as intense wheat withdrawal, stalled weight loss, and the loss of too much weight     • Which supplements can boost health to higher levels even after the health gains of grain elimination are experienced     • The science of exactly how your health improves after grains are eliminated, including your mood, sleep, endocrine health, metabolic health, cardiovascular health, physical performance, and much more     • Inspiring testimonials and before/after photographs of those who are proudly living wheat-free 

Wheat Belly Total Health is about regaining full metabolic well being, reflected in blood sugar and other measures that may require additional steps beyond grain elimination. This book is your guide on the journey to long-term health and vitality—and it will be the only book you ever need to break the grip of wheat, lose weight for good, and achieve vibrant, lasting health.

416 pages,





Audio CD

First published September 12, 2016

ISBN 9781623367701

About the authors

William Davis

William Davis

Dr. Davis provides solutions to health problems by addressing the microbiome, massively disrupted in modern people. He shows readers in his Super Gut book, for instance, how to restore important lost microbes lost such as Lactobacillus reuteri, restored by using a unique method of yogurt fermentation that smooths skin and reduces wrinkles, restores youthful muscle and strength, deepens sleep, reduces appetite and provides many other youth-preserving and anti-aging effects. In Super Gut and in his website, www.DrDavisInfiniteHealth.com, he provides additional do-it-yourself-at-home strategies for benefits such as improved mood, improved athletic performance, better sleep, heightened immunity, and improved body composition.

Dr. William Davis is also responsible for exposing the incredible nutritional blunder made by "official" health agencies: Eat more "healthy whole grains." The wheat of today is different from the wheat of 1960, thanks to extensive genetics manipulations introduced to increase yield-per-acre. Eliminating wheat yields results beyond everyone's expectations: substantial weight loss, correction of cholesterol abnormalities, relief from inflammatory diseases like arthritis, better mood, reduced blood sugar with many type 2 diabetics being freed of insulin and other drugs, all articulated through his Wheat Belly series of books. He is also a champion of individual self-directed health, as discussed in his Undoctored book.

Dr. Davis lives what he preaches, not having indulged in a wheat-containing bagel, ciabatta, or pretzel in many years, while consuming various fermentation products that yield unexpected health benefits. Dr. Davis lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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Reviewed in the United States on December 17, 2014

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This is the best diet yet! Got off track after trying this back in Dec 2014 because had all over aches and pains and stomach problems. Started liver and gallbladder cleanse 2 months ago and then saw Dr Davis on PBS last week. Inspired me again. Got back on Wheat Belly diet and within just a few days my aches and pains went away. I might not have realized everything I needed to do until saw his program on PBS. Will never go back to wheat, grains and most fruit. Just low sugar fruit like some blueberries. This is not a diet but healthy lifestyle eating and your body will thank you for it if you believe grains are hard to digest. Hate they push whole grain down your throat and was thin once long ago cause didn't eat bread. So many processed foods with wheat, grains, hidden sugar and other things like chemical names. Even wheat in my frozen broccoli. Why is that? Saving money actually! UPDATE: After being on this for 2weeks religiously, my sinus cleared up, I no longer have neck and back pain. I thought I was having gallbladder problems for 6 months and that gone. I have to force myself to eat 2 meals a day because 1 seems to be enough. Coffee doesn't make me jittery because think I was eating wheat things with my coffee and felt out of control for hours. Am in a state of Calm all day long. Had lots of jaw and teeth pain, that's gone and ear pressure gone from sudden hearing loss. Had infections in that ear for almost 3 yrs. Hopin to regain hearing. You never give up! No longer on otc allergy pills. Gosh, just 2 weeks. Can't wait to see how I feel in a month. Thank you Dr Davis for saving my life!

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Angela A Stanton, PhD

Angela A Stanton, PhD


Get this book! If you every want just 1 book on health, this is it!

Reviewed in the United States on October 31, 2015

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By far the best book on wheat and other grains! I also read the Grain Brain but while that book is pushing a particular agenda toward the ketogenic diet (there is nothing wrong with that but the whole world will not become ketogenic), I find this book is not pushing in any direction and is more "professional" shall we say. It is teaching rather than preaching and I really appreciate that. I am a scientist but this book is able to keep my interest becuase it manages to write in a style that is understandable for all audiences so one need not be a scientist to read it yet if you have never taken a science course in your life you still will understanding it. I find it exceptionally helpful in understanding not only that grains are bad... most of us know that. But why and how they commit their crime of damage is very well described. I usually use a highlighter while reading books and I must say I am not even half through the book but finished 3 highlighters!

As an author myself, I am learning a lot of information that is extremely useful for both style and content for my 2nd edition of my book Fighting the Migraine Epidemic since grains are sooooooooooo connected to what migraines are triggered by (and grains are not listed as triggers!). I have now been grain free for 2 months (not yet enough, I know), but already see changes in my body that tells me that even though I tested totally negative to all grain allergens, thus showing I am not allergic, I had major body-function interruptions as a result of grain! Nutrition absorption problems is one of the reasons and glycemic index/load are yet another not to mention protein synthesis--or lack thereof while you eat grains.

I have no diabetes or any problems but if you do, quitting grains is more important than quitting sugar! This is an important lesson! The best thing about quitting grains is that once you quit, you also stop craving sugar! Grains make you crave sugar--obviously since grains GI is between 75 and 100, higher than sugar, so you get a sugar crash, literally, after a slice of bread or a serving of pasta or rice. Not eating grains stops your insulin from being called on all the time and so no insulin in the blood: not hungry, no diabetes, no high cholesterol, no sugar crash, ability to absorb nutrients, no after-lunch fall over in sleep time, and more energy than you ever had. Go for it, read the book! It will save you thousands of dollars in medical bills!

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He’s absolutely right about all grains being bad for us. I wishhas changed my life.

Reviewed in the United States on November 3, 2018

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I am shocked how much this book has changed my life for the better! I gave up all gluten and wheat three years ago when I discovered that I had Celiac disease. When Dr. Davis came out with his second book, this one, I blew it off thinking “well I gave up wheat—I don’t want to give up all other grains—and I certainly don’t want to give up substitute products for the wheat products I was eating before” So for the last three years I have had better health in someways but I still struggled with hunger and cravings. Recently, we had to go away on a five week trip for a family member’s medical treatment, and I put on 3 pounds. When I got back, I tried for 3 1/2 weeks to lose those 3 pounds and just couldn’t seem to do it. I was eating only 1000 cal a day and I knew there had to be something I was eating that was causing problems for me. I realized that I had added gluten-free bread— just half a slice a day— some weeks before. I remembered this book by Dr. Davis and wondered if I was someone that needed to give up all grains and so I picked it up and read it again. This time I read it all the way through and it made so much sense! The wonderful thing is that anybody reading this review can try what I tried: giving up all grains for a period of time and seeing how they feel. Dr. Davis is exactly right – – I lost 3 pounds immediately and all hunger and all cravings were gone! I am still almost in shock that I didn’t understand this before. I read a dialogue Dr. Davis had with another nutritionist in which Dr. Davis explained that it’s always easier to give up grains and then sugar because when you give up grains cravings will disappear – – and that’s exactly what happened to me! I don’t have cravings in fact I forget to eat. I’m the lowest weight that I’ve ever been in my life and I feel wonderful! Thank you Dr. Davis from my heart.

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Alex P.

Alex P.


Truly a health revolution

Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2014

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I read the original Wheat Belly because my doctor was threatening me with a statin (low HDL, high triglycerides). I read through the book and his blog ( wheatbellyblog.com ) and found it hard to believe that wheat was my problem. So much so that it took me 4 months before I committed to a wheat free life.

6 weeks later I had my first wheat free blood draw. ALL markers (including triglycerides and HDL) were in normal range. I was stunned. After decades and different medications (none that worked) and here eliminating wheat was the answer? This was 19 months ago. I have since lost a lot of weight (100 lbs) and 14" off my waist. Nice side effect.

Total Health does build upon the original book and expands to grain free living with lots of the science and . I got a blood glucose meter about a year ago and came to the same realization myself. Rice kicked me to 160 even just the amount in one sushi. Corn takes me to about 110. I try to keep my levels below 100.

If you have any blood work issues, nasty under the skin cysts, chronic acne, diverticular disease, mouth sores, etc get this book and learn how grains are not good for us to consume.

Even my doctor has gone from thinking Wheat Belly was not having any effect on me to completely converting and promoting Wheat Belly.

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Reviewed in the United States on September 30, 2014

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I saw Dr. Davis on Dr. Oz recently promoting his new book and thought twice about purchasing it because I had read Wheat Belly and thought "how much more information can he add?' Turns out my skepticism was completely unwarranted and I cannot tell you how impressed I am with Dr. Davis and his new book!! Even if you've read Wheat Belly and are following his advice - I did to an extent but he seemed a little out there with his claims on the evils of wheat when other doctors I respect, like Dr. Weil said otherwise - this second book takes you much further in improving your health and will have you 100 percent convinced. There is a wealth of information keeping up with the most recent studies and conforming pretty much to the Paleo lifestyle which I have recently adopted. Totally convincing and so well written and interesting I could not put it down! I also highly recommend Grain Brain by Dr. Perlmutter if you have any doubt that this is the way humans were meant to eat (reading Wheat Belly and then Grain Brain had me finally convinced) and that doing otherwise has caused innumerable health problems in our society. Following the advice in this book will totally transform your body and your mind and you will never have to worry about weight again. There is even an extremely helpful chapter on why you may not be able to lose weight despite your best efforts. Thanks to Dr. Davis for helping to educate us after decades of bad advice from doctors, the government and the food industry. After you read this you will think "how could we all have been so stupid"?

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H. R. Brown

H. R. Brown


This is a great book. It is a dry-read with some medical ...

Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2016

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This is a great book. It is a dry-read with some medical terminology. But, wading through the information is worth the trudge. Your health tomorrow depends on what you do today. Dr Davis comes through in very credible fashion. I have recommended this book to numbers of people.

We do not live totally by the book. We also read Dr Joel Fuhrman's Eat To Live. The two Doctor's couldn't be further apart when it comes to meat consumption, but there are a number of commonalities. I advise people to read both books to garner the comparisons and contrasts of the two doctors' recommendations. One comparison is that they both agree that green vegetables are important. My wife and have chosen to balance our food intake around principles gathered from both books.

Wheat Belly: Dr Davis' chapter on why diets fail is very interesting. It ties nutrition to what you eat in an important to understand process.

Don't just read it. Take this book to heart and learn what it is telling you. Knowledge is the most important fundamental part of change.

Since Feb 2015, I am 6' 2" tall. It has been 14 months without wheat at the time of this writeup, I've lost about 20 pounds. I did not have the need to lose a lot of weight. I am now staying about 220 to 225. I am seldom hungry and think and feel clearer than I have in years.

After being off of wheat, you will find that it will give you a headache when you eat it again. There is also a mental dullness that will hang over you for a day or so.

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Stew Van

Stew Van


A good read for celiacs

Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2016

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Wheat Belly really was an eye opener! Who knew all of the things that wheat can trigger. Want to know why you constantly have a belly ache? Read this book! It is very informative and seems to have studies to back it up! A good read for all those who are interested in their daily diets. Celiac's should definitely read this book. If you think you are sensitive to gluten, read this book. If you are just interested in learning something new, read this book. I find it fascinating that so many people eat gluten free because it is a fad. This book will give you a reason to eat gluten free. I am not personally gluten free, but I do avoid it somewhat. Honestly I believe that some of today's gluten intolerance is because of the different chemicals and different processes used to make flour. Back when gluten free wasn't a thing, they crushed up their wheat and didn't add much or anything to use it as flour. Now they have bleached flour, unbleached flour, etc. It is interesting looking back on the caveman days, when all they ate was meat and what they could find in the forest, berries, roots and such like that. Today, I think that completely going off of gluten can be a bad thing, because your stomach will adjust to not having it, and then when you eat it, it will make you feel sick. Diets like the whole 30 are an example of building up a natural intolerance to gluten. Your best bet for a healthy diet is to eat a small amount of complex carbs (which may or may not have gluten), a glass or two of milk every day, a lot of protein at every meal and of course, a lot of veggies, and low sugar fruits.

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Well it was like giving an alcoholic a beer

Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2017

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Bought 5 more of this book to give away for Christmas. Learned so much and i had read and used the original book and lost 80 lbs . Let myaelf be talked into oh its your birthday just one piece of this birthday cake. We made it just for you. Well it was like giving an alcoholic a beer. I was hooked again and worse then ever never felt full crave the grains and the sweets and gained 50 lbs back. Off the grains again and struggling the withdrawal is worse and really struggling today went out for supper told them i have a wheat allergy they said glutin I said no Wheat it self and i don't eat any grains. Asked for the balsamic chicken and the waitress (a young Teenager said don't think so i knew the seasoned fries had flour on then so got a different veggie ate almost the whole 2 pieces of chicken and started itching and the feeling of my skin crawling.Ask again about the chicken turns out the sauce even thought it was thin had wheat in it ( the itching came with the eating of the birthday cake too) So I'm really struggling there last to days so allowing my self some ice cream to get buy. Will be back to strict as soon as i start feeling full again. Wonderful book a good read for everyone weight problen or not.;

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Amazon Customer

Amazon Customer


Basically good dietary advice, but watch the suplements

Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2015

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A good book. One that's worth reading and following or at least considering most of the advice. (I bought two copies of the book, and the newest cookbook, and gave them to my daughter-in-law and one of my granddaughters.) Having said that, I found Dr. Davis' "scientific" explanations of the conclusions he had reached about the problems caused by ingestion of grains to be unconvincing. His argument that we are not cows and therefore don't have digestive systems designed to eat grains is most unconvincing as many mammals have digestive systems that are different than cows yet thrive on grains. His explanation of the chemistry of the glutenins and gliadins and prolactins etc. that comprise many of the proteins in grains struck me as being shallow and confused and was at the very least unclear. I found the "science" in Dr. Perlmutter's book "Grain Brain", although focussed on the brain, to be much more compelling. Both authors, however, make inadequately supported recommendations for, e.g., consuming 5000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily - five or six times the amounts thought to be appropriate by the National Institutes of Health, although still well below toxicity thresholds of about 40,000 IU daily. I found Dr. Davis' lengthy discussion of addressing the supposed symptoms of withdrawing grains from the diet to be informative but tedious and again, with many inadequately supported recommendations to add a lot of mineral and vitamin supplements to your diet. Dr. Davis' 10 minute cookbook offers some practical recipes for implementing a grain-free lifestyle, although so far I've only tried a few of them. On the whole, however, I am persuaded that a grain-free lifestyle, accompanied by cutting sugar and starches as required to keep blood sugars consistently low but otherwise eating a diet that includes animal-based foods, including lots of fats makes much more sense than the low-fat vegetarian lifestyle proposed in such books as "The China Study" by Dr. Campbell and "The End of Dieting" by Dr. Fuhrman.

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A lot of detailed explanations; not so much help with recipes etc.

Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2016

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I find it tiresome reading SO much detail; BUT the information is really good. I bought this book after having seen Dr. Davis on public tv station / seminar, and I just wanted more "what to eat, what not to eat" details. Not so much the science behind it since I already had that understanding. I did finally find the chapter with the "what to eat, not to eat.." information. If you're already "grain free, sugar free" then you're pretty much doing the right thing! If you want / appreciate the details of why to go this route to improve your health, this is a good book for giving you detailed explanations.

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