If You Only Knew

4.4 out of 5

6,668 global ratings

The drama, hilarity and tears of sisterhood are at the heart of the thoroughly captivating new novel by New York Times bestselling author Kristan Higgins—a funny, frank and bittersweet look at marriage, forgiveness and moving on

Letting go of her ex-husband is harder than wedding-dress designer Jenny Tate expected…especially since his new wife wants to be Jenny's new best friend. Sensing this isn't exactly helping her achieve closure, Jenny trades the Manhattan skyline for her hometown up the Hudson, where she'll start her own business and bask in her sister Rachel's picture-perfect family life…and maybe even find a little romance of her own with Leo, her downstairs neighbor, a guy who's utterly irresistible and annoyingly distant at the same time.

Rachel's idyllic marriage, however, is imploding after she discovers her husband sexting with a colleague. She always thought she'd walk away in this situation, but her triplet daughters have her reconsidering her stance on adultery, much to Jenny's surprise. Rachel points to their parents' perfect marriage as a shining example of patience and forgiveness; but to protect her sister, Jenny may have to tarnish that memory—and their relationship­—and reveal a family secret she's been keeping since childhood.

Both Rachel and Jenny will have to come to terms with the past and the present and find a way to get what they want most of all.

The drama, hilarity and tears of sisterhood are at the heart of the thoroughly captivating new novel by New York Times bestselling author Kristan Higgins—a funny, frank and bittersweet look at marriage, forgiveness and moving on

Letting go of her ex-husband is harder than wedding-dress designer Jenny Tate expected…especially since his new wife wants to be Jenny's new best friend. Sensing this isn't exactly helping her achieve closure, Jenny trades the Manhattan skyline for her hometown up the Hudson, where she'll start her own business and bask in her sister Rachel's picture-perfect family life…and maybe even find a little romance of her own with Leo, her downstairs neighbor, a guy who's utterly irresistible and annoyingly distant at the same time.

Rachel's idyllic marriage, however, is imploding after she discovers her husband sexting with a colleague. She always thought she'd walk away in this situation, but her triplet daughters have her reconsidering her stance on adultery, much to Jenny's surprise. Rachel points to their parents' perfect marriage as a shining example of patience and forgiveness; but to protect her sister, Jenny may have to tarnish that memory—and their relationship­—and reveal a family secret she's been keeping since childhood.

Both Rachel and Jenny will have to come to terms with the past and the present and find a way to get what they want most of all.

411 pages,



Library Binding


Audio CD

First published August 24, 2015

ISBN 9780373784974

About the authors

Kristan Higgins

Kristan Higgins

Kristan Higgins is the New York Times, USA TODAY and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of more than twenty novels, wKristan Higgins is the New York Times, USA TODAY, Wall Street Journal and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of more than twenty novels. Her books have been translated into more than 20 languages and have sold millions of copies around the world. Kristan has been praised for her mix of “laugh-out-loud humor and tear-jerking pathos,” which the author attributes to a diet high in desserts and sugar-based mood swings.

Kristan’s books have received dozens of awards and accolades, including starred reviews from People Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Good Morning America, Kirkus, the New York Journal of Books, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, National Public Radio and Booklist. She personally responds to every reader letter she receives, even the mean ones.

Kristan is the mother of two ridiculously good-looking children and the grandmother of the world’s cutest baby. She lives in Connecticut and Cape Cod with her heroic firefighter husband, a rescue mutt and indifferent cat. In her spare time, Kristan enjoys gardening, easy yoga classes, mixology and pasta.

To sign up for Kristan's always entertaining newsletter, visit www.kristanhiggins.com.

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Jenna Sue

Jenna Sue


Higgins Makes a Nice Foray into Chick Lit

Reviewed in the United States on September 3, 2015

Verified Purchase

I was nervous at first that Kristan Higgins's first chick lit novel (she usually writes category romance) was going to be silly — the opening scene, while entertaining, bordered on too slapstick for me. She quickly gets into her groove, however, and what is overall a light, funny novel also has some moments of real poignancy. I cried!

If You Only Knew tells the story of 30-something sisters Jenny and Rachel. Jenny is a successful wedding dress designer who moved from NYC to her hometown in Connecticut, in part to start over because she's struggling to let go of her "perfect" ex-husband, who remarried and has a baby but still wants Jenny as a close friend. Rachel is a happy, devoted stay-at-home mom of 3-year-old triplet girls, who soon has to confront her life isn't quite as idyllic as she thought it was when she finds a crotch-shot pic texted to her lawyer husband.

Overall, I liked the main characters, there were plenty of twists and turns that kept the pages turning, and both of the sisters —who started out pretty doormatty— have some real growth throughout. Oddly enough (considering Higgins comes from a romance background) I wasn't particularly rooting for who I assumed was Jenny's love interest, the glib, handsome building super who is also teaches piano from his home and, frankly, was often kind of a jerk. Yet, what the heck, I kind of liked that I didn't know if I liked him... so even though Jenny fell in love, I as a reader kept riveted wondering if her feelings were justified.

Overall, a grabbing read with a satisfying yet not predicable ending.

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Wrenching, realistic story

Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2015

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I have long been a fan of Kristin Higgins and automatically pre-order all of her books. I didn't realize beforehand that she was venturing into a slightly different genre of fiction with this one, but I was riveted by it nonetheless. As others have mentioned, this one is about two sisters, their relationship with each other, their issues, and their relationships with past and present men in their lives. Rachel, the oldest, is married, has three precious triplet daughters, and, seemingly, the perfect life. Jenny is divorced and a successful businesswoman who's moved her business to her hometown. At the request of Owen, her ex, she has remained friends with him and his new wife Ana-Sofia; the couple has just had a baby which she helped deliver! The friendship makes her stressed and uncomfortable, which is the main reason she's moved. Rachel accidentally discovers her husband Adam is sexting and having an affair; Jenny is attracted to her unconventional neighbor/super Leo, who sends mixed signals and keeps insisting he doesn't want a permanent, committed relationship. The story is told from the POV of both sisters, in alternating chapters. Some readers find this off-putting and/or distracting or confusing. I don't. Instead, I find that it gives readers in-depth insights into the thoughts and feelings that Rachel and Jenny are experiencing. I suspect that some readers' aversion to first-person POV is that they are much more accustomed to the traditional third-person POV that was standard for so long. Some readers found the sisters weak. Well, let me talk about Rachel first. As someone who once discovered that a longtime, seemingly devoted boyfriend was a lying, hypocritical cheater, I can totally relate to Rachel's story. I understand the shock, anger, betrayal, and bone-deep hurt that you can experience when someone you love deeply and think is The One you can trust implicitly shatters your world. My cheater was a boyfriend; such behavior by a husband would multiply those feelings a million-fold. Some reviewers thought Adam's character was unbelievable, I think his actions and behavior are typical of a man who wants it all -- both his wife and family AND his mistress. I think Adam did love Rachel in his own way, but, obviously, not enough and not exclusively. I think Rachel knew deep down when she saw the picture on his phone that he was cheating, but she was in denial at first, which I think is a fairly normal reaction for a wife who suddenly discovers her husband is stepping out on her. She just doesn't want to believe it. While Adam was a realistic character, I truly hated him. He knew how to manipulate Rachel to keep her in his life as long as he did. Going to counseling and pretending/trying to toe the line made her believe that maybe they could work through his infidelity and keep their family together. I think Rachel had to evolve to the point where she could finally make the ultimate decision to leave him, which was definitely the right decision in her case because it was obvious he was incapable of being a faithful husband anymore. She was ready to pursue the idea of going back to work and to downsize and give up the beautiful, perfect, all-I-ever-wanted home she'd created for her family. (The home/life Adam kept dangling in front of her as another incentive to stay with him.) Plus, I liked the fact that there was indication Rachel would eventually find happiness with her former co-worker, who'd always harbored feelings for her. He (Gus) seemed like a very decent man. As far as Jenny is considered, yes, I agree she never should have consented to continue being friends with Owen, her ex. That was a toxic situation for her on so many levels. Leo hit the nail on the head immediately when he said Owen was just trying to salve his guilty conscience for dumping Jenny so abruptly. I think Jenny agreed to the "friendship" because initially she still loved the ex and wanted him to remain in her life in some fashion, and she didn't anticipate him remarrying so soon. Later on, she just didn't know how to end it without looking even more like a loser in the eyes of her so-called friends in NYC. I was very happy when she finally told him off. The only thing I wish is that she didn't add the statement about remaining on his Christmas card list. Leo was a complicated, tormented character who kept pushing Jenny away, but he needed her as much as she needed him. I was quite pleased they got their HEA. I wouldn't mind a follow-up novel or novella in which Rachel's HEA with Gus is assured. After going through so much with Adam, she truly deserves it. This was an emotional read and often brought tears to my eyes. It is definitely one I will read again in the future.

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Amy M. Pope

Amy M. Pope


Gold Medal

Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2015

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So, whenever I am feeling like I just want to escape to the reading room, hiding away from the worries and responsibilities of life for a little while, one of my favorite authors to turn to...is Kristan Higgins. Really, I could just pick up any one of her novels and know that it's a safe bet that I will be greatly entertained for the next several hours. This author writes with panache...with a certain je ne sais quoi (translation here is...I don't know what!). I don't know exactly how. I'm just so very glad and immensely grateful that, to date, she has only published sparkling gems of stories. The characters are flawed and layered and charming...like real people! I laugh like a lunatic while reading a Kristan Higgins book. LIKE A TOTAL LUNATIC!!!

While I have loved all of the Sparkling Gems, I have never truly found myself saying, "Hey, this character reminds me of myself because..." I just fall in love with them and want to know them. I want to have sleep overs where we would braid our hair and talk about men and siblings and mothers. We would consume vast amounts of chocolate and potato chips and the wine. I refer to Kristan Higgins heroines as adorkable...my kind of people! Every time I start a new book, I am immediately captivated by this new heroine. It is so obvious that Ms. Higgins listens to the character's voice and tells her story. THAT IS NOT A GIVEN IN THE LITERARY WORLD I can't wait to see what this new character's life looks like and what shenanigans shall ensue.

This book, this If You Only Knew. I went in, expecting something different per the warning that it is something different. I found the trademark Kristan Higgins humor, thank goodness! There were two main characters: sisters. She totally did this thing. She totally drew a story that told the story of both of these women, in their individual voices...a double narrative. They were sisters, so there were obvious similarities in their experiences and the building of their character. However, they were very different in their interpretation of shared events. And even though that was the case...even though they had lived through the same celebrations and heartaches while young, they each developed their own unique view on what it meant to be successful as a woman. They each had a vision of what would bring personal fulfillment and what they needed from a romantic connection. I was particularly intrigued by the disparity in their relationship with their mother. I don't have a sister. I have brothers who may or may not have been dressed by yours truly as sisters at one time or another.

To say that I was deeply moved by this book would be like saying that I kind of like Ben & Jerry's Boom Chocolatta. I WAS A MESS! I DID relate to BOTH sisters AND their mother! Nothing absolutely exactly alike. Just similar enough to completely grip my heart within my chest. But it was all of that and more. It was also the epiphany that we all have this power to decide just how we will react, respond, and move on from life's experiences. There is no reason to believe that you must passively accept any of the joys or the sorrows. I was actually reminded of the new movie from this summer, Inside Out. All of the feelings are so critical in getting us through all of the things. To deny any of them is to lose something or to remain stuck in gluck. Very cathartic this was. And beautiful.

This could be called a love story in that Jenny fell in love with Jenny and Rachel fell in love with Rachel. I really don't mean for that to sound trite. For me, those were the most genuine and meaningful love moments in this book. I never tell actual storylines in my reviews because when I read those that do, I get a little tetchy! There is a dreamy man with a story of his own within this novel...Leo, oh, Leo! And there is a dog. Pure Kristan Higgins. Pure magic.

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Well done!! loved this new book!

Reviewed in the United States on October 5, 2015

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Wow! This book it blew me out of the water. If you want a book that is going to tug at your heart and not let go this is it!! I'm pretty sure I will have a book hangover for days.. if not weeks. At one point my husband said he might take it away from me because my emotions were all over the place. I was happy crying and then sad crying... then there was the anger I felt at times. I'm so used to Kristan Higgins writing HEA novels and even though I knew this was not one of them I was blown away by how this writing style was so different. Way to go Mrs. Higgins I would like to see what other hidden gems you have up your sleeve!!!

Jenny is a wedding dress maker, she makes one of a kind exquisite dresses. She's moving out of the big city to the suburbs. This is a big life change for her, while she has designed dresses for other companies she's branching out on her own. Jenny will be leaving behind an ex husband, his new wife, oh and their new baby. She can't seem to find the motivation to hate them for being perfect. I fell in love with Jenny in the first chapter she's just struggling to make sense with what is going on in her life. When she moves to the burbs she meets Leo her super. He's a really horrible super, however he is the best eye candy she's had in a while. I love that he tells her to stop "eye f***ing him" kills me every time. They seemed destined to be just friends through the whole book. (while me as a reader is like please fall for each other!!) At one point they need to locate the fuse box so Jenny is going into his cellar to fix the blown fuse and this is part of their conversation. "You're surprisingly quiet," Leo says, clicking on a light. "I'm assessing the odds of you murdering me down here" "And?" "I hereby deem you harmless" "How emasculating," he says. "What are you looking for again?" Leo doesn't even know what a fuse box is.. hehe. He has such high walls built around him that you know Jenny will probably never break through.

Then there's Rachel the lovingly perfect sister. With the great triplets (girls) and wonderful husband. Until she see's that text nothing is wrong. Once it starts spiraling for Rachel it doesn't stop. You are so drawn into her tragedy that is taking place. I cried more for Rachel than I did for Jenny. Rachel is the normal mom who thinks everything of the home that they have built. I love her undying love for her children throughout the book. I love how it documents her changing outfits multiple times a day, dealing with pee, poop, and vomit. These are normal things that most novels gloss over. I was up and down about her relationship with Adam. Should she stay or should she go?? There's one point where she admires herself in the mirror and she says about how her stretch marks have faded into small silver marks. How she can barely see them but she can feel them. About how average she is. Don't all of us as mothers feel this way??

There are so many great secondary characters in this book. The girls mother who is very patronizing yet loving. The new friend who would do whatever just to get out of the house. The boutique assistant whom is writing the ever changing novel. The friends that are getting married. Leo whom really isn't secondary but I enjoyed him thoroughly.

This book did not end as I thought it was going to. It kept surprising me with each page I turned. I highly recommend it!!

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Sheila M

Sheila M


Story About Love, Loss, Anger and Forgiveness

Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2015

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Jenny: “Today is one of those days when I realize that staying friends with my ex-husband was a huge mistake.”

Rachel: “I don’t want things to change. Please, God, don’t let Adam be cheating.”

FINAL DECISION: The story of two sisters confronting love, marriage, divorce, and personal identity in the modern world, IF YOU ONLY KNEW is heartbreaking and redeeming. Although it is not a traditional romance, this book investigates what it means to love – to love someone else and yourself.

THE STORY: IF YOU ONLY KNEW is the story of two sisters confronting difficulties in love and marriage. Jenny Tate, a wedding dress designer, struggles with her life after her marriage to the doctor that everyone loves fell apart. He has moved on and found a wonderful new wife and has a new baby. They are still friends but Jenny wonders what life has for her when she meets Leo Killian, a piano teacher.

Jenny’s sister Rachel is struggling with her own marriage. Rachel was finally happy with her life as a stay at home mom with three wonderful triple daughters when she finds out her husband has cheated on her. She loves her husband and her life but doesn’t know what to do with her anger at his infidelity.

The story of two sisters who help one another through their struggles, IF YOU ONLY KNEW is about love and forgiveness and the strength that comes from sisters who understand one another’s pain and joy.

OPINION: Honestly, when I read the description for this book, I didn’t expect to like it. I prefer traditional romance books and I was sad to realize that Higgins that turned toward “chick lit” or “women’s fiction” rather than writing a traditional romance as she has done in the past. Despite this, however, I decided to read this book and I am glad I did.

IF YOU ONLY KNEW is not a traditional romance with a focus on a romance and a happy ending but it is a thoughtful examination of the complexity of modern relationships. There are various relationships at issue here such as husband/wife, sister/sister, mother/daughter, friend/friend, ex-spouses.

This book thoughtfully examines the endings of relationships. Both sisters have to come to terms with what happens when trouble comes to relationships. Jenny still has feelings for her ex-husband and allows herself to be drawn into his new relationship in unhealthy ways because she is still clinging to the past. During the course of the book, she finally begins to recognize that her marriage was not perfect, that her ex-husband was not perfect and that she can move to build a new life. Rachel also has to confront an imperfect husband and has to decide whether her marriage is worth trying to save after his infidelity. Rachel has managed to devote herself to her marriage and her children to the detriment of her own identity. Her husband infidelity makes Rachel question who she really is and what her personal identity will be.

While some descriptions of this book depict it as a story of the relationship between these two sisters, I disagree. While the relationship between the sisters is certainly a part of the story, to me this story is really about what the meaning of love, fidelity and relationship is. Both Jenny and Rachel are struggling with their own identity in relation to marriage.

Told in first person by each of the sisters, the book alternates chapters between their viewpoints. The book delves deeply into the emotions of the sisters including bewilderment, anger, fear, affection and love. I loved the honesty and difficulties depicted in the book. It felt fresh and new and real.

For those romance fans, I assure you that there is romance in this book. Perhaps not in expected ways, but this is not a downer of a book. It ultimately has sadness and acceptance, but also joy and the possibility for more happiness.

WORTH MENTIONING: IF YOU ONLY KNEW is not a traditional romance book. It is women’s fiction and the focus is on the struggles of these two sisters and their relationship with one another. I did find the romance in this book satisfying in its own way.

CONNECTED BOOKS: IF YOU ONLY KNEW is a standalone book.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4.25 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in order to provide a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

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A masterpiece of truth

Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2015

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It’s not often a book like this one comes along. One that makes you feel empowered. One that resonates with you and sticks with you long after you turn the final page. Jenny and Rachel grabbed me by the heartstrings from the get-go. They took me on a journey with them—of finding (and losing) love, friendship, and hope. Real life isn’t always pretty. It’s messy. People break your heart.

Shy, wonderfully sweet Rachel certainly felt the sting of that. Her struggle to stand by her man or flee the comfort and safety of the life and home they built together was so perfectly written. I could understand why she’d stay, having three adorable girls to think about, but I wanted desperately for her to go. And then I didn’t know what I wanted anymore. I flip-flopped right along with her, right till the very end.

Jenny. Oh, how I adored her. I really saw so much of myself in her. And I envied her for the glamorous life she led—creating beautiful bridal gowns that suited her every bride to a tee. Bliss actually exists in my mind. In fact, when the big day comes for me (hopefully in the not-too-distant future), I’d like to think I’ll find my own personal Jenny. She wanted love, marriage, babies—the whole package. But when she gave her love first, without the need for reciprocation, and let go of the past, she finally found inner happiness.

There’s one character in this story who I fell hopelessly and completely in love with: the delectable Leo. God love a man with curly hair. I laughed the most during his scenes with Jenny, how the two played off each other so well. Mr. "Recreation Only" stole my heart with every line he spoke and every note he played.

The relationships in this story were so raw and real. When I’d cry, I’d flip to the next page and find laughter again. Such is true with life. There are hurdles to jump and mountains to climb, but the more you fight for the life you want, the brighter things will be on the other side. This book is a masterpiece of truth. It’s human, it’s broken, and it’s beautiful. A must-read!

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If You Only Knew

Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2015

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So of course when I got the arc for If You Only Knew (Thank you so much NetGalley!!) I had to drop everything else I was reading and dive right into this book. I tried to wait, I really did. The book doesn't come out until the end of August. But it's Kristan Higgins; who is by far my favorite contemporary romance writer. So the term wait does not apply here.

If You Only Knew takes readers away from Higgins' Blue Heron series (first book The Best Man) that we've been following for four books now and instead she gives us a stand-alone book about sisters Jenny and Rachel. Higgins throws in another new aspect in that the book is told not from our heroine and hero's point of view, but from the POVs of both Rachel and Jenny.

I would say Jenny's POV follows the standard Kristan Higgins formula. She's divorced (yet somehow still good friends with her ex and his new wife) but she's still looking for that right person. A good man who could potentially be a good husband and father. She's not given up on her dream of a family. Jenny designs and makes wedding dresses. She's just decided to move out of Manhattan and open her shop back in her hometown. Upon moving into her new rental she meets the building super Leo who immediately grabs Jenny's attention and there's definitely a spark between them, but Leo firmly lets Jenny know that he cannot be what she wants. Despite his warnings, he and Jenny form a friendship, and Jenny doesn't believe for a second that over time things could become more between them even if she knows there are things in Leo's past he is intentionally not sharing.

I love, love, loved ALL scenes with Jenny and Leo. The zingers that flew back and forth between them (off the page) were so effortless, it was great. It made me wish that Kristan Higgins had followed her pattern of late and we got Leo's POV because there are times I would have loved to have read from his perspective. With the way the book starts off, which felt a bit more serious in tone, I was a little worried that would carry over the entire book. But the moment Leo steps on page with one of the first things he says to Jenny, I laughed out loud and I knew I shouldn't have worried, that Ms. Higgins would still manage to make me laugh (and cry) within the pages of one of her stories.

I also couldn't help but like Jenny. She's the younger (albeit slightly more carefree) sister. Yes, she wants a family. Yes, she was heartbroken that her husband didn't want a family, divorced her, and then quickly remarried and became a father with someone else, but she doesn't ever come across as bitter or maudlin. She still hopes, she still loves.

One the other side we have Rachel. Here Kristan Higgins throws yet another newby in for us readers in that Rachel's story focuses on her marriage, and its potentially falling to pieces. If you are a long-time reader of Ms. Higgins' work you will know that she hasn't featured a married couple in the spotlight (that I can think of, if I'm incorrect please someone tell me). Usually our main couple are just getting together or working their way towards each other. Any married couples are usually secondaries within the story.

I liked the spotlight that Kristan Higgins places on marriage in this book. Sometimes marriages are not perfect, regardless of what it looks like to the outside viewer. Sometimes they need work. Sometimes an event happens that changes the way you look at someone or look at yourself and you need to figure out where you go from there. That's Rachel's story. She's living her dream. Devoted husband, mother of triplets, stay-at-home mom. All things she's worked very hard for and in one moment everything changes and Rachel's not quite sure how to change (or stay the same) with it.

Rachel's story broke my heart in a few places, but I was always on team Rachel. She's a self-admitted shy person who does not do well in social situations and doesn't do well with confrontations. And I loved seeing her become what she calls "New Rachel" over the course of the story. Because Kristan Higgins wrote Rachel's story so well, I was seriously on board for any decisions Rachel decided to make during her journey. She has some difficult things to deal with and I admired the way she didn't just jump to extremes but really took time to figure out what was best for her and no one else (I say no one else, but she does consider her children of course). Even if her decision was something I personally wouldn't have done, Kristan Higgins did a great job of making me understand why it may have been right for Rachel's character and for that I couldn't fault her.

I know the blurb mentions things about sisterhood, and while we do get moments between Rachel and Jenny, I read it more of their own personal journeys. As I was reading I often wondered if I could do a re-read where I only read Jenny's chapters (they alternate between sisters) or vice versa with Rachel and I think you could because while, yes, they are family and they are supportive of each other, the book is really a turning point in both of their lives separate from one another. This is especially clear in Rachel's case where her decision has to be one she makes on her own and not with the influence of her sister.

What can I say? I think I've pretty much loved all of Kristan Higgins' books. While I felt this one had a few more somber moments than others of her books, I still loved it. If you're already a fan of Kristan Higgins I think you'll enjoy this story. If you're new to Kristan Higgins, I think this is as good a point as any to start of reading her books.

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She is happy being a stay at home Mom and wife and ...

Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2015

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If you only knew

This story touches on the lives of two sisters. Jenny and her older sister Rachel

Jenny is a Wedding dress designer. Divorced from her husband Owen. Owen claimed to not want children. One day he decides that he does not want to be married to Jenny any longer. The marriage was not working out for him. Jenny is heart broken and moves out the next day. Owen remarries a younger woman, Ana Sofia and within a few months she is expecting a child. Owen and Ana Sofia seem to be selfish people as they continue to include Jenny in their dinner parties and Owen is calling to talk to her several times a week. She is even invited to the baby shower and lo and behold she ends up delivering her ex husbands new born child.

Jenny moves to another location to start her bridal dress design shop and is near her sister Rachel. Jenny rents a two story flat from Leo, who is a piano teacher on the first floor. He has his own issues in life and does not want to get involved. But they develop a friendship and then it becomes intimate…but he still does not any commitments.

Rachel is married to Adam who is a corporate lawyer. They have 3 year old triplets, girls. She is happy being a stay at home Mom and wife and thinks they are blissfully happy. Then one day she hears a text come in on his phone as she is putting his suit coat in the closet and it is from a Private caller with a picture she has not idea what it could be. She forwards it to her phone and deletes it from his. When she sees her sister again she asks her and Leo if it is a picture of a diseased tree. They both tell her it is picture of part of the female anatomy. One day she decides to surprise her husband for lunch and he is uncomfortable and then in walks a beautiful young lawyer who is there to go lunch with him. She asks her husband if he is cheating on her and he finally admits he is. He promises to break it off. But that is after telling her amazing sex is with the other woman.

But can she ever trust him again? Can she believe him when he says he broke it off. One day she stops at his office again and just walks in his office only to find they are going at like crazy. So what does she do now? Try to work things out in marriage counseling or file for divorce? Can she trust him, can she forgive him?

Well lets just say that you will need to read this story to see if Jenny will ever see that Owen is clinging to her out of guilt. Or will she find happiness with Leo or with someone else. And will Rachel stay with Adam because this is the life she is comfortable with or move on.

It was an extremely good book.

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Sherry M.

Sherry M.


Highly recommended for readers of women's fiction; 4.5 stars

Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2015

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I don’t read many contemporary romance novels; I much prefer historicals. One of the reasons I read contemporaries at all is Kristan Higgins. I don’t know why, but at some point I picked up one of her books, and I was hooked. Her likeable heroines, humor, and well-written relationships (both between the romantic leads and between the heroine and her friends and family) keep me coming back for more, book after book.

If You Only Knew, Higgin’s first foray into woman’s fiction, keeps all of these signature features of her writing. It tells the story of two sisters, Jenny and Rachel. Jenny is struggling with getting closure after her divorce, since her ex-husband and his new wife, both of whom are really great people, want to remain friends with her. In order to distance herself from them, she moves back to her hometown, which has the added benefit of allowing her to live close to her sister Rachel and her family. Uber-homemaker and stay-at-home mother of triplet daughters, Rachel finds herself dealing with relationship troubles of her own when she finds out her husband has a relationship with another woman. Can she forgive him? Should she? She still loves him, but what does she owe herself in this situation? What about her daughters?

Of the two sisters, Jenny is the more immediately likeable character. I struggled a bit with Rachel, since she’s subsumed herself so far into the role of wife and mother that she starts the book as a bit of a doormat. Circumstances force her to grow a spine, however, and by the end of the book I was cheering her on.

Higgins adds plenty of humor, which is welcome to balance out the sadder moments of the book. Jenny’s bantering relationship with her very attractive downstairs neighbor Leo and her conversations with her mother (who can’t give a compliment without including an unintended insult) lend a lot of humorous moments to the story. There are also laugh-out-loud scenes—like when Jenny finds herself unexpectedly delivering a baby.

And, yes, there is romance in the book, with Jenny finding herself drawn to Leo. He has some serious baggage of his own to deal with, though, so it’s a pretty rocky road between the two of them.

The biggest difference between this book and Higgins's romances is that writing women’s fiction leaves her more room for different resolutions for her characters. In a romance, the heroine must find her hero and live happily ever after (or at least happily for right now). But what does happily ever after mean for a woman whose husband cheats? Forgiveness or moving on? Both options are explored in this novel.

Overall, I really enjoyed If You Only Knew. I would highly recommend it for fans of Kristan Higgins or anyone who enjoys women’s fiction.

An ARC of this novel was provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Smitten with Reading

Smitten with Reading


B- rating...

Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2015

Verified Purchase

My Review:

I picked up Kristan Higgins for the first time when she wrote her second book. From that moment on, she's been one of my favorite authors. When the publicity for this book began, I realized it was mainly women's fiction which is not my favorite genre, but I figured it was fine, because she's one of my favorite authors. I pretty much love all her books...but not this one.

And it's not that it was a bad book. It's not at all. In fact, I had a really hard time putting it down because the story is riveting and the writing is very well-done. But just like daytime talk shows are riveting, this book did not make me feel better or happier for having read it. Nope, instead, I felt a little nauseated and maybe even slightly disgusted with myself for continuing to read about such toxic characters, even when I knew I should walk away from the book.

And that really is what this book is about...the toxic people that surround these two sisters. They live just outside NYC and at least 85% of the people in the book are shallow, vapid, mean, cruel people who don't care about anyone else. No one is happy...definitely not the sisters, because all these people around them are awful. The sisters should both move, and honestly, they may not even want to stick together because they don't seem to bring out the best in one another either. Ugh.

But that being said, it's not all without hope. Within the story, Leo was my happy place. The early dialogue between him and Jenny is wonderful and I really loved his character. Even his story line, while tragic and so sad, was really good. But again, he's not a healthy character...depressed and I would guess alcoholic...he also has his own levels of toxicity. The book does end well. Well, the way it should anyway for most everyone, but it's not until about 95%-97% into the story that I could see some light in the story. Overall, the story is a depressing and sad testimony on humanity as a whole. That's not why I read.

So, yeah, Kristan Higgins writing women's fiction...not for me.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review.

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