Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks
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Wife Between Us


Greer Hendricks




64,102 ratings

The instant New York Times Bestseller (January 2018)!

"A fiendishly smart cat-and-mouse thriller" ―New York Times Book Review

"Buckle up, because you won't be able to put this one down." ―Glamour

"Jaw dropping. Unforgettable. Shocking." ―Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"The best domestic suspense novel since Gone Girl." ―In Touch Weekly

When you read this book, you will make many assumptions.

You will assume you are reading about a jealous ex-wife.

You will assume she is obsessed with her replacement – a beautiful, younger woman who is about to marry the man they both love.

You will assume you know the anatomy of this tangled love triangle.

Assume nothing.

Twisted and deliciously chilling, Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen's The Wife Between Us exposes the secret complexities of an enviable marriage - and the dangerous truths we ignore in the name of love.

Read between the lies.

A 2018 Indie Next Pick | One of Glamour Magazine's Best Books of 2018 | One of Hello Giggles' 19 Books We Can't Wait to Read in 2018

Praise for The Wife Between Us:

"Fiendishly clever...in the vein of Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train. This one will keep you guessing." ―Anita Shreve, New York Times bestselling author of The Stars are Fire

“A clever thriller with masterful twists.” – Karin Slaughter, New York Times bestselling author of The Kept Woman

"The Wife Between Us delivers a whip smart, twisty plot in a taut, pacy narrative. It's terrific and troubling. This is one scary love triangle where you won't know who to trust. I loved it." –Gilly Macmillan, New York Times bestselling author of What She Knew

"A twisty, mind-bending novel about marriage and betrayal. A gripping plot and fascinating characters; this book will keep you turning the pages and guessing until the very end. A must-read!" –Lauren Weisberger, New York Times bestselling author of The Devil Wears Prada

“This amazing story gallops along at breakneck speed, with an ending that smacks you between the eyes and takes your breath away. These authors are destined to become trail blazers in the field of psychological suspense books that explode in your hands!” ―Nancy Simpson-Brice, Book Vault

“Like a house of mirrors, The Wife Between Us kept me guessing around every corner, delving into the complexities of marriage, friendship, and obsession.” ―Javier Ramirez, The Book Table

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Print length

432 pages





Publication date

July 10, 2023


5.3 x 1.08 x 8.2 inches

Item weight

12.8 ounces

Popular Highlights in this book

  • ‘I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.’

    Highlighted by 2,098 Kindle readers

  • I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.

    Highlighted by 1,762 Kindle readers

  • Then Richard spoke the words that would stay with her forever: Even when I’m not there, I’m always with you.

    Highlighted by 1,090 Kindle readers

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Editorial reviews

Praise for The Wife Between Us:

  • An instant New York Times bestseller (January 2018)!
  • A 2018 Indie Next Pick
  • A January 2018 Library Reads Top 10 Pick

One of...

  • Wall Street Journal's "6 Books to Read This Winter"
  • Real Simple's "Best Books of 2018"
  • Glamor Magazine's "All the Books We Can’t Wait to Read in 2018"
  • Bustle's"18 Best Fiction Books of January 2018"
  • Goop's"12 Books for Winter Break"
  • Popsugar's "23 Best New Books of Winter"
  • Hello Giggles's "19 books we can’t wait to read in 2018"
  • AARP's"2018 Books Preview: Chills and Thrills"
  • Bookbub's "Biggest Thriller Books Coming in 2018"
  • Retail Me Not's"Top 35 Books of 2018"

"Readers who were enthralled by B.A. Paris’s Behind Closed Doors and Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl will love the skewed psychology and shifting perspectives of this domestic thriller." ―Library Journal, starred review

“[A] jaw-dropping psychological thriller. This is not another eye-rolling story about the jealous ex-wife stalking her replacement...Unforgettable twists lead to shocking revelations all the way through the epilogue.” ―Publishers Weekly, starred review

"A fiendishly smart cat-and-mouse thriller" ―New York Times Book Review

"Your basic love triangle? Hardly. Hendricks and Pekkanen have a real knack for plot-spinning, and The Wife Between Us unfolds in breathlessly ominous chapters, occasionally pausing for a narrative karate-chop." ―Seattle Times

"Buckle up, because you won't be able to put this one down." ―Glamour

"With multiple didn't-see-that-coming twists, this tome thrills." ―Us Weekly

"[A] seamless thriller that will keep readers on their toes to the very end...Readers will enjoy the dizzying back-and-forth as they attempt to figure out just who to root for and as the suspense ratchets up to one hell of a conclusion." ―Booklist

"Pekkanen and Hendricks keep the suspense dial at excruciating...a complete roller coaster-ride of a novel." ―The Washington Post

"In The Wife Between Us, you’ll be taken on a suspenseful roller-coaster that will keep you riveted until the last page." ―Parade Magazine

"An utterly absorbing debut about a marriage gone bad with a few jaw-dropping plot twists." ―AARP

“A clever thriller with masterful twists.” – Karin Slaughter, New York Times bestselling author of The Kept Woman

"A fiendishly clever romantic thriller in the vein of Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train. This one will keep you guessing." –Anita Shreve, New York Times bestselling author of The Stars are Fire

"The Wife Between Us delivers a whip smart, twisty plot in a taut, pacy narrative. It's terrific and troubling. This is one scary love triangle where you won't know who to trust. I loved it." –Gilly Macmillan, New York Times bestselling author of What She Knew

"A twisty, mind-bending novel about marriage and betrayal. A gripping plot and fascinating characters; this book will keep you turning the pages and guessing until the very end. A must-read!" –Lauren Weisberger, New York Times bestselling author of The Devil Wears Prada

“This amazing story gallops along at breakneck speed, with an ending that smacks you between the eyes and takes your breath away. These authors are destined to become trail blazers in the field of psychological suspense books that explode in your hands!” ―Nancy Simpson-Brice, Book Vault

“Like a house of mirrors, The Wife Between Us kept me guessing around every corner, delving into the complexities of marriage, friendship, and obsession.” ―Javier Ramirez, The Book Table

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SHE WALKS BRISKLY DOWN the city sidewalk, her blond hair bouncing against her shoulders, her cheeks flushed, a gym bag looped over her forearm. When she reaches her apartment building, her hand dips into her purse and pulls out her keys. The street is loud and busy, with yellow cabs racing by, commuters returning from work, and shoppers entering the deli on the corner. But my eyes never stray from her.

She pauses in her entryway and briefly glances back over her shoulder. An electrical charge seems to pulse through me. I wonder if she feels my stare. Gaze detection, it’s called—our ability to sense when someone is observing us. An entire system of the human brain is devoted to this genetic inheritance from our ancestors, who relied on the trait to avoid becoming an animal’s prey. I’ve cultivated this defense in myself, the sensation of static rising over my skin as my head instinctively lifts to search out a pair of eyes. I’ve learned the danger of dismissing that warning.

But she simply turns in the opposite direction, then opens her door and disappears inside, never looking my way.

She is oblivious to what I have done to her.

She is unaware of the damage I have wrought; the ruin I have set in motion.

To this beautiful young woman with the heart-shaped face and lush body—the woman my husband, Richard, left me for—I’m as invisible as the pigeon scavenging on the sidewalk next to me.

She has no idea what will happen to her if she continues like this. None at all.


NELLIE COULDN’T SAY what woke her. But when she opened her eyes, a woman wearing her white, lacy wedding gown stood by the foot of her bed, looking down at her.

Nellie’s throat closed around a scream, and she lunged for the baseball bat leaning against her nightstand. Then her vision adjusted to the grainy dawn light and the pounding of her heart softened.

She let out a tight laugh as she realized she was safe. The illusion was merely her wedding dress, ensconced in plastic, hanging on the back of her closet door, where she’d placed it yesterday after picking it up from the bridal shop. The bodice and full skirt were stuffed with crumpled tissue to maintain the shape. Nellie collapsed back onto her pillow. When her breathing steadied, she checked the blocky blue numbers on her nightstand clock. Too early, again.

She stretched her arms overhead and reached with her left hand to turn off the alarm before it could blare, the diamond engagement ring Richard had given her feeling heavy and foreign on her finger.

Even as a child, Nellie had never been able to fall asleep easily. Her mother didn’t have the patience for drawn-out bedtime rituals, but her father would gently rub her back, spelling out sentences over the fabric of her nightgown. I love you or You’re super special, he’d write, and she would try to guess the message. Other times he’d trace patterns, circles, stars, and triangles—at least until her parents divorced and he moved out when she was nine. Then she’d lie alone in her twin bed under her pink-and-purple-striped comforter and stare at the water stain that marred her ceiling.

When she finally dozed off, she usually slept hard for a good seven or eight hours—so deeply and dreamlessly that her mother sometimes had to physically shake her to awaken her.

But following an October night in her senior year of college, that suddenly changed.

Her insomnia worsened sharply, and her sleep became fractured by vivid dreams and abrupt awakenings. Once, she came downstairs to breakfast in her sorority house and her Chi Omega sister told her she’d been yelling something unintelligible. Nellie had attempted to brush it off: “Just stressed about finals. The Psych Stat exam is supposed to be a killer.” Then she’d left the table to get another cup of coffee.

After that, she’d forced herself to visit the college counselor, but despite the woman’s gentle coaxing, Nellie couldn’t talk about the warm early-fall night that had begun with bottles of vodka and laughter and ended with police sirens and despair. Nellie had met with the therapist twice, but canceled her third appointment and never went back.

Nellie had told Richard a few details when she’d awoken from one of her recurring nightmares to feel his arms tightening around her and his deep voice whispering in her ear, “I’ve got you, baby. You’re safe with me.” Entwined with him, she felt a security she realized she’d yearned for her entire life, even before the incident. With Richard beside her, Nellie was finally able to succumb again to the vulnerable state of deep sleep. It was as if the unsteady ground beneath her feet had stabilized.

Last night, though, Nellie had been alone in her old ground-floor brownstone apartment. Richard was in Chicago on business, and her best friend and roommate, Samantha, had slept over at her latest boyfriend’s. The noises of New York City permeated the walls: honking horns, occasional shouts, a barking dog … Even though the Upper East Side crime rate was the lowest in the borough, steel bars secured the windows, and three locks reinforced the door, including the thick one Nellie had installed after she’d moved in. Still, she’d needed an extra glass of Chardonnay before she’d been able to drift off.

Nellie rubbed her gritty eyes and slowly peeled herself out of bed. She pulled on her terry-cloth robe, then looked at her dress again, wondering if she should try to clear space in her tiny closet so it would fit. But the skirt was so full. At the bridal boutique, surrounded by its poufy and sequin-encrusted sisters, it had looked elegantly simple, like a chignon amidst bouffants. But next to the tangle of clothes and flimsy IKEA bookshelf in her cramped bedroom, it seemed to veer dangerously close to a Disney Princess ensemble.

Too late to change it, though. The wedding was approaching fast and every detail was in place, down to the cake topper—a blond bride and her handsome groom, frozen in a perfect moment.

“Jeez, they even look like you two,” Samantha had said when Nellie showed her a picture of the vintage china figurines that Richard had emailed. The topper had belonged to his parents, and Richard had retrieved it from the storage room in his apartment building’s basement after he proposed. Sam had wrinkled her nose. “Ever think he’s too good to be true?”

Richard was thirty-six, nine years older than Nellie, and a successful hedge fund manager. He had a runner’s wiry build, and an easy smile that belied his intense navy-blue eyes.

For their first date, he’d taken her to a French restaurant and knowledgeably discussed white Burgundies with the sommelier. For their second, on a snowy Saturday, he’d told her to dress warmly and had shown up carrying two bright green plastic sleds. “I know the best hill in Central Park,” he’d said.

He’d worn a pair of faded jeans and had looked just as good in them as he did in his well-cut suits.

Nellie hadn’t been joking when she replied to Sam’s question by saying, “Only every day.”

Nellie smothered another yawn as she padded the seven steps into the tiny galley kitchen, the linoleum cold under her bare feet. She flicked on the overhead light, noticing Sam had—again—made a mess of the honey jar after sweetening her tea. The viscous liquid oozed down the side, and a cockroach struggled in the sticky amber pool. Even after years of living in Manhattan, the sight still made her queasy. Nellie grabbed one of Sam’s dirty mugs out of the sink and trapped the roach under it. Let her deal with it, she thought. As she waited for her coffee to brew, she flipped open her laptop and began checking email—a coupon from the Gap; her mother, who’d apparently become a vegetarian, asking Nellie to make sure there would be a meat-free option at the wedding dinner; a notice that her credit-card payment was due.

Nellie poured her coffee into a mug decorated with hearts and the words World’s #1 Teacher—she and Samantha, who also taught at the Learning Ladder preschool, had a dozen nearly identical ones jammed in the cupboard—and took a grateful sip. She had ten spring parent-teacher conferences scheduled today for her Cubs, her class of three-year-olds. Without caffeine, she’d be in danger of falling asleep in the “quiet corner,” and she needed to be on her game. First up were the Porters, who’d recently fretted over the lack of Spike Jonze–style creativity being cultivated in her classroom. They’d recommended she replace the big dollhouse with a giant tepee and had followed up by sending her a link to one the Land of Nod sold for $229.

She’d miss the Porters only slightly less than the cockroaches when she moved in with Richard, Nellie decided. She looked at Samantha’s mug, felt a surge of guilt, and used a tissue to quickly scoop up the bug and flush it down the toilet.

Her cell phone rang as Nellie was turning on the shower. She wrapped herself in a towel and hurried into the bedroom to grab her purse. Her phone wasn’t there, though; Nellie was forever misplacing it. She eventually dug it out of the folds of her comforter.


No answer.

Caller ID showed a blocked number. A moment later a voice-mail alert appeared on her screen. She pressed a button to listen to it but only heard a faint, rhythmic sound. Breathing.

A telemarketer, she told herself as she tossed the phone back on the bed. No big deal. She was overreacting, as she sometimes did. She was just overwhelmed. After all, in the next few weeks, she’d pack up her apartment, move in with Richard, and hold a bouquet of white roses as she walked toward her new life. Change was unnerving, and she was facing a lot of it all at once.

Still, it was the third call in as many weeks.

She glanced at the front door. The steel dead bolt was engaged.

She headed to the bathroom, then turned back and picked up her cell phone, bringing it with her. She placed it on the edge of the sink, locked the door, then slung her towel over the rod and stepped into the shower. She jumped back as the too-cold spray hit her, then adjusted the knob and rubbed her hands over her arms.

Steam filled the small space, and she let the water course over the knots in her shoulders and down her back. She was changing her last name after the wedding. Maybe she’d change her phone number, too.

She’d slipped on a linen dress and was swiping mascara over her blond eyelashes—the only time she wore much makeup or nice clothes to work was for parent-teacher conferences and graduation day—when her cell phone vibrated, the noise loud and tinny against the porcelain sink. She flinched, and her mascara wand streaked upward, leaving a black mark near her eyebrow.

She looked down to see an incoming text from Richard:

Can’t wait to see you tonight, beautiful. Counting the minutes. I love you.

As she stared at her fiancé’s words, the breath that had seemed stuck in her chest all morning loosened. I love you, too, she texted back.

She’d tell him about the phone calls tonight. Richard would pour her a glass of wine and lift her feet up onto his lap while they talked. Maybe he’d find a way to trace the hidden number. She finished getting ready, then picked up her heavy shoulder bag and stepped out in the faint spring sunshine.

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About the authors

Greer Hendricks

Greer Hendricks

GREER HENDRICKS is the #1 New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Wife Between Us, An Anonymous Girl, You Are Not Alone, and The Golden Couple. Hendricks earned her master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University and spent nearly two decades working at Simon & Schuster, where she served as vice president and senior editor. More of her writing has been published in the New York Times, Allure, and Publishers Weekly, among others. “A Show of Faith” is her solo debut. Stay up to date on Hendricks’s projects at www.greerhendricks.com.

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Customer reviews

4.2 out of 5

64,102 global ratings

Amy Morris

Amy Morris



Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2024

Verified Purchase

The twists are both subtle and shocking. Such an accurate description of narcissistic behavior. The storytelling will suck you in and have you talking aloud to the characters.




page turner

Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2024

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I could not put it down. Gripping and exciting and amazing ! Love it! This is a must read fiction

Paul A. Myers

Paul A. Myers


The imperfection of life in the perfect world at the top

Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2018

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The Wife Between Us: A Novel Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen Top-notch writing and great characterization feature in this novel about a married couple being put together twice—a tale of first and second wives and possibly a third—in today’s Manhattan. But just who are these characters? That is the meta mystery in this novel. Early in the novel the characterizations are beautifully clear; you know the type, you see the social satire coming. But as the novel progresses just who these characters are becomes the enigma to unravel. And the reader has to work at it because you enter each new chapter not knowing exactly who the point-of-view character is nor where on the timeline the scene is set. Are we at the beginning of the first romance or the beginning of the second romance—or the end of the second, or was that really the first? There are two wives here, first and second. Or are there? And the older sister, a character almost out of a Hitchcock movie? And what of the male protagonist? At first, this highly successful thirty-something hedge fund manager comes through as a Mitt Romney-like Ken-Doll, an archetype simply ordered up from the Harvard Business School emporium and assembled like a human being from IKEA. One deliciously awaits the send up. So Mr Right is looking for Miss Young Perfect to bear children and keep the suburban house in pitch perfect condition and the family a glossy photo out of the New American Dream. But what happens when messy womanly imperfection stumbles on the runway into the Perfect American Life? How intense can the guilt be for being imperfect? Perfection can beam a very hard stare at remiss—not so much disappointment as a gauge of not measuring up, not making the metric. You didn’t stand up well in the B-school seminar today, lass! Then there is the apple in Eden. There is that one stolen kiss from the charismatic bad boy barrista at the club at that last going-away party night, one last touch of the raunchy, vibrant Manhattan life from which she came, before her departure for the suburban sequester. The new sex is of course good—grist for contentment—but the remembered sex with the bad boy had been the best—the nonpareil. Leaving that behind? Forever? The stories are multi-layered and full of skewering satire. The send up of upscale parents and over-parenting in the Manhattan pre-school with its overly tracked small children and their drill-field existence drained of fun and fantasy is pitch perfect. There is a story about life at an all-to-perfect top and a story about authenticity and pretense. And modern women striving for “having it all” but with their imperfections sure to undermine the perfection demanded by having it all. So the dream is not only the quest for the perfect husband in the perfect house but a quest for perfect children—which are never realized in the novel since conception—the desired outcome—is striven for but never reached. There is a strong echo of “The Handmaid’s Tale” here and the story of the young woman domiciled to bear children for the Commander. The novel then moves into something of a Gothic phase following the decomposition of lives to an ending I would not have contrived but does provide an “answer.” Overall in this well-told story, we see the inevitability of our own lives within the context of modern life and the role of constant imperfection in our lives.

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Kindle Customer

Kindle Customer


Cleverly contrived

Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2024

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I didn't figure out what was going on until the end, and even then there was more. The story will twist you up, and then leave you wrung out, and satisfied.

RSW Kindle Customer

RSW Kindle Customer


3.5 - 4 Stars

Reviewed in the United States on January 19, 2018

Verified Purchase

I can't decide exactly how to rate this twisty, turney thriller, so I'm going with somewhere between 3.5 and 4 Stars.

Some parts of it were fantastic and original, yet a few parts seemed almost identical to another book I've recently read.

SUMMARY Part one of the book is told from a duel point of view.

The first narrator is twenty-seven year old Nellie, an engaged woman in the weeks leading up to her wedding. She is ecstatic to have found the perfect man. Richard, nine years her senior, is wealthy, sophisticated and so very enthralled with her. Not only is he her protector, he is so incredibly thoughtful and romantic. He thinks of everything and always seems to be right there any time she needs him. Is he too good to be true? That's what her roommate Samantha is starting to think...

The second narrator is Vanessa, a woman who is trying to recover from the demise of her marriage. Her husband Richard has left her for a younger woman. And somehow he ended up with all the money, the house, cars and all their friends. Vanessa is staying in her Aunts spare bedroom and working as a sales person at a large NYC department store where she used to shop. Starting to make a connection between the two narrators?

As the book evolves, with a single point of view beginning in part two, the reader gets a front row seat to the deterioration of Vanessa and Richard's marriage, the fairytale (ish) engagement of Richard and Nellie and the complicated origins of the relationship between Vanessa's husband and her "replacement" (as Vanessa refers to her husband's fiancee). Just when you think you've got it all figured out, there is yet another twist.

WHAT I LOVED The development of complex, interesting characters can make or break a book. This book has some very intriguing characters!! Every time I tried to categorize one of the characters, I would realize a couple chapters later that I was wrong and that character was not as easily defined as I had thought.

I loved Nellie's pre-wedding life. She and Samantha were living such a 20-something year olds post college NYC adventure. It's what I wished I had the nerve to do at her age. In later years, they would laugh about the roaches in their apartment and how they had to work two jobs to stay afloat but remember those days as the time if their life. I think Samantha would have made an awesome roommate / bestie.

I love Vanessa's Aunt Charlotte. Every one should get to have an 'Aunt Charlotte" in their life; a person who will love you and take you in no matter what has happened in your life. Richard's, sister, Maureen, was fascinating. I couldn't figure out exactly what her angle was until it was basically spelled out for me.

Again with the NYC setting. It is such a great backdrop for a book. It adds a certain vitality.

This book had some AMAZINGLY great twists!! The first big twist sucked me right in. Hook, line and sinker! And the final couple of twists were so darn worth the wait.

WHAT I DIDN'T LOVE There was one major issue which brought the book down a few points for me. I don't was to give away too much, but about half way through the book, there was a twist and plot line almost identical to another book I have recently read (and loved). Both books were published within weeks of each other so I can't accuse either author of 'borrowing' the plot from the other BUT I kept thinking, "I've already read this book but with a different title." Clearly I'm reading too many thrillers since I've felt that was about the last two books I've read. Kind of disappointing though. There was way more to this story than one shared plot line so it didn't ruin the whole story for me but those 50 or so pages dedicated to that plot line was almost offensive to me due the similarities.

OVERALL Worth reading for the characters and the twists even if one part is pretty unoriginal.

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