Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan - Hardcover
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Archer's VoiceHardcover


Mia Sheridan




47,665 ratings

From New York Times bestselling author Mia Sheridan comes an emotional, slow burn romance about a woman desperate to hide and the man who sees through her walls, perfect for fans of Colleen Hoover and Lucy Score.

I wanted to lose myself in the small town of Pelion, Maine. To forget everything I had left behind. The sound of rain. The blood. The coldness of a gun against my skin. For six months, each breath has been a reminder that I survived--and my dad didn't. I'm almost safe again. But the moment I meet Archer Hale, my entire world tilts on its axis . . . and never rights itself again.

Until I trespass into his strange, silent, and isolated world, Archer communicates with no one. Yet in his whiskey-colored eyes, something intangible happens between us. There's so much more to him than just his beauty, his presence, or the ways his hands communicate with me. On me. But this town is mired in secrets and betrayals, and Archer is the explosive center of it all.

So much passion. And so much hurt. But it's only in Archer's silence that we might just find what we need to heal . . . and live.

Includes an exclusive extended epilogue from Archer's POV!

A Goodread's "Top Romance Novel of All Time"

A New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller



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Print length

400 pages





Publication date

February 12, 2018


5.31 x 1.42 x 7.99 inches

Item weight

11.3 ounces

Popular Highlights in this book

  • Sometimes an understanding silence was better than a bunch of meaningless words.

    Highlighted by 6,224 Kindle readers

  • Maybe there was no right or wrong, no black or white, only a thousand shades of gray when it came to pain and what we each held ourselves responsible for.

    Highlighted by 5,733 Kindle readers

  • I had learned recently that often, love was all about learning to speak a person’s language.

    Highlighted by 3,157 Kindle readers

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Editorial Reviews

"The bible to how to write a good, convincing love story."―L.J. Shen, USA Today bestselling author

"There is no love story like a Mia Sheridan love story."―A.L. Jackson, New York Times bestselling author


The Legend of Chiron the Centaur

The centaurs, as a group, were known to be rabble-rousers, given to drunkenness and rowdy, lusty behavior. But Chiron wasn’t like the rest—he was called the Good Centaur, and the Wounded Healer, wiser, gentler, and more just than those of his kind.

Sadly, he was shot by his friend Hercules with a poison arrow when Hercules was fighting the other centaurs. Because Chiron was immortal, he was unable to find relief from this incurable wound, and lived his life in agonizing pain.

Eventually, Chiron came upon Prometheus, who was suffering an agony as well. Prometheus had been sentenced to eternal torment by the gods and was tied to a rock, where, every morning, an eagle was sent to eat Prometheus’s liver, and every evening, it grew back.

Chiron offered to willingly give up his life for Prometheus, therefore setting them both free from their eternal torment. Chiron dropped dead at Prometheus’s feet. But because of his goodness and service, Zeus made Chiron a part of the stars, the constellation Sagittarius, where his beauty could be gazed upon for all time.

Chiron’s wound symbolizes the transformative power of suffering—how personal pain, both physical and emotional, can become the source of great moral and spiritual strength.

Chapter One

Archer—Seven Years Old; April

Grab my hand! I got you,” I said real soft, the helicopter lifting off the ground as Duke grabbed Snake Eyes’s hand. I was trying to play as quiet as I could—my mama was banged up again and I didn’t want to wake her where she was sleeping up in her room. She’d told me to watch cartoons up in bed with her, and I had for a while, but when I saw she was asleep, I’d come downstairs to play with my G.I. Joe toys.

The helicopter landed, and my guys jumped out and ran under the chair I had put a towel over to make into part of an underground bunker. I picked up the helicopter and lifted it off the ground again with a whop, whop, whop sound. I wished I could snap my fingers and make this a real helicopter. Then I’d pull my mama onto it and we’d fly away from here—away from him, away from the black eyes and my mama’s tears. I didn’t care where we’d end up as long as it was far, far away.

I crawled back into my bunker, and a few minutes later, I heard the front door open and close, and then heavy footsteps walking through our foyer and down the hall toward where I was playing. I peeked out and saw a pair of shiny black shoes and the cuffs of what I knew were uniform pants.

I crawled out as fast as I could, saying, “Uncle Connor!” as he kneeled down and I threw myself into his arms, making sure to stay clear of the side where he kept his gun and police flashlight.

“Hey, little man,” he said, hugging me to him. “How’s my rescue hero?”

“Good. See the underground fortress I built?” I said, leaning away and proudly pointing back over my shoulder at the fort I had made under the table using blankets and towels. It was pretty cool.

Uncle Connor smiled and glanced behind me. “I sure do. You did a good job there, Archer. I’ve never seen a fortress quite as impenetrable looking as that one.” He winked and smiled bigger.

I grinned. “Wanna play with me?”

He messed my hair, smiling. “Not right now, buddy. Later, okay? Where’s your mama?”

I felt my own face fall. “Um, she’s not feeling real good. She’s laying down.” I looked into Uncle Connor’s face and golden-brown eyes. The picture that popped into my head right away was the sky before a storm—dark and sort of scary. I moved back slightly, but as quick as that, Uncle Connor’s eyes cleared and he pulled me into him again, squeezing me.

“Okay, Archer, okay,” he said. He set me back from him and held on to my arms as his eyes moved over my face. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“You have your mama’s smile, you know that?”

I smiled bigger. I loved my mama’s smile—it was warm and beautiful and it made me feel loved.

“But I look like my daddy,” I said, looking down. Everyone said I had the Hale look about me.

He just stared at me for a minute, looking like maybe he wanted to say something, but then changed his mind. “Well, that’s a good thing, buddy. Your daddy’s a handsome devil.” He smiled at me, but it didn’t move up into his eyes. I looked at him, wishing I looked like Uncle Connor. My mama told me once that he was the most handsome man she’d seen in her whole life. But then she’d looked guilty like she shouldn’t have said that. Probably because he wasn’t my daddy, I guessed. Also, Uncle Connor was a police officer—a hero. When I grew up, I was gonna be just like him.

Uncle Connor stood up. “I’m gonna go see if your mama’s awake. You play with your action figures and I’ll be down in a minute, okay, buddy?”

“Okay.” I nodded. He messed my hair again and then walked toward the steps. I waited a couple of minutes, and then I followed him up silently. I stepped around every squeak, holding on to the banister to move me forward. I knew how to be quiet in this house. It was important that I knew how to be quiet in this house.

When I got to the top of the stairs, I stood just outside the door to my mama’s room, listening. The door was open only a crack, but it was enough.

“I’m okay, Connor, really,” my mama said, her voice soft and still sleepy.

“You’re not okay, Alyssa,” he hissed, his voice breaking at the end in a way that scared me. “Jesus. I want to kill him. I’m done with this, Lys. I’m done with the martyr routine. You might think you deserve this, but Archer. Does. Not,” he said, spitting out the last three words in a way that let me know his jaw was tight like I’d seen it before. Usually, when my daddy was around.

I heard nothing but my mama’s soft crying for a few minutes before Uncle Connor spoke again. This time his voice sounded strange, no expression in it.

“You wanna know where he is right now? He left the bar and went home with Patty Nelson. He’s screwing her three ways from Sunday in her trailer. I drove by and could hear it from inside my car.”

“God, Connor,” my mama’s voice choked out. “Are you trying to make this worse—”

“No!” his voice roared and I jumped slightly. “No,” he said more quietly now. “I’m trying to make you see that it’s enough. It’s enough. If you think you needed to pay a penance, it’s paid. Don’t you see that? You were never right in that belief, but for the sake of argument, let’s say you were—it’s paid up, Lys. It’s long since paid up. Now we’re all paying. Christ, do you wanna know what I felt when I heard the sounds coming out of that trailer? I wanted to bust in there and beat the shit out of him for humiliating you, disrespecting you that way. And the fuck of it all is that I should be happy he’s with someone other than you, anyone other than the woman that is so fucking deep under my skin, I couldn’t dig you out with a jackhammer. But instead, I felt sick about it. Sick, Lys. Sick that he wasn’t treating you right, even though him treating you right might mean I could never have you again.”

It was quiet from inside the room for a couple of minutes, and I wanted to peek inside, but I didn’t. All I heard was my mama’s soft crying and some slight rustling.

Finally, Uncle Connor went on, his voice quiet now, gentle, “Let me take you away from here, baby, please, Lys. Let me protect you and Archer. Please.” His voice was filled with something I didn’t know the name for. I sucked in a quiet breath. He wanted to take us away from here?

“What about Tori?” my mama asked quietly.

It was a couple of seconds before Uncle Connor answered, “I’d tell Tori I was leaving. She’d have to know. We haven’t had any kind of real marriage for years anyway. She’d have to understand.”

“She won’t, Connor,” my mama said, sounding scared. “She won’t understand. She’ll do something to get even with us. She’s always hated me.”

“Alyssa, we’re not kids anymore. This isn’t about some stupid competition shit. This is about real life. This is about me loving you. This is about us deserving to have a life together. This is about me, you, and Archer.”

“And Travis?” she asked quietly.

There was a pause. “I’ll work something out with Tori,” he said. “You don’t need to worry about that.”

There was more silence, and then my mama said, “Your job, the town…”

“Alyssa,” Uncle Connor said, his voice gentle, “I don’t care about any of that. If there’s no you, nothing else matters. Don’t you know that by now? I’ll resign from my job, sell the land. We’ll live a life, baby. We’ll find some happiness. Away from here—away from this place. Somewhere we can call our own. Baby, don’t you want that? Tell me you do.”

There was more silence, only I heard soft sounds like maybe they were kissing. I had seen them kissing before when my mama didn’t know I was spying, like I was doing now. I knew it was wrong—mamas weren’t supposed to kiss men who weren’t their husbands. But I also knew daddies weren’t supposed to come home drunk all the time and slap their wives in the face, and mamas weren’t supposed to look at uncles with the soft look my mama always got on her face when Uncle Connor came around. It was all mixed up and confused, and I wasn’t sure how to sort it all. That’s why I spied on them, trying to understand.

Finally, after what seemed like a long time, my mama whispered, so I could barely hear, “Yes, Connor, take us away from here. Take us far, far away. Me and you and Archer. Let’s find some happiness. I want that. I want you. You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted.”

“Lys…Lys…my Lys…,” I heard Uncle Connor saying between heavy breaths.

I snuck away, making my way back down the stairs, in between the noisy spots, not making a sound, moving in silence.

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About the authors

Mia Sheridan

Mia Sheridan

Mia Sheridan is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. Her passion is weaving true love stories about people destined to be together. Mia lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband. They have four children here on earth and one in heaven. Mia can be found online at or

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Customer reviews

4.5 out of 5

47,665 global ratings





Reviewed in the United States on February 16, 2014

Verified Purchase


Hero: 4.5/5 Heroine: 4/5 Storyline: 4/5 Emotion: 5/5 Sex: 4/5 Unique: 4.5/5 Other (supporting characters, editing, etc): 4/5

I could not wait to read this book! Virtually no one, from the product reviews on Amazon to the Editor's reviews on Goodreads, gave this a bad review. I should clarify that I don't actually read any reviews. I just look at the star rating and skim for key phrases ("I could not put this down", "Interesting storyline", "Hot, hot, hot", etc.) I find that many book reviews today are basically book reports. Someone feels the need to go chapter by chapter, almost line for line and tell you what has already been written. Spoiler city. And one of my biggest pet peeves.

However, I still managed to build up quite a bit of anticipation based on the little snippets I read about Archer's Voice. Here's why I was excited:

  • The hero is NOT an alpha male.
  • The hero has a disability.
  • The sex scenes would be graphic but not gratuitous.
  • It might be a tearjerker.
  • It's a classic, beautifully written love story.
  • It is a standalone novel.

So, was I disappointed? Not even. I read this book in just a few hours and felt a sense of completion that I find lacking in most books I read today. It used to be that a book had a beginning, a middle, and an end. Maybe a prologue and/or epilogue was thrown in as a bonus but, for the most part, every single thing you could want from a story was contained between the first and last words. Even in a series. Books may have been related but each individual story was complete.

That is not the case these days. More often than not, authors either leave you hanging to manipulate you into buying another book or just have a hard time closing all of the loops. I must congratulate Sheridan because for the first time in a long time, I finished a book, gave a quick nod and wave to the characters, and sent them up to the imaginary world that houses the thousands of stories I've read in my life. I can release them. Sure, I'll think of them fondly from time to time. But they don't need me anymore. That is a great feeling.

All of the things I was anticipating about proved true. I am soooooo tired of naive pathetic young women having to be saved by big strong alpha male. It is very difficult to write about a naive alpha male. But Sheridan did a great job with that. Also, I speak fluent sign language and know from my own feeble attempts that it is very, very difficult to write signed dialogue since the language is not spoken aloud. Not only did Sheridan make this work brilliantly, but she also touched on some real issues people with communication disorders face, namely dealing with the protection of oneself and others. These two things give the novel a fresh, unique perspective.

The relationship between Archer and Bree was one of the best that I've seen unfold (the chips, the jokes, gah!) The characters were fairly well written. Clearly, Sheridan herself had more of a connection with Archer as he was the most defined. I liked Bree a lot, however I had a hard time understanding why she was relating to people the way she did. I couldn't understand what on earth drew her to Archer in the first place (given what she'd just experienced, it doesn't make sense that she'd be so open to scary looking, strange acting men that everyone was scarring her away from). Also, I never fully got what the deal was with her friends from home. They could have been left out of the novel. The other supporting characters were a bit one-denominational and stereotypical but I did like that no one came off like a caricature. Travis wasn't all bad. Archer wasn't all good. There were also random people that didn't need to be in there (the woman stopped Bree to discuss Archer's mother, the man who threw the New Year's Eve party, the sisters, Melanie and Liza could have been one person, as could the old women Anne and Maggie).

One of the aspects I liked the best was because of the inexperience of the hero, the sex scenes were all different. As he learned and changed, the dynamics changed and that was a great departure from the stories about all these sex gods running around. Sheridan built up the perfect amount of anticipation and the progress of their relationship seemed very natural.

Perhaps, too natural? Most of the book seemed very realistic to me. But real-life is boring. Thus, I did find myself skimming about 5% of the book. At times it was a little slow. In fact, I found that when Archer and Bree were't together, I didn't care at all about what they were doing.

Also, I have a little bit of an issue with using flashbacks as a storytelling vehicle. Especially if a character is flashing back to their childhood. Our childhood memories are usually very skewed and certainly do not include verbatim dialogue or reference to things like the time of day. Human brains just don't work that way. It makes more sense to me when a story literally jumps back and forth between different time periods. Not when the characters are actually musing over critical life events with unrealistic clarity.

The climatic scene at the end was a little forced to me. Everything wrapped up a little too neatly, too quickly. But because of the realistic pace of the rest of the novel, it didn't bother me so much (the alternative was to have it drag on and on and... well... no.)

My negative takeaways are really just nitpicky. All in all, I really enjoyed this book. I like that the author challenged herself to write a different kind of hero and even took the time to incorporate the difficulty of the disability. I like the world these guys lived in. And the ultimate message at the end was a poignant as an Aesop fable moral. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a great romance and delights in the underdog story. It may not be your most-absolute-favorite book of all time but you certainly won't be disappointed.


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~Five Amazing Archer Hale & Beautiful Bree Prescott Stars~ Boy what ...

Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2015

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~Five Amazing Archer Hale & Beautiful Bree Prescott Stars~

Boy what do I say about this book and how do I find the appropriate words? The first word that comes to mind is AMAZING! Amazing because it was beautifully written, emotionally felt, engaging and just flawless. The characters were so beautiful with so much depth to them. I haven't read a book this wonderful in a long time and I highly recommend this to everyone.

The story of Archer's voice begins with him as a little boy and we learn about this little boy who has been a witness to some very unkind behavior from his father. The story goes back and forth a bit between his past and his present. We learn bits and pieces about the terrible tragedies he has been though and what has caused him such pain and agony both physical and emotional.

You see Archer cannot talk and we are taken to a place in his life where he has been alone for far too long, and where most people think he is deaf. The way he survived and the way he was treated. We learn about what happened the day his uncle and mother decided to take him away with them in search of a better life.

There is so much to learn about Archer and your eagerness to learn will hold you captive throughout the story. You will not want to put the book down. Mia Sheridan has an amazing ability to create such a beautiful story and her characters, quite frankly blew me away.

We then meet Bree Prescott. A woman who is running away. Trying to find peace. You see she has suffered some tragedies of her own and so she ends up in Pelion, Maine. A place where she finds her peace and so much more when she bumps into none other than Archer Hale.

Bree also thinks that Archer is def, but she is so drawn to the man who's face you can barely see from his straggly, long hair to his bearded face that she begins to reach out to him and by doing so she uses sign language, something she learns Archer knows how to do as well and that he actually taught himself. Aside from signing, Archer has taught himself to do a whole lot. It was completely amazing.

Anyone can learn to do anything if they have the time. I have the time.

Bree and Archer began spending time together learning about one another so they essentially became friends. It was not easy for Archer though.

I could figure out advanced masonry diagrams but when it came to other people, I was lost.

The two of them became very comfortable with one another and Bree confided in him about her past and the tragedies she endured. Archer on the other hand only shared some, as it was still very difficult for him.

She carried the guilt of not fighting when she should have, and I carried the scar of what happened when you did.

Archer is such a beautiful person inside and out. The things he said (signed) and the stuff he did just melted my heart throughout the story. Bree was also a beautiful, loving and caring young woman. Things would not be easy for the two of them from the outside people as well as their internal struggles.

Needless to say the two of them fell in love but it wouldn't be easy, especially for Archer. His internal struggles were beautiful yet so sad and once Bree understood his struggles, I must say she was amazing but not without questioning what to do.

Archer~ I love you so much it hurts.

I'm afraid to love you. I'm afraid that you'll leave and that I'll go back to being alone again. Only it will be a hundred times worse because I'll know what I'm missing. I can't...He sucked in a shaky breath. I want to be able to love you more than I fear losing you, and I don't know how. Teach me, Bree. Please teach me. Don't let me destroy this.

NOW that right there ^^^sigh

Bree~ How do you teach a man who has lost everything, not to fear it happening again? How do you teach a person to trust in something none of us can guarantee?

So why can't Archer talk? What happened to him? What tragedies have both he and Bree endured and how will they both beat the odds that seem to stand in their way, whether it be physical or emotional. How will Archer manage to deal with his internal struggles. What happened to Bree to make her run away for peace. How will it all end? Will they get their HEA?

Only you, only ever you.

With that said I leave you, no I urge you, GO READ Archer's Voice if you haven't yet. You won't be disappointed!


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Hazel w/Craves the Angst Book Blog

Hazel w/Craves the Angst Book Blog


Perfection, In Written Form! One of the Best Books I’ve Read This Year!!

Reviewed in the United States on March 26, 2014

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  • Written for Craves the Angst Book Reviews *

5+ Huge, Silent, Shattering Stars!

Quote Spotlight... ”I didn’t know enough to dream you, Bree, but somehow you came true anyhow.” - Archer

The Review: From the first page to the absolute last, I was hooked, reading straight through to the end and loving every hour, every minute, every second of this emotional, touching book. The story, the characters, the way its written, were all-consuming as I absorbed each page and eagerly turned to the next.

Story/Characters... Bree Prescott is on the run. She’s leaving a painful, tragic past in the dust as she takes off for parts unknown. When she lands in Pelion, Maine, she’s hoping this charming lakeside reprieve will prove to be the balm that calms her aching heart and soothe the fear that’s raging inside. As she navigates her way around town, she quickly makes friends and gets a job.

And she also runs into the town recluse.

The pull is instant. She recognizes a familiar pain in him even she wasn’t aware of but it called to her and she was helpless to deny it. Archer Hale is a silent entity no one knows. He’s a ghost in his own town and he prefers to stay that way. Hiding from a painful and tragic past of his own, he’s reluctant to trust or make friends with anyone, let alone the beautiful newcomer who seems bent on being his friend.

Quote Spotlight... “Everyone needs friends.” - Bree

Both of these character have secrets and hurts they are trying to recover from.

Bree was a beautiful heroine. She was open minded. Her heart was pure and she found wonder in the simple things in life. She was sweet and kind and brave. She was good! Her vulnerability was endearing instead of frustrating and I loved how she saw the world and its possibilities and the possibility in others.

Archer Hale is forever a hero in my book! I'm used to a certain kind of hero... the alpha male. And though he might not have been dominating and brimming with self awareness, he was one of the absolute best characters I’ve ever read! He is a complicated, layered, unique character who’s really been on his own since age seven. He had no guide, no teacher of life. Living in seclusion with his intelligent but unbalanced uncle left him with book smarts but unprepared for life outside of his fenced in property. He’s been completely sheltered from the world and society and with his silent innocence, his vulnerability and his shy manner, he breaks into your heart and steals a piece of it with each passing page.

Quote Spotlight... You brought the silence, The most beautiful sound I'd ever heard. Because it was where you were...

It seems everything is stacked against Bree and Archer. With certain people opposed to their union and Archers insecurities and his seclusion from the world holding him back and with Bree’s heart on the line, the risks seem high for this couple to make it. Danger lurks behind every corner, whether it be emotional or physical.

I can honestly say, I loved the “not knowing”. I didn’t know if this couple was going to actually make it or not. It seemed everything was working to pull them apart. Watching them connect, become so entwined in each other they practically spoke their own language, was beautiful. With each passing hand gesture, their love grew but Archers asks the perfect question.

Quote Spotlight... Is it enough, Bree?

Is love enough when the cards are stacked in favor of failure? Well, you’ll just have to read this story and see for yourself if it was enough for them.

The Wrap Up: I’ve never seen a story quite like this one. And I enjoyed Every. Amazing. Moment! Besides the unquestionably unique story and the amazing characters, this book was well written with hauntingly beautiful prose and descriptive scenes. It truly is worth your time. Read it!

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So many emotions!

Reviewed in the United States on July 29, 2024

Verified Purchase

I have had this book on my kindle for awhile and I am not sure why I waited so long to read it! My heart has still not completely healed. It will be one that stays with me for awhile. It was heartbreaking, breathtaking, and full of learning how to live.

Bree needed a change, there were too many reminders and dangers in her life. Finding a small town that felt safe, she decided to stay. While exploring the town she ran into Archer. He was a man that the town seemed to forget or ignore, but they quickly forged an unusual bond. When thinks got tough, would they find solace in each other or would their secrets tear them apart?

Wow! There were so many layers, twists, and turns. At several points I wanted to throw the book. I wanted to yell... I wanted to scream... but in the end, it was perfect. All the pain from both of their pasts was the driving force of finding their future. It was just beautiful.

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Njkinny's Blog

Njkinny's Blog


Brutally honest and the best romance I have read in a long long time! Must Read!

Reviewed in the United States on July 13, 2015

Verified Purchase

Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan is a story of two people, both very different and yet bound by one similarity. They are both broken and have faced great trauma in their lives which has forced them to live in fear. What happens when they cross paths and fall in love with each other is what Mia Sheridan sensitively and with heart wrenching frankness narrates in this novel where she raises the question "Is love enough?".

I had been hearing so much about this book from quite sometime and while this made me really inquisitive, I also got a bit fearful of what would happen if I didn't like it! It's always a shame when I don't like a book that majority of my reader buddies have already swooned over.

However, here in this case, I am so so happy to say that I absolutely, without question adored Archer's Voice. It is one of the best books that I have read in quite sometime. A unique story that made a deep impression on my mind, I know I can re-red this book.

The cover is arresting and intriguing with a fine specimen of a man on the front. LOL

But it was the title and the blurb that really had me picking up this book up after I had already heard so many good things about it. It is both interesting with that balance of mystery and promise of a good heartfelt romance plus it also creates an urgency in the reader to go read the book.

This was the first book by Mia Sheridan that I read but I have already fallen in love with her writing. She has beautifully balanced mystery with romance and made me laugh, sniffle, be so angry that I felt like smacking a few characters in the book, cry my eyes out and then smile and sigh deeply like a love struck teenager, all in the span of one story.

Brutally honest, Mia depicts a scenario that looks all too true. She doesn't try to gloss over the cruelty of mankind and society when they scorn everyone and everything they don't understand, focussing on the fact that people never dare to go against the society and rarely once try to take up that courage to really stand out and try to understand.

The author's writing style is simple, engaging and elicits emotions so beautifully that I felt like everything was happening to me first hand. All through, I felt this urgency to make things right for Archer and Bree and when a few times in the book, I thought something drastic had happened to these beloved characters, it was like my own heart stopped.

The story is mostly told from Bree's POV but a few chapters are dedicated to share Archer's POV too.

The mystery, suspense and a sense of foreboding to danger is beautifully captured by the author in the book. The pace is balanced and this book is so engrossing that you won't be able to leave it once you start reading it. I missed all my work when I sat down to read it, despite the promise I had made myself that I would read only a few chapters.

The characters are people who seem all too normal with their daily routines and not-so-perfect lives. Archer is a true "wounded" hero who instantly endeared himself to me and I seriously wished I could meet and heal him. Taking Bree's place would not be a bad idea here. LOL, just kidding. He is pure hotness with a mysterious and broken feel about him that instantly makes us want to make him happy.

Bree, on the other hand, is independent, bubbly and cute. She is a normal girl but one who has faced hell and is still reliving it due to her trauma. Her protective role in Archer's life and Archer's slowly developed but still soul deep love for her had me wishing for a happily-ever-after for them and hoping I could meet them someday! They make each other better and also make each other vulnerable, which is the beauty of true love.

The other characters are also suitably placed and act beautifully in their roles to take the story forward.

The book is a part of the "Sign of Love" series but still a standalone story based on the sun sign, Sagittarius. It has some adult content and so should be read only by people above the age of eighteen.

A definite winner, Archer's Voice is a must read for all romance lovers. This book is so much more than just romance. It tugs at our heartstrings, makes us re-examine our behaviour towards people and then believe in the magic of true love that can heal all scars and all wounds. 5 super glowing stars to it and strongly recommended to everyone. I loved Mia and will be checking out her other books too.

This review is also available on my blog Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

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