Beautifully Broken Spirit (The Sutter Lake Series) by Catherine Cowles - Paperback
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Beautifully Broken Spirit (The Sutter Lake Series)Paperback



4,782 ratings

She’s always been his safe place to land.

Jensen has shared a special bond with Tuck for as long as she can remember, their friendship a language that never needed words. But as life threw her one curveball after another, that secret language turned to stony silence.

He’s always been her protector.

Tuck has looked out for Jensen since the day she was born. As his best friend’s little sister, he’s tried to keep her firmly in the friend category. But she’s always been more.

All it takes is one moment of weakness to send Tuck’s fiercely guarded walls crumbling to the ground. As a new fire burns between them, someone watches. Someone who doesn’t like the new life Jensen’s building for herself.

And they’ll stop at nothing to keep her in the dark.



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Print length

323 pages




PageSmith LLC, The

Publication date

October 21, 2019


5.25 x 0.81 x 8 inches

Item weight

13.1 ounces

Popular Highlights in this book

  • Love is always a risk. There’s no way around it. He’ll hurt you. You’ll hurt him. One of you might lose the other. But it will also be so beautiful, the light of it so bright, it’ll outshine all of the dark.

    Highlighted by 375 Kindle readers

  • For the trees that were known to withstand the highest winds so well they would bend but never break.

    Highlighted by 243 Kindle readers

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Editorial Reviews

"This friends-to-lovers, second-chance story by Cowles is sweet, hot, suspenseful, and oh-so-satisfying. You'll want to turn around and read it again the second you're done." - Susan Stoker, New York Times Bestseller

"A beautifully written romantic suspense that will leave you breathless. Catherine Cowles has a way of pulling the reader into the world she has created and leaves you there for days after you have read the last page. Beautifully Broken Spirit is one of my favorite reads of 2019." - New York Times bestselling author, Kelly Elliott

"An emotional journey that will grip your heart and never let it go." - Grahame Claire, USA Today Bestseller

"Beautifully Broken Spirit gives you angst, mystery, suspense, hope, and all the feels romance junkies crave." - Brittany, A Bit Smutty Book Blog

"All the stars for Jensen and Tuck! This friends to lovers romance was sweet, suspenseful and steamy all rolled into a beautiful package set in the mountains and a small town. One of my top reads of 2019." - Lyndsay, Goodreads Reviewer





The wind lifted my hair off my neck, swirling it around my face. It carried with it the calls of birds overhead and the scent of the surrounding pine trees. I stared out at the fields around me. They dipped and rolled, meeting up with forests that ran into snow-capped mountains.

My palms pressed into the rock beneath me. This was usually one of my two favorite places in the world. My boulder on the five hundred or so acres that my parents had gifted me on their ranch in the hopes that I would make my home here. This was the place I came to when I needed to think. To get away. To daydream. To feel peace.

Now, I felt nothing. Just a radiating numbness that seemed to make my fingers and toes tingle, the same way they would if they’d fallen asleep after sitting in the same position for too long. God, I wished I were sleeping. That the past three months had been nothing but a nightmare.

Tears tracked down my cheeks. I did nothing to try and staunch the flow. I kept hoping that, eventually, I’d be all cried out. That there would be no more tears left to cry. And when that happened, I’d miraculously know what I was going to do.

“Little J, I didn’t know you were back from college.”

The rough voice jolted me out of my thoughts, and I quickly did my best to wipe my face. I stretched my mouth into a bright smile—the same expression I’d been forcing so often lately, it felt as though my face might crack in two. “Hey, Tuck. Surprise trip.”

Tuck’s gaze traced over my face, and his angular jaw, dusted with dark blond stubble, went hard. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. Just getting a little peace away from the crowd at the ranch house.”

Tuck rounded the boulder, his broad frame crowding me, dominating the seemingly infinite space. “Little J…”

I gave him my best mock scowl. “Stop calling me that. I’m not exactly little anymore.”

He ran a hand through his hair, tugging on the strands. “I’m well aware. Now, stop trying to change the subject. You’ve been crying.” He glanced in the direction of the ranch house. “Do you want me to go get Walker?”

“No!” Of course, he would offer to get Walker. My brother had been Tuck’s best friend since before the two could talk. And the three of us had practically grown up together. But the last thing I wanted in this moment was my brother.

Tuck settled himself next to me on the rock. “Jensen.” His use of my full name had tears pooling in my eyes again. He pulled me into his side and wrapped his arm around me, giving my shoulder three quick squeezes. “What’s going on?”

“I’m in trouble.” The words came out in a hiccupped staccato beat as I tried to hold in the sobs.

“Whatever it is, we can fix it.”

I shook my head. “I’m pregnant.”

Tuck’s body went as rigid and still as the stone we sat on. “What?”

“I’m pregnant,” I whispered.

Tuck shot up. “I’m going to kill that fucker.”

The sobs came in earnest then, wracking my body.

“Shit, I’m sorry, Little J. Come on, don’t cry.” Tuck wrapped both of his arms around me this time, holding me tight to his chest. “It’s going to be okay.”

“Cody left me.” I sucked in a breath. “He doesn’t want me or the baby.” I curled myself into a ball against his chest. Tuck’s warmth enveloped me. He was comfort. Home. I never wanted to leave this spot. Because here, there was no judgement about the fact that I hadn’t even completed my freshman year of college, and I was pregnant and alone. No judgment that I’d fallen prey to the pretty words of a handsome senior boy. That I’d thought he loved me.

Tuck’s lips brushed my hair. “That makes him one seriously dumb fuck.” He kept his voice quiet, but I could hear the rage simmering beneath the surface.

I burrowed deeper into Tuck’s hold. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

He pulled back, tipping my face up to his with a single finger. “What do you want to do?”

I looked into his pale blue eyes, having no answers. Our gazes held, the seconds ticking by. “I want to go see the herd.”

Surprise flickered across Tuck’s expression before a gentle smile pulled at his mouth. “You got it.” He stood, offering me a hand. “Come on.”

Tuck led me towards his truck, parked just on the other side of the fence that separated our families’ ranches. The same two families who’d founded the town of Sutter Lake a century ago. I loved the history of this land, and that it held all my roots. I’d always planned to build a home and family here, and I’d thought I found the man I was going to do that with. But I was so wrong.

I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to force the thoughts from my brain. My lids opened as Tuck released my hand to launch himself over the fence. I shook my head. Always the show-off. I opted to duck between the rails. Tuck was there to offer me a hand as I straightened.

We were silent on the hour drive to the national forest, Tuck seeming to sense that I needed more time to put my thoughts into words. That was the thing about my friendship with Tuck—we always accepted each other just as we were. No pretense or pressure. When we were together, we could just be.

As paved roads turned to unmarked gravel paths, I still didn’t have any answers. Tuck pulled off the lane, shutting off his truck. “You up for walking?”

I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “I’m pregnant, not dying.”

Tuck rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know what all pregnancy affects.”

I reached over, giving his shoulder a pat. “It doesn’t affect my ability to walk.”

“Then let’s get walking.” Tuck jumped from his rig and rounded the vehicle before I could fully get my door open. “Careful.”

I rolled my eyes. My brother and Tuck had always been overprotective. No bullies on the schoolyard dared turn their cruelty towards me. Boys rarely asked me out for fear of the threats Walker and Tuck had leveled on the one who had. I went to prom with my AP bio lab partner, who was more interested in dissecting frogs than what might be under my dress.

Maybe if Walker and Tuck hadn’t been so overprotective growing up, I wouldn’t have been so damn gullible, falling for the first guy with pretty words and a charming smile that I came across. And if I’d thought they were overprotective before, I had a feeling pregnancy would take things to a whole new level. I sighed. It wasn’t their fault. There was no one to blame for my situation but me.

I lowered myself to the ground without Tuck’s help. He scowled. “I’m fine, you grumpy grizzly.” His scowl deepened, and I laughed. “Let’s go.”

Tuck studied the forest around us. He’d always had a special relationship with nature. He seemed to hear voices that didn’t reach anyone else’s ears. Maybe it was the fact that tracking had been passed down through Tuck’s family for generations. But I thought it was a connection that was uniquely his.

He inclined his head towards a hillside. “This way.”

Silence reigned again as we walked. Tuck led, careful to point out any downed logs and hold back any tree branches that obstructed my path. Twenty minutes later, he slowed, coming to a stop at the edge of a clearing.

My breath caught. It didn’t matter how many times I’d seen a similar sight. They were just that beautiful. Across the clearing, I counted at least a dozen mustangs. Wild, like they had been for generations. The stallion studied us, trying to decide if Tuck and I posed any threat. We ducked our heads, breaking eye contact, showing that we didn’t intend to challenge his authority here.

Tuck tugged on my hand. “Let’s sit.” He pulled me towards a downed log, and we settled there.

It was Tuck who had introduced me to these creatures. In middle school, I’d been having a tough time with some mean girls, and he’d brought me out here, just like his grandfather had done for him. I’d fallen in love. Whenever life felt out of control, this was where I wanted to go. To see the beauty the world had to offer. The magic. The wildness that still reigned free.

My eyes caught on the tiniest of creatures behind one of the mares. Still wobbling on his new legs, the foal couldn’t have been more than a couple of days old. I fisted Tuck’s shirt. “Look.”

“They’re puttin’ on a show just for you today.” I could hear the grin in his voice but couldn’t force my eyes away from the foal.

“He’s perfect.”

Time flew by as I lost myself being with the horses. Let them remind me what family should be. Protection, loyalty, love, care. I stilled as a curious mare approached.

“Steady now,” Tuck whispered, keeping his head lowered while fixing an eye on the mare.

“I know.” I didn’t move a muscle as the horse drew closer. She sniffed the air around me, my hair, my shoulder, and then zeroed in on my belly. At three months along, there was no bump, but she sensed something. The horse sniffed my middle and then nuzzled my stomach. I sucked in a breath.

“She’s pregnant, too.” Tuck’s voice came quietly from my side. “She wants to show another mama some love.”

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I took in the mare’s swollen belly. I resisted the urge to stroke her, to throw my arms around her neck and bury my face in her coat so I’d know that I wasn’t alone in this. The stallion let out a whinny, and my new friend backed away, returning to her family.

I met Tuck’s Arctic blue stare. “I’m scared.” I ducked my head, unable to keep his gaze.

Tuck lifted my face with a single roughened fingertip under my chin. “Being scared just means you care about something. Nothing there to be ashamed of.” Our eyes locked. Held. Tuck dropped his hand and balled his fist.

I bit my lip and nodded, my palm traveling to my belly. “I love this little person already.”

“I know you do.” Tuck gripped my neck lightly, giving it a squeeze. “You’re not alone, Jensen. Families can take any shape, and sometimes, the unique ones are the most beautiful.”

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About the authors

Catherine Cowles

Catherine Cowles

Writer of words. Drinker of Diet Cokes. Lover of all things cute and furry, especially her dog. Catherine has had her nose in a book since the time she could read and finally decided to write down some of her own stories. When she's not writing she can be found exploring her home state of Oregon, listening to true crime podcasts, or searching for her next book boyfriend.

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Customer reviews

4.5 out of 5

4,782 global ratings




Tuck and Jensen

Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2024

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Another great read from this author that I couldn’t put down! Love her romantic suspense books! Tuck has been best friends with Walker from a young age. Jensen is Walker’s younger sister who has hung out with them through their years of growing up and both boys were protective of Jensen. Jensen is a single mom who has been through some tough emotional turmoil recently and Tuck is at a loss of how to bring the spark back to her eyes again. Both begin to realize that they have more than friendship feelings for each other. Tuck has to deal with his childhood traumas and his feelings of not being good enough for Jensen. Then, Jensen gets kidnapped and Tuck and Walker need to find her when Tuck realizes his love for her. This book had love, friendship, laughter, suspense all wrapped up in this story. I love Grandma Irma in these stories!

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Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2024

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JUST when I think I have read the best that Catherine Cowles can give us, she blows me away with yet another incredible winner! I have zipped thru so many of her sagas bc the story line, characters and hotness, r just SO fabulous! 20 stars!!




such a great story!

Reviewed in the United States on July 18, 2024

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Loved the wild mustangs twist into this love story between Jensen and Tuck ! I’ve been waiting for their HEA and it delivered!

Shaleena Rider

Shaleena Rider



Reviewed in the United States on June 9, 2024

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This is the third book in the series and it’s fantastic. Different then the other two, the love interest have loved each other their entire lives. They have always been there for each other. And the twist and turns lead us to that happy ending we all love.

But that isn’t why I’m writing this review.

My girl Irma is perfection. Throughout each of these three books, she has been my absolute favorite character. She’s the out of pocket, say anything that comes to her mind grandmother. Irma is the lady who will protect her own and worries about her family, but she is also the one that breaks up the book and will always give you a laugh. If Irma told me to get in the car and drive, I wouldn’t ask questions. I would follow this lady to the ends of the Earth. If she needs a bestie, this is me submitting my application. I came for the romance with a dash of what will happen, and I’m staying to see what psychic predictions she has next!

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Kathrine Huyck

Kathrine Huyck


Really great story!!

Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2024

Verified Purchase

Loved reading Tuck and Jensen's love story!! What a great couple!! If you have never read this author before you don't know what you are missing!!! Catherine please continue writing and I will DEFINITELY continue reading!!!👍😁😁

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