The Choice by Nicholas Sparks - Paperback
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The ChoicePaperback


Nicholas Sparks




22,262 ratings

Opposites attract in this moving #1 New York Times bestseller of love lost and found between a young medical student and the man who captures her heart.

Travis Parker has everything he could want: a good job, loyal friends, even a waterfront home in small-town North Carolina. In full pursuit of the good life—boating, swimming, and regular barbecues with his good-natured buddies—he holds the vague conviction that a serious relationship with a woman would only cramp his style. That is, until Gabby Holland moves in next door.

Despite his attempts to be neighborly, Gabby seems to have a chip on her shoulder about Travis . . . and the presence of her longtime boyfriend doesn’t help. Nevertheless, Travis finds himself drawn to his new neighbor, and his efforts to become closer with her lead them both to the doorstep of a journey that neither could have foreseen. 

Spanning the eventful years of young love, marriage, and family, The Choice ultimately confronts us with the most heart-wrenching question of all: how far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?



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Print length

304 pages




Grand Central Publishing

Publication date

March 13, 2023


5.2 x 1 x 8 inches

Item weight

2.31 pounds

Popular Highlights in this book

  • If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.

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  • Marriage, each of them realized intuitively, was about compromise and forgiveness. It was about balance, where one person complemented the other.

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  • That’s the thing about being the product of happily married parents. You grow up thinking the fairy tale is real, and more than that, you think you’re entitled to live it.

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  • Parents might believe themselves to be the bosses, but in the end it was the kids who made the rules.

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  • This place, with you by my side, is where I’ll always want to be.

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From Publishers Weekly

In his 13th book, bestselling Sparks (At First Sight, etc.) limns the far-reaching implications of several seemingly ordinary choices made by Beaufort, N.C. veterinarian Travis Parker and his next-door neighbor Gabrielle Holland, a physician's assistant and recent arrival. After an inauspicious first meeting where Gabby accuses Travis's boxer of impregnating her purebred collie, the two fall hard for each other. Already dating someone else seriously, Gabby is faced with a dilemma: whether to stick with longtime boyfriend Kevin, or get involved with Travis. The first part of the tale paints a vivid picture of her decision-making process and its effects on Travis and Gabby's lives. That sets up Part II, which takes place 11 years later when Travis faces a life and death decision following a car accident. A tender and moving love story and a quick read, Sparks's latest does not disappoint.

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


"A tender and moving love story."―Publishers Weekly

"Provides subtle lessons in love and hope . . . reinforces the theory that all choices, no matter how seemingly unimportant . . . often have far-reaching, rippling effects. Sparks has become a favorite storyteller because of his ability to take ordinary people, put them in extraordinary situations, and create unexpected outcomes."―

"A heartrending love story . . . will have you entranced. And if The Notebook left you teary-eyed, his latest will have the same effect."―Myrtle Beach Sun News

About the Author

Nicholas Sparks is the author of twenty-four books, all of which have been New York Times bestsellers. His books have been published across more than fifty languages with over 150 million copies sold worldwide, and eleven have been adapted into films. He is also the founder of the Nicholas Sparks Foundation, a nonprofit committed to improving cultural and international understanding through global education experiences. He lives in North Carolina.

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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

The Choice By Nicholas Sparks

Chapter One

May 1996

"Tell me again why I agreed to help you with this." Matt, red-faced and grunting, continued to push the spa toward the recently cut square at the far edge of the deck. His feet slipped, and he could feel sweat pouring from his forehead into the corners of his eyes, making them sting. It was hot, way too hot for early May. Too damn hot for this, that's for sure. Even Travis's dog, Moby, was hiding in the shade and panting, his tongue hanging out.

Travis Parker, who was pushing the massive box alongside him, managed to shrug. "Because you thought it would be fun," he said. He lowered his shoulder and shoved; the spa-which must have weighed four hundred pounds-moved another couple of inches. At this rate, the spa should be in place, oh ... sometime next week.

"This is ridiculous," Matt said, heaving his weight into the box, thinking that what they really needed was a team of mules. His back was killing him. For a moment, he visualized his ears blowing off the sides of his head from the strain, shooting in both directions like the bottle rockets he and Travis used to launch as kids.

"You've already said that."

"And it isn't fun," Matt grunted.

"You said that, too."

"And it isn't going to be easy to install."

"Sure it is," Travis said. He stood and pointed to the lettering on the box. "See? It says right here, 'Easy to Install.'" From his spot beneath the shady tree, Moby-a purebred boxer-barked as if in agreement, and Travis smiled, looking way too pleased with himself.

Matt scowled, trying to catch his breath. He hated that look. Well, not always. Most of the time he enjoyed his friend's boundless enthusiasm. But not today. Definitely not today.

Matt reached for the bandanna in his rear pocket. It was soaked with sweat, which had of course done wonders for the seat of his pants. He wiped his face and wrung the bandanna with a quick twist. Sweat dribbled from it like a leaky faucet onto the top of his shoe. He stared at it almost hypnotically, before feeling it soak through the light mesh fabric, giving his toes a nice, slimy feel. Oh, that was just dandy, wasn't it?

"As I recall, you said Joe and Laird would be here to help us with your 'little project' and that Megan and Allison would cook some burgers and we'd have beer, and that-oh yeah, installing this thing should only take a couple of hours at the most."

"They're coming," Travis said.

"You said that four hours ago."

"They must be running a little late."

"Maybe you never called them at all."

"Of course I called them. And they're bringing the kids, too. I promise."



"Uh-huh," Matt answered. He stuffed the bandanna back in his pocket. "And by the way-assuming they don't arrive soon, just how on earth do you think the two of us will be able to lower this thing into place?"

Travis dismissed the problem with a wave as he turned toward the box again. "We'll figure it out. Just think how well we've done so far. We're almost halfway there."

Matt scowled again. It was Saturday-Saturday! His day of recreation and relaxation, his chance to escape from the grindstone, the break he earned after five days at the bank, the kind of day he needed. He was a loan officer, for God's sake! He was supposed to push paper, not hot tubs! He could have been watching the Braves play the Dodgers! He could have been golfing! He could have gone to the beach! He could have slept in with Liz before heading to her parents' house like they did almost every Saturday, instead of waking at the crack of dawn and performing manual labor for eight straight hours beneath a scalding southern sun....

He paused. Who was he kidding? Had he not been here, he would have definitely spent the day with Liz's parents, which was, in all honesty, the main reason he'd agreed to Travis's request in the first place. But that wasn't the point. The point was, he didn't need this. He really didn't.

"I don't need this," he said. "I really don't."

Travis didn't seem to hear him. His hands were already on the box, and he was getting into position. "You ready?"

Matt lowered his shoulder, feeling bitter. His legs were shaking. Shaking! He already knew he'd be in serious, double-dose-of-Advil pain in the morning. Unlike Travis, he didn't make it into the gym four days a week or play racquetball or go running or go scuba diving in Aruba or surfing in Bali or skiing in Vail or anything else the guy did. "This isn't fun, you know?"

Travis winked. "You said that already, remember?"

"Wow!" Joe commented, lifting an eyebrow as he walked the perimeter of the hot tub. By then, the sun was beginning its descent, streams of gold reflecting off the bay. In the distance, a heron broke from the trees and gracefully skimmed the surface, dispersing the light. Joe and Megan, along with Laird and Allison, had arrived a few minutes before with kids in tow, and Travis was showing them around. "This looks great! You two did all of this today?"

Travis nodded, holding his beer. "It wasn't so bad," he said. "I think Matt even enjoyed it."

Joe glanced at Matt, who lay flattened in a lawn chair off to the side of the deck, a cold rag over his head. Even his belly-Matt had always been on the pudgy side-seemed to sag.

"I can see that."

"Was it heavy?"

"Like an Egyptian sarcophagus!" Matt croaked. "One of those gold ones that only cranes can move!"

Joe laughed. "Can the kids get in?"

"Not yet. I just filled it, and the water will take a little while to heat up. The sun will help, though."

"The sun will heat it within minutes!" Matt moaned. "Within seconds!"

Joe grinned. Laird and the three of them had gone to school together since kindergarten.

"Tough day, Matt?"

Matt removed the rag and scowled at Joe. "You have no idea. And thanks for showing up on time."

"Travis said to be here at five. If I had known you needed help, I would have come earlier."

Matt slowly shifted his gaze to Travis. He really hated his friend sometimes.

"How's Tina doing?" Travis said, changing the subject. "Is Megan getting any sleep?"

Megan was chatting with Allison at the table on the far end of the deck, and Joe glanced briefly in her direction. "Some. Tina's cough is gone and she's been able to sleep through the night again, but sometimes I just think that Megan isn't wired to sleep. At least, not since she became a mom. She gets up even if Tina hasn't made a peep. It's like the quiet wakes her up."

"She's a good mom," Travis said. "She always has been."

Joe turned to Matt. "Where's Liz?" he asked.

"She should be here any minute," Matt answered, his voice floating up as if from the dead. "She spent the day with her parents."

"Lovely," Joe commented.

"Be nice. They're good people."

"I seem to recall you saying that if you had to sit through one more of your father-in-law's stories about his prostate cancer or listen to your mother-in-law fret about Henry getting fired again-even though it wasn't his fault-you were going to stick your head in the oven."

Matt struggled to sit up. "I never said that!"

"Yes, you did." Joe winked as Matt's wife, Liz, rounded the corner of the house with Ben toddling just in front of her. "But don't worry. I won't say a word."

Matt's eyes darted nervously from Liz to Joe and back again, checking to see if she'd heard.

"Hey, y'all!" Liz called out with a friendly wave, leading little Ben by the hand. She made a beeline for Megan and Allison. Ben broke away and toddled toward the other kids in the yard.

Joe saw Matt sigh in relief. He grinned and lowered his voice. "So ... Matt's in-laws. Is that how you conned him into coming here?"

"I might have mentioned it," Travis smirked.

Joe laughed.

"What are you guys saying?" Matt called out suspiciously.

"Nothing," they said in unison.

Later, with the sun down and the food eaten, Moby curled up at Travis's feet. As he listened to the sound of the kids splashing away in the spa, Travis felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him. This was his favorite kind of evening, whiled away to the sound of shared laughter and familiar banter. One minute Allison was talking to Joe; the next minute she was chatting with Liz and then Laird or Matt; and so on for everyone seated around the outdoor table. No pretenses, no attempts to impress, no one trying to show anyone up. His life, he sometimes thought, resembled a beer commercial, and for the most part, he was content simply to ride the current of good feeling.

Every now and then, one of the wives would get up to check on the kids. Laird, Joe, and Matt, on the other hand, reserved their child-rearing duties at times like these to periodically raising their voices in hopes of calming down the kids or preventing them from teasing or accidentally hurting one another. Sure, one of the kids would throw a tantrum now and then, but most problems were solved with a quick kiss on a scraped knee or a hug that was as tender to watch from a distance as it must have been for the kid to receive.

Travis looked around the table, pleased that his childhood friends not only had become good husbands and fathers, but were still a part of his life. It didn't always turn out that way. At thirty-two, he knew that life was sometimes a gamble, and he'd survived more than his share of accidents and falls, some of which should have inflicted far more serious bodily injury than they had. But it wasn't just that. Life was unpredictable. Others he'd known growing up had already died in car accidents, been married and divorced, found themselves addicted to drugs or booze, or simply moved away from this tiny town, their faces already blurring in his memory. What were the odds that the four of them-who'd known one another since kindergarten-would find themselves in their early thirties still spending weekends together? Pretty small, he thought. But somehow, after hanging together through all the adolescent acne and girl troubles and pressure from their parents, then heading off to four different colleges with differing career goals, they had each, one by one, moved back here to Beaufort. They were more like family than friends, right down to coded expressions and shared experiences that no outsiders could ever fully understand.

And miraculously, the wives got along, too. They'd come from different backgrounds and different parts of the state, but marriage, motherhood, and the endless gossip of small-town America were more than enough to keep them chatting regularly on the phone and bonding like long-lost sisters. Laird had been the first to marry-he and Allison had tied the knot the summer after they graduated from Wake Forest; Joe and Megan walked the aisle a year later, after falling in love during their senior year at North Carolina. Matt, who'd gone to Duke, met Liz here in Beaufort, and they were married a year after that. Travis had been the best man in all three weddings.

Some things had changed in the past few years, of course, largely because of the new additions to the families. Laird wasn't always available to go mountain biking, Joe couldn't join Travis on the spur of the moment to go skiing in Colorado as he used to, and Matt had all but given up trying to keep up with him on most things. But that was okay. They were all still available enough, and among the three of them-and with enough planning-he was still able to make the most of his weekends.

Lost in thought, Travis hadn't realized that the conversation had lapsed.

"Did I miss something?"

"I asked if you'd talked to Monica lately," Megan said, her tone letting Travis know he was in trouble. All six of them, he thought, took a bit too much interest in his love life. The trouble with married people was that they seemed to believe that everyone they knew should get married. Every woman Travis dated was thus subjected to subtle, though unyielding, evaluation, especially by Megan. She was usually the ringleader at moments like these, always trying to figure out what made Travis tick when it came to women. And Travis, of course, loved nothing more than to push her buttons in return.

"Not recently," he said.

"Why not? She's nice."

She's also more than a little neurotic, Travis thought. But that was beside the point.

"She broke up with me, remember?"

"So? It doesn't mean she doesn't want you to call."

"I thought that's exactly what it meant."

Megan, along with Allison and Liz, stared at him as if he were just plain dense. The guys, as usual, seemed to be enjoying this. It was a regular feature of their evenings.

"But you were fighting, right?"


"Did you ever think she might have simply broken up with you because she was angry?"

"I was angry, too."


"She wanted me to see a therapist."

"And let me guess-you said you didn't need to see one."

"The day I need to see a therapist is the day you see me hike up my skirt and crochet some mittens."

Joe and Laird laughed, but Megan's eyebrows shot up. Megan, they all knew, watched Oprah nearly every day.

"You don't think men need therapy?"

"I know I don't."

"But generally speaking?"

"Since I'm not a general, I really couldn't say."

Megan leaned back in her chair. "I think Monica might be on to something. If you ask me, I think you have commitment issues."

"Then I'll make sure not to ask you."

Megan leaned forward. "What's the longest you've ever dated someone? Two months? Four months?"

Travis pondered the question. "I dated Olivia for almost a year."

"I don't think she's talking about high school," Laird cracked. Occasionally, his friends enjoyed throwing him under the bus, so to speak.

"Thanks, Laird," Travis said.

"What are friends for?"

"You're changing the subject," Megan reminded him.

Travis drummed his fingers on his leg. "I guess I'd have to say ... I can't remember."

"In other words, not long enough to remember?"

"What can I say? I've yet to meet any woman who could measure up to any of you."

Despite the growing darkness, he could tell she was pleased by his words. He'd learned long ago that flattery was his best defense at moments like these, especially since it was usually sincere. Megan, Liz, and Allison were terrific. All heart and loyalty and generous common sense.

"Well, just so you know, I like her," she said.

"Yeah, but you like everyone I date."

"No, I don't. I didn't like Leslie."

None of the wives had liked Leslie. Matt, Laird, and Joe, on the other hand, hadn't minded her company at all, especially when she wore her bikini. She was definitely a beauty, and while she wasn't the type he'd ever marry, they'd had a lot of fun while it lasted.

"I'm just saying that I think you should give her a call," she persisted.

"I'll think about it," he said, knowing he wouldn't. He rose from the table, angling for an escape. "Anyone need another beer?"

Joe and Laird lifted their bottles in unison; the others shook their heads. Travis started for the cooler before hesitating near the sliding glass door of his house. He darted inside and changed the CD, listening to the strains of new music filtering out over the yard as he brought the beers back to the table. By then, Megan, Allison, and Liz were already chatting about Gwen, the woman who did their hair. Gwen always had good stories, many of which concerned the illicit predilections of the town's citizens.

Travis nursed his beer silently, looking out over the water.

"What are you thinking about?" Laird asked.

"It's not important."

"What is it?"

Travis turned toward him. "Did you ever notice how some colors are used for people's names but others aren't?"

"What are you talking about?"

"White and Black. Like Mr. White, the guy who owns the tire store. And Mr. Black, our third-grade teacher. Or even Mr. Green from the game Clue. But you never hear of someone named Mr. Orange or Mr. Yellow. It's like some colors make good names, but other colors just sound stupid. You know what I mean?"

"I can't say I've ever thought about it."

"Me neither. Not until just a minute ago, I mean. But it's kind of strange, isn't it?"

"Sure," Laird finally agreed.

Both men were quiet for a moment. "I told you it wasn't important."

"Yes, you did."

"Was I right?"


When little Josie had her second temper tantrum in a fifteen-minute span-it was a little before nine-Allison scooped her into her arms and gave Laird the look, the one that said it was time to go so they could get the kids in bed. Laird didn't bother arguing, and when he stood up from the table, Megan glanced at Joe, Liz nodded at Matt, and Travis knew the evening was at an end. Parents might believe themselves to be the bosses, but in the end it was the kids who made the rules.

He supposed he could have tried to talk one of his friends into staying, and might even have gotten one to agree, but he had long since grown accustomed to the fact that his friends lived their lives by a different schedule from his. Besides, he had a sneaking suspicion that Stephanie, his younger sister, might swing by later. She was coming in from Chapel Hill, where she was working toward a master's degree in biochemistry. Though she would stay at their parents' place, she was usually wired after the drive and in the mood to talk, and their parents would already be in bed. Megan, Joe, and Liz rose and started to clean up the table, but Travis waved them off.

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About the authors

Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks is one of the world’s most beloved storytellers. All of his books have been New York Times bestsellers, with over 130 million copies sold worldwide, in more than 50 languages, including over 92 million copies in the United States alone.

Eleven of Nicholas Sparks's novels—The Choice, The Longest Ride, The Best of Me, Safe Haven, The Lucky One, The Last Song, Dear John, Nights in Rodanthe, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, and Message in a Bottle—have been adapted into major motion pictures. The Notebook has also been adapted into a Broadway musical, featuring music and lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson.

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Customer reviews

4.4 out of 5

22,262 global ratings

Heather Dowell

Heather Dowell


The Choice as to Whether to Read This Book is an Easy One. Yes!

Reviewed in the United States on March 5, 2016

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Rating: 5

Wow. I loved this book so much that it took a whole receipt to document the amount of times it made me cry. Yes, I track that sort of thing. To me, the more I cry, the better the book. This book didn't do anything "extra". It was a solid contemporary romance standalone that met all of my expectations.

It started off with a bang: fast-moving plot and character introductions. It was very difficult to put down. After that, it drifted into a steady pace, which was perfect for romantic developments! Most of the book actually takes place over one weekend, and the couple falls hard. I really liked them together, though Gabby was a bit high-strung and all over the place. Their dates were fun to watch.

Part of this book is told by Travis ten years after he and Gabby met. I got the wrong interpretation of the situation until they were in the same room. I thought the papers in his back pocket were divorce papers. Darn you, Nicholas Sparks. I know you set it up like that on purpose!

So what is the choice? At first I thought it had to do with Gabby choosing between her boyfriend and Travis. As it turns out, Travis is the one who has to make a choice, and it is heartbreaking. I was very satisfies with the ending, though I almost wanted the other alternative simply so I could cry harder. I was holding some tears back.

I am very aware that Nicholas Spark follows the same formula in his books. This one actually had some similarities to The Vow, which is movie that up until now I thought was a Nicholas Sparks book. Well, I guess he didn't do a repeat after all. Anyway, I always like the characters he creates, so I will continue to read more books by him in the future. Due to the formula writing, I probably won't read another one for a few months just to keep things fresh. That and I don't want to run out of his books.

So . . . the mood of this book is light-hearted on their dates and very dramatic the rest of the time.

Now I'm sure many people would say that this book glorifies adultery, but I don't think so. I think it is a realistic tale of someone thinking she knows what she wants and then finding something better. She doesn't go running to Travis expecting to have an affair. She tries to fend off his flirtations and set boundaries. With that being said, she is still responsible for the decisions that she makes and adultery is never right, even it is to be with your soul mate. All she had to do was call he boyfriend and end it. It's clear that she was settling from the beginning.

How the love triangle wraps up wasn't really showed, which is my only qualm with this book. We know the decision she makes, but we don't get to she the conversation or the aftermath of it. It's just--bam--ten years into the future. We also don't see how Gabby reacts to his choice, but at least Sparks points out that she hasn't said anything to Travis about it at the point where the book closes. I would assume she was happy with it, but I guess we'll never know.

If you like this book, go watch The Vow with Channing Tatum in it, the pick up another book by this author. If you love tears, I recommend A Walk to Remember A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks for obvious reasons. PS. It's not like the movie, and judging by the trail for the Choice, it won't be like the book either.

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Joan H.

Joan H.


Redeeming Love

Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2013

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I read this in my Cloud Reader in one sitting, with a short break for a soup dinner for my husband and myself. (My husband has bronchitis and I am currently battling cancer, so soup is all we wanted). I love this book. I was a little disappointed with some of the choices made in part I, but the choice made in part II more than redeemed everything. This is a very ~healing~ book. I loved it. I don't read a lot of fiction, and I am not one to sit in front of the television set, but I have seen "The Notebook" three times. My daughter wanted me to read "The Last Song", and I read her copy of it in one sitting, this past weekend... 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM, . . . 3:00 AM... and it was worth it.

Then I began to search for the other titles written by Nicholas Sparks. Yes, I am that clueless, remember I don't watch much TV so I didn't know what a celebrity he is. I also read about his activities in North Carolina. I knew from reading "The Last Song" that he is a wonderful father. Only a wonderful father could possibly write a book like that one. Nicholas Sparks understands a depth of love that keeps downloading from Heaven, and those who learn to love so much are incredibly blessed.

I spend the better part of the day reading "The Choice", on Cloud Reader, I didn't go search for my Kindle but I will transfer the book to Kindle when I find it. I am about to download another book by Nicholas Sparks. I plan on reading them all. I just haven't decided which one to read next...

update March 31, 2013

I have read several of Nicholas Sparks' books, and find myself very disappointed. Only one book told the story of a couple with enough moral character to wait until marriage, the others seem to give the message that as soon as a couple feels love for one another it is a reason for sex. In "The Rescue", Taylor talks to Denise about not being able to recapture the feelings of that "first time". In extra-marital affairs there is this feeling of having crossed the river but something is missing. The missing factor is that "the first time" is meant to be after the marriage vows, and in this respect, the marriage is built on a strong foundation. In our culture this is very rare, but people need to acknowledge this, talk about it, and re-build their relationships and marriage on the strong foundation of acknowledging past mistakes, forgiving one another and beginning anew on a deeper understanding of just and right morals. It would help if someone as famous as Nicholas Sparks would change his formula to reflect a deeper strength of character.

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C Jones

C Jones


Great read

Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2024

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This was a really good read. It was very hard to put down. I could not wait to get back to it each evening.




I must say it was even better the second time around

Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2016

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THE CHOICE by Nicholas Sparks is his 13th bestselling romance novel. I first read the book eight years ago. I must say it was even better the second time around. The story has now been made into a motion picture to be released in February 2016, thus the recent hyped interest in the novel that appears in the top ten category of all the bestselling book lists. Hollywood has recognized this exceptional storyteller and adapted 10 of Sparks' novels to films. The ten have grossed almost one billion dollars at theaters. The only criticism of Sparks’ writings that I have heard is that his stories most often have very sad endings. Well, maybe so. Nicholas Sparks writes about life and love. These two conditions tug at our heartstrings, but this is how our lives are experienced. The story takes place in Beaufort, NC. Travis Parker, a young veterinarian meets Gabby Holland, a physician’s assistant and a recently moved-in neighbor with a pregnant dog. Gabby also has a longtime boyfriend, Kevin, and that problem becomes an emotional dilemma for her. Should she stick with Kevin or strike off with her more exciting new neighbor. Travis and Gabby fall madly in love over a weekend while Kevin is out of town on business. The story is divided into two parts. Part I describes how Gabby resolves her dilemma. The second part brings us to the present while Travis reveals bits and pieces of life with Gabby during their 11 years of marriage, graphically describing how he makes the ultimate choice following a horrific life threatening tragedy. Sparks does not mince words. His stories are short, quick reads—but in this narrowed time he captures the reader and holds him tight until the end. I place, The Choice, in the top five percent of love stories I have read. Here Sparks is at his finest. The reader may find some dust in his eyes while reading Part II. I give the Choice a strong 5-star-plus rating. There is no better writer in this genre than Nicholas Sparks.

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Baroness Book Trove

Baroness Book Trove


Baroness' Review of The Choice by Nicholas Sparks

Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2016

Verified Purchase

The Choice by Nicholas Sparks is a great book and keeps you guessing about the choices that Travis and Gabby had to make throughout the book. Nicholas Sparks in true fashion was making me cry throughout it as I was listening to the book and of course wondering with what was going on with Travis and Gabby.

Travis Parker is a small town guy, that was having a good time living his life the way that he has been for a while. He is a happy-go-lucky type of guy. Gabby Holland, a city girl, with a boyfriend that she has been dating since college moves in next door to Travis. These two meet with Gabby making a complete utter foul of herself over a misunderstanding. The chemistry between them is pretty instantaneous.

These two where funny, awesome, and complete romantics with each other especially throughout the flashbacks that Travis was taking us through. Mr. Sparks really knows how to really make someone fall in love with the characters, all the while keeping you guessing at his actual plan for the characters.

This is my first audiobook review and Holter Graham's reading of this book is superb. He has a really good voice for reading this Nicholas Sparks' book. I love the way he use a different voices for each character. The voice he uses for when he is reading something from a girl is pretty funny. Okay his voice for reading all of the characters and just the regular things from the book is pretty awesome.

I will totally recommend this book for any adult readers that read my blog since I am pretty sure that this Nicholas Sparks book isn’t for teenagers but then again I could be wrong. Either way I will recommend this book to anyone that asks me about it. Nicholas Sparks books can be read by themselves or with the audiobook reader if you are too busy in your life to sit down and read the book like a normal person. I am going to say that I love being able to do an audiobook and I can’t wait to do it again sometime soon.

I am giving The Choice by Nicholas Sparks a 5 butterfly rating because of course the book was fabulous and something that I love.

Anyways until next time enjoy this book review brought to you by

Baroness’ Book Trove.

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