Love Redesigned (Lakefront Billionaires, 1) by Lauren Asher - Kindle
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Love Redesigned (Lakefront Billionaires, 1)Kindle


Lauren Asher




17,128 ratings


If I ever caught on fire, Dahlia Muñoz would fan the flames with a smile.

So, when she returns to Lake Wisteria, I fully intend to avoid the interior designer.

At least until my meddling mother exploits my savior complex.

The faster I help Dahlia find her creative spark, the sooner she will leave town.

But while I was busy getting rid of Dahlia, I overlooked one potential issue.

What happens if I want her to stay?


People say the devil has many faces, but I know only one.

Julian Lopez―my childhood rival and family frenemy.

I vow to steer clear of him while recovering from my broken engagement, but then the billionaire makes an irresistible offer.

Renovate a historic house together and triple our profits.

Our temporary truce becomes compromised as we face years' worth of denied attraction and mixed emotions.

Giving into our desire is inevitable…but falling in love?

That isn't part of the plan.



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Print length

528 pages




Bloom Books

Publication date

November 06, 2023


5 x 1.32 x 8 inches

Item weight

3.53 ounces

Popular Highlights in this book

  • He stares up at me like one does the sun—in equal parts pain and wonder.

    Highlighted by 4,847 Kindle readers

  • What were you thinking by trying to run Dahlia off the road? That it’s a shame I failed.

    Highlighted by 4,317 Kindle readers

  • You wouldn’t shut up about how if you got a second chance with Dahlia, you’d do things differently.

    Highlighted by 4,159 Kindle readers

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About the Author

Plagued with an overactive imagination, New York Times bestselling author Lauren spends her free time reading and writing. Her dream is to travel to all the places she writes about. She enjoys writing about flawed yet relatable characters you can’t help loving. She likes sharing fast-paced stories with angst, steam, and the emotional spectrum.

Her extra-curricular activities include watching YouTube, binging old episodes of Parks and Rec, and searching Yelp for new restaurants before choosing her trusted favorite. She works best after her morning coffee and will never deny a nap.




I’m about ten seconds away from losing my goddamn mind, and I have the painfully slow driver clogging up the only road into town to blame.

The sun set twenty minutes ago, giving me nothing to focus on but the illuminated California license plate caught in my headlights. I resist the urge to flash my high beams and honk my horn, although I nearly give in when the black Mercedes-Benz sedan weaves slightly to the side before correcting itself.

Cálmate1. You only have five more miles left before hitting Main Street.

While I’m tempted to cut around the other driver so I can make it in time for my godson’s talent show, I don’t want to risk damaging my new McLaren by going off-road. I didn’t spend the last few years of my life talking myself into buying my dream car only to ruin the suspension a week after having it delivered.

The blast of my phone’s ringtone startles me as my cousin’s name flashes across the screen. I take a deep breath before stabbing the button on my steering wheel.

“Where the hell are you?” The sound of Rafael’s harsh whisper fills the car.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

A disapproving hum follows. “But the show starts in five.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make it before Nico takes the stage.”

“Not sure how that’s possible when he’s in the opening act.”

Mierda. “I had no clue.”

“The program schedule got switched at the last minute after a few kids came down with a bug. I texted you this morning about it.” He doesn’t bother hiding his annoyance.

My hands clutch the smooth leather wheel. “The meeting in Lake Aurora took a lot longer than expected.”

“Of course it did.”

“Things should slow down soon.”

“Sure they will.” His rough tone only fuels my irritation.

Before his wife filed for divorce two years ago, people called Rafael the easygoing Lopez cousin, with him constantly going out of his way to put a smile on everyone’s face.

Rafael’s deep sigh cuts through the silence. “It’s fine. Nico will understand.”

My godson might be a mature eight-year-old kid, but he isn’t that mature. And after everything he has been through with his parents’ divorce, I refuse to add myself to his growing list of family disappointments.

“Your mom saved you a seat in the back of the auditorium in case you make it.”

“Rafa, I’ll be—”

He hangs up before hearing the rest of my sentence.


Rafa and I have been butting heads more often than not lately, mostly due to his attitude and my busy schedule running my late father’s construction company. While I try my hardest to balance my personal life and Lopez Luxury expanding beyond my father’s wildest dreams, I keep falling short.

I scan the narrow space beside the road. The incline is muddy but still drivable for the handful of seconds I need to pass the car in front of me.

Stop overthinking and do it.

The rosary my mother hung from my rearview mirror spins as I turn my wheel toward the shoulder and slam my foot against the gas pedal. The engine revs as it switches gears, and my tires squeal.

My heart lodges itself in my throat as the other vehicle veers to the right and blocks my clear path.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Time seems to speed up as our two cars collide. My headlight shatters and metal crunches as the front of my car smashes into the rear bumper of the other. I’m propelled forward, only to be shoved in the opposite direction as my seat belt locks in place.

Thankfully, the airbags don’t deploy, although my relief is short-lived as whatever spark of hope I had of making it to Nico’s show fizzles out, leaving me with nothing but a desire to yell at the reckless driver.

Take five. The memory of my dad’s voice pulls at the invisible strings wrapped around my heart until the tightness seems unbearable. I can picture him clearly as he helped me calm down from another night terror, one deep breath at a time.

I never thought I would be using the same strategy twenty-five years later, but here I am, with my eyes screwed shut as I force myself to count my breaths until the chest pain lessens and I’m no longer vibrating with rage.

I’m hit with an early October breeze as I walk toward the other car. The driver is hunched over the wheel, her dark, shoulder-length hair obstructing my view of her face.

I reach out to tap on the window, but a high-pitched shriek coming out of the car’s speakers stops me. “Don’t worry! I’m on my way!” The call cuts out after two beeps.

The woman’s panicked breathing becomes more obvious with each rapid rise and fall of her back.

“Hey.” I knock my fist against the window when she doesn’t acknowledge me. “Are you okay?”

She lifts a trembling finger to the glass while keeping her head down. “One second.” Her voice wavers.

My stomach muscles clench. “Do you need an ambulance?”

“No! I’m fine!” Her head snaps in my direction.

Vete a la chingada.

“Julian?” My name leaves Dahlia Muñoz’s parted pink lips in a hoarse whisper.

It’s been years since I heard Dahlia say my name in that soft voice of hers, and it hits harder than a sledgehammer to the chest.

The last time I saw her was at Nico’s baptism eight years ago when we became his godparents. We both put on a happy face for our families, but the tension and awkward silence between us nearly choked me, especially since we hadn’t spoken since my dad’s funeral a year and a half prior.

She stayed at Stanford all year round, including the summer break, while I kept my distance because I was a coward.

A coward who was blindsided when she showed up with Oliver, my ex-roommate and her new boyfriend. I didn’t think they would become friends, let alone a couple, although it makes sense given Oliver’s jabs about my crush on Dahlia and the way he looked at her despite knowing how I felt.

Since the baptism, we have both done an outstanding job of avoiding each other—or at least we had until she ruined all our efforts with tonight’s surprise visit.

“Dahlia.” An intense need to escape overwhelms me as her eyes slide over me.

I hide my shock as she exits the car with her head held high despite the mascara running down her cheeks and the slight trembling of her chin. Dahlia has only cried twice in the thirty years I’ve known her—once when she broke her arm trying to beat me in a tree-climbing contest and the other while at her father’s funeral.

Like the tide with the moon, I’m unable to resist Dahlia’s gravitational pull as my gaze follows the length of her body.

The plain white T-shirt she wears complements her golden skin and wavy brown hair, while her ripped jeans appear more fashionable than functional with how her knees pop out of the large, gaping holes. Her curves perfectly balance out her sharp cheekbones and pointed chin, creating the best combination of soft and sultry.

The base of my neck tingles, and I look up to find Dahlia’s red, puffy eyes narrowed at me. Her ruined makeup doesn’t detract from her beauty, although the dark circles underneath her eyes have me speaking before my brain catches up.

“Your face is a mess.”

Pinche estúpido4. Unlike my mom and cousin, I’m not a people person, and it clearly shows.

Dahlia’s golden rings glint in the moonlight as she wipes at her cheeks with a frown. “I had something in my eye.”

“Both of them?” I widen my stance as I cross my arms.

She dabs at the corners of her eyes with her two middle fingers. “A decent person wouldn’t call me out on that lie.”

“Since when are we decent to one another?”

“It’s never too late to start.”

Because of our slight height difference, she is forced to tilt her head back to get a good look at me. Her walnut-colored eyes remind me of long-ago late nights spent in the woodshop, meticulously obsessing over staining my latest carpentry project.

Whatever resolve I had quickly crumbles when she sniffles.

“Allergies.” Her defensive tone, paired with her twitching nose, makes my chest constrict in an act of ultimate betrayal.

What the hell is going on here, and how do I get it to stop?

I keep my facial expression neutral despite the rapid thumping of my heart against my rib cage. She doesn’t last long under my scrutiny before slumping against the door with a sigh.

I’m struck with a compulsion to say something, but words fail me.

My ringtone shatters the moment. “Shit!”

Her brows shoot toward her hairline. “What’s wrong?”

You. Always you.

Blaring sirens drown out my response. Every muscle in my body goes rigid as a rush of vehicles makes its way around the bend in a single-file line. A fire truck and ambulance lead the safety brigade, followed by the sheriff, his deputies, and the Lake Wisteria trolley.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Dahlia curses up to the stars. “Dios, dame paciencia con mi mamá5.”

My gaze cuts into her. “That’s who you were talking to?”


Leave it to Lake Wisteria to turn a fender bender into a community crisis.

It’s not the cars they’re concerned about. It’s her.

Dahlia is more than my childhood rival. She’s Lake Wisteria’s Strawberry Sweetheart who is finally returning home after years spent away living out her California dream.

And you’re the cabrón6 who nearly drove her into a ditch.

I rub at my throbbing temple.

“Do you think we can escape before they get here?” Dahlia’s gaze flicks from me to my car.

“This is all your fault.” The words slip out.

A few minutes in Dahlia’s presence already have me slipping back into the bad habit of speaking without thinking.

Add it to the long list of reasons you should avoid her.

She pops a hand on her hip. “My fault? We wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t tried to cut me off.”

“I had somewhere to be.”

She throws her arms up. “Well, I was...”

Usually I crave silence, but something about Dahlia shutting down at the first sign of opposition frustrates me.

Bright flashing lights cast us in shades of red, white, and blue as a few of the firefighters hop out of the truck to assess the scene while two medics quickly determine both Dahlia and I are fine.

The older fire chief pulls Dahlia in for a hug. “Your mom made it sound like you were dying.”

Her eyes roll. “You know how overprotective she can be.”

The fire chief ruffles Dahlia’s hair. “She comes from a good place.”

“Lucifer said the same thing about hell.” Dahlia fixes her appearance with a pinched expression.

“Dahlia!” Rosa hops out of the trolley and runs toward her daughter with a rosary clutched in one hand and a bottle of holy water in the other. My own mom exits the trolley with a group of people trailing behind her, turning our car accident into a town reunion.

“Mami.” Dahlia checks out the crowd forming behind the deputy’s line. “Did you need to involve everyone?”

“Don’t start with me. ¿Qué pasó?7” Rosa scans her daughter from head to toe before ripping the cap off the holy water.

For the first time tonight, Dahlia’s eyes twinkle brighter than the stars above us. “Julian crashed into me.”

That little brat.

Rosa stares at me as if I committed a felony.

I bristle at my mom’s voice as she storms over to us. “Julian? Tell me that’s not true.”


She snatches the bottle of holy water from Rosa’s hands and gives me a swift blessing before sprinkling me with it. “What were you thinking by trying to run Dahlia off the road?”

“That it’s a shame I failed.”

The fire chief covers up his laugh with a cough.

Dahlia’s heated glare threatens to burn a hole in the side of my face. “Don’t tell me you’ve spent all these years plotting my murder only to fail now?”

“Trust me. I won’t make the same mistake again.”

She flips me off.

“Dahlia Isabella Muñoz!” Rosa tugs at her daughter’s hand while my mother whisper-shouts, “Luis Julian Lopez Junior!”

My mom only uses my official first name on rare—and very pissed-off—occasions, so I better rein myself in before she loses her cool.

Dahlia and I sigh at the same time, and our gazes collide, scattering my thoughts until I’m left with only one.


The sheriff approaches the scene, saving me from embarrassing myself any further. Thankfully, the deputy with a personal vendetta against me stays far away, a blessing in itself given my bad luck today.

Knowing Dahlia, she would befriend him to spite me.

The older sheriff drags Dahlia into a quick bear hug. “So, what happened here?”

“You should arrest Julian for attempted murder.” Dahlia’s wicked grin sets off a blaring alarm in my head. Memories I spent years erasing surge to the forefront of my mind, flashing before me like a haunted movie reel.

The way her smile grew wider whenever I got flustered and spoke out of turn.

Her sparkling eyes looking up at me as we—no, I stiffly moved us around the dance floor during her quinceañera.

How she had a similar expression during her valedictorian speech as she thanked me, the salutatorian, for putting up a good fight throughout high school.

It’s pathetic how one smile from her can stir up countless memories, all of which are best left in the past, along with any feelings I once had for her.

Truth is, I’m not sure why Dahlia Muñoz is back, but nothing good can come of it.

Nothing good at all.

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About the authors

Lauren Asher

Lauren Asher

Lauren Asher is a New York Times, USA Today, Sunday Times, Globe and Mail, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of contemporary romance. She enjoys writing about flawed yet relatable characters you can’t help falling in love with and fictional worlds you wish were real.

Her favorite activities outside of writing include DIY projects, binging old episodes of Parks and Rec, and searching Yelp for new restaurants before choosing her trusted favorite. She works best after her morning coffee and will never deny a nap.

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Customer reviews

4.3 out of 5

17,128 global ratings

Sydnie S.

Sydnie S.


Honestly one of th best second chance romances I've read in a while

Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2024

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This book really punches you right in the feels. I am always on the hunt for books that bring so many emotions out of me. I truly felt exactly how our main characters were feeling with the way that Lauren Asher was able to describe them and bring them to life for me.

I absolutely fell in love with Dahlia and Julian. I loved their relationship from beginning to end. Julian is so broody, grumpy, and misunderstood. But at his core he is honestly just the biggest sweetheart the only wants best for his family/friends. Dahlia is basically crumbling from a terrible heart break and a lot more issues that she is trying to work through. She was really relatable and I felt for her tremendously. Even though there are some heavy topics our two characters are working through. The banter and tension between Julian and Dahlia were unmatched. I loved the pranks they pulled on each other. They teased each other relentlessly and you can't help but rooting for them.

This was honestly one of th best second chance romances I have read in a long time and I loved every single second of it

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Gabrielle (BookishandBallgowns)

Gabrielle (BookishandBallgowns)


Two childhood rivals crash back into each others lives

Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2023

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Este libro!!!!!!

Lauren Asher knocks it out of the park every time. If you were a fan of her Dreamland Billionaires series, you’ll enjoy this book and it’s many mentions of the Kane brothers. If you were one of those rare people that didn’t enjoy that series, why are you still here, Hater?!?? Begone!!!!!

Love Redesigned centers around main character Dahlia Muñoz, and interior designer who has finally returned hometown after a bad breakup with her fiancé. She runs to the safety of Lake Wisteria where she hopes to recuperate from some terrible news, but a fender bender throws a past mistake by the name of Julian Lopez right back into her face. Time has treated him well and he’s looking more handsome than ever, but she’s done trusting men with her heart—especially when he’s broken it once before. She’s determined to stay away from the striking billionaire, but reality has a different plan.

Julian can’t stand to be in the same room as the girl who got away all those years ago. His fondest memories all trace back to his childhood rivalry with Dahlia, but he’s locked all that away. She’s back in town fresh from a break up with his former friend and ex-roommate Oliver, and old feelings are already starting to resurface. How can he avoid the only girl he’s ever really loved?

Julian and Dahlia have always been at odds, even when they were kids. Now they’re all grown up and their meddling mothers won’t let go of the idea that they’re perfect for each other. Julian’s mother somehow swindles him into a joint project with Dahlia and sits back to watch the fireworks explode.

This was such a good progression from rivals to lovers. They pushed each other to be better and I liked the even though they “hated” each other they still admired each other’s accomplishments. I giggled so much throughout this book reading their insane banter. The stuff they say to each other is a stones throw away from unhinged, but I was kicking my feet with each threat of murder. It’s all in good fun though, and definitely made me crack up at the ridiculousness of it all. I might be a little unhinged myself because I feel like this was the best kind of relationship. They had mean nicknames for each other, inside jokes, and sooooo much tension. When they finally gave in, I was dancing with joy. There’s so much going on in this book. Between their meddling families and Dahlia’s hateful ex, I was hooked. Sure it was all predictable, but it didn’t take away from the satisfaction.

I’m in love with this world Lauren Asher has created. With each new character I find myself being pulled in more and more. Plus there was the added joy of these characters being Latinx. It was such a fun difference from the Dreamland Billionaires and it was entertaining to embrace their culture. They reminded me so much of my own Hispanic family. The translations in book were so helpful, and made for a smooth reading experience.

Haters will hate, but I’m fully invested in this family and I’m already looking forward to seeing all the ways the nanny makes Rafa lose his mind in book two.

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Ana Pineda-Gonzalez

Ana Pineda-Gonzalez



Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2023

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ARC Review

I swear I feel like it's been so long since I've read a book by Lauren Asher and now that I've read Love Redesigned, I feel so content with my life right now. Coming back to her world of new billionaires has me so excited since just with the first book, there was so many great characters. From Julian and Dahlia, I can't even express how much I love them and, honestly, they might be my favorite Lauren Asher couple. Also, the side characters, OMG, I simply can't wait for the next books of this series since I just know that the couples are going to be mind blowingly phenomenal. I kind of have a feeling about who will be the other couples but I'll keep that to myself and just hope that I'm right. I've read a good majority of Lauren Asher's books now and I have to say something about Love Redesigned is just so different, I feel like her writing has improved, not saying that her past work is bad, but this book just had a completely different element from her past ones.

I think one of the most important parts that I loved was the constant culture and spanish speaking in the book. It's no secret that I'm Latine and growing up, having main characters that were BIPOC wasn't really seen and even now with a spike in Latino characters, the authors have not grown that much. Based on a study from Wordsrated, Latino authors have increased by 2.96% since 2010 which totals the Latino representation to 7.62% in the publishing industry. I have to appreciate the work that Lauren Asher is doing because not only is she breaking a barrier in the publishing industry but she's having her characters be represented in the best way I've seen. I honestly can't express how much I appreciate Lauren for this book because for some, this might not seem like a big deal, but to little me that was expected to be a minor character in a story, she made us front and center with the best representation that I could've asked her.

Now to the book, the banter between Julian and Dahlia was truly addicting and something that I just eat up when I'm reading books. There's just something about it that left me wanting more and I just felt like I was a part of their lives. The chemistry between all the characters was just very comforting since you can tell that there's love within each other and that at the end of the day, when one of them feels alone in reality they're not since their family will always be there to support them. The meaning of family is really strong in this book and I'm just a complete sucker for that since my family has a big impact on me.

Julian was a very interesting Hero and I honestly didn't expect him to be the way that he was. Is he a possessive jealous alpha? Yes, but there's just something about him that doesn't leave a weird taste in your mouth if he was real. I just feel like he was a gentleman with some jealous tendencies for his heroine which is completely valid. He was just such an interesting Hero that I haven't read in a while, he was just the perfect man and I can see why Dahlia was intrigued with him. Although we don't get to see his growth on paper, we can see that from the incident to now that Julian isn't the same person and has improved himself. I love that he's able to admit that and still acknowledge that he still has work to do which makes me love him more since he doesn't see his vulnerability as something weak.

Dahlia, she was just baby girl and after everything she went through with you know who, I just wanted to give her a big hug. The way her character was written, I just felt like she was a friend that was telling us the chisme about her life and that of Lake Wisteria. There were so many great moments that we get with her and I just loved seeing how the story went through her eyes since it was definitely different from Julian. She has honestly been my favorite character of the year and I just hope that we get to see more of her in the future books.

Overall, I genuinely can't recommend this book enough since there's just nothing that you won't like from this book. The characters, the plot, and the setting just leaves you craving more from this world and the characters. I just love this book so much and I genuinely think it's one of the best books of 2023.

Trigger Warnings: -Mentions of Infertility Issues -Mentions of Death of Parents -Panic/Anxiety Attacks

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Top 2023 Read!!

Reviewed in the United States on November 25, 2023

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⭐️: 5/5 🌶️: 3.5/5

Dahlia returns to Lake Wisteria after a broken engagement and the one person she wants to steer clear of is Julian, her childhood rival and family frenemy. The feeling is mutual for Julian where Dahlia is concerned, he wants to avoid her as much as possible. Julian’s mother is a fixer, she wants Julian to help Dahlia out and give her something to do during her visit and hoping it will heal her broken heart. Julian and Dahlia decide to work together and renovate a historic house. But the more they work together the more they find it hard to deny their attraction and emotions for one another.

OH MY GOSH!!! Julian Lopez, you are one of the best book boyfriends. And Love Redesigned is going down as my top 5 favorite of 2023!! This book was absolutely beautiful and I swooned the whole time 😍😍. Literally didn’t want this book to end. Julian was so thoughtful and caring of Dahlia. I enjoyed the many pranks they pulled on each other. I loved the family dynamic between their families it was so beautiful to see how they each loved on each other and took care of one another. This book touches on mental health such as anxiety, depression and grief. This book also touches on infertility. It was so good to see the character growth and development throughout and how Dahlia and Julian navigates through it. Especially Dahlia, deciding to choose herself and to be happy. Julian not giving up on their relationship and fighting for them even if Dahlia couldn’t. It was something about this book that kept you wanting more. Even the side characters were great. I can’t wait for the next book!

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Chemistry and Banter was everything!!

Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2024

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Julian and Dahlia. Where do I start? Julian, our MMC, definitely has a grumpy attitude but is sweet, thoughtful and a heart of gold. That hard exterior crumbles when it comes to Dahlia whom he is absolutely in love with and would do anything for. Dahlia, our FMC, unfortunately has lost her way and herself however we see her as loving, kind and down-to-earth. They both have some healing to go through and its wonderful to see the growth. Also, instead of running away from their fears, they are both forced to face them and choose to overcome them both individually and together.

Julian and Dahlia grew up together and have been rivals since practically they were born. Their pranks, their banter their heartache and romance made for a great story. I tend to annotate and use book tabs for my emotions felt through a book and this book made me laugh from start to finish. Julian and Dahlias talents and passions gave me major HGTV vibes.

Another thing I enjoyed about the book is the family dynamic. Julian and Dahlia grew up together due to their mothers being close from childhood. And due to the fact of their mothers being close, both families spend a great deal of time together for dinners and holidays.

Love Redesigned is a great beginning to Lauren Asher’s new series. Julian and Dahlia are a great couple and I found myself cheering them on. Their love story was an emotional rollercoaster built on second chances and enemies-to-lovers. The supporting characters all played a beautiful role and there a few surprise character from Lauren Asher’s other series that pop up.

⭐️4/5 🌶 2/5 Tropes: Billionaire Enemies-to-lovers Small town romance

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