Gold (The Plated Prisoner, 5)

4.3 out of 5

16,705 global ratings

Book 5 of this adult fantasy series continues in this epic story inspired by the myth of King Midas, fae, and fated romance.

"Find me in another life. Find me in them all."

Every end is also a beginning.

I thought I was going to die, and would have if it weren't for Slade. The only way he could save me was to open a rip between worlds. The only way for me to save myself was to go through it.

Sometimes, fleeing one dangerous place just brings you to another.


The realm of the fae.

There is magic and beauty here, though around every corner, threats lurk.

But I'm a threat too.

I'm not a girl in a gilded cage anymore, and no one is going to stop me from finding my way back to Slade.

But returning home means facing danger and secrets. So I have to burn bright enough to light my own way…

Or else I might be swallowed by the dark.

752 pages,





First published July 29, 2024

ISBN 9781464224454

About the authors

Raven Kennedy

Raven Kennedy

Raven Kennedy is a California girl born and raised, whose love for books pushed her into creating her own worlds. Her debut series was a romcom fantasy about a cupid looking for love. She has since gone on to write in a range of genres, including the adult dark fantasy: The Plated Prisoner Series, which has become an international bestseller.

Whether she makes you laugh or cry, or whether the series is about a cupid or a gold-touched woman living in King Midas's castle, she hopes to create characters that readers can root for.

You can follow her on her social media sites or visit her website for more info.

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Avid Reading in NV

Avid Reading in NV


Beautiful torment

Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2024

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I thought I'd have a hard time getting through this considering where the last one ended. This was done so beautifully. I was utterly captivated from start to finish. I would have read it one day, but life, so it took two. The characters are so well developed, from book one to this. The world building streamlined. The only complaint I have is, I have to wait for the finale. I'm perfectly content with that though. I appreciate the authors note after as well, must've been tough writing through postpartum. She did it masterfully. Ms. Kennedy has earned a fan for life.

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Susanna Bracken

Susanna Bracken


utterly astounding. I’m, again, speechless of how amazing this series is….

Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2024

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And I can’t believe us readers are made to wait THIS LONG between each book. That is something that needs to be rectified….. It’s cruel. 😩 lol

Probably THE BEST series I’ve ever read. (And I have 100’s of books) Amazing penmanship. No book in this series is in any way like the previous one (as so many other series that start out promising end up to be, I’m sad to say) THIS SERIES, however, becomes better and better with each book. (I loved book-1, but it’s also my least favorite, because every book that follows turns out to be even more stunning than the one before…. every-single-one!)

It’s an amazing Fantasy world that will have both, men-and women-readers, sitting on the edge of the chair and read throughout the night, because-you-cannot-put-these-books-down!!! lol War, love, loyalty, true friendships forged, betrayal, staggering loss and hurt, and yes, hate as well…all of it described in such colorful ways, you will not only see it all running in front of your eyes like a movie, but you will experience it all with each character… how, why and what makes each person tick, what made them who they are now, and what will or can make them change– to CHOOSE WHO one self really is or, if you don’t like what you see, to reinvent yourself and become the person you want to be., Waiting for him to explain. He’s been good yeah and learning NOT to let past mistakes (or even a shitty dealt hand) drag you down, and to put those things behind you, letting go, so you may use that knowledge LEARNED -the good and the bad- should the need arise in the future.

Each character is unique and different in their ways –from the way they look, the way they talk, think, process things, feel and act! Raven has put together a masterpiece of a story that allows you to ‘slip into’ the characters and experience everything with them. The fear, the adrenaline, laughter and tears. You either love or absolutely hate someone…. and sometimes-lol- you may find yourself switching back and forth between. Definitely worth your time and money. Regardless of what type of books you usually prefer, fantasy books or not, war or romance books, it doesn’t matter, you cannot NOT like this series.

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Kindle Customer

Kindle Customer



Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2024

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The ceeaticity of Raven Kennedy is other worldly. Her imagination and storytelling are topnotch. Did I really want to read a whole series... no, my life is too busy. However, I am forced by my commitment to unravel this adventure to read this book to the end.

This book kept me fully invested. There weren't any slow moments. There we re many hills and valleys, and it all remained intense and exciting.

Raven Kennedy, shoot me a message with bullet points of events to come leading up to the end and put me out of my misery.

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Impatiently waiting for goldfinch!

Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2024

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Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5 stars)

Gold by Raven Kennedy is a phenomenal addition to the series, earning a well-deserved five-star rating. The world-building in this installment is nothing short of fantastic, immersing readers in a rich and vibrant setting that enhances the overall experience.

The multiple POVs are handled exceptionally well, providing deep insights into the characters' minds and motivations. This narrative technique adds layers of complexity to the story, making it even more engaging. Spades' encouragement for Auren to find her strength is a standout element, showcasing her growth and resilience.

The various battles fought by different characters add depth to the plot, illustrating the diverse struggles and triumphs within the story. The gripping narrative pulls at your heartstrings, filled with betrayals and revelations that keep you on the edge of your seat. The cliffhanger is superb, leaving you eagerly anticipating the next book.

Gold is a masterful blend of emotional storytelling, character development, and intricate plotlines. It's a gripping read that will leave you wanting more, and the wait for the next book is sure to be filled with anticipation. Raven Kennedy has truly outdone herself with this installment.

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Kari L.

Kari L.


Fantastic read

Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2024

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Kennedy has a unique ability to write a chonky book that doesn’t feel long. She is able to sweep you away into the story where the outside world doesn’t exist — just Auren, Slade, Queen Malina, and those around them. Gold picks up following the devastating events of Glow and man oh man was there a lot of story covered in Gold. The bulk of the story is told through Auren, Slade, and Queen Malina, though there are other POVs as well. Through Auren we’re able to learn more about the world of the Fae as well as experience further world building. I really love the new characters introduced to Auren. Queen Malina and Slade are on the other side of the divide and bring news of what’s happening across the 7 kingdoms. Both lands are rife with heartbreak and betrayals that will leave you in complete shock. I, personally, thought the book was paced well - there was plenty of action and political intrigue to keep me invested. After finishing this, I’m so glad Kennedy decided to break the final story into 2 separate books. There was so much that still needed to be explored, and I think the story would have suffered to try and complete it in one book. I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to see how Kennedy wraps it up.

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Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2024

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It's rare that a book keeps me up at night. In this case I stayed up several nights, just trying to get in a little bit more...what happens next?! I love the progress with the Cold Queen... She's an understandable character.... I love how she grew in this one. I'm so excited for the next part. I'm so glad I don't have to wait, I would have been livid lol.

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Randie Holdcraft

Randie Holdcraft


I LOVE this series ... but..

Reviewed in the United States on July 26, 2024

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I love this series BUT I do not like this specific book. Not the writing itself but the look of the book; the size difference compared to the first 4 books I have, and the awful penguin logo on the front, all the way to the random tossed together texture of the cover. Honestly I did not pay attention to the fact that the publisher was different than the one I got the others from. The others I got were published by bloom and the artwork is so much better. Even the word print itself is different. I understand that some people don't care about all of this but when I buy a series, I want it to match. Had I known this was an issue, I would have bought the hardback from the start.

As for the book itself, the writing is wonderful as with the other books but this is a slow read for me. There is a lot of new world building that has to go on in this one and a lot of "getting used to the new situation", which is fine, but just don't expect it to read quite the same as the previous ones.

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The Slade Chapters are Everything!

Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2024

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I continue to be infatuated with Slade. I think he is solidly and forever in my top 5 book boyfriends. He is out of his mind trying to find Auren, and it broke my heart over and over reading his chapters. I really feel for him, and have so much respect for his dedication to finding her again and making sure she is safe. He is doing this all while dealing with his own struggles, which is literally insane.

The revenge Slade took for Auren’s trial was written so well, and I could feel every emotion he and everyone involved felt. It was like you were transported to the scene, and as horrifying as it was, I could not put the book down. If Gold was written purely from Slade’s perspective, I think it might just have been my favorite book of all time.

Gold was written from the perspective of 4 people: Auren, Slade, Queen Malina, and Osrik. Osrik had a few chapters, but the rest was focused on the main 3. Auren, as she deals with falling through the rip to Anwyn. Queen Malina as she deals with the fallout of fixing the bridge to Annwyn. Slade, as he tears through Orea trying to figure out how to get back to Auren.

As much as I want to give Gold 5 stars because of how much I love the series, it unfortunately fell flat for me. Book 4 was a filler book in its own way, and for some reason Gold felt like even more of a filler book – but with less exciting filler content. I loved the content of book 4 with Auren learning her powers, being at Deadwell and the Brackhill, etc. Gold was filled with Auren in Annwyn doing things that didn’t make sense to me. It didn’t give me the angst of her missing Slade, the frantic desire to get back to him.

I didn’t have as much investment in Gold as I have in the other ones, and I think Auren in Annwyn was the main reason why. I just didn’t care about that part of the story, it didn’t fit, and it came out of left field. I understand why Raven Kennedy wrote this, because how else were we going to tie in the things that happened at the end of Gold with where we left off in book 4? I just didn’t personally love it.

Now what else did I love other than Slade’s perspective? Queen Malina’s story. She is a whiny, self-centered, annoying, horrible woman, and I am here for it. She gets knocked down a peg (or 20) throughout the story by Dommik, who doesn’t take any of her whining. This was a really great part of the story, and I was invested in her redemption arc. She is not 100% there yet, but she made a lot of progress. I can’t wait to see what role she plays in Goldfinch.

Overall, the Slade plot and the Queen Malina plot points were great, and I loved them! If Gold was only those 2, I think it would be 5 stars. Unfortunately, I just did not vibe with where Auren’s storyline went in Gold. I think it could have gone in several other directions, OR there should have been more of an emphasis on her desire to get back to Slade. He was frantic and out of his mind, while she what? Looked up at the sky occasionally?

I will say I did like her using her powers more confidently, and watching those grow while she fought with them. That was awesome!

Now, the ending? WOW. Wow, wow, wow, wow. SO MUCH stuff happened in the last 15% of the book, and it was a lot to process. You learn so many things, lots of twists are revealed, and we are set up for the last book. Who captured Auren and took her to Orea? Where did the people of Deadwell go? What are we going to do about Annwyn? There was one twist I did not like at all, and it has to do with Una. Once you read it, you will understand which one it is. I did not think it was necessary.

I think Gold by Raven Kennedy was a good addition to the Plated Prisoner series. I would read it again as part of the series re-read, though mainly for Slade and Queen Malina. Honestly, I would recommend it solely for the Slade chapters.

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Pina The Wonder Dog

Pina The Wonder Dog


I REALLY like it, but it’s missing any romance!

Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2023

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I really like this book. A lot. It moves at a faster pace than the first four books, which I love. So many new things, which sometimes bothers me in other books, but I get it with this one. I generally do not like when books remove someone from the main area/place the book is set around, but it works with this book.

The reason I took off one star is because I am over half way through the book and there is some flirting in the books (not even that much) and no romance at all. This doesn’t match the formula that all of us ladies fell in love with. If she doesn’t include some romance in the next book I think she will lose a lot of readers… have to know your fans. I ended up looking ahead a little and reading reviews just to see if there would be annnyyyything at all to make fans happy… don’t think so.

****I finished the book. I am looking forward to reading the last book. I just really hope she gives fans what they want… time with Auren and Slade together. If the final book has them apart the entire time it’s going to be a total bust in my small opinion. The new Queenie plot line was interesting, a nice turn around of character. Hard to believe there is only one book left.

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Quality Good. Story is Awful.

Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2024

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The book itself was in good shape upon arrival. And the cover is pretty. That’s where the compliments stop though. The story is terrible in this. By far the worst in the series. So disappointed. I don’t know if I even want to read the next one. It was WAY too long. The ending was a complete let down. What a shame. Really enjoyed this series prior to this one.

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