Ricochet (ADDICTED SERIES) by undefined - Kindle
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Ricochet (ADDICTED SERIES)Kindle





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The second book in the TikTok sensation Addicted series, now in a print edition with special bonus material!   As a sex addict, Lily Calloway must do the impossible: stay celibate for ninety days. Fall in love with Lily and Lo in this edgy new adult romance set in a world of lust, fame, swoonworthy men, and friendships that run deeper than blood in this special edition with bonus materials—in print only!

Cravings and fantasies become her new routine, but while Loren Hale recovers from his alcohol addiction, Lily wonders if he'll realize what a monster she really is. After all, her sexual compulsions begin to rule her life the longer she stays faithful to him.

Progress. That's what Lily's striving for. But by trying to become closer to her family--people who aren't aware of her addiction--she creates larger obstacles. When she spends time with her youngest sister, she learns more about her than she ever imagined and senses an unsettling connection between Daisy and Ryke Meadows.

With Lily and Lo's dysfunctional relationship teetering and unbalanced, they will need to find a way to reconnect from miles apart. But the inability to touch proves to be one of the hardest tests on their road to recovery. Some love brushes the surface. Some love is deeper than skin.



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Print length

304 pages





Publication date

October 17, 2022


5.47 x 0.66 x 8.24 inches

Item weight

8.6 ounces

Popular Highlights in this book

  • I love you, he says again, and no other man will ever say those words and mean them the way I do.

    Highlighted by 3,831 Kindle readers

  • No, Lil, he tells me with a short laugh. You’re the opposite. You’re my stability…my home.

    Highlighted by 3,383 Kindle readers

  • You’re right, he says softly. You don’t need a man, Rose. He pauses and I barely hear him whisper, But you do need me.

    Highlighted by 3,296 Kindle readers

  • I love you, he says again, and no other man will ever say those words and mean them the way I do.

    Highlighted by 532 Kindle readers

  • No, Lil, he tells me with a short laugh. You’re the opposite. You’re my stability…my home.

    Highlighted by 413 Kindle readers

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About the Author

Krista and Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.



I fucked up.

That's the only thought I have when I digest my surroundings. A live DJ blasts music from wall-engulfed amps while people guzzle colored drinks. My youngest sister, Daisy, sips beer from a Solo cup, scouting her model friends. I fear that she'll pull a guy over and try to hook us up-to take my mind off Loren Hale. Five hours ago, I believed a house party would be a safe choice.

Not true.

So. Not true.

I should be chastely tucked beneath my comforter, sleeping through the New Year's riffraff at my place with Rose. Only days ago, Lo-my best friend, my boyfriend, literally a guy who encompasses my entire life-left for rehab. Rose and I spent a full Monday packing my belongings. And I sorted through pictures, knickknacks and valuables, bursting into tears in random spurts. Besides clothes and toiletries, what's mine was Lo's. I felt like I was going through a divorce.

I still do.

Only an hour in, Rose called movers and paid them to finish packing my old apartment and unpacking at our new house. She bought a four-bedroom villa near Princeton with five acres of sprawling, lush land and a white wraparound porch, black shutters and purple hydrangeas. It reminds me of the Southern homes in Savannah or the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. When I told her this, she stood with her hands on her hips, appraising the building with those powerful yellow eyes. Then she broke into a smile and said, "I suppose so."

The isolation from male bodies doesn't stop my flyaway mind from traveling to bad places. Mostly, I worry about Lo. I toss and turn at night only to have to swallow large doses of sleeping pills to rest. I miss him. And before he left-I never imagined a world without Lo here. My throat closed up at the idea, my heart dropped and my head spun. Now that the moment has arrived, I realize that he took a piece of me with him. When I told this to Rose, she patted my shoulder and said I was being irrational. That's easy for her to say. She's intelligent, confident and independent. Everything I'm not.

And I don't think . . . I don't think many people can really understand what it's like to be so invested in someone-to share every single moment and then to have them ripped from you. We have an unhealthy, co-dependent relationship.

I know this.

And I'm trying to change, to grow beyond him, but why does that have to be a stipulation?

I want to grow with him.

I want to be with him.

I want to love Lo without people telling me that our love is too much.

One day, I hope we'll get there. Hope, that's all I have to go on right now. It's my driving force. It's literally what keeps me standing.

The first few days in withdrawal tortured me, but it helped that I hid in my room. I refused to see the real world until I could push past the most fervent urges. So far, I've contained my sexual needs by drowning in self-love. I've thrown out half of my porn to try to appease Rose and to convince myself that I'm on the path to recovery like Lo. But I'm not so sure that's the case. Not when my stomach clenches at the thought of sex. But mostly, I want to have sex with him.

And I worry about that fifty percent chance where I'll drag another guy into a bathroom, where I'll pretend he's Lo for a single moment to satisfy my hunger. I shouldn't be here. At a house party. Distance from wild things has helped so far. This-this isn't even close to my wildest moments, but it's enough to push me someplace bad.

When Daisy called and invited me to a "house party," I imagined a few people mixing strong drinks and huddled around a television to watch music performances. Not this. Not an Upper East Side apartment crammed with models . . . male models. I can barely scoot an inch without a body part invading my personal space. I don't even look to see what kind of ligament brushes my skin.

I should have told Daisy no. I have many fears since Lo left, but my greatest one is failing him. I want to wait for Lo, and if I'm not strong enough to squash these compulsions before he returns from rehab, then our relationship will really be over. No more Lily and Lo. No more us. He'll be healthy, and I'll be stuck on a destructive turntable alone.

So I have to try. Even if something in my brain says go. I keep reminding myself of what waits for me if I don't wait for him. Emptiness. Loneliness.

I will lose my best friend.

As per Rose's knowledgeable instruction (she's been reading up on sex addiction-and so has Connor, but that's another story), I should be looking for a suitable therapist before I attend any social events that'll tempt me. Daisy has no idea about my addiction-that it surrounds the allure of hot guys and the high of a lay. Rose is the only person in my family who's aware of my problem, and it'll stay that way if I can help it.

Still, I didn't tell Daisy no. Even as I was trying to say it, she used the "I never see you" mantra to guilt me into submission. She topped it off by saying that I was oblivious to the fact that she broke up with Josh during Thanksgiving. (First mistake: asking "How's Josh?" on the phone this morning. And I thought I was being so sly remembering his name and all.) That's how "uninvolved" I am in her life. So not only was I processing her singlestatus, I was feeling a torrential downpour of sisterly remorse. I had to say yes to make it up to her. This is Lily 2.0-the girl who is actually trying to be a part of her family's world.

That means spending quality time with Daisy. And worrying about her jumping back in the dating pool. Especially if these older models are flinging in their hooks to catch her.

So here I am. Obviously not prepared for this type of party. Although, I did ditch my sweats for black pants and a silky blue blouse.

"I'm so glad we're here together," Daisy exclaims for the third time. "I never see you." Her arm flings around my shoulder, pulling me into a tipsy hug. I almost eat her golden-brown, nearly blonde, hair. The feathery, straight strands flow past her chest.

We separate and I pinch one of her locks off my glossy lips.

"Sorry," she says, trying to pull back her hair, but her hands are full: beer in one and a cigarette idly burning between two fingers in the other. "My hair is too fucking long." She sighs in frustration, still combatting the strands. She ends up using her shoulder and neck to try to push her hair off her chest, looking like a spaz in the process.

I've noticed that Daisy curses more when she's irritated. Which is fine. But I'm sure our mother would need to spend an extra three hours meditating to forget about Daisy's foul mouth.

And that's precisely why I don't care if she swears a lot or not at all. Do what she wants to do, I say. Daisy needs to be Daisy for a change, and I'm actually excited to see her away from our mother's neurotic, maternal claws.

She settles down and sets her elbow on my shoulder for support. I am short enough to be her armrest. "Lil," Daisy says, "I know Lo isn't here, but I promise that I'm going to take your mind off of him tonight. No rehab talk. No mention of comics or anything that'll remind you of him. Nada, okay? It's just me and you and a bunch of friends."

"You mean a bunch of attractive people." I use the correct terminology. I am surrounded by pretty people who could sprint along a beach, Baywatch-style, and cause a wave of boners. Or they could walk down a runway and you'd probably be staring at their face more than their clothes.

At least I would.

Does that make me the ugliest person here? I'm probably the only un-model-ish girl. I nod. Okay. I'm cool with that. Surrounded by tens and I'm probably a six. I'll take it.

She blows out smoke from her lips and smiles. "They're all not that good-looking. Mark looks like a gerbil in bad lighting. His eyes are too close together."

"And he gets booked for jobs?"

She nods with a goofy smile. "Some fashion lines like the quirky thing. You know, the bushy brows, gap-tooth sorta look."

"Huh." I try to find Mark and his gerbil-ness, but he's nowhere to be found.

"I kinda wish I had a cooler signature trait."

Signature trait? Sounds like getting a badass patronus in the Wizarding World. Though I'm sure mine would be lame too. Like a squirrel.

I try to deduce her signature trait, scanning her black leggings, long gray shirt and army-green, military-style jacket. She doesn't wear a single stroke of makeup, her complexion smooth, fresh and peachy perfect. "You do have great skin." I nod, thinking I've solved the riddle. I'm so good. I nearly pat myself on the back.

Her eyebrows rise and she playfully bumps my hip with hers. "All models have good skin."

"Oh." I realize I'm going to have to come out and ask. "What's your signature trait?"

She puts her cigarette in her lips and then grabs a wad of her hair shaking it towards me. "This baby," she mumbles. She drops the strands on her shoulder and tucks the cig back between her fingers. "Long, long, long Disney princess hair. That's what my agency calls it." She shrugs. "It's not even that special. With wigs and stuff, anyone can have my hair."

I would tell her to chop it off, but that'll just rub in the fact that she can't do a damn thing about it. Not when the agency controls her look. Not when our mother would go into cardiac arrest. "You do have better hair than me," I tell her. Mine is greasy half the time.

I should probably wash it more.

"Rose has the best hair," Daisy says. "It's the perfect length and super shiny."

"Yeah, but I think she combs it a hundred times a day. Like the mean girl from The Little Princess."

Daisy's lips twitch with a smile. "Did you just compare our sister to a villain?"

"Hey, a villain with good hair," I defend. "She would appreciate that." At least, I hope so.

Daisy finishes off her cigarette and snubs it in a crystal ashtray on the fireplace mantel. "I'm glad you're here."

"You keep saying that."

"Well I am. You're always so busy. I feel like we really haven't talked much since you left for college."

I feel even worse. Being so much younger than Poppy, Rose and me must have been isolating and lonely. Me being an addict and shunning my entire family hasn't helped. "I'm glad I'm here too," I tell her with a large, honest smile. Even if this may be my biggest test since Lo's absence, at least I know I did something right. Coming here, spending time with Daisy, it is progress. Just a different kind.

All of a sudden, her eyes light up. "I have an idea." She grabs my hand before I can protest. We exit the apartment and head for the hallway. She sprints towards the stairwell, tugging me along in tow.

I'm just getting used to this new, impulsive Daisy. Who, Rose informed me, has apparently been around for the past two years. When we moved into our new house, we invited Daisy to help decorate. On her tour through the four-bedroom villa, she spotted the pool in the backyard. No mind that it's still winter. A mischievous smile warped her face, and she climbed out of Rose's bedroom window, onto the roof and prepared to jump in the water from three stories high.

I didn't think she would do it. I told Rose, "Don't worry. It's probably just an attention thing."

But she stripped into her underwear, took a running start, and splashed into the pool. When her head popped up, she wore the biggest, goofiest "Daisy" grin. Rose almost killed her. My jaw permanently unhinged.

And she floated on her back, barely even shivering.

Rose said when our mother isn't around, Daisy tends to go crazy. And not the I'm going to drink my sorrows away and snort some coke rebellion. She just does things that our mother would condemn, and Daisy probably knows we're more forgiving. When Rose saw that Daisy survived the jump without a bruise, she simply called her stupid and then let the issue drop. Our mother would have ranted for a solid hour, flipping out over any injuries that could have ruined her modeling career.

More than anything, I think Daisy just wants to be free.

I guess I was lucky enough to escape my mother's strict scrutiny. But maybe not. I didn't turn out perfect. One could even say that I am royally fucked up.

We climb the stairs to the highest floor, and Daisy turns the doorknob, the biting cold prickling my bare arms. The roof. She took me to the roof.

"You're not planning on jumping are you?" I immediately ask with wide eyes. "There are no pools for you to land in this time."

She snorts. "No duh." She lets go of my hand and sets her beer on the gravel ground. "Do you see this view?"

Skyscrapers light up the city, and people even explode fireworks off other buildings, the colors crackling in the sky for tonight's celebration. Cars honk below, kind of drowning out the majestic atmosphere of the night.

Daisy extends her arms and inhales deeply. And then she screams at the top of her lungs. "HAPPY NEW YEAR, NEW YORK CITY!" It's only ten thirty, so technically it's still New Year's Eve. Her head turns to me. "Scream, Lil."

I rub my hot neck, anxious. Maybe it's the lack of sex. Or maybe sex is the one thing that'll help me feel better. So . . . is sex the cause or is it the solution? I don't even know anymore. "I'm not a screamer." Lo would disagree. My cheeks flush.

Daisy faces me and says, "Come on, it'll make you feel better."


"Open your mouth wide," she teases. "Come on, big sis."

Am I the only one who thinks that sounded perverted? I look over my shoulder. Oh yeah, we're alone.

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About the authors


Customer reviews

4 out of 5

6,436 global ratings

Sharon Hedden

Sharon Hedden


Just a fantastic series.

Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2024

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I’m going to be really short here. This is the second book in the awesome, fantastic, real, soulful Addicted series. It’s one of the best series out there and I’m only on book two. I think that should say a lot right there. Krista and Becca are fantastic writers. Worth every second of your time. Go read!

Aestas Book Blog

Aestas Book Blog


Absolutely ADDICTED to this series!!!

Reviewed in the United States on November 12, 2013

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This the kind of story that I most love to read -- a story of two people who are completely and totally in LOVE with each other fighting as hard as they can to overcome the obstacles in their lives and be together.

Ricochet is the full-length companion novel to Addicted To You (Read my Review) and continues Lily & Lo's tumultuous, heartfelt and emotional journey towards healing. I can't get enough of this series!!!

As a quick, spoiler-free recap, Lily and Lo have been in each other's lives since they were kids, they are both best friends and lovers, but they each have an addiction -- she's addicted to sex, he's addicted to booze -- and in the last book they reached a point of no return where things needed to change... I won't mention any more though because I don't want to spoil the story for anyone. But just be sure to read book #1 first!

From the first few pages of this book, I was reminded why I love this series so much with this quote ...

"I don't think many people can understand what it's like to be so invested in someone... We have an unhealthy, co-dependent relationship. I know this. And I'm trying to change, to grow beyond him, but why does that have to be a stipulation? I want to grow WITH him. I want to BE with him. I want to love Lo without people telling me that our love is too much."

The story told in Ricochet takes place over the 3 months in between the first and second novels. When I first heard about it and realized that it was a full length book as opposed to a novella, I wondered why it wasn't just labelled as the second book in the trilogy but, having read it, I now understand.

It has a very different vibe than the first one. While it is still told from Lily's POV, we see a lot of Rose & Connor and Daisy & Ryke which serve to set up their books that will be coming next year as spin-off novels, but we also do see quite a bit of Lily & Lo too through both flashbacks and present day scenes but just, given their situation, their interactions are a little different than in book #1 but no less emotional.

I just loved them together SO much!! As I mentioned before, they're exactly the kind of couple that I love to read about. In this book we see them both trying to get better and rid themselves of their addictions. But the road is not easy and they each have their own battles to fight but what gets them through is holding on to their unshakable love for each other.

The pacing of this book is also a little different than the first - there were some slower parts but there were also some absolutely EPIC scenes that gave me shivers!!! Seriously a few of the scenes were just pages and pages on end of pure awesome! Even though the highlights of the book are definitely Lily and Lo, I also like that there is a larger character group. The whole family dynamic is intriguing as is seeing each of these characters' issues, quirks, personalities and relationships play out. It's genuinely the kind of cast where I'm interested in pretty much everyone.

Lily's therapist also was another highlight. With her help, Lily begins to see a light at the end of her tunnel as she's shown that maybe there is a way for her and Lo to use their love to help one another heal.

All the scenes with Lo once again tugged each and every one of my heart strings. I think it's a sign of how invested in a story you are when even the mention of someone's name kicks your heart into overdrive. If it's possible, I love him even more after reading this book!!

With Lily & Lo, I really felt like the emotions were deepened because their relationship went back to childhood and so their lifelong history together really gave their story so much more depth.

They had so much to work through both individually and together but what I loved most about them, and the element that has put this story on my favorites shelf, is how much they wanted to be together and how they were willing to go to any lengths to help each other heal. And how not being together was just never an option, not really. That is the reason I'm so addicted to this series and it really is the epitome of the kind of book I love - where you have characters with a ton of issues to work through working hard to be together and to build a functional relationship -- where it's not about dealing with stupid mistakes but rather genuinely about overcoming the obstacles life gives them. Together.

I really just want to highlight how much respect I have for these authors for not incorporating any "stupidity" into the story. There was genuinely no "drama for drama's sake". I absolutely adored that there wasn't any "big bad" trying to keep them apart. Facing their addictions was big enough of an obstacle and I loved that there were no external plot elements that came between them. Everything that happened made sense and the focus was on them finding a way to be together and to be healthy. I have to say that I am SO impressed that I am now two books into this series and not even once have I rolled my eyes at anything. It was just them working as hard as they can to make their relationship work. And. I. LOVED. It.

Also for the record, since I know many of you are wondering about this -- there is no cheating!!

This might sound like an odd combination but I almost feel like fans of both the Crossfire series and also the Find You In The Dark series will enjoy this... happy sigh... I just love these books.

This series shows the journey of two people willing face their worst demons for the sake of love. Lily and Lo's story is heart wrenching, emotional, and addictive. If you're looking for a new series to fall in love with, I highly recommend picking this one up!! ♥

4.5+ stars

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Jessica | Booked J

Jessica | Booked J


"Every day feels like an obstacle

Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2017

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"Every day feels like an obstacle. And a victory."

Originally posted on Goodreads and Booked J. This review may or may not be spoiler free so proceed with caution. Set immediately after the events of Addicted to You, Krista and Becca Ritchie give readers a fantastic look into not only the history of Lily and Loren’s relationship, but the start to their recovery as well. As an added bonus, we see much more of Lily’s bond with two of her sisters, Rose and Daisy, as well as her friendships with Ryke and Connor.

Ricochet is short but painfully honest and shines light on the struggles that come with changing yourself for the better. It isn’t an easy task to properly portray separations and recovery, all the struggles in between, but as usual our authors definitely know what they are doing.

If you aren’t sold on the series just yet–I get it, New Adult isn’t always the best genre–I encourage you to give it a shot because unlike many of its genre mates, the story is honest and realistic. We see characters who have a lot on their plate and flaws that make them all the more human.

Our love interests and respectful and not overbearing. In the moments where things are shaky, they redeem themselves and it is full of so much growth. These are characters who truly love one another and are bonded for life–that doesn’t mean things are constantly peachy, but it does mean something.

Most importantly the romance of these novels is pretty high up on the plots but there’s a certain balance of friendship and family that is woven into the story. It’s wonderfully crafted and I cannot stress enough that these books are genuinely good because they are important.

Let’s talk the storyline and time frame. I wasn’t quite sure on if this was considered a full blown novel or a novella at first, but it is a decent sized story.

Jam packed with emotion, we see Lily Calloway as she adjusts to life without Lo (only temporary–he is in rehab!) and see her navigate her own road to recovery. Along with the habits she is trying to break, she is also getting used to living with her fierce sister Rose, her mother meddling in their lives as usual, trying to bond with Daisy and attending a different university.

Did I mention Rose and Connor are actively searching for a good therapist for Lily?

Phew. That’s a lot of changes for our little Lily. While her path may be complicated and far from easy–she certainly isn’t having a good time with it all but is very determined–she has a few people who help her along the way. Lily’s addiction, as we know, is a complicated matter.

Sex addiction simply isn’t acknowledged as something that is real by many. Lily is strong as hell but her addiction is not something she can just get past instantly and brush under the rug. She has a circle of trust in Lo, Rose, Connor and Ryke who don’t baby her and really watch out for her.

I cannot stress it enough, how important this group of people are. Lily and Lo had enabled each other for so long, they depend on their relationship far too much, that it is painful seeing them trying to recover without each other. But what they needed now was to focus on themselves so they could be fully supportive of each other and no longer enablers.

I like that Rose and Connor look into sex addiction with eyes that are not judgmental and that purely want to help Lily. It goes without saying that these are two people you would want on your side no matter what. Ryke is a bit more tough love and gives off the vibe of not liking Lily quite as much as the others, but he genuinely cares for her well being as well as his half brothers.

Because of this, Ryke is a great addition to the plot. It’s like this group of people have been connected all their lives (beyond the sisters, of course) and he even works well with handling Daisy’s reckless behavior.

This is mostly because they seem to be two halves of the same whole, but we’ll get to that in the later novels. I just can’t express how wonderful these relationships are; how much they have grown and will continue to grow. Lily has a particularly hard moment a while into the book, when Ryke finally caves and lets her talk to Lo.

Keeping the two apart was a necessity, crucial to their recovery on both sides, but it was time. And soon, Lo will be released from rehab and the two will be together once more.

The thing about Lo and Lily is they are both addicts and their relationship could continue to go bad. But they both want the chance to get better and be in a loving and supportive relationship together.

Overall, Ricochet is a great read. It builds on the emotions and connections that we were introduced to in Addicted to You and fleshes out the characters even more. There’s never a dull moment and we see so much raw honesty in it, it’s truly a gift to read.

We’ve got an intimate look at our Calloway girls and the men in their lives and that’s very pleasing. Finally, a new adult series that gets it right.

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Ricochet: I'm Addicted to this Series!!!

Reviewed in the United States on September 20, 2013

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***** 5 ADDICTIVE STARS*****

First off, Krista and Becca Ritchie knows how to write good books. Their writings will captivate you and get you addicted to the story-line hence they properly named this series ADDICTED. Ricochet is a companion novel to the first book Addicted to You, so it highly advised you read that first before reading Ricochet since the story picks up right after the first book.

"To each other, we were safety, love, and free from judgement and scorn."

Ricochet continues where it ended in Addicted to You. Loren Hale (Lo) is off to rehab for his addiction of alcohol and will be gone for 3 months. While Lo is off at rehab, Lily is living with her sister, Rose and starting a fresh new life at Princeton. She will try to battle her sexual addiction with the help from Rose, Connor, Ryke, Lo, and her therapist.

In Ricochet, it chronicles Lily's day to day life as she tries to battle her sexual needs and addiction. Her ongoing struggles to recovery are constantly being tested as she tries to stay faithful to Lo. After reading this book, I love Lily. Her personality and the transformation she goes through shines throughout the book. Lily admits her faults, insecurities, shame, guilt, love and addiction which has me rooting for her recovery.

"I want to grow with him. I want to be with him. I want to love Lo without people telling me that our love is too much."

"He's my best friend, my whole world, and losing that hurts more than losing a body to grind on at night."

Flashbacks of Lo and Lily's childhood and relationship are introduced and are a constant reminder why these two flawed individuals ended up the way they did. Within these flashbacks, their love for each other was evident. I loved getting to know their friendship on a deeper level and how things changed. It really showed how much they love each other, understand each other, and I think in the end are made for one another.

"Our I love yous encompass years of heartache, of hurt, of laughter and pain. And every time we say the words, I feel the rush of our childhood. I couldn't imagine ever losing that."

The love and connection that Lo and Lily has is a strong reminder that love can survive if two people are willing to work on it. Its clear that these two individuals wants to be together and are soul-mates. The three months apart tested how strong their relationship and how they can cope being apart. I truly felt for Lily as she wondered why she wasn't normal and desperately wanted to get healthy. Her addiction will be a life long struggle that she will have to fight daily but I think the strength of her love for Lo will help be her salvation.

"You don't make me miserable. You make me want to live. And I want to live with you."

As much as I love Lo and Lily, I LOVE RYKE!! His love and devotion to helping Lo on his road to recovery is clearly demonstrated when he tries to help Lily as well. He knows his brother will fail and fall back to his addiction if Lily is not also getting the help she needs. I also love Ryke's sarcasm and brutal honesty. As much as there is a major age difference between Daisy and Ryke, I love the chemistry between them. On a side note, I'm happy to know that I will get to read more about Daisy and Ryke in their standalone book, "Hothouse Flower." I can't wait!!!

" 'I love you,' he says again, 'and no other man will ever say those words and mean them the way I do.'....His words are beautiful and painful at the same time."

After reading Ricochet, I can't wait for Addicted for Now. The Ritchie girls got me seriously addicted to the series... I need to know what will become of Lo and Lily. Will their love and relationship be enough to survive???

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Kim B.

Kim B.


In Review: Ricochet (Addicted #1.5) by Krista & Becca Ritchie

Reviewed in the United States on March 5, 2015

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I've spent months (or has it been more than a year now?) talking about Krista & Becca Ritchie's books and my love for all of them. If you follow my reviews at all, you know this. I have a confession to make. I NEVER READ RICOCHET. I skipped right over it. Now I'm totally kicking myself because I missed so much freaking character and relationship development. Why did I skip it? Well, it was early on in my love affair with this series and I underestimated the importance of "novellas" in it. In other series, novellas are skippable. They're not in the Addicted series. Of course, I want every single little bit of story I can get about these characters...

I was more than a little nervous going into Ricochet for the first time. With Lily barely battling her sexual addiction, I was worried what would happen with Lo in rehab. Would she be able to stay strong? Would she crack? Would she cheat? What was going to happen to them as a couple? (Of course, I know the answers to some of these because I've read other books in the series, but I didn't know what might've happened before they got to the place they're in now.) I made myself half sick thinking about the possibility of her giving in and hooking up with someone else. Also, I knew I would miss their interactions during this book with them being away from each other. I adore them together, even with all their issues (or maybe because of their issues) and I crave quality Lily and Lo time. I knew I wouldn't find that here. But, what I found was just as good.

Another confession: I'm in love with Ryke. Don't get me wrong, I love every single one of the big six characters in this series, but there's something about Ryke that I connected with nearly from the start. I can't pinpoint it, exactly, but I think it's the fierceness with which he protects those he loves, which is such a stark contrast to his hard exterior and amazingly foul language. (Of course, I'm a huge fan of Ryke's favorite swear word, too... so that might have something to do with it.) There's so much Ryke in this book. I hate that I skipped over it before, because now I just love him even more. Whether it was his first scenes (and the ones that followed) with Daisy or the honest way his friendship with Lily developed, I feel like I got so much of a better handle on his character during Ricochet.

I knew from the later books in the series that Lily and Ryke have a special kind of friendship. (And no, I don't mean that in a dirty way.) I just didn't know how it all came about. Now I have those answers. And it was perfect. There's so much of an emphasis on them in this book, in Lily slowly coming to trust and understand Ryke as he helped her deal with her addiction while Lo was away. Ryke's not perfect, and he slips up in this book when it comes to Lily and Lo, but he admits when he's wrong. Just one more reason I love him so much.

This book was quite a bit easier of a read than Addicted to You was. It still deals with some rather heavy topics, but the vibe was different. (Of course, I think each book in the series has a different feel and that's why I love it so much.) I know it's way too soon to be shipping Ryke and Daisy, but damned if I could help myself from getting a big, goofy grin on my face during their harmless flirtations. Their scenes were just as golden to me as those with Ryke and Lily.

I was already a Lily fan, of course, but had I been on the fence about her, this would've been the book that won me over. She did such a great job battling her addiction during Lo's absence. I feel like her strength and determination was really highlighted well in this book. It's not to say it was easy, or that there weren't temptations, but her love for Lo and what they have together was worth fighting for. And with the help of her friends and sister, she would make it.

I could seriously go on all day about the characters in this book and the series as a whole. I can't NOT mention Rose and Connor in my review. They were both an important part of Lily's battle during this book. Rose might have an icy exterior, but I wouldn't want to get between her and someone she loves. The way she protects Lily shows exactly the kind of relationship I enjoy seeing between siblings. Forget the rivalry. Give me loyalty and protectiveness any day. The banter between Rose and Connor is just an added bonus. Man, I love them. The couplings in this entire series are just perfect. I adore them all in their own way.

So, yes, I loved Ricochet. While I regret waiting so long to read it, I'm glad I did it now. I'm also glad I chose to read the audiobook. I LOVE Erin Mallon. She's a perfect Lily. Moreover, she does such a great job voicing the other characters in the series. She makes me actually hear the characters and feel the feels. She's everything I want in an audiobook narrator. I can't wait for Charles Karr to join her in Addicted for Now. I need to hear Lo! (Have I mentioned I love audiobooks?)

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