Twisted Lies: A Fake Dating Romance by Ana Huang - Kindle
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Twisted Lies: A Fake Dating RomanceKindle


Ana Huang




57,120 ratings


He'll do anything to have her...including lie.

Charming, deadly, and smart enough to hide it, Christian Harper is a monster dressed in the perfectly tailored suits of a gentleman.

He has little use for morals and even less use for love, but he can’t deny the strange pull he feels toward the woman living just one floor below him.

She’s the object of his darkest desires, the only puzzle he can’t solve. And when the opportunity to get closer to her arises, he breaks his own rules to offer her a deal she can’t refuse.

Every monster has their weakness. She’s his.

His obsession.

His addiction.

His only exception.

Sweet, shy, and introverted despite her social media fame, Stella Alonso is a romantic who keeps her heart in a cage.

Between her two jobs, she has little time or desire for a relationship.

But when a threat from her past drives her into the arms—and house—of the most dangerous man she’s ever met, she’s tempted to let herself feel something for the first time in a long time.

Because despite Christian’s cold nature, he makes her feel everything when she’s with him.



Truly wanted.

Theirs is a love twisted with secrets and tainted by lies…and when the truths are finally revealed, they could shatter everything.

Twisted Lies is a steamy fake dating romance. It's the fourth and final book in the Twisted series but can be read as a standalone.

Warning: The story contains explicit content, violence, profanity, and topics that may be sensitive to some readers. Please see inside the book for a detailed list. Recommended for 18+.



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Print length

560 pages




Bloom Books

Publication date

June 29, 2022


5.5 x 1.4 x 8.5 inches

Item weight

1.08 pounds

Popular Highlights in this book

  • Some photos were worth a thousand words. This photo said only one. Mine.

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  • Because I don’t want to be jailed for murder if anyone touches a hair on your head.

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  • If my thoughts were chaos, she was my anchor. They always went back to her.

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My heart rate sped up. Nothing triggered my fight-or-flight response like the sound of Meredith’s voice.

“Yes?” I hid my trepidation behind a neutral expression.

“I trust you can bring all the items back to the office yourself.” She slipped on her coat and tossed her handbag over her shoulder. “I have a dinner reservation I simply can’t miss.”


She disappeared out the door.

“Course I can,” I finished.

The photographer paused what he was doing and raised his eyebrows at me. I answered with a tired shrug. I wasn’t the first magazine assistant who’d suffered under a tyrannical boss, and I wouldn’t be the last.

Once upon a time, working at a fashion magazine would’ve been a dream. Now, after four years at DC Style, the reality of the job had dulled any shine the position once held.

By the time I packed up the photo shoot, dropped the items off at the office, and started my walk home, my forehead was slick with sweat and my muscles were well on their way to becoming Jell-O.

The sun had set half an hour ago, and the streetlights cast a hazy orange glow over the snow-packed sidewalks.

The city was under a blizzard warning, but the bad weather wouldn’t kick in until later in the evening. It was also faster for me to walk home than take the Metro, which freaked out whenever there was so much as an inch of snow.

One would think the city would be better prepared considering it snowed every year, but nope. Not DC.

I shouldn’t have been looking at my phone while walking, especially given the weather, but I couldn’t help myself.

I pulled up the email I’d received that afternoon and stared at it, waiting for the words to rearrange themselves into something less upsetting, but they never did.

Effective April 1, the cost for a private room at Greenfield Senior Living will increase to $6,500 per month. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, but we are confident the changes will result in even higher-quality care for our residents…

The green smoothie I’d downed during lunch sloshed in my stomach.

Inconvenience, they said. Like they weren’t hiking the prices of an assisted living facility by over twenty percent. Like living, breathing, vulnerable human beings wouldn’t suffer because of the new management’s greed.

In, one, two, three. Out, one, two, three.

I tried to let the deep breaths wash away my rising anxiety.

Maura had practically raised me. She was the one person who’d always been there for me, even if she didn’t know who I was now. I couldn’t move her to another assisted living facility. Greenfield was the best in the area, and it’d become her home.

None of my friends and family knew I’d been paying for her care. I didn’t want the inevitable questions telling them would raise.

I would just have to find a way to cover the higher costs. Maybe I could take on more partnerships or negotiate higher rates for my blog and Instagram. I had an upcoming dinner with Delamonte in New York, which my manager said was an audition for their brand ambassador position. If I—

“Ms. Alonso.”

The deep, rich voice brushed my skin like black velvet and stopped me in my tracks. A shiver chased its wake, born of equal parts pleasure and warning.

I recognized that voice.

I’d heard it only three times in my life, but that was enough. Like the man who owned it, it was unforgettable.

Wariness flickered in my chest before I doused it. I turned my head, my gaze traveling over powerful winter tires and the sleek, distinctive lines of the black McLaren pulled up beside me before it reached the rolled-down passenger window and the owner in question.

My heart slowed a fraction of a beat.

Dark hair. Whiskey eyes. A face so exquisitely chiseled it could’ve been sculpted by Michelangelo himself.

Christian Harper.

CEO of an elite security company, owner of the Mirage, the building where I lived, and quite possibly the most beautiful, most dangerous man I’d ever met.

I had nothing except instinct to back up the dangerous part of my assessment, but my gut had never steered me wrong.

I inhaled a small breath. Released. And smiled.

“Mr. Harper.” My polite reply was met with dry amusement.

Apparently only he was allowed to address people by their last names like we all lived in a giant, stuffy boardroom.

Christian’s eyes grazed the snowflakes drifting onto my shoulder before they met mine again.

My heart slowed another fraction of a beat.

Tiny crackles of electricity hummed to life beneath the weight of his gaze, and it took every ounce of willpower not to step back and shake off the strange sensation.

“Gorgeous weather for a walk.” His observation was even drier than his stare.

Heat rushed over the back of my neck. “It’s not that bad.”

It was only then that I noticed the alarming rate at which the snow was thickening. Perhaps the blizzard forecast had been a little off on its estimate.

“My apartment is only twenty minutes away,” I added to…I didn’t know. Prove that I wasn’t stupid by trekking through the city in a snowstorm, I guess.

In hindsight, perhaps I should’ve taken the Metro.

“The blizzard’s already rolling in, and there are ice patches all over the sidewalks.” Christian rested his forearm on the steering wheel—an action that had no right being as attractive as it was. “I’ll give you a ride.”

He also lived at the Mirage, so it made sense. In fact, his apartment was only a floor above mine.

Still, I shook my head.

The thought of sitting in a confined space with Christian, even for a few minutes, filled me with a strange sense of panic.

“I’m okay. I’m sure you have better things to do than chauffeur me around, and walking clears my head.” The words spilled out in a rush. I didn’t ramble often, but when I did, nothing short of a nuclear blast could stop me. “It’s good exercise, and I need to test out my new snow boots anyway. This is the first time I’ve worn them all season.” Stop talking. “So as much as I appreciate your offer, I have to politely decline.”

I finished my nearly incoherent mini speech on a note of breathlessness.

I was getting better at saying no, but I still overexplained myself every time.

“Does that make sense?” I added when Christian remained silent.

An icy gust of wind chose that moment to whip past. It tossed the hood of my coat off my head and burrowed past my layers into my bones, sparking a burst of involuntary shivers.

I’d been sweating bullets in the studio, but now I was so cold even the memory of warmth was frosted with blue.

“It does.” Christian finally spoke, his tone and expression unreadable.

“Good.” The word shook through my chattering teeth. “Then I’ll let you—”

The soft click of a door unlocking interrupted me.

“Get in the car, Stella.”

I got in the car.

I told myself it was because the temperature had somehow dropped twenty degrees in the space of five minutes, but I knew that was a lie.

It was the sound of my name in that voice, delivered with such calm authority that my body obeyed before I could protest.

For a man I barely knew, he had more power over me than almost anyone else.

Christian pulled away from the curb and turned a dial on the dashboard. A second later, heat blasted from the vents and warmed my frigid skin.

The car smelled like rich leather and expensive spices, and it was eerily clean. No wrappers, no half-empty coffee cups, not even a speck of lint.

I sank deeper into my seat and glanced at the man next to me.

“You always get your way, don’t you?” I asked lightly, trying to dissolve the inexplicable tension blanketing the air.

He slid a brief glance in my direction before refocusing on the road. “Not always.”

Instead of dissolving, the tension thickened and slipped into my veins. Hot and restless, like an ember waiting for a breath of oxygen to fan it to life.

Mission failed.

I turned my head and stared out the windshield, too thrown off by the day’s events to attempt more conversation.

The nerves scaling their way up my chest and into my throat didn’t help.

I was supposed to be the cool, calm one, the one who saw the silver lining in every cloud and remained levelheaded no matter the situation. That was the image I’d projected most of my life because that was what was expected of me as an Alonso.

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About the authors

Ana Huang

Ana Huang

Ana Huang is a #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today, and #1 Amazon bestselling author. Best known for her Twisted series, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance with deliciously alpha heroes, strong heroines, and plenty of steam, angst, and swoon sprinkled in.

Her books have been translated in over thirty languages and featured in outlets such as Good Morning America, NPR, Cosmopolitan, and PEOPLE.

A self-professed travel enthusiast, she loves incorporating beautiful destinations into her stories and will never say no to a good chai latte.


The Striker (coming September 24, 2024)


King of Wrath

King of Pride

King of Greed

King of Sloth

King of Envy (coming March 25, 2025)


Twisted Love

Twisted Games

Twisted Hate

Twisted Lies


If We Ever Meet Again (Duet #1)

If the Sun Never Sets (Duet #2)

If Love Had a Price #3 (Standalone)

If We Were Perfect #4 (Standalone)

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Customer reviews

4.5 out of 5

57,120 global ratings




purely and utterly beautifully written story

Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2024

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I loved Stella and Christian’s love story and the way it all unfolds. I couldn’t get enough, of any of the twisted couples stories. Ana Huang is an amazing and extremely talented author who can weave an intricately and utterly beautiful and awe inspiring story.

Payten @pageswithpayten

Payten @pageswithpayten


Still thinking about this book

Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2024

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What an end to one heck of a series. The perfect combination of sweet, spicy, sassy and swoony, this last book really brought everything together! . Right off the bat, Christina and Stella’s story is both the same and different. Christian, unlike the other guys in the Twisted series, has no problem internally admitting he’s a little obsessed with Stella. Like a puzzle he wants to crack, her entire being is an enigma to him. Soft and kind, generally happy and selfless, Stella is nothing like the people Chrisitan has surrounded himself with. Nothing like himself. He’s cold and aloof, quick to venegage and selfish to the core. Except when it comes to Stella. . Packed with ‘Only Soft For Her’ goodness, Twisted Lies took me down a complicated and emotional journey featuring a man who didn’t know how to feel, and a woman who felt everything. The way Stella helped Christina soften and grow and open up was SO good. The tender moments peppered throughout the book left me craving more, leaving me devouring this huge book in one day. Waiting for these two to finally crack under the pressure and let go was so fun and even hotter when it finally happened. Ana Huang is not an author to sleep on and a must-read author for me after this!!

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5 people found this helpful

Leticia (jerseygirlsbookshelf)

Leticia (jerseygirlsbookshelf)


My favorite one in the series and my favorite hero.

Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2024

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A friend told me I would fall madly in love with Christian. She was 100% right.

From previous books, you know Christian owns the building Stella lives in. You also know she lives there for a fraction of the rent—and not because he’s a nice guy. It’s more because he can’t stop thinking about her. Is she drawn to him as well? Absolutely. And that makes things… combustible.

When Stella loses her job, she needs to up her influencer game to become the ambassador for a famous brand, and she could—if she had a significant other. She needs a fake boyfriend, bonus points if he’s one who clearly states he despises love. Except that it’s there from the first photo she posts of them.

While they’re playing the couple, Christian realizes she’s in danger, and he’s not about to let anyone else walk in and harm her or whatever they have together. He may be a cyber security expert, but he’s also someone who isn’t afraid of getting his own hands dirty. He’ll protect her and stand by her side whatever comes. Is his love for her borderline obsessive? Yes. But someone like Christian could only ever love with everything he is and has. And Stella welcomes it, and him, like no one has before.

I loved how they both grew. How Christian realized love doesn’t necessarily have to break you—it can complete you—and how Stella finds her strength—how she learns to voice what she wants and doesn’t want and how his encouragement gives her wings to fly.

I’m always drawn to stories where the love is all-encompassing. A living, breathing thing that seems inescapable. The kind that completes you, because that was what this was: two people who finally found happiness by finding their other half, the one they can’t live without.

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Courtney Voss

Courtney Voss


wonderful end to a wonderful series

Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2024

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Soo gooood!!! The push and pull and slow burn of Christian and Stella’s relationship. You won’t be disappointed at all!




Fake Dating and Boy Obsessed!

Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2022

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“You will always be my first, last, and only love.” Synopsis: He will do anything to have her… even lie. Christian Harper is charming, smart, deadly, but he is also evil dressed in a perfectly tailored suit to appear a gentleman. He doesn’t have use for morals or even love, but he feels a strange pull towards the woman living a floor below him. She’s his deepest desire and the one puzzle he cannot solve. When the opportunity to get close to her arises, he will break his own rules to offer her a deal she will be unable to refuse… Stella Alonso is shy, sweet, beautiful, and introverted despite being famous on social media, she is also a romantic that keeps her heart under lock and key. She has little time or desire for a relationship with how busy she is working two jobs. But when a threat from her past drives her into the arms of the most dangerous man she has ever met, she is tempted to let herself feel again. Despite how cold Christian is, he makes her feel everything when she is with him. Their love story is twisted with secrets and stained with lies… when the truth is finally unveiled it could shatter everything.

Thoughts: I absolutely loved this book with my entire heart, it definitely is my favorite in the Twisted series and they were all amazing! Stella was a very relatable character for me which made me love her even more! I loved watching her character development, she had so much growth in this book and I really enjoyed seeing her become more confident! Christian might just be my favorite man in the twisted series, but I definitely love them all. I LOVED that he was obsessed with Stella, that no one else mattered to him except her! His devotion, protectiveness, love for her ughhhh swoon. Don’t even get me started on those impeccable spicy scenes! This book had my favorite tropes and Miss Ana did an amazing job at making them intriguing and entertaining! Highly recommend everyone to read this series!!

This book includes: -fake dating -slow-burn -morally gray MMC -boy obsessed -forced proximity

  • touch her and you unalive -dual pov 5/5 stars 3/5 spice

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