What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty - Hardcover
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What Alice ForgotHardcover


Liane Moriarty




85,708 ratings


A “cheerfully engaging”(Kirkus Reviews) novel for anyone who’s ever asked herself, “How did I get here?”

Alice Love is twenty-nine, crazy about her husband, and pregnant with her first child. So imagine Alice’s surprise when she comes to on the floor of a gym (a gym! She HATES the gym) and is whisked off to the hospital where she discovers the honeymoon is truly over—she’s getting divorced, she has three kids, and she’s actually 39 years old. Alice must reconstruct the events of a lost decade, and find out whether it’s possible to reconstruct her life at the same time. She has to figure out why her sister hardly talks to her, and how is it that she’s become one of those super skinny moms with really expensive clothes. Ultimately, Alice must discover whether forgetting is a blessing or a curse, and whether it’s possible to start over...



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Print length

488 pages




Berkley Books

Publication date

April 23, 2012


5.44 x 1.03 x 8.33 inches

Item weight

14.1 ounces

Popular Highlights in this book

  • He made her more confident, funnier, smarter. He brought out all the things that were there already and let her be fully herself, so she seemed to shine with this inner light. He loved her so much, he made her seem even more lovable.

    Highlighted by 3,769 Kindle readers

  • Each memory, good and bad, was another invisible thread that bound them together, even when they were foolishly thinking they could lead separate lives. It was as simple and complicated as that.

    Highlighted by 3,441 Kindle readers

  • But maybe every life looked wonderful if all you saw was the photo albums.

    Highlighted by 2,837 Kindle readers

  • She said that sometimes you had to be brave enough to point your life in a new direction.

    Highlighted by 1,708 Kindle readers

  • Obstacles cannot crush me; every obstacle yields to stern resolve.

    Highlighted by 1,412 Kindle readers

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Editorial reviews

Praise for What Alice Forgot

“Funny and knowing...[about] what we choose to remember, and fight to forget.”—O Magazine

“The gripping story of a woman who wakes up with a bump on her head and no knowledge of the past ten years...an acutely observed romantic comedy that is both thought-provoking and funny.”—Marie Claire (UK)

“The affecting tale of Alice’s chance for a ten-year do-over.”—The New York Times

“Grabbed me on the first page…a deep and wondrous novel.”—New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice

“I loved this book. It has, for me, everything that makes a good novel excellent.”—New York Times bestselling author Jeanne Ray

“Heartfelt, witty, and thought-provoking...a story you’ll remember.”—New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Crusie

“Highly addictive.”—She Magazine (UK; Book of the Month)

“I loved this original read.”—The Sun (UK)

“Funny and captivating.”—Closer (UK)

“Winning...well-paced, and thoroughly pleasurable.”—Publishers Weekly

“An often funny, sometimes heartrending, deeply personal portrait of a woman attempting to unravel her own mystery.”—Booklist

“Moriarity makes this more than just a one-note story, weaving in a plotline involving Alice's childless sister...intriguing...will keep readers guessing and curious to know more about Alice.”—Library Journal

About the Author

Liane Moriarty is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Nine Perfect Strangers, Three Wishes, Truly Madly Guilty, Big Little Lies, The Husband’s Secret, The Hypnotist’s Love Story, and What Alice Forgot. She lives in Sydney, Australia, with her husband and two children.

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Chapter 1

She was floating, arms outspread, water lapping her body, breathing in a summery fragrance of salt and coconut. There was a pleasantly satisfied breakfast taste in her mouth of bacon and coffee and possibly croissants. She lifted her chin and the morning sun shone so brightly on the water, she had to squint through spangles of light to see her feet in front of her. Her toenails were each painted a different color. Red. Gold. Purple. Funny. The nail polish hadn’t been applied very well. Blobby and messy. Someone else was floating in the water right next to her. Someone she liked a lot, who made her laugh, with toenails painted the same way. The other person waggled multicolored toes at her companionably, and she was filled with sleepy contentment. Somewhere in the distance, a man’s voice shouted, “Marco?” and a chorus of children’s voices cried back, “Polo!” The man called out again, “Marco, Marco, Marco?” and the voices answered, “Polo, Polo, Polo!” A child laughed; a long, gurgling giggle, like a stream of soap bubbles. A voice said quietly and insistently in her ear, “Alice?” and she tipped back her head and let the cool water slide silently over her face.

Tiny dots of light danced before her eyes.

Was it a dream or a memory?

“I don’t know!” said a frightened voice. “I didn’t see it happen!”

No need to get your knickers in a knot.

The dream or memory or whatever it was dissolved and vanished like a reflection on water, and instead fragments of thought began to drift through her head, as if she were waking up from a long, deep sleep, late on a Sunday morning.

Is cream cheese considered a soft cheese?

It’s not a hard cheese.

It’s not . . .

. . . hard at all.

So, logically, you would think . . .

. . . something.

Something logical.

Lavender is lovely.

Logically lovely.

Must prune back the lavender!

I can smell lavender.

No, I can’t.

Yes, I can.

That’s when she noticed the pain in her head for the first time. It hurt on one side, a lot, as if someone had given her a good solid thwack with a baseball bat.

Her thoughts sharpened. What was this pain in the head all about? Nobody had warned her about pain in her head. She had a whole list of peculiar symptoms to be prepared for: heartburn, a taste like aluminum foil in your mouth, dizziness, extreme tiredness—but nothing about a hammering ache at the side of your head. That one should really have been mentioned, because it was very painful. Of course, if she couldn’t handle a run-of-the mill headache, well then . . .

The scent of lavender seemed to be coming and going, like a gentle breeze.

She let herself drift again.

The best thing would be to fall back asleep and return to that lovely dream with the water and the multicolored toenails.

Actually, maybe someone had mentioned headaches and she forgot? Yes, they had! Headaches, for heaven’s sake! Really bad ones. Fabulous.

So much to remember. No soft cheeses or smoked salmon or sushi because of the risk of that disease she never even knew existed. Listeria. Something to do with bacteria. Hurts the baby. That’s why you weren’t allowed to eat leftovers. One bite of a leftover chicken drumstick could kill the baby. The brutal responsibilities of parenthood.

For now, she would just go back to sleep. That was the best thing.



The wisteria over the side fence is going to look stunning if it ever gets around to flowering.

Listeria, wisteria.

Ha. Funny words.

She smiled, but her head really did hurt a lot. She was trying to be brave.

“Alice? Can you hear me?”

The lavender smell got stronger again. A bit sickly sweet.

Cream cheese is a spreadable cheese. Not too soft, not too hard, just right. Like the baby bear’s bed.

“Her eyelids are fluttering. Like she’s dreaming.”

It was no use. She couldn’t get back to sleep, even though she felt exhausted, as if she could sleep forever. Were all pregnant women walking around with aching heads like this? Was the idea to toughen them up for labor pains? When she got up, she would check it out in one of the baby books.

She always forgot how pain was so upsetting. Cruel. It hurt your feelings. You just wanted it to stop, please, right now. Epidurals were the way to go. One epidural for my headache, please. Thank you.

“Alice, try and open your eyes.”

Was cream cheese even cheese? You didn’t put a dollop of cream cheese on a cheese platter. Maybe cheese didn’t actually mean cheese in the context of cream cheese. She wouldn’t ask the doctor about it, just in case it’s an embarrassing “Oh, Alice” mistake.

She couldn’t get comfortable. The mattress felt like cold concrete. If she wriggled over, she could nudge Nick with her foot until he sleepily rolled over and pulled her to him in a big warm bear hug. Her human hot water bottle.

Where was Nick? Had he already got up? Maybe he was making her a cup of tea.

“Don’t try and move, Alice. Just stay still and open your eyes, sweetie.”

Elisabeth would know about the cream cheese. She’d snort in her bigsisterly way and be precise. Mum wouldn’t have a clue. She’d be stricken. She’d say, “Oh dear, oh no! I’m sure I ate soft cheeses when I was pregnant with you girls! They didn’t know about that sort of thing back then.” She’d talk on and on and worry that Alice had accidentally broken a rule. Mum believed in rules. So did Alice actually.

Frannie wouldn’t know but she’d research it, proudly, using her new computer, in the same way that she used to help Alice and Elisabeth find information for school projects in her Encyclopedia Britannica.

Her head really did hurt.

Presumably this was only the squidgiest fraction of how much labor would hurt. So that was just great.

It was not as if she’d actually eaten any cream cheese that she could remember.

“Alice? Alice!”

She didn’t even really like cream cheese.

“Has someone called an ambulance?”

There was that smell of lavender again.

Once, when they were undoing their seat belts, Nick said (in answer to some fishing-for-compliments thing she’d just said), “Don’t be ridiculous, you goose, you know I’m bloody besotted with you.”

She opened the car door and felt sunshine on her legs and smelled the lavender she’d planted by the front door.

Bloody besotted.

It was a moment of lavender-scented bliss, after grocery shopping.

“It’s coming. I called triple zero! That’s the first time in my life I’ve ever called triple zero! I felt all self-conscious. I nearly called 911 like an American. I actually punched in the nine. There’s proof I watch too much television.”

“I hope it’s not, like, serious. I mean, I couldn’t, like, get sued or anything, could I?”

Was that talkback radio she could hear? She hated talkback radio. The callers were always appalled by something. Alice said once that she’d never been appalled by anything. Elisabeth said that was appalling.

“Alice, can you hear me? Can you hear me, Alice?”

Sultana, can you hear me? Can you hear me, Sultana?

Every night, before they went to sleep, Nick talked to the baby through an empty toilet roll pressed to Alice’s stomach. He’d heard this idea on some radio show. They said that way the baby would learn to recognize the father’s voice as well as the mother’s.

“Ahoy!” he’d call. “Can you hear me, Sultana? This is your father speaking!” They’d read that the baby was the size of a sultana by now. So that’s what they called it. Only in private, of course; they were cool parents-to-be. No sappiness in public.

The Sultana said it was fine, thanks, Dad, bit bored at times, but doing okay. Apparently he wished his mum would stop eating all that boring green shit and have a pizza for a change. “Enough with the rabbit food!” he demanded.

It seemed the Sultana was most likely to be a boy. He just seemed to have a masculine personality. The little rogue. They both agreed on this.

Alice would lie back and look at the top of Nick’s head. There were a few shiny silvery strands. She didn’t know if he knew about them, so she didn’t mention them. He was thirty-two. The silver strands made her eyes blur. All those wacky pregnancy hormones.

Alice never talked out loud to the baby. She spoke to it in her mind, shyly, when she was in the bath (not too hot—so many rules). “Hey there, Baby,” she’d think to herself, and then she’d be so overwhelmed by the wonder of it she’d splash the water with the flats of her palms like a kid thinking about Christmas. She was turning thirty soon, with a terrifying mortgage and a husband and a baby on the way, but she didn’t feel that different from when she was fifteen.

Except, there were no moments of bliss after grocery shopping when she was fifteen. She hadn’t met Nick yet. Her heart still had to be broken a few times before he could turn up and superglue it together with words like “besotted.”

“Alice? Are you okay? Please open your eyes.”

It was a woman’s voice. Too loud and strident to ignore. It dragged her up into consciousness and wouldn’t let her go.

It was a voice that gave Alice a familiar irritated itch of a feeling, like too-tight stockings.

This person did not belong in her bedroom.

She rolled her head to one side. “Ow!”

She opened her eyes.

There was a blur of unrecognizable colors and shapes. She couldn’t even see the bedside cabinet to reach for her glasses. Her eyes must be getting worse.

She blinked, and blinked again, and then, like a sharpening telescope, everything came into focus. She was looking at someone’s knees. How funny.

Knobbly pale knees.

She lifted her chin a fraction.

“There you are!”

It was Jane Turner of all people, from work, kneeling next to her. Her face was flushed and she had strands of sweaty hair pasted to her forehead. Her eyes looked tired. She had a soft, pudgy neck Alice had never noticed before. She was wearing a T-shirt with huge sweat marks and shorts and her arms were thin and white with dark freckles. Alice had never seen so much of Jane’s body before. It was embarrassing. Poor old Jane.

“Listeria, wisteria,” said Alice, to be humorous.

“You’re delirious,” said Jane. “Don’t try and sit up.”

“Hmmph,” said Alice. “Don’t want to sit up.” She had a feeling she wasn’t in bed; she seemed to be lying flat on her back on a cool laminated floor. Was she drunk? Had she forgotten she was pregnant and got deliriously drunk?

Her obstetrician was an urbane man who wore a bow tie and had a round face disconcertingly similar to that of one of Alice’s ex-boyfriends. He said he didn’t have a problem with “say, an aperitif followed by one glass of wine with dinner.” Alice thought an aperitif must be a particular brand of drink. (“Oh, Alice,” said Elisabeth.) Nick explained that an aperitif was a predinner drink. Nick came from an aperitif-drinking family. Alice came from a family with one dusty bottle of Baileys sitting hopefully in the back of the pantry behind the tins of spaghetti. In spite of what the obstetrician said, she’d only had a half a glass of champagne since she’d done the pregnancy test and she felt guilty about that even though everybody kept saying it was fine.

“Where am I?” asked Alice, terrified of the answer. Was she in some seedy nightclub? How could she explain to Nick that she forgot she was pregnant?

“You’re at the gym,” said Jane. “You fell and knocked yourself out. Gave me an absolute heart attack, although I was sort of grateful for the excuse to stop.”

The gym? Alice didn’t go to gyms. Had she woken up drunk in a gym?

“You lost your balance,” said a sharp, jolly voice. “It was quite a fall! Gave us all a shock, you silly sausage! We’ve called an ambulance, so don’t you worry, we’ve got professional help on the way!”

Kneeling next to Jane was a thin, coffee-tanned girl with a bleachedblond ponytail, shiny Lycra shorts, and a cropped red top with the words SPIN CRAZY emblazoned across it. Alice felt instant dislike for her. She didn’t like being called a silly sausage. It offended her dignity. One of Alice’s faults, according to her sister Elisabeth, was a tendency to take herself too seriously.

“Did I faint?” asked Alice hopefully. Pregnant women fainted. She had never fainted in her life, although she spent most of fourth grade practicing, in the hope that she could be one of those lucky girls who fainted during church and had to be carried out, draped across the muscly arms of their PE teacher, Mr. Gillespie.

“It’s just that I’m pregnant,” she said. Let her see who she was calling a silly sausage.

Jane’s mouth dropped. “Jesus, Alice, you are not!”

Spin Crazy Girl pursed her mouth as if she’d caught Alice out being naughty. “Oh dear, sweetie, I did ask at the beginning of the class if anyone was pregnant. I would have put you up front near the fan. You shouldn’t have been so shy.”

Alice’s head thumped. Nothing anybody said was making sense.

“Pregnant,” said Jane. “At this time. What a disaster.”

“It is not!” Alice put a protective hand to her stomach, so the Sultana wouldn’t hear and be offended. Their financial situation was none of Jane’s business. People were meant to be delighted when you announced a pregnancy.

“I mean, what are you going to do?” asked Jane.

For heaven’s sake! “Do? What do you mean, what am I going to do? I’m going to have a baby.” She sniffed. “You smell of lavender. I knew I could smell lavender.” Her sense of smell had been extra strong because of the pregnancy.

“It’s my deodorant.” Jane really didn’t look like herself. Her eyes didn’t look right. It was quite noticeable. Maybe she needed to start using some sort of eye cream.

“Are you all right, Jane?”

Jane snorted. “I’m fine. Worry about yourself, woman. You’re the pregnant one knocking yourself out.”

The baby! She’d been selfishly thinking about her sore head when she should have been worrying about the poor little Sultana. What sort of a mother was she going to be?

She said, “I hope I didn’t hurt the baby when I fell.”

“Oh, babies are pretty tough, I wouldn’t worry about that.”

It was another woman’s voice. For the first time Alice looked up and realized a crowd of red-faced, middle-aged women in sports gear surrounded her. Some of them were leaning forward, staring at her with avid road-accident interest, while others had their hands on their hips and were chatting to one another as if they were at a party. They seemed to be in a small, fluorescentlit room. She could hear tinny music somewhere in the distance, clanking metal sounds, and a sudden burst of loud masculine laughter. As she lifted her head, she saw that the room was filled with stationary bikes, all crammed together and facing the same direction.

“Although, you shouldn’t really be doing exercise that gets your heart rate up too high if you’re pregnant,” said another woman.

“But I don’t do any exercise,” said Alice. “I should do more exercise.”

“You, my girl, couldn’t do any more exercise if you tried,” said Jane.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She looked around at the strange faces surrounding her. This was all so . . . silly. “I don’t know where I am.”

“She’s probably got a concussion,” said somebody excitedly. “Concussed people are dazed and disoriented.”

Spin Crazy Girl looked frightened and stroked Alice’s arm. “Oh dear, sweetie, YOU MIGHT BE JUST A LITTLE BIT CONCUSSED,” she yelled.

“Yes, but I don’t think that makes her deaf,” said Jane tersely. She lowered her voice and bent her head toward Alice. “Everything is fine. You’re at the gym, you were doing your Friday spin class, the one you’ve been wanting to drag me along to for ages, remember? Can’t quite see the attraction, actually. Anyway, you must have got dizzy, or fainted or something, because one minute you were riding like a madwoman and next thing you were crashing to the floor. You’re going to be fine. More importantly, why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?”

“What’s a Friday spin class?” asked Alice.

“Oh, this is bad,” said Jane excitedly.

“The ambulance is here!” someone said.

Spin Crazy Girl became goofy with relief. She bounded to her feet and shooed at the ladies like an energetic housewife with a broom. “Right, gang, let’s give them some space, shall we?”

Jane stayed kneeling on the floor next to Alice, patting her distractedly on the shoulder. Then she stopped patting. “Oh, my. Why do you get all the fun?”

Alice twisted her head and saw two handsome men in blue overalls striding toward them, carrying first aid equipment. Embarrassed, she struggled to sit up.

“Stay there, honey,” called out the taller one.

“He looks just like George Clooney,” breathed Jane in her ear. He did, too. Alice couldn’t help but feel cheerier. It seemed she’d woken up in an episode of ER.

“Hey, there.” George Clooney squatted down next to them, big hands resting between his knees. “What’s your name?”

“Jane,” said Jane. “Oh. Her name is Alice.”

“What’s your full name, Alice?” George gently took her wrist and pushed two fingers against her pulse.

“Alice Mary Love.”

“Had a bit of a fall did you, Alice?”

“Apparently I did. I don’t remember it.” Alice felt teary and special, as she generally did when she talked to any health professional, even a chemist. She blamed her mother for making too much of a fuss over her when she was sick as a child. She and Elisabeth were both terrible hypochondriacs.

“Do you know where you are?” asked George.

“Not really,” said Alice. “Apparently I’m in a gym.”

“She fell off her bike during the spin class.” Jane adjusted her bra strap beneath her top. “I saw it happen. I’m pretty sure she fainted. Her head smashed against the handlebars of the bike next to her. She’s been unconscious for about ten minutes.”

Spin Crazy Girl reappeared, ponytail swinging, and Alice stared up at her smooth long legs and hard flat stomach. It looked like a pretend stomach. “She can’t have had her feet strapped to the pedals properly. I do make a point of reminding everyone about that at the beginning of the class. It’s a safety issue,” said Spin Crazy Girl to George Clooney in the confidential tone of one professional talking to another. “Also, I really don’t recommend spin classes to pregnant women. I did ask if anyone was pregnant.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll sue if necessary,” said Jane quietly to Alice.

“How many weeks are you, Alice?” asked George.

Alice went to answer and to her surprise found a blank space in her head.

“Thirteen,” she said, after a second. “I mean, fourteen. Fourteen weeks.” They’d had the twelve-week ultrasound at least two weeks ago. The Sultana had done a peculiar little jump, like a disco dance move, as if someone had poked it in the back, and afterward Nick and Alice had kept trying to replicate the movement for people. Everyone had been polite and said it was remarkable.

She put a hand to her stomach again and for the first time she noticed what she was wearing. Sneakers and white socks. Black shorts and a yellow sleeveless top with a shiny gold-foil sticker stuck to her top. It seemed to be a picture of a dinosaur with a balloon coming out of its mouth saying, “ROCK ON.” Rock on?

“Where did these clothes come from?” she asked Jane accusingly. “These aren’t my clothes.”

Jane raised a meaningful eyebrow at George.

“There’s a dinosaur stuck to my shirt,” said Alice, awestruck.

“What day of the week is it today, Alice?” asked George.

“Friday,” answered Alice. She was cheating, because Jane had told her they were doing a “Friday spin class.” Whatever that was.

“Remember what you had for breakfast?” George gently examined the side of her head while he talked. The other paramedic strapped a blood-pressure monitor to her upper arm and pumped it up.

“Peanut butter on toast?”

That was what she generally had for breakfast. It seemed a safe bet.

“He doesn’t actually know what you had for breakfast,” said Jane. “He’s trying to see if you remember what you had for breakfast.”

The blood-pressure monitor squeezed hard around Alice’s arm.

George sat back on his haunches and said, “Humor me, Alice, and tell me the name of our illustrious prime minister.”

“John Howard,” answered Alice obediently. She hoped there wouldn’t be any more questions about politics. It wasn’t her forte. She could never get appalled enough.

Jane made a strange explosive sound of derision and mirth.

“Oh. Ah. But he’s still the prime minister, isn’t he?” Alice was mortified. People were going to tease her about this for years to come. Oh, Alice, you don’t know the prime minister! Had she missed an election? “But I’m sure he’s the prime minister.”

“And what year is it?” George didn’t seem too concerned.

“It’s 1998,” Alice answered promptly. She felt confident about that one. The baby would be born next year, in 1999.

Jane pressed her hand over her mouth. George went to speak, but Jane interrupted him. She put her hand on Alice’s shoulder and stared at her intently. Her eyes were wide with excitement. Tiny balls of mascara hovered on the ends of her eyelashes. The combination of her lavender deodorant and garlic breath was quite overpowering.

“How old are you, Alice?”

“I’m twenty-nine, Jane.” Alice was irritated by Jane’s dramatic tone. What was she getting at? “Same age as you.”

Jane sat back up and looked at George Clooney triumphantly.

She said, “I just got an invitation to her fortieth birthday.”

That was the day Alice Mary Love went to the gym and carelessly misplaced a decade of her life.

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About the authors

Liane Moriarty

Liane Moriarty

Liane Moriarty is the Australian author of nine internationally best-selling novels: Three Wishes, The Last Anniversary, What Alice Forgot, The Hypnotist’s Love Story, Nine Perfect Strangers and the number one New York Times bestsellers: The Husband's Secret, Big Little Lies, Truly Madly Guilty and Apples Never Fall. Her books have been translated into over forty languages and sold more than 20 million copies.

Big Little Lies, Nine Perfect Strangers and Apples Never Fall were adapted into popular television series with the star-studded casts including Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Melissa McCarthy and Annette Bening.

Her new novel, Here One Moment will be released in 2024.

Liane lives in Sydney, Australia, together with her husband, son and daughter.

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Customer reviews

4.3 out of 5

85,708 global ratings

Lorraine Devon Wilke

Lorraine Devon Wilke


A funny, compelling, deeply emotional story of how humans can wreck the best of themselves and still find a way back

Reviewed in the United States on October 15, 2014

Verified Purchase

The rating system of most book sites (here, Goodreads, etc.) comes with the opportunity to affix star ratings to the books we read, 1-star being worst; 5 being best. In that crazy, sometimes corrupt world of online reviewing, the concept of how we rate books has been a bit sullied not only by the battlefield between well-minded friends vs. trolls, but the all-too-easily-assigned 5-stars for books that clearly don't deserve the "best label" vs. those who feel only literary masterpieces, classics, if you will, deserve such a numerical assignation. All of which conspires to make the exercise a little hard to authentically accomplish!

I bring this up on this particular book because it's one that best illustrates my own "star rating philosophy," which is this: I award stars based not only on how much I like a book and how it's delivered, both as an objective reader and a person who knows a bit about the craft, but on how well that book achieved its clear goal and purpose as a literary work, whether fluffy romance novel, science-fiction blood-fest, or well-conceived literary fiction. Now, since I tend to not read the two former and most often enjoy the latter, I have experienced a full spectrum of books between "I hate it" and "I love it" (as stars are defined here at Amazon) and to my mind, using my formula, and in a long-winded explanation, What Alice Forgot deserves a big, fat 5-stars!

Simply, I loved this book. I loved Alice. I felt the story was not only fresh and unpredictable, but it was real, believable, something that COULD happen and, if it did, would likely go down just as Liane Moriarity imagined it.

Her character of Alice is a befuddled woman who faints during a spinning class and wakes up to a life in which she's lost the last ten years of memories, inclusive of childbirths, changing friendships, a troubled marriage and her own basic personality. While initially this seems impossible to believe, we're led as readers right along with Alice as she slowly and painfully realizes, day after day, person after person, just how much of herself and her life she's lost, and the revelations bounce between painful and hilarious. But what's also clear is that the person she'd become in the years she now can't remember isn't really all that nice, nor someone she particularly likes, and the ensuing efforts to reclaim not only her memories but her true self, become the narrative of this fascinating story.

What I loved about this book is its deft mix of humor and pathos, its erring sense of when to spin wit and when to let us in on just how anguishing and disorienting it would be to suddenly not even remember the birth of your child. We experience the jarring realities, the stunning, shocking revelations of a once-delightfully happy marriage that has disintegrated into a snarling mess of rancor and recrimination. And, just like Alice, we feel a deep, visceral urge for her to sort out what went wrong.

Moriarity is obviously a brilliantly skilled storyteller who brings life, with all it many eclectic characters and startling plot lines, to fully realized, tangible existence, all while allowing us to see the grubby undersides of even the most beloved of the story's characters. As a writer she's candid and real, with a clear, sharp understanding of what makes humans tick -- whether in normal, everyday life or the strange, twisted environs of Alice's particular journey. This is an excellent book, a funny, compelling, deeply emotional story of how humans can wreck the very best things about themselves and still find a way back. Highly recommend.

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10 people found this helpful

Happy Dog Owner

Happy Dog Owner


What an enthralling and heart-rending novel. I positively loved it!

Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2024

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When I purchased my Kindle copy of this book, I didn't realize that a large portion of the storyline is devoted to the IVF procedure and the physical and emotional toll that it takes on the mother and to a lesser degree the father. I actually liked the methods that were used to identify and briefly explain the medical issues involved at each step of the procedure. But, imagine waking up one day to find yourself in labor in the hospital when you weren't pregnant when you remember going to sleep. Thus begins a wonderful book!

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A Funny Girl

A Funny Girl


A Page Turner...

Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2015

Verified Purchase

I've read a couple of Moriarty novels, and she truly has a gift of storytelling. I'm so glad I found this book and took a chance.

Alice, a 39 year old mom of three children who is going through a divorce, suddenly finds herself with no memory of the past ten years of her life. What happens is its like she's woken up and everyone she knows is almost a stranger to her. People are acting differently and she feels as if the people who should be the closest to her, are Joe almost like strangers.

Elizabeth, Alice's sister comes to the hospital and is amazed to find that Alice has no recollection of giving birth to any of her children, she's literally lost all memory of even having children. Elizabeth who has not been close to Alice in years has some trouble reconciling this new, younger version of Alice who seems so much more caring. It's Elizabeth who has to remind Alice of a lot of the last ten years events, including the recent six month separation from Alice and her husband Nick.

Alice is beside herself, she just can't fathom how the two of them could possibly being going through a divorce, after all, her memory is so vivid of the two of them ten years ago and how happy they were. Alice is able to get released from the hospital after telling the doctors that she is remembering most things, just is having trouble with some bits. Which, is of course, a complete lie.

When Nick brings the children home the next day, Alice is shocked by the bitterness in Nicks voice and the coldness in his eyes. She meets her children for the first time, and they quickly realize that she has no memory of who they are. Her children, Olivia, Madison and Tom are such fun and unique characters.mits fun discovering through Alice's eyes these strange creatures and their personalities. Alice is bewildered at the impending divorce from Nick and has in her mind that she MUST do whatever she can to make things work.

We also get Elizabeth's story through a journal she's keeping for her therapist. Elizabeth it seems has been struggling with conceiving and keeping a child. She's part of a group of women called "The Infertiles", and in a way Alice's memory loss has had a cleansing effect on Elizabeth.

Nick finds he is warming to the new Alice, but he keeps telling her hell know when her memory has returned because he'll see it in her eyes when she looks at him.

Will Alice recover her memory, and if she does will she still feel the same...

This was a gripping story and literally had me hanging onto every word. I wanted to see where the story was going to take us. I found myself cheering for young Alice. It truly is a great book and one I would recommend any book lover to pick up!

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Darlene @ Peeking Between the Pages

Darlene @ Peeking Between the Pages


Great Read!

Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2011

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What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty is a novel that really makes you sit back and think and I love that in a book. Alice is at the gym doing her spinning workout when she faints and falls off her bike hitting her head. When she wakes up, it's too find that she's lost ten years of her life! In her mind, she is still 29 years old and pregnant with her first child, and yet she learns that she's actually about to celebrate her thirty-ninth birthday! Just what is going on - well Alice has no idea - yet! What will Alice think of her grown up self, how will she handle all the changes that have happened around her, and ultimately what will she learn from all of it?

At the hospital Alice is in for yet more surprises. Her sister Elisabeth shows up at the hospital and Alice notices how old and tired she looks. She also realizes that their relationship doesn't seem to be quite what she knows it to be. Even worse Alice learns that she is, in fact, not pregnant, but already the mother of three children and to top it off, they are three children that Alice doesn't remember at all. She doesn't remember having them, them growing up; absolutely nothing and this terrifies her. However, the worst is still coming. As Alice is laying there wishing her husband Nick would come because he'd know what to do, she learns from her sister that they are getting divorced and that they are not exactly having a very pleasant divorce either. Alice is stunned! She loves Nick with all of her being. Who is this person she's become?

At home Alice is thrown into caring for her children that she can't remember and being amazed at the wonderful changes her home in her home. She finds out that she has a boyfriend too which is just too much for her. She can't have a boyfriend when she loves her husband Nick so much but meeting Nick shows Alice just how many changes their relationship has gone through. As Alice navigates this new world of school events, mommy's groups, personal trainers, and even cell phones; she learns that she doesn't really like the person she has become. She seems to have become this busy, busy person with no time left for the things that really matter and goodness - why is there no chocolate in the house! As bits and pieces of Alice's memory begin to come back to her she has to make some decisions about her future and the person she wants to be in it.

What Alice Forgot is so much more than a woman losing her memory. It's much deeper than that tackling issues of marriage, infertility, children, infidelity, love, and family. If you could go back ten years in your life and look ahead, would you be happy with the person you've become? Are you the person you would have wanted to be? I think as we're living our day-to-day lives we really don't think about all the changes that are occurring but if you really stop and look back you realize that you were very likely a much different person ten years ago than you are today. That's what this novel does for us - it lets us take a look back and evaluate who we are today and whether or not we're very happy with who we've become. Maybe it even gives us a chance to make some changes to our own lives to make it better.

What Alice Forgot makes a terrific book club selection which is exactly why my book club chose to read it and we all loved it! It's a book that you'll not want to put down as you anxiously make it to that last page when the story is completely unfolded before you. What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty definitely makes my favorites list this year and I would recommend it without hesitation!

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Books Good

Books Good


I don't understand the one and two stars!

Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2014

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I just don't get it. How can anyone not be moved by this book? I feel as though they must be Martians who don't understand Earth and it's people and relationships and heartbreaks and happiness. I feel like sitting them down and saying, "Look. This is Earth. This is how us humans are. The only way you will understand it is to live it." But then I think, but these ARE humans. They HAVE lived it. And then I'm stymied all over again. How can you not just love this book? How?!

This story is told from the point of view of three women. One has just fallen and hit her head so hard that she no longer remembers the last 10 years of her life. All of a sudden she's a young, optimistic 29-year-old again, deeply in love with her husband and about to have her first child. How shocking to find that, no, you are actually the mother of THREE children and you DESPISE your soon-to-be-ex husband!

The other point of view is of her sister who can't get pregnant and who has suffered years of longing, sadness, and being let down over and over again because every single IVF procedure ends in another dead fetus. To be in the head of this depressed and lonely woman is tragic and yet inspiring. Her point of view is told through a type of journal that her doctor has given her to write to help her cope. She writes in her journal as though she's speaking to her doctor.

The last point of view is of their adopted "grandmother" who is living in an elderly care facility and who continues to write every day to the man she lost many years ago, two weeks before their wedding. She's being taught how to live again by an energetic mustachioed man who not only irritates and infuriates her but also gives her joy and happiness as she learns that she's still got a lot of living left to do. Her point of view is told through her letters to Phil, her once-to-be husband.

I saw where one person said that she (he?) was so bored by the book that she skimmed through the points of view of the grandmother and sister and pretty much just read the end to see how it turned out for Alice, the woman who hit her head. As I was reading this person's review I thought, "Well, you certainly denied yourself the point of the book." Reading what each of these three woman are going through and how they manage to cope with everything and come out on the other side of tragedy not only still intact but so much the better, IS THE POINT! Run-on sentence alert! Skipping ahead means you missed out on all the important stuff that makes you think about your own life and what you maybe can do to make it better, see the extraordinary in things you think are mundane, and perhaps live your life fully before it's too late because now you've gone and died or, if you're lucky and still have time to fix it, before you've gone off and done something stupid like forget about all the lovely things you used to find so wonderful in your spouse, children, life, and now you just feel angry, put out, overburdened, and irritated by all those dull (incredible!), horrific (delicious!) things you once found so enticing, sweet, exquisite, and now it's all gone, gone, gone because you were too busy feeling sorry for yourself and oh so WRONGED! phew!

Anyway, MY point is, I'm taking a lot away with me after reading this book and if you want to find yourself with a whole new lease on life, you might want to read it too. I'm so happy I did and I think my husband is too. ;)

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